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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, the watching do the news live from berlin, small pressure on vladimir putin as you crean hits. i'm not like a bridge inside. russia is the 2nd major infrastructure i targets. key says it has destroyed in recent days. assets forces consolidates, gains in the cost region, also at the peas, riley strikes scale mall by the stadiums in gaza. given us the us secretary of state down to the blinking hatch to the middle east to south eastern these 5. do you know how much this is on use of the
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i d, michael junior, and you are welcome to the program ukrainian forces the they have destroyed another bridge in russia's cost region as the attempts to disrupt the most close. come back to patients and supply routes. the green is still bottling nebraska, within its own borders. after defending homestyle for 2 and a half years case, troops on now on the front foot inside south and russia. ukraine's 1st counter offensive on russian soil is taking aim of critical infrastructure and the cost region. to key bridges over the same river were destroyed by ukrainian forces over the weekend. frustrating rushes ability to resupply troops try and defend or few cranes incursion. for more than 11 days into the salt ukraine is digging in. keep wants to shift the dynamics of the 2 and
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a half year war and its favor. after moscow's 2022 invasion for ukraine's troops, the on presidential ground to sold marks a new stage and the conflict. taking the war to the invaders home turf will. of course it's preferable to fight them. that temperature, it would be best if they weren't on our it's haven't yet. so that's what i'd call victory label. they are was up to put them on russia claims that us supplied high mars ms. silas are being used in the attack. ukraine is not commented on this, although the us and it's nasal allies have authorized keith to use their weapons to attack targets inside russia. presidents loved him, is the lensky has renewed his call for the west to supply longer range weapons as it tries to take god critical infrastructure. keep claims to have seized over a 1000 square kilometers, and chorused, including su, job. when i was a bose, the city is still being cleared up. the subject is already fully under control, but a different seven's different basements,
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refunding russians and catching them. otherwise, the situation remains tense for the troops continued to advance. the enemy tries to enter it, small sabotage groups, lifestyle, and everybody destroyed the scene for those couple with a suit. just the last major transit points for russian pipeline ga, still heading for your reply ukraine. just under half of russia's gas exports to your come through here. are questions about whether gas problem could use the fighting as an excuse to hold gas exports biased due to a parameter early or the security of energy infrastructure is a key factor in the conflict. most goes atomic agency. rosa tom was warned of a growing crisis of nuclear power plants in cost, and then russian occupies upper asia and ukraine, ukraine's targeting of rushes infrastructure as whitening ukrainian drones also attacked and all the storage facilities in russia, southern rust of region early sunday morning, sparking a large fire so we as
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a on to use on eastern europe energy policy expense. i asked the what other danger rush i called 10 of the flu of gas to you. yes, there it is. absolutely, a risk that russia could or for that better that ukraine could. the dearest, however, not that much gas currently transiting through the suits your point. it's about 40000000 cubic meters per day, which is roughly 14 and a half 1000000000 cubic meters. as you recall from the russia, the energy crisis that started in 2020, 21222324. now, what europe was, depending on from russia in terms of natural gas, was significantly more than that. and your eyes dropped almost all of its dependency on russian gas. little bit still dependent on diesel and l. n. g and some other petroleum products coming out of russia. but, well, $14.00 to $15.00 bcm would be a hit for europe, especially going into winter. i think at this point,
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it's quite clear that it survivable, right? i mean, as you say, you clean or russia could hits the plants in sewage. yeah. and if that was the case, as means it was what that would mean for russia itself and the rest of you. so russia was, of course, traditionally the source of old hydrocarbon for the most part, not exclusively, but for the most part, all hydrocarbons that europe was using. she was level of dependency 4050 percent dependency. and that means that at this point, it would be rushes last remaining access for a, for pipeline gas into europe. that would have an impact on russia, but probably not a huge one economically. because again, there's not that much gas currently translating through sutra, but with nordstrom lot in north spring to down. and with some of the other bands that have gone in place in europe, russia would then have to pivot exclusively east china to find
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a buyers for its natural gas. but the russian economy is much more dependent on its oil export revenue than it is on its gas revenue at this point. and despite western sanction efforts, russian gas, excuse me, boils remains extremely available on international markets, the very fund triple commodity. right? and as you said, area still some european countries are purchasing some gas from russia, despite all that fostering that's a, that's if the focus to nuclear safety you as nuclear watchdog has expressed concerns about the situation. how does that, what are easy on youtube? plants all power. how close are we to a potential disaster? the real answer to that is that we are not that close. and there are a couple of reasons for this. to start with this operation, nuclear power plant is already been shut down. now of course, it takes a very long time, hundreds of years for nuclear fuel and nuclear reactions to be brought down to
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a safe temperature. so what's going on now is that it is slowly cooling inside the reactor core of the plant. the main risk is that the cooling systems will be somehow separate from the inputs that they need, which in this case is water and electricity. when russia bombs, that can cause put down and the hydro electric station there, the entire reservoir. it's escaped, so to speak and flooded. the, the massive area beneath the down. that was the water source. that's the, as operation nuclear power plant was relying on to keep itself cool. with out that there are risks that said you're not looking at a triple style disaster should one occur and that's because there isn't anything in the central core that could burn as so you'd be looking at something more like a sort of shame, a disaster. but at this point to the area around is not usually populated the behind at the front line of the war for so long. and again,
