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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the you watching the news live from butler and god, the fees, fire talks, veterans, humans, keitel next week. us president biden says a dealer close to them. evelyn washington has presented a modified to 5 proposals, often 2 days of meetings in the us, egypt i've got those say it's closer to remain in gaps between positions host by israel and her mom also coming up country for around the world for, for, for the spider for new, more danger, the experience of m off spite of the world health organization is calling for vigilance. but also southern country is not still closed. i bought of the
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minnesota as while back into the program. egypt got the us, have released a joint statement off to 2 days of adults and the on because i wore the backend with, according a bridging proposal, and hope the new draft will bring him off and his read towards the ceasefire. do him us, which did not take part in the adults, is accusing of self negotiating and bad fit. the dog for in that ending the 10 month long war secured in the release of his very hostages and avoiding a wider reasonable conflict. now, negotiations so settled as due next week in the title. speaking to reporters in washington, us president joe biden express up tourism about the new did. the reason why was late for you all with all doing with the ceasefire and we are crossing the river man. i don't want to jinx anything. they actually were not very
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much, but some more on this. let's now speak to brian good to list. here's the senior fellow for us foreign policy at the middle east institute in washington dc. welcome to the w, brian. i want to start by asking you, do we know what is making biden's soul to mistake about this long dealer dealer? hey, one thing that's making them optimistic is that the war that many peoples here that are ron and has the law might launch in. rick, reaction to is really the strikes a couple of weeks ago has not yet happened. and this, the simple fact of the matter is that there's an impulse to try to double down on diplomacy to end the gods at work in part to try to prevent a wider regional war. that would drag the united states around his beloved israel and to a wider consul grace. and so i think maybe that's one thing that gives them a little bit of hope. the 2nd thing is he,
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he actually may be doing this to try to push things along that across the finish line because it's been a very difficult negotiation. it's been essentially 2 and a half months since he really provide release to his own plan for a ceasefire. and it's been hard to get to this point. so i think some of this may be a bit, a wishful thinking, given the incompatibility of the views of how mosse and israel's currently your ship as well. i wish to elaborate on that bridge both thinking as well. do you shed that optimism or do you think it's misplaced, or? i think it's slightly misplaced because if you look at the, the fundamental positions of is the current israeli government and the leaders of hamas. they're, they're just add ons, essentially israel's negotiating through color in egypt in the united states with a leader that it says it wants to kill. and it's negotiating that because they want to gain the release of some hostages. how much is negotiating and parts this arrive?
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it's leaders have been targeted in the series of stripes. israel is about to kill a lot of its leaders. so you may get to the 1st part of biden's plan which was released in late day, which was a release of certain passages women that are held by hamas and guys, but not the military um ideas. the soldiers and other things like this, you may get to a temporary cease for like we saw at the end of november or early december. but the longer term plan the, the phase 2 and phase 3 of the buying plan released it made. it seems pretty hard to get there just because the 2 main combatants is real and how much they don't recognize each other's legitimacy and both want to wave each other off in that. so that's what makes it difficult. you make a long run. so you describe some of the ways in which these compromises maybe may be reached. is this the gaps that we do to have a thing that they're hoping to close and that the new deals with close all the is there more that they're missing? i think so this negotiation is not just about when do the facilities and right now
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or how many hostages or palestinian prisoners are released in a matter of few weeks like we saw in november, december. it's essentially trying to negotiate the terms for what a sustainable ceasefire might look like. and there are questions that are quite starting like, does israel have the right to to go in with its military to go after what it seizes from us threats inside of gaza inside of gaza territory. as we see in the west bank, which is another occupied territory, that is real, that maintains a presence and it goes in will to actually defeat threats. and that's one thing i think they're negotiating right now is what is the status of israeli forces? are they out of gaza if so, who will actually maintain law and order? and those sorts of things aren't about the immediacy further about that interrupt period. and that's what makes it so difficult. and even if they get to this 1st phase, as i say, an exchange of prisoners and hostages and disposition of possibilities for
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a period of time, it's much harder to actually can see bose that sustainable piece. i hope it happens because 40000 people killed and gaza is really, is, are threatened every day with rocket attacks from across many this borders. so we need the stability in the least. we don't need a wider world, which i think again, that's another benefit of what this diplomacy is offered, is that is prevented what many has feared, which is a ron. and has the law retaliated for israel's attacks on, on it's some of its leaders a few weeks ago. brian killing us in washington dc. thank you so much for explaining that fatality to us. thank you. is now a deadly read by a zoe, set. those on a village in the occupied westbank has drawn international condemnation and calls full accountability the us for on i'm the u. k. ma those denouncing the attack on the hilltop. village of chip is right and has also issued is that a buick wanting staff knows that if the job of the id yes and his dress security
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forces to court fight that it is a the family of rashid, too late to come for to each other at his funeral before leaving the mosque to join the hundreds of munos gathered for the final procession . the 23 year old was shot dead during a rage biased really subtle is in the village of jet in the occupied west bank. and the simplest was shooting from a very close range. not these really all mean because this is my nephew was shot and the bullet passed through his body from back to front. he was killed off and it was not the army who shot him. it was the settlers just a little hole and sold them in the setlist stone, the village on thursday, setting fire to cause homes and shooting residents.
