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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the don't you use live from berlin, more pressure on vladimir approved in the as ukraine hits another key bridge inside russia. it's the 2nd major infrastructure target to keep says it's destroyed in recent days as its forces consolidate gains in the course. grades also coming up. you a secretary of state antony blink and begins his 9th visit to the middle east since the start of the war and gaza to push a cease fire climbed at hamas calls an illusion. israel's prime minister accuse this time us of being up since the
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pop up phone in the us. welcome to the program you praying for us to say they've destroyed a 2nd bridge and rushes course region as they attempt to disrupt moscow is combat operations and supply routes. ukraine is still battling russia within its own borders, but after defending homes. so for 2 and a half years, keeps troops are now securing a foothold inside. southern russia, ukraine's 1st contra offensive on russian soil is taking aim of critical infrastructure and the cost region. to key bridges over the same river were destroyed by ukrainian forces over the weekend. frustrating rushes ability to resupply troops try and defend off ukraine's incursion. for more than 11 days into the sold ukraine is digging in. keep wants to shift the dynamics of the 2 and a half year war and its favor. after moscow's 2022 invasion for ukraine's troops,
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the on presidential ground to sold marks a new stage and the conflict. taking the war to the invaders home turf wasn't, of course it's preferable to fight some that temperature it would be best if they weren't on our it's haven't yet. so that's what i'd call victory label. they always have to put them on. russia claims that us supplied high mars ms. silas are being used in the attack. ukraine is not commented on this, although the us and it's nasal allies have authorized keith to use their weapons to attack targets inside russia. president vladimir zalinski has renewed his call for the west to supply longer range weapons as it tries to take god critical infrastructure. keep claims to have seized over a 1000 square kilometers, and course including su, job. when i was a bose, the city is still being cleared up. the subject is already fully under control, but the different zones, different basements, we're finding russians and catching them. otherwise,
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the situation remains tens for the troops continue to advance. the enemy tries to enter with small sabotage groups, lifestyle, and everybody destroys. and let's see, for those couple to see just the last major transit points for russian pipeline ga, still heading for your reply ukraine, just under half of russia's gas exports to your come through. here are questions about whether god's problem could use the fighting as an excuse to hold gas exports biased to jump prematurely to the security of energy. infrastructure is a key factor in the conflict. most goes atomic agency. rosa tom was warned of growing crisis of nuclear power plants in cost, and then russian occupies upper asia and ukraine, ukraine's targeting of rushes infrastructure as whitening ukrainian drones also attacked an oil storage facilities in russia, southern rust of region early sunday morning, sparking a large fire 3, a, j u n t is an eastern europe energy policy experts. we asked her how close
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operational is to a nuclear disaster. the real answer to that is that we are not that close. and there are a couple of reasons for this to start with this operation, nuclear power plant is already been shut down. now of course, it takes a very long time, hundreds of years for nuclear fuel and nuclear reactions to be brought down to a safe temperature. so what's going on now is that it is slowly cooling inside the reactor core of the plant. the main risk is that the cooling systems will be somehow separate from the inputs that they need, which in this case is water and electricity. when russia bombs, that can cause put down and the hydro electric station there, the entire reservoir, it's escaped, so to speak and flooded. the, the massive area beneath the down. that was the water source. that's the as operation nuclear power plant was relying on to keep itself cool with out that there are risks that said, you're not looking at
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a triple style disaster should one occur. and that's because there isn't anything in the central court that could burn as so you'd be looking at something more like a freak of shame, a disaster. but at this point to the area around is not usually populated the behind at the front line of the war for so long. and again, the power point itself has been shut down us secretary of state anthony blinking has begun his 9th visit to the mid least since the war began to push a new plan for a cease fire and gaza. even as israel carriage act, more air strikes, the hum us run, the guys a health industry says at least 17 palestinians, most from the same family were killed in an attack near the central city of there or by the us remains optimistic about retrieving us. he's far behind us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. i said, any signs of progress are an illusion and accuses israel of negotiating in bad
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faith. it's a site that has become sadly old to familia. so the people have gaza. another set of bodies carried away in bags is more as watch on helpless day. i know the night is really i strike killed the mother, father, and the 6 children. as i slipped through tears, the grand father visited their children, tried to make sense of the southern must've lost so many of those that he loved. my daughter and her husband and the 6 children was saved on almost a street in the bundle area. when i'm is so struck them completely destroying the apartment. the mother died and all 6 children parish, the whole family, the oldest child was 15 and the youngest, the and the half and all what was there crime? no one else. 10 months into this devastating bull, gaza is teetering on the brink. food is still scarce. the health system is on its
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knees. and the un says 9 out of 10 people and now internally displaced some, many times i've. but nonetheless, the white house has said that optimistic a ceasefire can be reached between is that into a mass. the mass is cold, that's optimism and illusion. and even if a deal can be reached, so many people here in gaza, it's already saw too late. is ready. negotiators have expressed cautious optimism about reaching a ceasefire deal, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu accuses thomas of dragging its feet and book . i should not do so. i'm most remains opposite. end of it hasn't even sent a representative to the tullocks. and bill ha, therefore the pressure should be directed as a mazda and his leaders in war, not at these really governmental them. i'm trying to dislike over, joined nearby dw, corresponding phoenix thompson, who joins us from jerusalem. felix,
