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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CEST

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spring tier of system course. our series continues on since september 1st on the w. the business, the doesn't use africa coming up on the program, 13 olympic gold for africa. class one huge controversy. ontario, as a mom, at least one gold and woman's box in the country. when a newman legal bottle. i made the questions about hedge and she's naming and shaming those when she says me and her as a woman in more retain the women, are leading the charging, countering violence, extremism. look at how the helping to ensure peace in a region troubled by terrorism. now this young man just survived into spinal woods by the black that tropical diseases surgeon. and can you
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look at what's causing the spread and what's being done to contain and needs? well, it's chinaman's smotts carriage accounts, what quote unite. serious fashion industry is not just helping people glide on the runway, but also boosting confidence. one step at the time the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you are welcome to the program setting goals. scott's it across the confidence that's africa's metal study. at the end of the powers olympic games. 8th of those came from athletics. fall of those when to. yeah, you get that right. kenya which came top of the table for goals. second place is oh jerry i would to and then tanisha egypt. it cube. yeah. you've done the applets. one a and south africa all had one gold each. are now 2 weeks of competition,
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highlighting the best and so forth, where overshadowed by agenda eligibility to dispute sent that on to women boxes are there as a mom. haley, what was the focus of she has debate? well, if i had eligibility, she won the gold medal and have wage class about software. portland abuse online leading had to file a criminal complaint. yes. what she had to say about the controversy on the, on alia t, as for whether i qualify or not, or whether i am a woman or not. i've made many statements in the media, and the, i am fully qualified to take part in this competition. so i am a woman like any other woman. i was born a woman. i lived as a woman for that. i computed as a woman here, but there's no doubt about that to she electric se. oh, there was clearly no doubt in him on hayley's hometown. be of on a mess box, which you wrapped it enjoy. actually won gold in paris. she
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is on a lease name and the country speaking was done. 123, the velocity broke out in a small town on the edge of this a her, this is the little guy. did this a good to lation style g x a piece of the family into people's and all children's a happy mom did everything she could hear the love of payment. and monica, they put up a great fight. she really was a champion. and just as we expected, she didn't disappoint us. thank you very much. you represented us with dignity him harris in the capital, the front on 123, the blogs. you know, a lot of ours is a heavy youth as well. jerry and who's kindly represented as in school, and i hope that all the other sport swimming raised the l julian flank high. the zillow just made the old dream people very happy. thank you man. we wish you even more success. you'll have the gratitude of an entire nation or with me in the
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studio is my colleague lou la dee i do, we from dw sports. hello. nobody look, ask me katie, solitary, as us, super proud of you monica leave. but what did you make of all the controversies on a nice single gm, certified to be proud of human health issues? don't great. one the gold medal, and despite all the controversy, the sticking the shine, some shine off uh feet. i think the parents really spoke loud, half of us talked about raising the jail. and she's also talking about going off as a woman in all julia and reaching the top of a profile kind of. yeah, it's a is a shame that so much international out. i'm out the cry team through, you know, from really popular people on social media that a mind how does this kelly fast on? great, and it's right that diligence. i've read the i now right now. right,
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right. i mean, no doubt she did had country proud. so that i forgot about leads of is maybe not so much also where some of your major highlights from the african side. it's your grade that um, looking back from my predictions 3 weeks ago, i did mention the 5th, keep ya on. she went on 2 different how 1500 meters tied to for the to time. it's unprecedented. 3 state goldman as in the 1500 meters. a more though one to 50 people and has kind of res. i had high. she's going back home to nairobi and she was well to celebrate to share i have that long side how to made beatrice, chair virtual want to good mid as well. so 50 if you're going to definitely use is one that i highlight for, for, for the games. and then i go on to, to leslie to bull mine here on the, the basic page stuff from some of the south,
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or let's see the 21 years old. most is mom this year. and, but he's, you know, i remember i said that if there's anybody that was going to be able to stop and realize we need to go. and that was in a 10200. it was going to be, let's see, i need food. and what's one is i celebrating that and it's just feel for them like the one though linked again, right. let's hear from some of them as i'm a fella. i'm very proud of. all of the leads that team met went to, to repeat in our nation. see it before they they made us loud. yeah. hey, the country so accepted everywhere. these do not songs and play us able to see and those who didn't know, but why not move with the now her visit had seemed stuff enough to get credit was just okay. we know what's the one on that? all right, everybody knows what's the young man, hey, as,
