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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news life from the, the us, the bushes put a size. i chose, often more than we've often more people died at strikes the hours off to death. video is very a tax on god that secretary of the banking have to instead of doing is to accept the ceasefire installed in the also coming up ukraine just destroys a key bridge and it's surprised offensive industrial go streets and it says it's a strengthening its position then the cabinets as ukraine use us to be dropped in
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the strike the number such as well. welcome to the program. the us is making a new effort to push forward a gaza ceasefire. the secretary of state on the blinking is on his way back to his for his, for to all softer the night of the states. i have other mediators including got that in egypt, came up with a new proposal that they say addresses the concerns of both israel and the palestinians. this comes off federal, kind of out deadly new s strikes in central garza back to back is variety strikes one in the apartment block in center because uh after the dust clears, people bring out the dead, ended to of the, not far out of the house and know that house destroyed in an overnight xhylia tech
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to come up and cause a head industry said what a dozen people are killed most from the same family. they mean many, they were a sleep in their beds or the kids and babies for the somebody as 13 missed house car could up their home home model for the place as well known that you'd be jawad is the fish and meat merchant. how is the weather targeting merchants? you know, what else is next? what has to be alone? i'm of these variety. miller trees said it had just struck me different targets in an area withdrawal. kids had been fired adults troops. it has also called on presidents in the box of center because on the head of the new media touring, all pretty can well, i'm not sure i do that on the there is great suffering. how can we move from place to place without money?
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i left home, i didn't know where to go. i was the ones i swear to go, the people gave me 5 shekels to go to the hospital to treat my son on the latest strike game. after mediators including the us cut the, and it just expressed optimism that the sci fi data between is right and how much could be imminent as a and then what are the mediators have supplemented and important proposal. and there is communication between the israeli and palestinian sides. and if the intentions are sincere and if there is political will homes, tennessee squire can be reached out to see if we're looking at ways to close any remaining gaps sort of thing. the c, a c, a mazda did not participate directly in the 1st round of these talks into her, and it cost out on the prospect often agreement mean by the cousins, keeping their fingers crossed, put up or to enter the breakthrough in the upcoming negotiations, which are set to resume in title next week. now president reloaded means the
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landscape says ukrainian forces us trembling depositions and russian debt actually gain jordan, a surprise offensive you created in troops across the border into the coast region earlier this month. come on, does now see they have destroyed a bridge near the settlement of blush, global internet attack, which, where the stop production supply lines are you creating the air force commander released this video of a strike on a bridge. and course russia says ukraine used us made hi maurice, artillery to destroy the bridge, the cross the river. same blowing the bridge up could disrupt russia, supply lines to its forces in the area. but you must struggle, but we see that the pilot is suffering losses. and this is helpful, very helpful for our defense pistol. so it is about destroying the logistics of the russian army and draining the result. we must inflict the maximum damage of the old
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russian position. and we are doing that beautiful moment. so lensky said the russian town to suit you. 10 kilometers from the border is now fully under his troops. control. russian statues and symbols are to faced as ukraine prepares to set up the military command office. here. they now claim control of over 80 russian villages. a belgrade region governor has ordered the evacuation of even more difficult to wisdom from august 19. we are closing access to 5 of settlements, removing residents and providing them new housing. so the low was in the russian residence, and course for now seen seems familiar to ukrainians. after their city was showed, quote, the 1st one i wish they would protect our city of coast from old se, what they've got it under control. but as you can see, not every thing is under control of government, no eating you. so what's going on now is what you used to say with pm,
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that is people to pick their bags with their documents and belonging with the thinking about where to go. if the worst happened, it was very scary, especially when we had a building bump the buying very scary brush and put them. would you cream itself is still under attack? children there being forcibly evacuation from the dentist screeching. residents are fleeing the city of port croft. and an air strike on the city of soon the shows ukraine was still put out fires on its own territory even as it starts them across the border. meanwhile, the us nuclear watchdog has ones that 50 at u. k. instruction occupied. so i produce show nuclear power plant as the theater getting off to the nearby joint strike. the international atomic energy agency, steam on site has reported intense military activity over the past week. they close to the facility restaurant sees the blonde in 2022. it's russian monitor the kills
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you're creating are being behind this exclusion on it's better material. now russia has also alleged that ukraine is targeting the course. can you flip, dont push to clean denies. so how can you please safety, be prioritized and an ongoing conflict? i put this question to profess the notch with the mccarthy. he's an expert on safety at nuclear power plants. unfortunately, this is the 1st time that's in nuclear trying to see the bar. so now i'm being charged at the 1st time happens after a few days of freshman invasion, a few bring it for us is up for who's your nuclear fall funds, which is the largest bank in europe. i need to have 6 the access. unfortunately, this is the 2nd time i think russia is facing the safety of them. a unpredicted man, dr. ukraine face after the invasion. i think this is the most dangerous. i can repeat it again. the most dangerous firefight which is happening. and when you