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the power point itself has been shut down. right. so we are there on the east in europe, energy experts, thank you for your insights. that's i got some more stories making headlines around the world. but i was in need of alexander lucas single claims. ukraine has stationed more than 120000 troops along the border between the 2 nations. because single says almost at that of but i was as ami has been sent to the frontier and response. russia invaded ukraine from lucy and territory when the war began. in 2022, the sedan house declared the colorado pedantic as weeks of heavy rain contaminates drinking water. authorities are appealing for agency money to an aid for thousands of people are displaced by slot in the eastern states of casala is badly affected. thousands of indians have joined doctors and medical stuff to test into rape and
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met our pc military meaningful kata. many doctors have stayed away from way beyond . the end of the nationwide strike, the streets is demanding the halts to violence against women and types of security in hospitals. you are a secretary of state, down to the blinking his head into the middle east to present the new plan for you, sci fi and gaza even us. these are all carries out more strikes the how miles run the guys are helping these recess. 11 palestinians, including 6 children, were killed in an attack on the central city of their obama. the u. s. remains of domestic about the team and they ceased file. but how mouse which covered off the until about 7 to terror attacks have said any science of progress and illusion and accuses these are all of negotiating in bad faith. it hits the sites that just becomes sadly, all too familiar. so the people have gaza. another set of bodies carried away in bags. as mourners watch on helpless day. i know the night is rarely asked. i killed
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the mother, father, and the 6 children as they slipped through tears the grandfather of the dead children tried to make sense of the southern mass of loss. so many of those that he loved. and my daughter and her husband and the 6 children was saved on almost a street in the deal, a bundle area. when a minute so struck them completely destroying the apartment. the mother died and all 6 children perish. the whole family, the oldest child was 15 and the youngest, the and the half and all what was their crying and i was 10 months into this devastating bull garza is teetering on the brink. food is still scarce. the health system is on its knees, and the un says 9 out of 10 people and now internally displaced some many times i. nonetheless, the white house has said that optimistic a ceasefire can be reached between is that into a mass. the mass is cold,
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that's optimism and illusion. and even if a deal can be reached, so many people here in gaza, it's already saw too late. i asked generalised by the sliding intelligence while the us secretary of state so so achieve during his visit. these are a yes, this is the last visit that was due to arrive later today and then meet with the prime minister that's in the office tomorrow morning. a briefing him or uh, pressuring them also into accepting the latest the concessions that were made or adult about that you wouldn't be a miss on it and don't last week. now from what i understand of leaking is going to talk to them about the issue that and that setting kind of door, which is the card. well that's, that's the gotta trip into to nothing the, all the matter,
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the american or any other method that would ensure that the no arms middleton said with a move would be gone. the gauntlet familia, from the south, the middle in the 1st phase of the deal. that's one issue. i would assume that they will. so somebody feel a busy car doors, extra work and you know, as to demand the residence to residence there. these do, will be discussed personally, the americans with their holes to reach the far deals that it will be cited in this week. uh, maybe that could be more pressure miss, also on the mediators. but the question still, whether the mediators or any of the possible pressure from us, right? i mean, this needs to be a sort of steel made when it comes to cease by itself, isn't it? because while talks continue, these are all competing against. i imagine guys also going on with so many civilians losing the lice in the process. doesn't that we can ease rouse position
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in negotiations as well. measures sources are saying that the, the is really the military strength to maximize its achievements before any seized fire deal because of the fact that you're in this, these bar there will be no really presidents there or at least parsons, really present in the phillip if the car door, also nothing populated area, the units little bit or any other. yeah. in the trying to maximize now been a few minutes before almost 2 or 3. couple of days itself during that season for maybe in the future is busy for continues the same, which is the permanent, the fire up between his ro come off. that's one issue a bit. but the other thing is that i have been proven that the only way to pressure the super deal is now to pressure knock. us are not the gym and of course
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not. you ask them, put more pressure on this right now when we're talking about the same person that is the chief of the military or a dog audience in work in the same person. now, in the political level as little after this as a nation of the year a couple of weeks ago. right, right. journalist felicia flooding in tel aviv. thank you. thank you. the veteran frank film style alonda alone has died at the age of 88. he matched us, one of the principal actors of the 1960 river had by fans and critics for his own screen presence. that alone was also often in the headlines for his to multiple personal life. in his later years, he lived quietly in rural friends. this is a reminder about top start as our, the queen size that has destroyed another bridge being used to supply russian forces. and the cost region is the 2nd time you clean has struck
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a bridge over the river. said assets forces press on whether i can cash and into russia. that's all for now up. next choices x. what are your a city dweller? i've had for ready to live close. that's a nature. i am eddie micah junior. we have more news that have top of the the get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota for look, surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one to talk to me before the end, the unexpected side to side, the togetherness at the place even just came off of the to julie
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zullie the.


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