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love since the game in the bus more they were in full uniforms, though i'll be all gone during the night as not home with machine guns, gun and silence as old may moved. their attack was clear while the band cut the hill and destroy. that'd be the best thing. i mean, attacks against palestinians buys riley's in the west bank have increased since the october 7th, tara attacked by him us on israel. and the un has called it terrific. and parts of an ongoing and troubling past and the violence in the occupied territory. yes, it is killing and it is not an isolated attack. and it is the direct consequence of israel's policy of settlement in the west bank. we have been reporting for the past few years about set there is attacking palestinian communities in their land and the west bank with impunity. and this really is the crux of the matter, the impunity. that the perpetrators of such great violations had been enjoying
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in a red move. israel's lead is also denouncing the attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's taking the violent seriously and the perpetrators will be found and prosecuted to the em fox wireless now. and the, your open unions has agency, has one that additional cases of a new way. and i liked you to be found in europe in the coming days off the sleeve and conformed the fullest infection outside africa. of course, you'll see the patient had been infected by seeing an area for experiencing a major outbreak on by the state of the world health organization declared global public health emergency following an outbreak and the democratic republic of congo that had spread to neighboring countries. but both the w h o and the international federation of the red cross recommending but the country is not close that borders . and from i a 1st the side we do stand with what is recommended under
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international health regulations, which is that there's no need to close borders when we are in disease outbreaks, diseases don't recognize borders. people will continue to cross the border, whether it is a legal crossing or a not an illegal crossing. it doesn't stop a disease from spreading. and it's like eating as an american public head, scientist epidemiologist, and chief of the corporate task force and co founder of the world health network insurance we now from washington. and we hope the red cross best thing. borders should not be close. was this time any different than cove it well, thank you for having the borders itself is not the most effective way without testing . there's no point of closing any borders. the issue is that this, so this a monkey pox and pox a spread very, very quickly to both countries. that's never been effective even and ask for taps,
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never had impacts. and now i think it's, the sweetest case is just the tip of the iceberg. because we actually think it spreads much this new version, so ignore the previous version does new version is much more contagious. and i think also much more can severe we believe than previous imparts. and which is a cousin virus. so we will have to be very vigilant. this is almost like a new virus that the world has not seen or. and we know that if we let down our garden what new viruses can do, all have to go into the world. right? so is mass box, the nation still ready to go? then yes, theoretically, the issue is that there are 2 ex themes, but they are very limited and supplied the ramp up will probably take 6 to 8 months we believe. and that is assumed that, of course, that there's willingness to ramp up and mass purchased these vaccine. so there are limited vaccines for these,
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but not at the global scale production to mass vaccinations. so at this current time, we can't do max vaccination and you know, it will see how bad this gets. before we consider that. you mentioned the importance of testing earlier. china wants to screen and i was for, and fox symptoms. is this the way to go all such measures needed elsewhere? a cl symptomatic screening. we don't really know if that's an on b o. we know from cover before that we used to do symptomatic screening, but we realize 50 percent approximately all cobra transmission was due to a symptomatic so symptomatic screaming was what we did at the beginning. we went to a, we realized it wasn't enough. and i think this m hawkes, the fact that it's it's dangerous. it's not so severe that you're immediately symptomatic. that's the address that we could potentially see if there's been some medical lo, symptomatic like basically confusingly symptomatic. well,
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we don't know whether it's in parts or not. so it's, i don't think that in itself will stop, i think, screening and testing very important. of course, we have to do more testing. and the many doctors i'm testing that's. but i don't think screening based on the impact symptoms alone isn't how to stop the device at 5 building in washington. thank you so much for that. thank you. and a quick reminder of our top story at the salva of us president joe biden says that god will cease fire. do you live close of them ever after 2 days of negotiation in doha, egypt gutter. and the us of backing what they call a new bridging, propose this to be discussed when these thoughts resume, entitled and with that you're up to date and to figure it out. if you can. as up next checking visits, the top 10 gospel palaces and fortresses to see in so many debts after the break. don't forget to call this get some more news on our website at dw dot com and to
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follow up and social media. i handle the ad on both x and you know, where to find an image that dest. thank you so much for being with us. the name is the calls back, saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it loud. next, would it be nosy, bay like good, everyone to king you're healthy award winning called called the innovation green, the green revolution.


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