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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the the, this is the to be and it was coming to live from burly thailand gets its youngest ever prime minister. parliament approves pets on time. should've want to as finance new leader. but the 37 year old is set to face a baptism of fire taking off and submit a power struggle between the countries. boring ally. also coming up talks on a possible cease fire and gaza are set the resume and content. this is protestors in israel put pressure on the government to strike a hostage deal with my mouse. and pinned garza, the death toll continues to rise. health authorities, their science now top $40000.00 palestinian civilians and find
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the hello and terry martin. good heavy with us. thailand's parliament has elected pet hometown should've want to become the next prime minister. at 37, she becomes the young, the countries youngest leader, and the 3rd member of the shuttle family to take the office. the boat comes days after the constitutional court removed the last prime minister from office speaking at a party headquarters after the potion of what told supporters she felt compelled to take on the jo, i decided that it's about time to do something for the country. and for the party as well. and i just, i hope that i can do my best to, you know, make the country go forward. jacob goldberg is a reporter with
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a new humanitarian. he's been following this story and joins us now from bangkok. jacob, can you give us a brief explanation, 1st of all of how, how long time shannon was became prime minister? sure, yeah. she's the leader of the time party, which is the largest part in the current governing coalition. she's also the daughter of probably the most popular politician in the country, touching and before her election to prime minister members of that coalition. maybe we'll talk soon and who's the guy who's now the god, basically the godfather of that party. and it seems that whatever was discussed in that meeting and whatever deals are made, resulted in keeping that collision together and resulted in her pretty easy election with very little deliver asian and not a not much competition. tell us more about the new prime minister and the shadow of
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political dynasty. the show up family is hugely influential in thailand, isn't it? yeah, it's usually influential. they are not more influential than the the opposition party to move forward part, you know, now called the deepest part. it was just disbanded, but they were the 2nd they play 2nd in the latest election and the new prime minister, like the one who is just removed from office, are seen as prophecies. for addition, one family and the head of the family talks in this is her 1st elective position before the coming time minister and before taking leadership of the party, she ran the hotel arm of her father's business. um and you just use mentioned earlier to baptism of fire. that makes sense because she will need at least face a lot of pressure. she'll have to, she's expected to jumpstart the economy. somehow toward our challenges from the
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members of her coalition and challenges the last, they're like the other members of our party essays and to do something about the rising popularity of the opposition to the people's party. which of these are party in the last election bill? this is thailand's 2nd premier within a year following an election, which the opposition one and then was prevented from taking office. what does all this say about? try democracy? yeah, that's a, that's a really tricky question and a potentially dangerous to comment on the uh, i'll do my best uh why i think that there's a few data points between look at it. first of all, any political system that's dominated by millionaires and billionaires, which is the case for thailand, multiple parties in thailand is going to ignore the will of the majority of the people. but aside from that, the governments that do well in elections or whether whether they win them or do or
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come close to winning them, they don't end up finishing their terms or remove some power by course, or they are the face cuz they can multiple members of the new prime ministers, family a has happened to them. and aside from that, the, the opposition, the most popular party in the country was disbanded last last week by the same for that just removing the prime minister. so all of the most popular elected politicians are faced as threat as the not really being able to carry out their plans. jacobs, thank you very much for that. that was jacob goldberg journalist with the new humanitarian in bangkok. united states is urging israel and hum us to be ready to compromise as talks on a possible ceasefire and goes to enter their 2nd day. international mediators are again meeting in the can target capital do huh. all the hamas is not participating
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. bose is real and how much have accused each other of adding new demands through the terms of the deal which had been approved by the un security council. the talks come, as the goal is, a health ministry says the death toll from the conflict has surpassed. 40000 homeless october 7 terror attack killed more than 1200 people in israel to correspond to felix tom. so it is in jerusalem. following all of this, i asked him for the latest on the ceasefire negotiations. well, i would do the find the current situation as careful optimism here it is read the fact that there is really mediators as to aid indoor han one more day. is a reason for careful optimism. here. there are reports suggesting that some progress has been made and the fact that the negotiations will continue to day
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are certainly a reason for most of, for the, for the families of the hostages. and for the front of sydney ends in got to be slightly off to mistake. having said that there are still heard is to be overcome when it comes to this deal. and today will be crucial for the remainder of the negotiations. there's a big focus on israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and all of this. so i'm say he's blocking a deal that it doesn't, wouldn't fit his political interest. is benjamin netanyahu truly interested in a piece deal as well? it really depends where you ask when it comes to the, to large parts of the hostage assemblies here in these row. they've been expressing very strong criticism of a prime minister and the time of yahoo. the same quite explicitly that he's not interested in a deal for political reasons for basically for the reason of keeping his government