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as we said there were some hires to as news. uh, the question though is cut off the can countries, i've done better with better preparation and management. that's always unusual. mental preparation bit of management, better infrastructure to raise young actually it's a country like nigeria and it'll without any metal i don't think the gains really side is in dominion loving position or do we also see that they had women's basketball team to tigers. reach difficult to find as a 1st time many african team men or women outreach to the finance or for the basketball g. i don't think so. some high for them, but then generally african countries, one to moment as under d that took you to into, to, into one, but still short from what the one that uh the 2016 so and still in 1st of choice is important. funding for assets is important. the management of
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assets is important that we see the mismanagement of civil cd of niger and a 100 meters women. her name was missing from the starting list. you know, she got the potential to middle. you know, so these are the easiest african countries and that they need to make better. but hopefully that we see they will increase come to africa and futile egypt is bidding for $8.20. and hopefully that gets, it will be a really good one for africa. yeah, we're ready to go from what it settings as i use that. i'm an agent agents ready to, well egypt, what is still time there's this time? and then you need to sort out local politics and then do kind of how to invest, but it's always good. but you know, you have to wait investment in sports and investment in education in health care right in the economy generally, but also support. i also the big events cooled enable spend and public spending. would you wait with all the scenes, you know, but we will send you an empty it has to have a whole lot of industries working together. right. right. and i say,
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i would love to see it african country hosty olympics. i'm the and the idea where you from do you have useful? it's thank you. thank you so much. women in more retain. yeah. taking a leading role in preventing violence, extremism known as the most she dots, the long being key figures, and while retaining in society as religious teachers and family council. this for the past 3 years, they've also been engaged in dialogue with the hottest and those vulnerable to extremist ideology within the communities. and for the last few off reports, my mama hummadi lives in new shots biggest working class district. she recounts how a few years ago, her neighborhood was targeted by islamic extremists with them. and then there's of the people who used to rent the house across the street from me around to collides . we had no idea. but one morning we woke up to a police raid, well,
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they found weapons and booms in the building and the rest of the people. now in prison did that, i'll just pull back then the stream is became interested in this neighborhood because of the vulnerabilities of the people that kind of money like education as they have know what in the pool. i didn't want the neighborhood stuff went a month if i cancel except of the moon, it was worried both as a religious teacher and as the mother of $4.00. so she joined the most. she died a network of 50 women, religious leaders with you and support the government, trained them to preach and is mom of peace and market in prisons. and in correct schools like this one only yeah, you want more study about, you know, much this dialogue from woman to woman and from mother to mother is a key part in reaching children. my mom that has long supported families in her community with her work, presenting radicalization and filing extremism with some of these criminal networks
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. no, they can find young people and you have them with money. yes. because many young people head don't know the difference between real and fake just quite unit. mona teaches with the support of e moms and religious teachers. i mean their work has helped change attitudes. definitely that they do not follow. people found it hard to accept women told me about radicalization to the but now they have more confidence and understand its own messages aimed at protecting society from the danger of extremism. the most you that speak directly to families affected by radicalized individuals. today, my mona is visiting has a just to who's has been disturbing 10 years in prison. she still doesn't know exactly why he was arrested. oh, even it's been one moment. my husband is not an extremist. that can get me if you were an extra minutes and told me i would have asked him for a divorce. but she barely knew him when they got married. since 2019
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hesitated to cant afford the rent. so she and the 3 children are now living with our sister, shaun to buy her neighbors. mona is one of the few people has a to can rely on for help. i, a lot of the nations i have in now our life is very difficult. the world has me and my children have to live on age and donations from kind people and our relatives because we no longer have any income of our own individual. she's, she said, and my moving to brings food and offer a psychological support. she also tries to make sure hesitant to that is not herself radicalized offering an alternative narrative that she hopes she will pass on to her husband when she visits him in jail. and then the younger man, i'm proud because today i can change the mentality of many young people and go, we've managed to convince lots of people and stay with them in the right direction
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and you ask them to ship. the un says that the most you that have helped more than 7 and a half 1000 people day for storing social ties for people who have been marginalized and prevented potential violence by spotting dangers early through dialogue and direct contact. the mostly that hope they'll leave a lasting impact on those. they've met building trust in communities. they're part of to kenya next, where flats i've led to breaks off, so called neglect to tropical diseases and infections, which could be deadly if not street that early. the immediate reason slots overwhelming basic sanitation infrastructure. michael league heated kamani went to come, i got in kenya to find out more the same on okay. it has done well that's cool. and when his mother christine asks what he'd like, as a reward, he asks for
