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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, the watching, the, the news live from berlin, the mall, press out and put in as you cream hits on, not like a bridge inside russia. it's a 2nd major infrastructure targets you cream claims to have destroyed in the past few days. that's key because of the dates of the games and the cost region. also at the after more people die and he's ready strikes us secretary of state down summit, blinking heads for each route to send a deal. how much this is on the lucian, the
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i am eddie micah junior, and you are welcome to the program. the green in the air force as they have struck and destroyed another bridge and rushed as cross region as the sea could to disrupt the west coast combat to patients and supplied the battlefield situation. and ukraine remains die as the rest in forces much steadily forward. but after defending home, while for 2 and a half years, the dreamforce is on now and the front foot inside of russian territory. ukraine's 1st counter offensive on russian soil is taking aim of critical infrastructure in the cost region. to key bridges over the same river were destroyed by ukrainian forces over the weekend. for freezing rushes ability to resupply troops try and defend or few cranes incursion. for more than 11 days into the assault, ukraine is digging in. keep wants to ship the dynamics of the 2 and
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a half year war and its favor. after moscow's 2022 invasion for ukraine's troops, the president of grand assault marks the new stage and the conflict. taking the war to the invaders home turf will of course, it's preferable to fight them. that temperature, it would be best if they weren't on our it's haven't yet. so that's what i'd call victory and say, well, there was other put them on. russia claims that us supplied. high mars ms. ailes are being used in the attack. ukraine is not commented on this, although the us and it's nationwide allies have authorized keith to use their weapons to attack targets inside russia. president vladimir zalinski has renewed his call for the west to supply longer range weapons as it tries to take god critical infrastructure. keep claims to have sees over a 1000 square kilometers, and course including su, job. when i was a bose, the city is still being cleared up. the subject is already fully under control, but a different zones, different basements,
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we're finding russians and catching them. otherwise, the situation remains attends for the troops continued to advance. the enemy tries to enter with small sabotage groups, lifestyle, and everybody destroys. and let's see, for those couple of to see just the last major transit points for russian pipeline ga, still heading for your apply ukraine, just under half of russia's gas exports to your come through here to questions about whether gas problem could use the fighting as an excuse to hold gas exports biased to jump preparatory or the security of energy infrastructure is a key factor in the conflict. most goes atomic agency. rosa tom was warrant of a growing crisis of nuclear power plants in cost, and then russian occupies upper egypt and ukraine, ukraine's targeting of rushes infrastructure is widening. ukrainian drones also attacked in all his storage facilities and russia, southern rooftop region. early sunday morning, sparking a large fire and us
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a call back as soon as i can to the director of the v and i sent out for the supplement and non proliferation as to how worrying it is that nuclear plants could be hit. um, generally any military of cds, more attacks near at the facilities is far worse so cause they could potentially lead to review sounds, release an ad. in the last week alone, we saw several tests near zachary's in clear plan in ukraine, that has to be notified by restaurants since the beginning of the work. first, there was in the fire last weekend, neil, the cooling tower, that there was a, a, an attack on the energy transmission system in the middle of the week as a vehicle that was attacked with
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a droll explosives on the road to is outside of that you're a tory, all the plans, but on the road leading to the plan. is that a little bit to your tv around the top plans or activities with facilities are providing some things uh, creating some resources to potentially really so for these right. however, if we talked about appraising, that's all the plans itself and it gets re actress have been shut down. um uh, so we're not talking about uh a potential um big release of friday soon. however, we do need to have water and electricity to cool the actress and the fuel from now to wipe. now, though, right, right. i mean while there's the blame game going on, rush out uses you clean up plots into attack. we need to cross the pop lines.
