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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business deal of the news lives from berlin, doctors in india, stripe nationwide to protest the brutal methodologies the milk leak. the discovery of her body has spot days of protest demanding justice. now tens of thousands of joining the call to end. what do you call chronic violence against women across the country and a new beginning. still under construction, indonesia has raised that slide on a new capital 60 to replace their contract, but it still needs to raise billions and funding to finish the
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i, i'm eddie michael junior and you welcome to the program doctor as in india have declared a nationwide strike after the rape and murder of the clique in cold kata, the discovery of her body has 5 week long protests in london, justice, and better security on hospitals. tens of thousands of joined, dumped us and health workers to protest what they call chronic violence against women across the country. and mine has been detained in connection with the attack in the case has been transferred to india central bureau of investigation. i did have you correspondence, i do about him that he joins me for more. how do i do? why asked so many people out on the street to tell us no well i'm currently at the protesting side. and behind me, there was one protest that was used for today at the last minute it was cancelled.
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but thousands of people that button diaz doctor is medical association, have been protesting in different parts of the country. and they protesting off to the rape and murder of payments they need talk to inside the hospital while she was solving the state a with being called. now the protests having intensified after mall vandalized, the same hospital and the doctor, the student inside the hospitals. this sag spence truck leaves across the country and from did a nationwide protest. and these protests to us came out on the streets seeking accountability from the government and demanding justice to the indians. medical association having announced with nationwide strike off known emergency services, these doctor's the tomorrow himself to say for conscience for medical stop. what goes inside the hospitals being uh, so what incidence of the foster e o y like i the patients or the family members that can talk to if it was not so live. we've been speaking to some of the purposes of
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a phone call and they told us that the fee of going back to the hospitals to look at the night. they feel for the safety. right. and how is the government's reacting to the process so far? uh well uh yes, the government has to be responded to these process. brian. mr. moody spoke about the gruesome incident in his independent of the speech and promised strict punishment for crimes thinking. this woman of the house ministry of india is also met and talk those association and promised them to form it come with the back with the book on the central role, which will ensure safety and protection calculus to 2nd was helping also from the implementation of some sim dog, the some procedures across the country between i'm following the solution is to provide most security majors. but let me tell you people get, are very angry with government. uh, because uh, because they think because if there is
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a delay in that just as an investigation and then also talks about the political bickering, what does clearly show, right, right. so these protests, the drawing attention to the why that issue of the safety of women. so let me ask that how safe are women in india? uh, as for the safety of women, is concerned, all governments up failed to address this issue. reports to suggest that there have been an increase in crimes against women in the last few years. so there are, there is, there's a data from the government that phase, you know, there have been, could be 1000 report the rapes in india, in 2020 tools. so sexual violence in india is an epidemic here. and uh, on how read one woman is raped every 15 minutes across the country. so in this high, a number of sexual violence cases, but the sadly not is that what conviction rates. so women here are telling us that they feel unsafe, the child in the night goes, i'm just going to do a draw. all of us with died ships and they are all they look now. they have to
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always think twice before moving out in the night alone. so now the women we see on the street, they're trying to reclaim those nights and spaces they that they come to venture because of the lack of safety. right? you don't use ideal back. thank you. i. it's now ukrainian presidents that have them as dfcs as far as, as i strengthen in the positions in rushes coast region, where cube has been mountain in major cross border offensive. russia claims ukraine has used west and supplied rockets on its territory for the 1st time to destroy a bridge. if true the strike. well, it represents a major change in the we need to supply the weapons. being used by you trained to stripe targets on the russian soil or ukrainian air force combined to release this video of a strike on a bridge in cost as it targets russian supply lines. it's unclear which weapons were used. the russia claims ukraine has fired us,
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made high mas artillery on its territory. for the 1st time, ukraine says it's counted striking is going according to plan a box and less chocolate bonds. we see that the okay, pilot is suffering losses. and this is helpful, very helpful. for our defense pistol, so it is about destroying the logistics of the russian army and draining the result . we must inflict my mind maximum damage of the old russian position. and we are doing that, you know, looks at the landscape, said the russian town of subject 10 kilometers from the border is now fully under his troops control russian statues and symbols they're de faced as ukraine prepared to set up a military combined office here they now claim control of over 80 russian villages . and the belgrade regional governor has ordered the evacuation of even more difficult to wisdom from august 19. we are closing access to 5 of settlements,
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removing residents and providing them new housing. so the low was it, the russians and codes are now seeing scenes familiar to ukrainians after their city was shelves. what does this for what i wish they would protect our city of costs from all this, you know what they've got it under control, but as you can see, not every thing is under control of government, no eating you. so what's going on now is what you use to submit with pm 30 people to pick their bags with the documents and belonging to the in. can you good way to do if the worst happened? it was very scary, especially when we had a building bump the buying very scary from the bottom. but you crate itself is still under attack. children who are being forcibly evacuated from the doughnuts region. residents are fleeing the city of port clubs and an air strike on the city of sumi shows. ukraine must still put out fires on its own territory even as it
