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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the vicinity got the news life from balance. douglas, the fire talks with the woman keitel, and next week us president biden says, a dealer scrolls up in apple. washington has presented a modified police fire before the last 2 days of meeting in the us, egypt, and got the close of the remaining gaps between positions has by itself and how much of the coming up you created. and so will continue to push into the, into russia coast regions as gave steps up to monitored and part of those i bought a fondest me to russians of chosen to city for you print the
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number such as well, thank you for joining us. egypt got the i'm the us have released the joint statement off the 2 days of talks in the on because the war they're backing what they calling a bridging proposal and hoped a new job to bring him awesome his road towards the ceasefire to hum us which did not take part in the dogs, is accusing as well as negotiating in bad faith. the dogs aimed at ending the 10 month long war, secure and the release of his very hostages and of watching a wider reach and the conflict. now, negotiations are set to resume next week and keitel. speaking to reporters in washington, us president joe, by them expressed optimism about the new deals. the reason why i was late for you all with all doing with the cease fire are busily and we are crossing the
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river man. i don't want to jinx anything here, so we're not very much bunch of course. so bryan could do it as a senior fellow for u. s. foreign policy at the middle east institute in washington. i asked him, what makes precedent by them so optimistic about this long delayed deed? hey, one thing that's making them optimistic is that the war that many peoples here that are ron and has the law might launch in. rick reaction to is really the strikes a couple of weeks ago has not yet happened. and this, the simple fact of the matter is that there is an impulse to try to double down on diplomacy to end the gods at work in part to try to prevent a wider regional war. that would drag the united states around his beloved israel and to a wider concentration. so i think maybe that's one thing that gives him a little bit of hope. the 2nd thing is he, he actually may be doing this to try to push things along that across the finish
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line because it's been a very difficult negotiation. it's been essentially 2 and a half months since he really provide release to his own plan for a ceasefire. and it's been hard to get to this point. so i think some of this may be a bit, a wishful thinking, given the incompatibility of the views of how mosse and israel's currently your ship as well. i wish to elaborate on that 1st. so thinking as well, do you shed that optimism, or do you think it's misplaced? i think it's slightly misplaced because if you look at the, the fundamental positions of is the current is really government and the leaders of hamas, they're, they're just add ons. essentially israel's negotiating through color in egypt in the united states with a leader that it says it wants to kill. and it's negotiating that because they want to gain the release of some hostages. how much is negotiating in part to survive? um, its leaders have been targeted in the series of strikes. israel is about to kill
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a lot of its leaders. so you may get to the 1st part of biden's plan which was released in late day, which was a release of certain passages women that are held by hamas and guys, but not the military um ideas. the soldiers and other things like this, you may get to a temporary cease for like we saw at the end of november or early december. but the longer term plan, the phase 2 in phase 3 of the buying plan released it made. it seems pretty hard to get there just because the 2 main combatants is real and how much they don't recognize each other's legitimacy and both want to wave each other off and that. so that's what makes it difficult for a long run. so you describe some of the ways in which these compromises maybe may be reached. is this the gaps that we do to the thing that they're hoping to close and that the new deals with tools all the more that they're missing or i think so this negotiation is not just about when do the facilities and right now,
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or how many hostages or palestinian prisoners are released in a matter of few weeks like we saw in november, december. it's essentially trying to negotiate the terms for what a sustainable ceasefire might look like. and there are questions that are quite starting like, does israel have the right to to go in with its military if you go after what it seizes from us threats inside of guys inside of guys the territory, as we see in the west bank, which is another occupied territory that is real, maintains a presence and it goes in will to actually defeat threats. and that's one thing i think they're negotiating right now is what is the status of israeli forces? are they out of gaza if so, who will actually maintain law and order? and those sorts of things aren't about the immediacy further about that interrupt period. and that's what makes it so difficult. and even if they get to this 1st phase, as i say, an exchange of prisoners and hostages and association, the possibilities for a period of time, it's much harder to actually can see bose,
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that sustainable piece. i hope it happens because 40000 b. ready killed in gaza is really, is, are threatened every day with rocket attacks from across many this borders. so we need a stability in the least. we don't need a wider world, which i think again, that's another benefit of what this diplomacy is offered is that is prevented what many appeared, which is a ron, and has the law retaliated for israel's attacks on, on. it's some of the leaders a few weeks ago. brian, controlling us in washington dc. thank you so much for cleaning that fraternity to us. thank you. that's done now to some of the stories making headlines around the world to identity. read by is very upset, flows on a village and the occupied westbank has drawn international condemnation and calls for accountability. the us to many, i'm the u. k. are among those condemning the attack in which a palestinian man was killed. the un human rights office owed states red end,