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going. uh, having said that there are writing voices and these write a whole whole think that district that the negotiation strategy held by a prime minister and that's on your own as a government is the way to go with. they've been calling it. they've been calling the potential deal and all sorts of derogatory names. here it is. while having said that, there are polls, which clearly suggested most is really support such a deal. and, and it remains to be seen how b is rarely negotiations, team go, it goes about this very delicate situation. the egypt kata, and above all, the united states are involved in these negotiations. as mediators uh, they say that they only need to work out the details of implementation of the deal . what kind of details are we talking about here, felix? we're talking about those several important parts of the deals here. first of all,
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we're talking about the so called the philadelphia cory door, which is the area of the border between the gaza strip and egypt. this has been a main area for how mos, in terms of britain getting the goods into our smuggling boards into the gaza. strip, there are some disagreements when it comes to the, when it comes to whether is there a was stays or in some capacity with us. some technological elements will be installed there to overlook what's been going on there. and another aspect which remains to be agreed is the return of civilians to the northern part of the gaza strip. and whether this, such a return would be, would be possible without any controls or without some controls of the, of the people with weapons going over to the north of the governess trip. and of course, the last important part is the constellation of the hostage of the of the hostages
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. the weather is where i will receive a searching list. the cool name of the hostages, which will be released before a deal is being struck. and what will happen with the prisoners is rowe and who will decide where it gets released. those are the main. 2 elements of this agreement as things stand, as you said, the mediators do believe those differences can be overcome and to day will be cultural to see whether that is indeed the case. phoenix, thank you very much for filling us in there. that was our corresponding injuries on felix tom. so to now to the route to russia's war against ukraine, which is now spilled back into russia. but as ukraine and russia are claiming to have made new advances in russia's course, region t says it's taking control of sewage of the largest russian town to fault of ukraine since the incursion began. moscow says it has recaptured one village in
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quarter skin that it would send additional forces to the neighboring belgrade region, a criminal and a told state media that ukraine would not have attacked for us in territory without direct support from the west. sabrina. maryland is with the war studies department at kings college london asked for a short while ago why russia has not managed to push ukrainian troops back across the board. well, there are certainly reasons for that. um, the 1st option is, and of course um ukraine knew when they started this course girlfriend. so it was a surprise for the russians. and in order to send in troops, it takes time and you have to decide where you get those troops from. that is, perhaps why the russians, it declared this to be accounted terrorism operations so that they could use, bought a god. so they could use the f as b and,
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but they're also written infantry for fighting in the region. some ex wagner fighters are fighting in the region in oregon up to get troops from ukraine, or at least from a strategically important direction. the 2nd reason could be, is that the russians waiting for the ukrainian forces to get in deep or to expose their logistics in orders on to launch or counter attack. so we don't know which of these are true. maybe it's a combination of old but, and it looks like the situation remains tens, however, so ukrainian forces still have not managed to the core and of a or risk which would give ukraine unimportant advantage. how is ukraine benefit thing from this offensive into russia? is it eliminating pressure on ukraine's troops elsewhere as well? i think the main benefits are coming into the informational space where ukraine is demonstrating that it can launch an incursion on the russian territory. however,
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if you look at the battlefield and reports from ukrainian units such as the 21st, but tally in near crescent, a horoscope which is solid. so hopefully you've got they are stating that they don't have enough people. and the situation has already been tens for them, but now it's much more difficult since ukrainian units were deployed the course. so, but they are, they don't have enough for a tillery shells their drones not as effective against russian electronic warfare systems. and so they, they are facing a lot of difficulties specifically around threats around across, closely dara, to a certain extent, try cpr. so it doesn't seem like the pressure has been eliminated quite the opposite. now russia says it's recapture the village in the course of the region and we'll send additional forces to neighboring belgrade. does it really have enough troops as rish, russia really have enough troops does or does
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a troop deployment for russia mean pulling some of its forces out of ukraine as there has been reports that russia has pulled. some troops from patricia because the front line is somewhat stable. they are, but they are not going to pull troops from the likes of crops or threats. and the problem is, it's a, it's a very complex logistical operation to get the troops from ukraine to the chorus. region and you're risking ukrainian attacks on the logistical lines. therefore, um that is not an ideal scenario, and that's what the brain is waiting for to. as i said to a living, it's a pressure, but they're all in tears for fighting for themselves. so sacha from kazi, which is a break away region in georgia, there are also conscripts being sent to fight. and course the question here is, what the items are to draw that you korean forces in order to get them out of crust
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as soon as possible. and it also depends on what the ukrainian contingent is and how many reserve. so ukraine has and is willing to send, so it's difficult to estimate the number of forces needed here. thanks for watching the on the long voyage through the ocean, another home that way and with the cost for a long time, they had to be a human. so met johnny, now the trenches has become very protective of whales and tassels. the results of the ocean consultation, the stats of tend to schools. i'm d w here in the.


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