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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from billy and still no ceasefire. deal in gaza as the us president ones regional plays not to stand in the way of peace negotiate his time around that the towns off the washington's modified seats find proposal. guess the backing of egypt and contacts without approval though from these rail pull him up at a new beginning. still under construction, indonesia has raised its flag on a new capital city to replace, to conduct, but not yet raised the billions in funding needed to get it finished the
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bank visible and welcome egypt to contact. and the us have released the joint statement after 2 days of adults and don't on the board. and guys that, that back in what they call a bridging proposal design to bring is relative hom, us closer to a 65 deal. the militant group refused to take part in the adults accusing as well of negotiating in bad faith. international mediators is seeking to a vote or regional conflict, and the 10 month long war, and secure what the release of is, where the hostages taken in the october 7th period tax negotiations are ongoing with senior officials set to convene again in cairo next week. speaking to the board, as in washington new ways president joe biden expressed optimism about the new deal . the reason why was late for you all with all doing with the cease fire for
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the we are closer to wherever man i don't want to jinx anything here. so we're not very much french across the country. a short while ago, i spoke to joe last cover e mail gallery from cairo. i asked him how much ground there is full bite and is optimism the westgate community. the u. s. a. is spreading often as a result talking really about the substance of the negotiations. we hear less from ca, sorry, egypt. it's really about the substance loves so much about the folks of the time us was not present that the legal sure issues. i think this will be different, overstated fact, because they have also an office in concert and they were informed they were also probably in directly involved in this is a bit of an irony that's it with us is trying to bully the old sites now into the ceasefire and it's a bit of an irony that the cost of u. s. has always the last month and since they won't break out,
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it vito's any ceasefire the months, it seemed to you in the several times. and now it's kind of going fast enough for the us. i think the reasons of this several reasons for this one is of course the big seer in the us that this might regionally step, spiral out of control or be seen. and that this thing, the threat of retaliatory offers, strikes from you know, and from his folder and somebody who's, he's in human offices beginning of the heads of. busy thomas this week on the, on indicating of the big, the high military come on the actual office phone a in in bay would. so that's one of the big cs. and that's one of the reasons why the u. s. is no rush to get the ceasefire done. because that is the key for the destination in the whole region. the 2nd of course, is the upcoming elections and the lots of forget to sending weapons and keeping the
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u. s. sleep on north in the mediterranean cost is also quite a lot of money. your fish with your suspicions are trying to convince is right, this is a cheese, every single chief military saying to them they will never be able to indeed meet how much. and but this on the out just in speaking about a total victory over homeless me and time this new a made a plan is considered a bridging proposal. what are the breaching points? it's called the richard proposals, the closest most of the meeting gaps. and the biggest gap here is that, that it's on your refuses to commit to a permanent ceasefire. keep in mind to and by how much the also the month of for withdrawal of these really ami from the gaza strip. and this is not a detailed but sometimes is mirrored because if he give you some exempt, this looks like something happens was that it off,
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off crossing it between egypt and the gaza strip. who is going to control it is really the army. i think nothing's right. yeah, i mean we control this for the same thing counts for this thing that they see coins or this is the for the ship. it is right, they say this. so the inquiry toward that cuts where these really, i mean is position in the gaza strip. the top space you can think of this into a lot of the southern positive people can not. busy us this cory dose of this other details. they say, i think i will discuss what to do with this issue. so this is evidence of the details, but the big, big picture is really the difference between pregnancies via in the meantime, the almost been talking about the destroying hom, us dream over. how are you in? kyra, thanks for the update. your, with a deadly break biased by the settlers on the village in the occupying the westbank has drawn an international condemnation and calls for accountability the us france
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and the u. k. are among those denouncing the attack on the hill. top village of it is well, this also issued a river buick. wanting settlers. it's the jump with the id f the military and is well security forces to quote, fight terrorism. the family of rashid, too late to come for to each other at his funeral. before leaving the mosque to join the hundreds of munos gathered for the final procession . the 23 year old was shot dead during a rage biased really subtle is in the village of jet in the occupied west bank. and the simplest was shooting from a very close range. not these really all mean because this is my nephew was shot and the bullet passed through his body from back to front. the whole he was killed off and it was not the army who shot him. it was the settlers just
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a little hole insulting in the setlist stones, the village on thursday, setting fire to cause homes and shooting residents. love scenes the game in the past more they were in full uniforms. built under the night as my home was machine guns and silence as old may moved. their attack was clear and how to burn, but they'll kill and destroy me. the best see, i mean attacks against palestinians buys riley's in. the west bank have increased and still tube of 7th terror attack by him us on israel of the un has called it terrific and parts of an ongoing and troubling past and the violence in the occupied territory. yes, it is killing and it is not an isolated attack and it is the direct consequence of israel's policy of settlement in the west bank. we have been reporting for the past
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few years about set there is attacking palestinian communities in their land and the west bank with impunity. and this really is the crux of the matter, the impunity. that the perpetrators of such great violations had been enjoying in aurora move. israel's lead is also denouncing the attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's taking the violent seriously and the perpetrators will be found and prosecuted. let's take a look at some of the other stories of making use this our, the use health agency is wanting the more cases of a new impulse very into likely to be found in europe in the coming days, sweden and pakistan, and have both got the 1st cases outside of africa, the world health organization has declared the outbreak of global health emergency and his search manufacturer has to ramp i'm faxing production. at will forward.