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a bicycle. there's no way she can afford that. the family of 7 lives more to sleep, dependent on the phone for these christian cells. so when the 7 year old felt you recently, it took some time for christine to raise the money for an x ray. even though it costs less than kind of usually the diagnosis of intestinal ones surprised everyone . think when i mean, i couldn't believe it when we went to the hospital, he was given that they were being medication and they were coming out in his vomit and his dual. there were so many worms in his stomach like global simon is one of many children in this area we infected with ones. without more than 70 patient systems. one eggs easily contaminated food and water. because simon didn't get the warming tablets in good time. the ones developed and ended up laying eggs and he's got requiring him to get intestinal obstruction surgery and quite a so i felt so much pain for my child. i would never want any other child to go through that. it was agonizing sustained flooding intent. and recent months has
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made things very bad for the countries forest. people and you roof health africa is not working with the communities to provide education on the link between climate change. until we experience climate change a the don't get it through too much what the formal funds or lack of what the form of drugs when front help in these nobody was of interest drug tests including the basic eh, what us on page 1. 19 in for us talk to in house once we have seen treated thinking . and what that does is it promotes, i've seen that you or as truth on the way i'm by now communities cannot use those toilets and then you'll see the cycles transmission of being testing or won't kicks in again. this homestead is one of just a few in the village we, the people have trained toilet. most people here relieved themselves outside on the
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funds, making things even worse, intestinal ones and not the only disease that's people in this region have to grapple with. events like floods will have via or this no fee but is another. another kind of government has made efforts to eradicate these diseases, but has been unable to yes, dr. motion, he calls for new ways to provide infrastructure for those most vulnerable. we have problems like warms and snoo fever and put people on some of these things is like making sure that uh what's a fun thing. so not the idea, obviously eh, i beat up with to the people using you know, about the mando with investments coming from different 6 us and having the community awesome being a score impressed us, simon has fully recovered from the ones and the surgery and says he wants to become a doctor. he still wants to buy, so we'll have to wait. if it's big enough to use the progress from all of those.
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let's bring in irene. sammy, direct top programs for the end fund. hello irene. we just saw in our report that simon will catch was one of the lucky ones. doctors found his williams and he's killed. now, if he hadn't been treated early enough, what could have happened was someone's case. it was serious actually, and could have been fatal because of the pointed meat. surgery was required betweens that, uh, the ink suspicion was re heavy. and that would, that lets to interest panel blockage. that means the restricting absorption of food or liquids through the small, into stains and the lights into this thing. so he was very lucky to have been found inside the area that you can uh, so that he can be able to leave uh, you know, quality life rides, rides. uh,
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the good news is it is treatable which banks the question if into spinal worms are treatable. why is a problem so widespread? yeah, i must say interest. i longed a fix is the most come on neglected to because of disease and affects uh no to populations worldwide. i basically interest on the ones caused by eggs that to ingested through human faces. so these 3 ease of fox are off for sunny to some pool access to clean water and even of poor hygiene practices. so in those 3 foxes, i know it's taken care of, then the likelihood of a community or individuals getting infected with it into stand alone is very high. so the ones who get into contact with so infected faces and,
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and doing just the then that's how you get the ones. so it's really, if you look at the, by the end in africa, it's really high just because of those basic necessities of assigning taishan and hygiene. now we introduced you as working for the end fund. and so in simple times, tell us about your work. exactly. and can you so the end funds goal basically globally, and also leaving cannot use to control and 30 minutes neglected to tropical diseases. and they are quite a number uh, definitely to pause basically confirmed 20 of those entities that exist. but within kenya they have 17. however, the most common one is one of them is into spangled ones. so for us, is that fine and fun, we go to the nice private sector funding to be able to support governments as well
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as a local implementing practice to be able to address and, and, and auxiliary read control. and then you'd be nascent, now we walk in 6, come, you know, the most common entities reach our interest. i'm a long speech have mentioned the, has the truck coma, elephant tire, says reboot blindness and a be should on this money else's. so i will watch is related to support of the control and even nissan efforts, because into single rooms unbeatable can be controlled and can be interrupted. right? that's definitely good to know. so everything involves money rising. we talk about treatment, it's not for free. is it? so how much does it costs to protect the children from the most frequent entities? give me an example. a. yeah, you'll be surprised for to control into style rooms into any cost less than