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ukraine has called the russian claims in same propaganda. what do you think? well, 1st of all, the rest of the claims provided no evidence of any attacks when by the ukraine on the russian and declared 12 plants in cost. nicholas um but i'm also worried that these claims are not new. if you go back to the beginning of the war in 2022 february brass, i have been claiming since that time because you're trying have been developing dreadful and even a new critical. and they plan to states as that this was the one of the projects that frustrated use and that attacking ukraine. and so we don't have the evidence and it was shouldn't be speculating about whether
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there is a plan or not. you can lastly, july denies it. and at this point, we can, we can't stick to it as much as we can, but without any evidence, right, there is no reason to, to believe this claims best, right? we'll have to keep taps on that that and also cool about. thank you. my pleasure. let's look at some more stories and making headlines around the world. spell originally to alexander lucas angle plains. ukraine has stationed more than 120000 troops along the border between the 2 countries. because it included glad almost that that the fellow who was assigned me has been deployed to the border in response grass and choosing via that ukraine from that are loose the entire tree at the beginning of the war in 2022. so the ends, health minister has the glad e, colorado demick, after weeks of heavy rain,
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contaminated drinking water across the country. the eastern states of casala is especially effected authorities are appealing for agents. you might take an aid for thousands of people displaced by flooding. us secretary of state, down to the blanking is on his way to the middle east to, to present a new plan for these. these fire in gaza, even as these are our carries out more air strikes, the how miles are on guys. the health industry says 11 palestinians were killed in ninana attack on the central safety of their l. bala. b u. s. remains optimistic about the chances received by a by mouse which carried out the up to about 7 3rd tax. i said, any science of progress illusion and accuses these are all of negotiating in bad faith. it fits the sites that just becomes sadly, all too familiar. so the people have gaza. another set of bodies carried away in bags is more, is watch on helpless today. and the night is really abstract killed the mother
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father, and the 6 children as they slipped through tears. the grandfather was a dead judge and tried to make sense of the southern massive loss of so many of those that he loved. my daughter and her husband and the 6 children was saved on almost a street in the bundle area. when i'm is so struck them completely destroying the apartment. the mother died and all 6 children perish. the whole family, the oldest child was 15 and the youngest and a half an hour. what was their crime? and i was 10 months into this devastating bull garza is teetering on the brink. food is still scarce. the health system is on its knees and the un says 9 out of 10 people and now internally displaced some, many times i have none. the less the white house has said that optimistic a ceasefire can be reached. between is that into mass. the mass is cold,
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that's optimism and illusion. and even if a deal can be reached, so many people here in gaza, it's already saw too late. i asked the dentist balise loud in in tel aviv while the us secretary of state hopes to achieve what is visits to israel. yes, this is the last visit that is due to arrive uh later today. uh that would be with the prime minister netanyahu. uh, tomorrow morning. uh, the reason kenmore. uh, pressuring them also into accepting the ladies uh consecutive that were made or note about that you wouldn't be a mess on it. and the last week, i know from what i understand of leaking is the way to talk it through the, you know, but the issue that, and the setting kind of door, which is the card. well that's, that's the gotta trip into, to nothing. you know, the man, the america, or any other method that would ensure that the know a,
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um, are familiar with those uh, with the move would be gone, the gauntlet familia, from the south, through middle in the 1st phase of the deal. that's one issue. i would assume that they will, so somebody feel a busy car doors extra work and you know, as to demand the need for the presence their troops present, their vision will be discussed personally. the americans with their hold to um, uh, reach uh, the fire deals that it will be site this week. uh, maybe that could be more pressure miss also on the mediator. but the question still, whether the mediators or any of the party will pressure him off the gentlest of bodies sliding into these. it has the most stories making headlines. thousands of puts us as in india, have joined doctor's and medical staff to protest the rape and made off at the league and co contact. many doctors, i've stayed on the streets despite the end of
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a nationwide strike. be glad on saturday. so just as demanding justice for the talk and i'm and to jen database file. the social media sites x is closing its local offices in brazil because of the class with disagreeing, court judges ordered several accounts accused of spreading this information to be blocked excess. that amounts to sensitive users will still be able to access the site more than 20 people were injured. when a ferris wheel caught fire near the gym and safety of lights, it is set to have spit upsetting me before. one of the gun that i was ignited, specialist investigator has been called in to determine the cause icon explained zach to allow the law has died is 88 after you bought. so what ill health is children have to then use agency
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a fee. imagine us one of the principal access of the 19 sixty's they had by funds and projects for his on screen presence was also often in the headlines for his tomatoes, personal life. in his later years, the long lived a more tranquil life. in his mention, in google, friends, karen bell in as many of 300000 rev less 10 doubtful. the german capitals are rave . the planet may not potty techno music power. it is part of what is not recognized by the united nations as a cultural tradition. the emotions, ron high as the modem textbook capital, the lean becomes an open at dense floor. hundreds of thousands, plot the c to sent onto the molto lock this trunk. sample rate in spots. we all fit all this in the leg there on the 2nd,
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a lot of sense to the bits next to berlin's famous landmarks. but secular itself is no less the full landmark. this here, germany is government declared, it's part of the national cultural heritage. the wrong way is because it's, well, we don't have anything like this back home the tech support rate rate, the planet just formerly known as still operate, which came to an end in germany, interrupted to offset that list compete for its found us. the current event is more than just the joining part. you mentioned people come to berlin and to raise the planet, because they realize even now that the spirit of the loved for right continues as graves the planets. and the susan's free was a pleased with the love thread success. i love my name checklist. everything to me . it's my life and it's a,
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it's as much my pleasure to meet as the air i breeze. you'll survive. and it certainly seems that many here breeze this same air filled with the united states of text. let me set up an excellent documentary, looks at transylvania that has all the remaining states you and from ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a certificate from your dream. can choose to go back to somewhere else currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a pass in life categories. something that is coming very, very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the nearest.


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