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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 19, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the new of life from button and a fresh drive to end the war in god's us secretary of state. that name lincoln begins, has 9th with this to the middle east. since the start of the conflict to force shall cease fire plan, but home law schools and a nuisance is as prime minister uses him also being officer. and also coming up some of the habits hits the campaign, treated the us, vice president riley's supporters and the keys state of pennsylvania ahead of the democratic convention where she would be confirmed as the policies candidates for president the
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member such as well. thank you for joining us. us secretary of state asked me blinking is misread to present a new plan for the ceasefire. and guys, though it's blinking the 9th visit to the middle east since the war began. the new proposals include them and to also the to use for the initial 6 weeks, but him, us, which kept it out talk to but 7 instead of attacks has said any signs of progress audit and use. and the group says the plan drawn up by the us accommodates it is, but does not meet its own conditions for releasing hostages and violence. rarely, negotiators have expressed cautious optimism about reaching a ceasefire. d from mr. benjamin netanyahu accuse us a mazda of dragging its feet and a book. i sure love you so much remains opposite end of it hasn't even sent a representative to the tullocks and bill ha, therefore, the pressure should be directed as a mazda and his leaders in war. not at these really governmental them. i'm trying to dislike steve. that'd be correspondence. felix tom salt in jerusalem says that
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our hopes of ceasefire can be reached but also complications. is this general sense of cautious optimism at the same time it needs to be said that the, until they blinked and visit to the region has another a context. i would say to the extent that over the negotiation, there is the issue of iran and he's by law waiting with you to retaliate on the killings of for ciocca. he's by law chief and this month the, the how much chief a kid in tehran. and basically this is basically the, the whole issue of their retaliation looms over the negotiations. i think the mediator is also have the issue in mind that sort of ceasefire be reached an all out war in the region could be prevented. that's why they're hoping to reach a deal by the end of this week. i need this, felix done so back into
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a little slow now before and sneak banking to arrive to present the newest used by our plan is there. i've got a lot more to stride some guys up, but i'm also, i'm headed to industry says at least 17 palestinians, most from the same family, were killed in stripes near the central city of theodore butler. it's a site that has become sadly, all too familiar to the people of gaza. another set of bodies carried away in bags as mourners watch on helplessly and the night is rarely striped, killed the mother father, and the 6 children as they slipped through tears. the grandfather of the dead children tried to make sense of the southern massive loss of so many of those that he loved. and my daughter and her husband and the 6 children was safe on almost a street in the deal, a bundle area when a minute. so struck them completely destroying the apartment. the mother died and
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all 6 children perish. the whole family, the oldest child was 15 and the youngest, the and the half and all what was their crying and all 10 months into this devastating bull garza is teetering on the brink. food is still scarce. the health system is on its knees, and the un says 9 out of 10 people and now internally displaced some many times i. nonetheless, the white house has said that optimistic a ceasefire can be reached between is that into a mass. the mass is called, that's optimism, an illusion. and even if a deal can be reached, so many people here in gaza, it's already saw too late. that's the now to some of the stories making headlines that are on the world. the police, as far as say, a man was killed in tel aviv on sunday when the bomb
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b was carrying exploded up also by it was wounded. a tartar tease on, investigating the incident. russian president vladimir fulton has arrived mazda by john for to the states, visits azerbaijan, the preston, in an idea of method auction leader at the airport in baku, according to the kremlin, the tube and horde inform, installed the full finding agreements, expending best strategic partnership. benediction leader, alexander lucas, and got him to create hesitations, more than a 120000 troops along the border between the 2 nations. new concerned gulf. all, most of total fellers has army has been sent to the frontier and just want to know certain way to do a trade from. but it was intentionally when the war began in 2022 china and the philippines. save the ship, south carolina in the disputed south china sea input shed by china state board gospel a ship identified by basing. as the philippine russell, it seemed running into the left side of
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a chinese ship. the philippine saves 2 of its ships have been damaged in collisions . it's now us vice president cumberland. how does, has taken out presidential campaign to pennsylvania? one of the key states likes you to determine november's election. addison bought on a bus store ahead of the democratic national convention in chicago, which begins on monday, should be confirmed as the parties candidate for november as president of the election. the democratic nominee, camelot harris touch, down in pennsylvania. the battle ground state that the policy needs to win again this presidential race and one that have rivaled donald trump took in 2016 paris and her running mate. tim was still writing a wave of excitement in the early stages. the campaign and democratic party support to set out their hopes for the rights for the presidency. i grew up in the seventy's. we had no rights. we were less than. we were treated
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differently. and to see a woman like her who is not only a woman of color and different nationalities, rise above all the stuff that i had to go through. it's amazing. hopefully she will be our 1st woman president. something that i never thought i would see in my life time. so this is very, very exciting is i have hope for like i have a ton of student long dead from law school. and it's just like, i don't know if i left the house and it's just, it's nice to know that like, if harris wins and she suggests that horace is attracting me women voters than her opponent the republican candidates donald trump. but the race between the 2 candidates is tight, especially in pennsylvania, where trump also held raleigh's over the weekend. during
