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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is deal of the news live from berlin, ukraine's president says his forces are strengthening their positions and be surprised offensive in russia's course branch of ukraine also says it destroyed a bridge and an attack which could disrupt russian supply lines. pregnant says ukraine used us made rockets in the striking doctors in india stage, a nationwide strike over the brutal murder of a female colleague, beginning sets of protests, of tens of thousands joined calls for an end to violence against women the
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above. oh, really? yeah. it's great to have you with us, president of a lot of them. here's the landscape, says ukrainian forces are strengthening their positions in russian territory, gained during a surprise offensive ukrainian troops across the border in the course region earlier this month. commanders now say they have destroyed a bridge near the settlement of to discover in an attack which will disrupt the russian supply lines. the kremlin says ukraine targeted at the structure using us made rockets. are you creating an air force commander released this video of a strike on a bridge, and course russia says ukraine used us made hi maurice, artillery to destroy the bridge. the cross the river. same blowing the bridge up could disrupt russia's supply lines to its forces in the area. a bunch of
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much chocolate bonds. we see that the okay, pilot is suffering losses. and this is helpful, very helpful for our defense pistol. so it is about destroying the logistics of the russian army. well and draining. there was a huge deal. we must inflict the maximum damage and the old russian position, and we are doing that beautiful bullets. so then ski said the russian town of suits you 10 kilometers from the border is now fully under his troops. control. russian statues and symbols are to faced as ukraine prepares to set up the military command office. here. they now claim control of over 18 russian villages. a belgrade region governor has ordered the evacuation of even more difficult to wisdom from august 19 . we are closing access to 5 of settlements, removing residents and providing them new housing laws in the russian residence in corsica. now seen seems familiar to ukrainians after their city will show what
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does this for one i wish they would protect our city of costs from all this, you know what they've got it under control. but as you can see, not every thing is under control. the government, no eating you. so what's going on now is what you use to submit with pm 30 people to pick their bags with the documents and belonging to the in. can you good way to do if the worst happened? it was very scary, especially when we had a building bump. the buying very scary for us. no, but them would. you cream itself is still under attack. children are being forcibly evacuation from the gwinnett screeching. residents are fleeing the city of port croft or an air strike on the says you have sunni shows. ukraine must still put out fires on its own territory even as it starts them across the border. but they don't use sonya found. the car is in keys and has more on the situation. and course on the grinding president's claim that his forces are strengthening
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their positions there. that's right. i mean, military officials here are saying that really building on the territorial games they made in that course. clinton the same, did not know controlling more than 80 settlement settlements in that region since that surprise incursion, which you create is hoping when you know shift the item is in this conflict of the reports. your um, suggest that the advances if you're waiting to have slowed down in recent days, and it's still not clear how you, how long you're printing, you don't kind of really plans on holding onto these attempt research to seize in the course region. which officials hillary have said could serve as a bargaining chip in any future of these legal fictions. nobody failed, even the set for developing today rushes, defense, ministry accusing ukraine of planning to attack of nuclear plant in the course region which is under adoption control. it says ukraine plants to blame that publication on most school. you create the label has denied all these claims and
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call them, and they will. it's insane propaganda. all right, well russia has said that ukraine used you estimate hymer as an artillery rockets to destroy the bridge. and why is moscow going to the trouble of pointing that out? well, we haven't heard much of to learn from you, created officials about that distorted bridge and they haven't reacted to these, cleans up by rochelle. but, you know, in, in the past us has indeed allowed ukraine to use high mazda of elk. a loan shows on targets inside rochelle, up to range of about 100 kilometers. and that would mean the distributed bridge in the quick coast region would certainly, you know, fall within that range. but i think the russian claim, in a way, kind of feeds into this ongoing concern about what kind of western supplied weapons ukraine can really use for combat operations inside russia in that, of course, region. russia, of course, as accuse nato and, and generally the white a waste of,
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of really aging ukraine with this incursion. now we heard from presidents uminski who, who wrote on his telegram trying to today saying that the priority for ukraine is, are trying to limit um, rushes, offensive potential that he's urging in a wisdom allies to allow you can't fully use. it's a long, long swipe clicked amenities, and this is exactly the one thing that of countries like the u. s. and the u. k. are reluctant to allow ukraine to use a long range. besides that, they've provided storm shadows at tech ends to use them for combat operations inside russia. so in a way, i think this is one of those. uh, the last remaining red lines there. sonya, what's the situation for ukrainian troops on the eastern front? we had a good bolts of intensifying bottles in the eastern donates region with uh, you know, russian troops quoted lee now closing in on the cities of toilets and for cross military officials, have old, old civilians impulse across to, to,
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to evacuated from their book. clubs is important, it's been a key target for most skillful for several months. and that is because it is a key logistics, helpful that you created ministry. and this is also located on the intersection of a main road that supplies equipment troops and cities close in the front line, but is also used to evacuate some civilians to the pro. so that i think that a lot of concerns here and ukraine about this development to thanks sonia for that of dates, dw correspondence on your phone, the car in the ukrainian capital case. thank you. doctors in india have called a nationwide striking protest of the rape and murder of a female training and called kata medical staff, say violence against women is widespread. they're demanding better security and hospitals. they want a safer working environment. indian doctors are escalating protests into a nation wide strike. we just want to be
