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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the space is the double you can use life from the land still though ceasefire in gaza as the us president. once the regional play is not to stand in the way of peace. negotiate his hammer out the details of the washington's modified cease by a, gets the backing of egypt and concept without approval for the proposal for me as well, or how much a bridge below not be in boxes, cost region. ukraine claims the strength will slow russian supply lines. the penguins as an american weapon was used and that,
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that process of the been physical and welcome egypt contact. and the us have released the joint statement of the 2 days of talks and ohio and the war in concept. they backing a bridging proposal designed to bring is wetland home us closer to us these fine as the military group refused to take part of the adults of losing his way of negotiating in bad faith. international media is a trying to the regional conflict and the 10 muslim war and secure the release of his way the hostages taken in the october 7th terror attacks. senior officials are set to meet again next week in cairo. speaking to reporters in washington, u. s. president joe biden expressed optimism about the new deal. the reason why
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was late for you all was all doing with the cease fire and we are closer to whatever man i don't want to jinx anything. they actually were not very much, but of course so struggle is kyrie moga. how are you? how much ground there is full biden's optimism where the kiddy, the u. s. is reading optimism result talking really about the substance of the negotiations. we hear less from costs. our issue is really about the substance. not so much about the folks of this. how much was the presence of the legal sure issues . i think this will be different, overstated fact, because they have also an office in contact to have. they were informed, they were also probably indirectly involved in this is a bit of an irony that's it with us is trying to bully the old sites now into the ceasefire. and it's a bit of an irony that the cost of u. s. has always the last month and since that will break out, it vito's
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a ceasefire the months it seemed to you in the several times. and now it's kind of going fast enough for the us. i think the reasons the separate reasons for this one is of course the big seer in the us that the dislike visually stopped spiral out of control or be seen. and that this thing the. ringback busy the threat of re territory offers strikes from you and on, and from his folder and from the uses in human offices, the cleaning of the heads of thomas young, indicating of a be a high in the military. come on the actual cut office phone a in in bay would. so that's one of the big cs. and that's one of the reasons why the us is no rush to get the ceasefire done. because that is the key for the escalation into our region. the 2nd of course, is the upcoming elections and the look to forget to sending weapons and keeping the
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u. s. b on under to the mediterranean cost is also quite a lot of money efficiently. yes of patients are trying to prevent is right. this is a cheese, every single chief military saying to them they will never be able to eliminate how much and what this on the out just in speaking about a total victory. the overhead of us me and time this new a made a plan is considered a bridging proposal. what are the bridging points? it's called the richard proposals, the closest most of the meeting gaps. and the biggest gap here is that, that it's on your refuses to commit to a permanent ceasefire. keep in mind to and by how much the also the month of for withdrawal of these really ami from the gaza strip. and this is not a detailed but sometimes this mirror with the details of if we give you some exempt, this looks like something happens this that it off,
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off crossing it between egypt and the gaza strip. who is going to control it is re the army, i think nothing's right. yeah. i mean we control this for the same thing counts for this thing that there's the coins or this is the border between ship. that is right, they say this. so the inquiry toward that cuts where these really i'm is position in the gaza strip this todd space. you can think of this into a lot of the southern positive people can not. busy us this cory dose of this other details. they say, i think i will discuss what to do with this issue. so it is evidence of the details, but the big, big picture is really the difference between private and since via in the meantime, the always been talking about the destroying hom, us dream over already in cairo. thanks for the update. buick, you claims military. he claims to have destroyed a bridge, which was a key supply line for boston forces in the region of cost. russia has accused ukraine of using western supplied rockets on. it's to have
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a tree for the 1st time. you pay any of the air force command to release this video of a strike on a bridge and cost without staging, which weapons were used. roches farm industry says it believes the weapons with us made high models which are broken launches, need the science claims could be verified. nato allies have eased restrictions on you guys use of some weapon sort of russian territory, but still by the use of long range and the science as as military analysts. marina varone from kings, colleagues, london, what she makes of the claims. well, there are 2 dimensions to it. the 1st is the informational dimension. and of course, it benefits russia to say, ukraine is using something that was long prohibited to be used on russian territory, namely, need to weapons and was hoping to diminish, possibly the support to ukraine. on the one hand, on the other hand,
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the russians are demonstrating this way how nato is implicated in this war because the russians have been claiming. busy along that they are actually fighting nato by proxy. so that's the informational dimension. and the military dimension of this, we have, we have no proof or full of whatever was used in that strike on the bridge on the same river. but what capabilities does ukraine house militarily? we'll look at the past docs and i think it was a year ago was. so when you create and use time, maurice or actually it wasn't 20 to some or 22 when you creating what he was using . hi, maurice to a type sent almost the bridge and harris on a. so does ukraine itself has any better weapons in order to ensure a destruction of a bridge? and so very russian logistics because the russians were using it for deploying troops and um,