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a series of small scale personal events. hi, iris appeared to control her leadership style with dots of her opponent. and the frankly, over the last several years, there's been this kind of the perversion that has taken place, i think, which is to suggest which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who will be down when what we know is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on we lift up that we see a spring. we know what the strength looks like. but it's how it responds in chicago for the democratic national convention. pro palestinian demonstrates as a bad to unhappy with the way president biden has continued to support israel in its war and gaza. to do that because washington go see if you're into sports at the
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venue of the democratic national convention in chicago. she told me audio what we can expect in the coming days. while you know you're already can feel the excitements here in the united central rep is a big, strong willed start tomorrow. and we can expect some really style power here in chicago. tomorrow will be open by hillary clinton, who will be introducing the sitting president. i drove by it and this will be his last big speech kind of off his political life. so this is the 1st day, this is the kick off of the d n. c, 2024. then on tuesday we will have both obama as michelle obama and former president brock obama. on wednesday we will have bill clinton and governor was to be paid off coming to harris. and then of course it's thursday is going to come along. harrigeville approach the nation and this d and c here herself. and you know, we covered the are and see the republican national convention in milwaukee
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a little bit more than the months ago in the comparison couldn't be bigger. there are no former president. and here we have all former presidents, of course, jimmy cost with concrete, here he is too old and too ill. but even he said, you know, i just want to stay as long. i live to be able to vote for come with an hour or so . a lot of stop power is expected here in chicago over the next couple of days. that's quite a line up. and this is where it has it is expected to formally be declared as the democratic party nominee. yet, she's also been criticized for the fact that she did not witnessing the priority. how should we, i think of that there. so of course the initial, you know, this is unprecedented, the present bite and just the nodes one months ago that she is not running again. and that kind of turned everything upside down. it's not only that it's coming to her is was not officially nominated through a primer reprocess. there's also a lot of chris, it's a criticism from the era of american community and also other americans who do not
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agree of is the israel policies of the bite and the administration of which criminal errors is of course, also part. and we expect a lot of protests outside the outside this venue and we already saw protest as he had coming together ahead of the conventions. the expected thousands of people of more than spend 2 different tools will make their voices that they do not agree with the israel politics of the vitamin terrace white. so before she has to chicago, how does the different spring state of pennsylvania right now and it's the same time a strong how is she trying to appeal to what does that? yeah, it's crucial for her to win over these things. states, pennsylvania, of course, is one of them, and so you need to reach the middle child, so you need to win them back both sides that a president biden is not strong enough any longer to start forces from china
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and other competing world power associates there. and that's one reason why she picked a governor was because he has this kind of like a browse through the middle jobs into the world. so this is helping out, but you know, for her, it will be crucial. not only talk about how kind of sympathetic she is, the middle class and the working class. she needs to present policies which are convincing. and that was dw, as washington go to see fitness for in chicago. now to talk you with. hi vince in hot weather. have been feeling wild fires in the west and fox the country. more than a $130.00 separate blazes. i broke it out. i told her to say more so now on the controller . thousands had to leave the homes and businesses around the coastal city of is moved. as the flames checked into one of talk is biggest urban areas.
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in tens, wild fires have covered the forests and valleys around is mir and smoke. and ash the flames have scorched large areas, ranking houses, and businesses, and forcing thousands of people to evacuate. some have been able to return to assess the damage. you don't, i don't live on them. my animals were on that side of the hill. it was a disaster when the fire broke out, we tried to do as much as we could, but we failed. we couldn't save the animals. we lost them all. i don't want it done . we've lost everything. livestock farm it is over. our olive trees are gone and our gardens are burnt. right now. we have almost nothing 30. we have no electricity hit rock bottom and the residents have shared video showing the fires, approaching their homes and is mere over 40 buildings have been damaged and the
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city alone and dozens of people have been taken to hospital suffering from burns. sorry to say the biggest places are now under control, a kind of an odd cuz i said it was between digital units that are friends on the ground have been working all night long in the hills behind us regarding letty up to that. and they're still working on the order, but there is no longer any threat to the city. you know, i'm that i'm having to be with this column of the several to just regions, especially near the coasts, have been ravaged by wild fires in recent years. as summers have become harder and dryer because of climate change. officials were in the risk of more fires in the notes in the west remains high. that saw from us for now, but stick around if your cam as do open us, looks at ways to use the ocean as
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a source of an issue that's up next off the big. don't forget, you can, all of us get more news on our website at w dot com and to follow us on portion. we don't handle this number such as far from all of us here in bullet to tax you for being with us. the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight screen, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we all mine because no one should have to.


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