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safe when we are doing because it is the law says that we have to, oh, what are you able to see? see? emergency services are still in operation, but the strike has affected thousands of patients below got people come here from far away and they finding it very difficult. there's no one here. the doctors a single be on strike indefinitely. and we don't know when that'll reopen. the shutdown follows days of march is in smaller strikes over the rate. and the overtraining doctor whose brutalized body was found at a teaching hospital in co kinda the woman's father, st. our colleagues in the medical profession and others for their support what i believe you do like my daughters to them, but millions of sons and daughters. and now with me, this has given me
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a lot of strength and i feel we will get something via tag. it caused the whole roof, the gang rape and murder of a young woman on a daily bus. 12 years ago. her death spark demonstrations across india and prompted the government to introduce harsher punishment for rapes or including the death penalty for repeat offenders. the, to the say little has changed to make women feel safer, isn't and good. that admin someone's dog. good. how many miles on is good? well, that's not the name probably, goldman not understanding of the big news
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news as well. now doctors help their voices and their industrial action. we make a difference. dw correspondent, the deal by the in delhi has more on the nationwide protest. so uh, what has happened that the thousands of people, uh, led by indians medical association. how, what be protesting and different fox up the india. they've been protesting off to the re and murder of a female plan. you talked to inside the hospital in the state of rest of them. well, now these protests have intensified, often mob vandalized the same hospital and attacked student hospitals and attack it on the side of these attacks have sense truck leaves across the country. and also from, from nationwide protests and these, we see the protest. those are coming out on the scapes thinking accountability from the government, undermining justice and then in the medical association. how also announced that nationwide strike, knowing the emergency services. so this hospitals behind me,
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it's going to be shut off. so only non emergency services, though it will live in, but not a central services. so these doctors are demanding justice and safety concerns for me. medical work. uh they have been, they have been uh, also several incidents in the past where doctor said it'd be not talking now. well, we've been speaking some of the protest those uh they told us that they fear of going back to the hospital. so to look at the nights and also they feel for the safety. let's take a look now at some more stories making headlines around the world. supporters of and as well as opposition have riley to demand their candidate to be recognized as the winner of disputed elections. the national electro cancel declared presidents and you call last month or to victorious in the last 2 months. vote the opposition, the u. s. b, u and several latin american countries reject the results. tens of thousands of people are with higher power as hurricane and nest old biters. bermuda. residents are sheltering from the slow moving storm authorities or warning.
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significant flooding is likely in coastal regions. a, a high mazda official has dismissed us claims that a ceasefire and guides could be close to us egypt and caught our, our backing a bridging proposal and bringing israel and thomas closer to a deal. the minutes in group refused to take part directly in the latest talks, accusing israel of negotiating in bad faith indonesia celebrating its independence day 79 years since it broke free from true. the national flag is also being raised over the new capital city news on tyra. indonesia is old capital jakarta is polluted and sinking into the ground. but the new city is still under construction and way over budget. a building that's practice wings like an eagle. the presidential palace ship like indonesia is national amber and sits right at the heart of the countries new capital. the sun thought it,
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eastern borneo government buildings, the government, housing complex and basic infrastructure are almost finished electricity and what the lights have also like to they've been hooked up residential, go east building hist, legacy with a new company while he's good. but so far this legacy, your ass on a couple of buildings and 3 quarters of the presidential palace a lot. now it depends on money coming in from the, from the budget for the construction of nissan data is about $30000000000.00 us dollars. the government plans to locate only 20 percent of the total from its national budget. it is relying on domestic and for investors to supply the rest. but so far, no foreign beckers has stepped forward to fund just make a project. without that money, it will be difficult if not impossible to continue construction. but most experts
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believe that the government will not stop the project. this the, the, the, the, the option is to slow down. they're still using the state or just the amount is very small and the process would be very slow, especially during the transition to the new government to that it's not the total study, but the developments progress is very, very slow. the stakes are higher for the continuation of the new capital project. lot of money has already been spent, but much more is still needed. while president elect pro bowls to be, endo has pledged to continue construction after the jacoby steps down. some question whether we sent that i will be one of the new president's priorities. finally, uncreated russian cargo craft has deliberate, essential supplies to the international space station. the progress $89.00 was carrying nearly 3 tons of food fuel and other traits, including fresh fruit and coffee. the operation is being monitored by astronauts
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and crime control and both russia and the u. s. o. craft will stay at the space station for 6 months before taking the trash back to earth. progress. right, you're up to date. after short break. we look at the downside of turkeys, booming low cost beauty industry. take care of the emergence category issues with a lot say what the name is, the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do
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