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a dollar. to be able to just buy the one tablets that the child needs to take. um and, and, and really it's, it's, it's one of those areas where we, we, we, as an organization, a time to go with my efforts. we've been governments to really invest in the control and immunization of entities because it's inexpensive. it takes just looking at such and fox to even once you address what time. so mutation um, infrastructure and access you significantly reduce of and can't control entity. yeah. into sign of ones. so a lot, if lots of been to just advocate and support governments to prioritize create, that's where it is because it's very interesting. you may not for you anything as
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a child though, as an adult who may not be anything that you know, you read these no pain. so it's very difficult for you to be able to, you know, i did it all for you to feel that your infected by the right thoughts treatments. it leads to what you so in terms of someone's case, right, more than 40 percent of the global n cd bad. and it's concentrated in africa. most of the end funds where it is focused on the continent. what do you hope to achieve with your programs? and this is why we are so passionate as, as the end fund in the supporting countries because we cannot, in this area be looking at uh, i mean, addressing neglected to people of diseases. it's not, it's not the diseases the time to elect us, but it's the people and, and, and the people who are affected really the most or, oh,
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my july marginalized communities and prioritize this on. to address that. this issue has really been neglected by a little government. so for us, what if, what is to really create that's a wellness and walk seriously with the government and uh, private sector partners to be able to just address these because it's really a, it requires, meanwhile investments will be able to return on investment. so it's an area that's kind of it's, it's treatable, it's preventable. so the that is why we use about dislike and you're doing a good job. i thought i like what you said at the end is not the disease that is neglected about the people hiring chummy direct top programs for the and find a thank you. thank you very much. we'll having a now let's meet an idea in mind who has chosen unconventional carrier pop. well, charming, smart carriage is
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a biotechnology graduate coaches catalog models in vegas. the fees likes belong to runway coach, about $12.00 charming smocks, courage, or small for sure. he was inspired to get into the section industry by his mother. she runs over business is a major the fashion business. and that's really i would say it influenced my choices when i was growing up because i see how it looks really. yeah. so it's actually good and maybe thoughts in for you. i mean one thing to walk with women, see them? no good and car themselves. well, the small sizes move to training cat, what models the me see i and that's like college. he plays a role. so guess what with quality, it's looking process with good tree of whenever boosted a lot of the coming sam's. we back before we started educating and teaching you on how to kind of, you know, stuff i, we thought it was really easy so far. so when did i do these?
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i brick choose the individual i am trying to work with. you say some believe it is inappropriate for him to be coaching motives to work on the runway. because he's the mind. i would good. what else you want to talk about? you go this way. all you loved, you don't let this get to him. call me on the sun. i know my because i know my go. i know what i'm looking for, but my drugs are not on the spot. and once it does not go, i'm going 9, which was a thing, and you enjoy that jesus you under was for the more if i go hungry who they feed me, you know that we thought there was goodness, ultimately. so that's why smell is not also branching out into all the areas that the industry honing his skills as a stylus, an adult to stick director. and that's it for now. from all of our stories go to dw dot com slash africa,
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or visit us at all social media platforms. i am eddie micah junior and see you soon bye for now. the the the,
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the design. unique sounds driving the muscles of the b and w 3 series range segments, dw learning curve of the digital age. why handwriting is crucial for childhood development. and how it's being used in classrooms to blend futility
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with technology. a mix of old in new to be used to overcome examine diety turning knowledge into confidence. tomorrow today in 90 minutes, d. w. the show a ride through the guides know the way around is key scientific trip to some pretty world key places. curiosity is we tried tomorrow today on d, delta dw,
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still on takes off. we in fact, every day, the room cost, i used to work for free time, like because we can take the different w calling world, unpack your info is and all the input the w story. now on to the smile, to the use the
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this, the dw news, and these are the top stories, s u s. presidential biden says the ceasefire. diesel, gaza is closer than ever following to do so. people fissions and to have the us egypt and got that have released a new proposal that they said closest to me and, and gap between him off and as read to host the fighting. i am afraid the remaining hostages negotiations on the proposal will resume and title next week. the health agency is wanting the more cases of a new em books.


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