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for transporting equipment to that was military analysts. marino around from kings college funded pride celebrations around the way in the german city of like fish, wherever. all stories that are on the edge over a single tiny is demonstration. by right wing extremists, several 100 offices have been deployed to separate the 2 groups at the annual cost of a streak day salivation. the extra security comes out the near bouncy, groups stage, the counter rally, similar celebrations. and these things, if you felt that demonstration forced pride organizes to cancel the closing party for security reasons. dw reporter jewels visa is in light, stays covering both events for us to as i can see, all the police fans lined up behind you. house hands off. thanks. hi, ben. sorry 5, where we are standing right now. outside of the main station behind us, there is the left wing organized protests taking place on the motto. no space for
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not seas. so far we told the police and the atmosphere is quite calm. obviously, politically motivated, we do have slogans against the fall of rights in the back, but so for everything is come. on the other hand, on the other side of the building that was supposed to type a right wing extremist demonstration to take place. we just spoke to police right before our interview, and they told us that it's about 350 to 400 people who are still inside the main stations. i believe, have not let them out yet. they are checking don't identity. they're also checking on. if a people committed any crimes like as covering their faces or saying any anti constitutional things, or primitive back on the constitution, so detracting these people. and it's not true if it actually will take place today . jose i it's, it's clear to me what's the motivation is,
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but it tell us more about what these counter pro test is or actually trying to achieve today. so the right wing comments or protests that was a nines today. once it suited chief that the christopher 3 die will be just the like they try to do. and but i would say a week ago where we had a situation that one site has been around one. so i was and pride participants march through the streets. celebrate and christopher 3 day and then encountering around 300 around 680. comes a product that says from the far right. so neo nazis and right wing extremist marching through the streets of the eastern city of boats and showed thing. um, right wing extremists flores and threatening protesters that so we had a heavy police presence that as well. and police just manage to separate these 2 groups. but at the end of the day, the protest that's from the price mileage, we're not able to celebrate the closing party out of security reasons. and they
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were escorted back to the station by police. so in leipzig today, these want to extend was wanted to, to stop the facilities here because of the traditional and tight gender volts. i of the traditional gender roles to promote thing on the entire agenda perspective to have. so i'm sorry 5, we don't know if say is, if it wouldn't happen so we keep you updated on that. thank you very much. jills case the day for us reporting from light touch. let's take a look at some of the other stories making use around the world. dealt as in india, have escalated protests into a nationwide strike, comes to the rape and murder of a colleague in co content. testers have been enraged by a once they cool, frantic violence against women across the country. they demanding justice and business security and hospitals. speedy use health agency is boring, small cases of
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a new impulse variant and likely to be found in europe. in the next days. the virus is being detected in sweden and pakistan to the world health organization has declared the outbreak of global health emergency urgent manufacturers to ramp up the vaccine production authorities in haiti say 11 inmates of being killed in a shootout with police. after breaking out of the prison near the central town of sunblock, it's not node how many inmates escaped. it's the 3rd you outbreak this year in hating where all thought he's struggling to combat wide sprague game violence in today's or is mocking it's 17 9th independent sites with events in the future. capital city of news on tara, the city is being a landmark project for outgoing president joker. we don't, and it's face delays and spiraling costs. key government buildings on the fittest organizers had to cut the number of guests at the celebrations. they bought enough
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hotel rooms, ready, dw headed on him, along, visited, and it was on tara, on the island of borneo, to find out why construction so slow and how the government plan is to finance it will a building that's practice wings like an eagle. the presidential palace is shipped like indonesia, especially in the envelope, and sits right at the heart of the countries, new capital. the sun thought it eastern borneo, the government buildings, the government, housing complex and basic infrastructure are almost finished electricity and what the lights have also like to they've been hooked up residential, go east building use legacy with a new capitol while he's getting power. but so far this legacy or ass on a couple of buildings and 3 quarters of the presidential palace a lot. now it depends on money coming in from of the budget. sort of construction of missed on data is about $13000000000.00 us dollars. the government plans to
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locate only 20 percent of the total from its national budget. it is relying on domestic and for investors to supply the rest. but so far, no foreign beckers has stepped forward to fund just make a project. without that money, it will be difficult if not impossible to continue construction. but most experts believe that the government will not stop the project. that is, but the, the option is to slow down the they're still using the state budget. do you mind which is very small though? the process will be very slow, especially during the transition to the new government. it's not a total stop, but the progress of the development is very, very slow. the stakes are higher for the continuation of the new capital project. lot of money has already been spent, but much more is still needed. while president elect probably has to be under has
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blanche to continue construction after the joke. always steps down some question whether resent that i will be one of the new president's priorities. a fixed system looks at the pros and cons of spending children from using social media. i've been visible in any market junior, will have, you'll use an excel. i'll see you again. same time, same place tomorrow the on the long voyage through the ocean another home back way with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey but now the


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