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he's in haiti say 11 inmate so being killed in a shootout with police after breaking out of a prison in the central town of a sudden mock. it's not know how many inmates escaped. it's the 3rd jail break. this here in haiti, where apologies is struggling to come back. widespread gang violence. indonesia is mocking it's 17 9th independence day ceremonies and events in the future capital the sometime about the new city has been a land mark construction project for outgoing president, yoko with doodle fund. it's faced construction, the lights and spiraling costs. the government buildings are not finished and organizes have to count the number of guests at the celebrations because there weren't enough hotel rooms ready to house the dw southern and him on visit, hit those on tower on the island of borneo, to find out why the city is taking so long to build and how the government plans to finance the rest of the project. a building that's practice wings like an
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ego. the presidential palace ship like indonesia is national emblem and sits right at the heart of the country's new capital. the sun thought it eastern borneo, the government buildings, the government, housing complex and basic infrastructure are almost finished electricity and what the lights have also largely been hooked up a residential go. we use building his legacy with a new company while he's getting power. but so far this legacy, your ass on a couple of buildings and 3 quarters of the precedent to allow this a lot. now it depends on money coming in from the, from the budget for the construction of nissan data is about $13000000000.00 us dollars. the government plans to locate only 20 percent of the total from its national budget. it is relying on domestic and for investors to supply the rest.
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but so far, no foreign beckers has stepped forward to fund just make a project. without that money, it will be difficult if not impossible to continue construction. but most experts believe that the government will not stop the project, get it. but the, the option is to slow down the they're still using the state budget. the amount is very small to the process will be very slow, especially during the transition to the new government. it's not a total stop, but the progress of the development is very, very slow. the stakes are higher for the continuation of the new capital project. lot of money has already been spent, but much more is still needed. while president elect prebble was to be under, has pledged to continue construction. after the joker, we step down some question whether we sent that i will be one of the new president's priorities to plato. so level 3 is deputy head of dw indonesia. it is
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just outside those. i'm tara, i also why the government decided to move its capital. yeah, it's the signature project of outgoing president. jeff, or we don't know who's decade in charge in indonesia and has been defined by major infrastructure projects and move on. the new capital behind me was claim to be 90 percent ready in its 1st phase of the construction and for the independence day celebration. and then finally took place here and the 1st time today. initially the idea to build the new capital was announced back in 2019 by the president himself. but the idea behind it was not new because their card to the long time capital of indonesia was afflicted by too many problems like pollution, overpopulation, saffir, traffic congestion, and worst of all frequent flooding. so experts predict the jakarta, a good thing by 2050, due to the excessive levels of groundwater, to olivia,
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the water shortages. in the meantime, uh, the capital of the old capital continues the sink and this move of costs. as you point out was the legacy project of the outgoing president. how important is it going to be to the new president in the yeah, just uh, 5 days ago. uh, do you all call we invited. all of his ministers do have their 1st cabinet meeting in the new capital and problems to be enter, which is the president, the lack of entities as was also among them. and he firmly stated that he will continue this project until it's completed the experts warren. that is problem. we'll continue with this project. this could pose a really significant financial challenge for his administration, because the project cost has estimated around 32000000000 bureau and not a single for an investors have committed so far. and that is also why i that how sparks have the criticism uh to the projects because people think that the project
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is lack of public input. it's not really transfer and, and it feels a little bit ambitious, especially when interviews you're facing economy challenges. like recently we have mass layla's it, so explain 3, how will the government turn things around financially? how's it going to actually put the bill? the government had talk about a strong interest from the japanese investors. recently, during joke, always visit to united f entered, there were discussions about investment in the capital and general, we also invited singaporeans to live and to put their money in the new capital. but again, again, there's no single effort. investors has really invested their money in the new capital. so now funding a really depends on the state budget and from local private investors. you know, from peter. so my poetry, deputy head of dw indonesia. thank you very much. i and that brings you off to
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dates on all the international news updates on dw sports. life will introduce you to the dragonflies of pep load bates as well. and thanks for watching. i'll see you next out. the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center the straight explains the around the world more than 130000000 people of.


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