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mentioned the most into this firefight are you would have thing to this apple reach up on, which is what the i, e has issued. and what a warning about. or i would say that both the, the case of separation or plant is very dire. because you had to have major findings uppers your plan in displaying fuel, the, sorry is the java, the cooling ponds that stores the water and use that for putting dispense to the pool is not draining. and that that level is going dog. and also your sex gc keys has been entrusted many times. this is this. a foreclosure as the director general is yours, 084 across the it's a t in the zippers. yard reported this morning is really, is being attacked again by a drawing that the hot x proceeds on the line that you know,
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j privilege are off the flat. that is the separation. i know in the case, of course, there is a lot of reports that ukraine may want to capture data to use that as a bargain. and again, i hope course has a better face then separation. now this operation on to themes is in cold shut down, which means that the act as an effect not working. does that mean there's no risk of a new kid is off to at the plant then? or that's the only see the reineke of separation. that the $46.00 reactors are on in quote, shut off, but we still need a t c t for this spent fuel pool. spence, you of course are under the containment 15. however, my purse and that because 40 is the dry cask area that they keep when the fuel assembly gets to a lower temperature, they move it from dispatch fewer to or to destroy cast
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a dry cask. storage area is on the side of the containment big. i don't know, unfortunately if they be attacked by the bun, blog, manage or by miss all these doors dry cask cracks open. then you may have the release of the food you acted, make sure you use the risk of separation as it is very high. but the reactors, of course, only the court shut down by steve, we need some decent level of electricity to run the clean power steering for the shut down reactor and the transfer to awaken so and then look situation the for sure, thank you so much for expanding that so clearly to us new to safety expo nice with the mission, got to you. now indonesia, us celebrating its 79th independent states. the national flag is also being raised to live in new capitalists of e mails and data indonesia, old caps. it just got the espanol to it and sinking into the ground. but the new
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city is still under construction and way over budget. this is independence day celebrations and indonesia look different than in previous years. that's because they were held into cities several times yesterday. the old capital chicata and the new one new sentato. to symbolizing the stats of a slow tron side of political power would cost to the nation in split screen. chicata has been introduced as capital for 7 to 5 years, but it is set to slowly be replaced by the brand new city of new santano. on the item to borneo. on tv, new sentato appears, shining a new many questions building around the viability of this 32000000000 dollar mega project away from the government buildings. the city lounge, the remains of construction sites as much as the critical infrastructure,
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unfinished well, sometimes on stones it there also funding issues. the project relies heavily on private and saw an investment which has proven slower to emerge more of a environment. so this is criticized the construction of a new megalopolis on top of one of the world's largest expenses of untouched rainforest. nissan tara is the legacy project and president junko would don't please step down and on that tell you about after one decade impala cool man. he 1st announced the plans renewed capital in 2019, but a whole saying it represented progress, justice, and economic class. but the other reasons for the move to the casa, is sinking fast into the sea. due to rising sea levels and uncontrolled war to extraction, seemingly eager to save face the day became the 1st president to attend the state
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ceremony in the unfinished capital. however attractive accommodation, so the initial $8000.00 strong guests this sloughs down to $1300.00 and perhaps more tellingly, the president gave no speech. so despite the sun fast, it proved to be a somewhat, you know, spacious beginning to the world's newest color, to whom london sat in berlin. 200000 people came together on saturday for read the planet. celebrating techno music, which is now officially recognized as the cartridge, the tradition, the emotions, ron high. as the modem textbook capital, the lean becomes an open ad dense for hundreds of thousands, plot the c to sent on to the malta lock, the strong sample rate in spots. we all fit all this in the legs. they're all the 2nd,
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a lot of sense to the bits next to berlin's famous landmarks. but secular itself is no less of a landmark. this here, germany is government declared, it's part of the national cultural heritage. the wrong way is because it's, well, we don't have anything like this back home. the tech support rate rate the planet just formerly known as the last 3, which came to an end in germany, interrupted to offset that list compete for its found us. the current event is more than just the joining part. the subcommittee mentioned people come to berlin and to raise the planet because they realize even now that the spirit of the look for a continues as graves, the planets and the season 3 of us up leaks with the love thread success. i love my name, texas. everything to me, it's my life and it's a,
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it's as much my pleasure to meet as the air i breeze, you'll survive. and it certainly seems that many here breeze this same air, failed with the united states of text me as a musical no trouble. almost last but not for us. that's a lot from us. have a good day. the name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for and welcome to don't hold back. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called called the call back your update the innovation green, the green revolution.


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