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great to see you. so us secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived and israel, it's his latest visit to the region since the war began october. is he hoping his in person meetings will help get a ceasefire and hostage deal? so yeah, absolutely. i think that's the biggest hope that would result of the strip. um, as mentioned in the report, there is a sense of careful optimism here and is related. but at the same time, it needs to be said that such a d, a fios a bit more, a bit more for the way that is being communicated. there are also some core issues to be agreed between both sides. i do think this visit also has another element which uh, needs to be mentioned in the context. and that is the message it sends towards iran and seized by law and their, their reactions to, of, to both the head is by law person ended up on, on. and of course,
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the reaction to the, to the, to the death of the hamas officer in the tier on hasn't not happened so far. and i think this visit eventually blinking sends out a message of we still stand by our allies in the middle east by having said that idea to um, at least in terms of how things look like from here, isn't very likely any time soon. no sealants. well, these toilets are taking place, the warrant guys, a continues, we're still seeing many civilian deaths. doesn't that we can israel's position in negotiations? sadly enough. uh, the answer seems to be no. on the one hand you will have is read. uh which uh sees its military operations as part of its all peroration of, uh, getting the hostages out of guys off. um and on the other hand you have come, us was uh, which positions. uh,
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also uh did not seem to change or the results of the uh, is really abortion in garza. so it seems like both sides um, seem to, uh, go further and for the release war and until the deal is rich there, there is no. there is no end in sight to the fighting in gaza and of course the, the worse ending humanitarian situation in gauze are unfortunately the problem is this to continue tanks, village dw correspondence, felix time. so to injury. so let's take a look now, some more stories making headlines around the world. heavy rain has had australia causing flooding and the capital vienna, the city. so it's the largest recorded summer dime force in over a 150 years. a woman was critically injured after being swept under a bus by the floods or better as indeed her eyes underneath. the shankar claims and ukraine has stationed more than
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a 120000 troops along the border between the 2 nations. shanker says, almost a 3rd of better risk. his army has been sent to the frontier. in response, russia invaded you brain from better routing territory when the war began in 2022. so john has declared a cholera epidemic as weeks of heavy rank contaminate drinking water. authorities are repeating for urgent to humanitarian aid. for thousands of people displaced by flooding. the eastern state of casala is badly affected. sizes of indians have joined doctors and medical staff, protesting the rape and murder of a female training info counter. many doctors have stayed away from work beyond the end of a nationwide strike. demonstrators are demanding a whole to violence against women and tighter security and hospitals. and the warranty done has displaced more than $11000000.00 people since fighting between the government and rebel forces broke out last year. people have slide 2,
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neighboring chad sides to sit down and kenya where are corresponded. phoenix, maureen, met a group of soup needs creatives. they're using art to raise awareness of the conflict in their home at at inside remains of gotten one photographer and that gives me knowledge flips again, 6 months. i go after classes around, he's hometown that left many people did. he's one of a group. also dennis, at least 2 x, i independent copies on their walks, reflect the experiences of the country and the lives they left behind. and how are you ever seen this? i've never been over like this is not just a visual experience and or by then suddenly it's about the motions. people feel when they see my odd size, i mean, you can see the colors. and the depiction of young old people escobar, who was being displaced and dying for years. i mean, these really you,
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so anyone viewing my autistic work should be able to feel the essence of these places for a while in the night. when i did. and i just showcasing the walks in the gallery, they're giving a voice to the forgotten war and the media. so people display thousands of can only tests by the heaps of dodge is the q data for the rest. fancy dancy, you hope things to be so kind of help keep the public focus on the wall. seem holds elastic solution, confirm for his own country. for this exemption allows for people to learn about the situation to understand about the situation, to understand how this person is affecting people. and what's important to you right now is by september, if the conflict does not stop or the odd se fluids um for 8. uh, are not open we, we are losing 2000000 people. do to find that, and that's not, that's not the little number that's the highest the, you know, this is one of the highest humanitarian crisis in the world and maybe even in
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history. so i feel like this exhibits in, as it becomes even more important, more dire to have that the hopes to see example, the dancing is boom, country tend to silence. and that's a down to the and lasers piece. it was the keep your mind off for democracy protest before the war began to run fiber back in. and at the start of the 2018 revolution . young people like me dreamt of achieving a sudan that is free, peaceful and equal. if i have the authority, i would have implemented the idea of freedom of peace and equality, how good it can be that the audio video chat at the and finally, the veteran french film, star alon dental, has died at the age of $88.00. he emerged as one of the principal actors of the 19 sixty's revered by finds and critics for his on screen presence. dental was also often in the headlines for his tooth, which was personal life. in his later years, he lived quietly in rural france and also for an hour of next sports
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life me to a spanish dance troupe whose members are on the older side, but still have become patient's state. you in for that on top of all. yes, for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand. this is the day i'm in debt. look at the current use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is the weekdays on dw, can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands.


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