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impunity for sex, no violence. the ballast, an in house ministry, has reported the 1st case of folio and god zion 25 years. it says the patient is a 10 month old baby who had not been vaccinated against the disease. the us calling for the week long falls and fighting to allow for the full jo vaccination campaigns, firefighters in tokyo battling thousands of forest bios, including some on the outskirts of is made the country's code, largest city, separate homes and businesses and the easy i have bought and authorities say for dry and windy conditions have few was the fios which are expected to the maintenance chat in full provinces to the weekend. now you're pregnant, false as a continuing to advance in the southern russian region. of course, this comes a day off to preston, florida, muse lensky said ukraine, improved septic and full control of so it's uh, it's the largest austin down to 4 to ukraine. stroup since the start of the
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surprise incursion on august 6th, the ukrainian army has no established humanitarian called. it was a long civilians during the sound russians are choosing to make the way to ukraine . off on the phone to nick connelly met a mother and son who fled to the ukraine in town of sumi cuz he just the, it's like there's a swarm of bees above your head every way you go to drones or everywhere and suits you. you can't even go out into your god and walk down to the river when the house is almost in the center of town, all the toner buildings in town, anything higher than 2 floors. they're all in ruins. and ukraine's only marched into rushes coast region. a lake was away on business in moscow is 18 year old mother galena, left back alone into chapel. i was in the basement. it was dark all the time. i would like to candle to see what i was eating for,
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otherwise i was in the dog leg. try to make his way back to suit you. by the time he got, the russian troops had already retreated from the town. gave it a little some those up. the road was already mind. on the edge of subject, a drone hit my car. now. that's how i had my arm was concussed. i managed to get home and best tie as you come to you. i spent the next week in the cellar with my mother. you from the moment alexis so just russian or thirty's, did nothing to help locals leave me. a lot of the local officials just got themselves and their families out. there was no organized evacuation because that people try to get out on their own, but sales to a bundle cause everywhere. like we're sure the getting across the front lines to right now, territory was simply too dangerous. and his mother, i'm the advantage of a many of those trying to get out. so just to have somewhere else to go. and the
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2nd passport, a leg and his mother have joined the american and russian citizenship often living in the us in the 19 ninety's. as a korean soldiers became a more familiar sight on the street to suggest it turned out that leaving would be easy. foster and they could have imagined your store of somebody i saw some ukrainian military vehicles stop outside. i shouted to them out of the window and told them not to shoot. they told me i could come out and talk to them. i told them i wanted to evacuate. my mother did not. 15 minutes later they came back and put us in a car and drove us to so me it's being just every day now since mother and son go to ukraine, not know me time to get medical help. let's take stuff on it. so i'm exhausted. i've lost track of time. i can't even remember what month
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to i remember the 2nd well to the sirens. the raid will need your short running for cover news. and now this couple news has there really is no. there's a certain unusual story. there are likely to be the last question. refugees heading for ukraine is fighting because creeds and drags on. many russian civilians might soon have to choose between taking a chance and coursing the front lines and taking shots for new crane. let's go to indonesia and all which is mocking. it's 79th independence day. would set them needs that events in the future captain. and the son thought of the new city has been a landmark construction project for outgoing president. jo, cool. we do, but it has vegas construction days and spiraling costs. government buildings are not finished and organized was have to call the number of guests of the
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celebrations because they were not enough hotel rooms ready to house them to use for the non human one visited no sentato on the island to go now to find out why the city is taking so long to build and how the government plans to finance the rest of the project. a building that's practice wings like an eagle. the presidential palace ship like indonesia is national amber and sits right at the heart of the countries new capital center in eastern borneo, the government buildings, the government, housing complex and basic infrastructure are almost finished. i looked through safety and what the lights have also like to they've been hooked up to me. i found the bottom one was that somebody behind the center of government will be billed here. and on that is on the president's office in the shape of a root, a burned in front of it, is the presidential policy. and then government offices say it's published by july,
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4th, construction was about 88 percent completed. uh, originally the court and the son thought i'd government complex was expected to be completed in july residential go, we hadn't even planned to start work here, weeks before the office of move. but that's of either the lead construction yet the government even says the 1st phase is still on schedule. a residential go. we use building use legacy with a new capitol while he's doing it. but so far this legacy, your ass on a couple of buildings and 3 quarters of the presidential palace a lot. now it depends on money coming in from the, from the budget for the construction of nissan data is about $30000000000.00 us dollars. the government plans to locate only 20 percent of the total from its national budget. it is relying on domestic and for investors to supply the rest.
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but so far, no foreign beckers has stepped forward to fund just make a project. without that money, it will be difficult if not impossible to continue construction. but most experts believe that the government will not stop the project. that is, but the, the option is to slow down the they're still using the state budget. the amount is very small, though the process will be very slow, especially during the transition to the new government. it's not a total stop, but the progress of the development is very, very slow. the stakes are higher for the continuation of the new capital project. lot of money has already been spent, but much more is still needed. while president elect trouble was to be under, has blanche to continue construction after to juggle, we steps down some question whether it was on that i will be one of the new president's priorities. and with that,
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