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starts them across the border. let's bring it into the view. correspondence of sonya finally caught in key pedo sonia russia is actually using ukraine of using us made hi miles. i tended we to bump that bridge. impass cow has to keep and its allies responded to that. or we haven't heard lots about this of the slide bridge from that you created military so far. we know that this bridge was strategically significant that was used by russia to supplied stoops near the town of josh google, about 25 kilometers north of the border with ukraine and russia. now claiming, as he said, there are that ukraine likely use us supplied high miles of injury to blow up the bridge that also claiming that the strike give some volunteers, we're trying to evacuate some civilians. we have no independent confirmation of that. ukraine has, hasn't responded to these obligations, which we know that in the past the u. s. has given you creating permission to use
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the home of a rocket launcher on targets about 100 kilometers within the inside of prussia. which means that this targeted bridge would be in that range, but the destruction of this bridge is certainly in line with what you printed and officials have been seen so far. namely that one of the goals of this incursion into course is to, you know, stop russia from using that region as a villain, spiteful for cost for the strikes. and that means, you know, targeting its supply routes and logistics helps. right? russia has now being forced to divert several 1000 troops from occupied between to this counter offensive in christ. how significant is that to what we heard earlier this week for the ukrainian but the tree official who, who was quoted in the media, she was saying that russia's redeploying, someone continuing it from the front lines of the salt and cancel an example of the show i'm always showing from your present official from us sufficient, sorry, that they are now being used to kind of faded off that escalating inclusion i took, let's get involved. thousands of troops and most of the gates. but of course,
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we don't know, but the russia is kind of moving any off. it's, you know, larger units, better between units we are away from your brain as gets. and we don't know whether this would have any kind of a significant impact on democracy. because one of the crucial things here is that the diversion of russian troops soon seems to not to be really using the pressure on the situation in the east, on the eastern front. the next region with russian troops are on the offensive and then all reported to be closing in on the strategic tone of booklets. right? i was gonna ask you about that. but basically you're saying that the diversion hasn't necessarily stopped the the come back on the field in ukraine. that's the case though, isn't it? absolutely, i mean, we're getting the bolts of intensifying bottles with, as i said, russian troops now getting closer to barcroft. this is a really important strategic tone that has been the key target for most school for several months. and this is because it is a really important logistics, helpful,
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the ukrainian military. it's also located on the intersection of the road that is also used to supply the troops, but also to kind of evacuate it's cost between east woods neutral so. so this is certainly something that is wanting the pregnancy, right? that'd be corresponding. so when you find that kind key, thank you. that's it. got some more stories, making headlines around the world senior, how mazda official has dismissed us. claims that he ceased by. i didn't guys that could be closed, that rejection photos, the statement by the us, egypt and cop top, backing a bridge and proposal designed to bring these are island moscow's that to be see spat many tons group if used to take part in the latest talks like using these rollo negotiates in, in bad faith lebanon's health ministry says at least 10 people have been killed in on these rodney strikes. overnights. 2 children are among the dead. 5 people when dead after the strike. it's a brick meal in the country south. these are all cleans it struck a weapon staple used by hats, but i've been at times denise you as marketing,
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it's 7th and 9th independence day with events in the future capital city of new sun tyra. and usually t has been a landmark project for outgoing presidents, jo, coffee doodle. but it has face delays and spiraling costs. key governments, buildings are in spanish, and organize us how to catch the number of guests the subdivisions as to why we did enough hotel rooms ready for the abuse at fed. $910.00 milan visits at newson tyra on the island to bone. you to find out why construction is so slow and how the government plans to find those at all. this is independence day celebrations and indonesia look different than in previous years. that's because they were held into cities several times yesterday. the old capital chicata and the new one new son tava, symbolizing the stats of a slow tron side of political power would cost to the nation in split screen.
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chicata has been an easiest capital for 7 to 5 years, but it is set to slowly be replaced by the brand new city of new santano on the item to borneo. on tv, new sentato appears, shining a new many questions building around the viability of this 32000000000 dollar mega project away from the government buildings. the city lounge, the remains the construction sites as much as the critical infrastructure, unfinished well, sometimes on stones it there also funding issues. the project relies heavily on private and saw an investment which is pretty even slower to emerge or more of an environmental. this is criticized the construction of a new megalopolis on top of one of the world's largest expenses of untouched rainforest. nissan tara is the legacy project to president,
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junko with doj. we step down and i'll tell you about after one decade impala dental pool man. he 1st announced the plans renewed capital in 2019, but a whole saying it represented progress, justice and economic growth. but there are other reasons for the need to jakarta is sinking fast into the sea due to rising sea levels and uncontrolled war to extraction. seemingly eager to say face roberto became the 1st president to attend the state to ceremony in the unfinished capital. however attractive accommodation. so the initial $8000.00 strong guest is sloughed down to $1300.00 and perhaps more tellingly the president gave no speech. sir, despite the sense that it proved to be a somewhat gentle spacious beginning to the world's newest color, to home london over jetta and you are up to date up next step. looks like the pros
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