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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  August 19, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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of the whales, the ocean comes today's september dw, the hello and welcome to the 77 percent. so my name is edith kimani, and this week were coming to you from tennis capital and one of the country's culture hubs. nairobi under special editions. so we'll meet young people from all over the continents, will dedicated themselves to improving our lives. passionate musicians that says and all around creative. here's what they've lined up for you. forget to see the big doesn't life helps as old needs to be an artist adult, to hear the sounds of congo. it's with special custom made
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instruments and thank you guys. he runs out we meet breakdown. think probably when you will teach us a move or 2, as mentioned earlier and they will be is the hub for create and it's become a backdrop for young talents. creates and content for the view as so we'll be speaking to some of them later. but 1st, let's take a little deep water than they do in town, or you may say, where the tunes perform. ah, a true last of these crafts resides, then i do have cups. a comes from a long line of blacksmith and keeps with tradition using crap as his preferred raw material. however, you will not believe what you create out of that trash. let's take a look where there is for, for low cost on the call my, so the, well, the federal republic of nigeria monotonous cop to, i'm a painter. i do more of what i call recycling costs. funding crisis. traces
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are used with other visual language to my i the most viewed my human forms to communicate my thoughts about medicines. i a i also use the most of metal for to, to talk about, you know, that the environmental dickens. i'll use them as a mentor for to, you know, to preach recycling on the upside. due to his characteristic, lisa, energetic approached, uses found objects and discarded trash to carefully multi broadcasting. it's a way of connecting a culture who did pass to a technological charged and often waste press case. one of my recent piece i'm working on now. it's mixed all the computer pots on the panos with a different brooklyn industrial waste by using groupon out of 50 plus rates of this
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young lady, to not be count phase with the alpha kind of style. and they printed the lips. we also based paints i have constantly derived joy in bending, causing, you know, henri shipping all of this up, just so these kind of forms that i want to achieve. i filled out my works out there, appealed to them motion of the i live like i use my walk to talk about provides i use my work to talk about culture. this is a rock that i'm working on now to kind of imagine i love that. that is okay. they take this less. sculpture has been 12 months of the make combining, cast bronze with salvage scraps like sewing motorcycle and even rubber hoses gear. i like crime. i on the miles because they are very strong. i job.
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oh, laugh i love it. i love to enjoy sitting on them and experiencing the strengths in the muscles and yeah, yeah for c, durable strong is going to last the test of time. of some of my walks you would see the heat in if it had been in rooms, even in some of my sculptures. yeah, i tried to use them to, to tell the story of our affinity and our of our impact, our global impact in terms of met the forgery. carefully cop ted roles was and i was excellence cross my she the, the region where the tune is based has been on the forefront of metallurgical innovation since at least the 13th century. and the lineage, middle craftsmanship,
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is one that his family shares my fault, 5 hours of blocks meet my grandfather. i was in mid walker. my father was uh, while he's still in mechanic. so it has been a need be you know, do you by culture basically is i think is the buckboard the hallmark on which my scrap all my hybrid cup to relies on. and i, i don't that continues to me to, to save and protect my own heritage. i feel so fulfilled that i am tanya rubbish to these. and i'm talking with wells. what do you want to do that? uh, nissan is called c dot, the junky out of the width probably wouldn't go on nation. right. and you guys close to that? uh, the whole country. some of was myself on my colleagues can change and not
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ready to leave with our creativity and the creativity. continue with each stroke of the hammer and every blast from the welding. good. helping to fuse and i do re is metal working past with its artistic future. right, so the tune is obviously an incredibly gifted scope to who has somehow managed to stand out from the crowd pain. it will be a lot of creative, a trying to do just that rehearsing almost in their regular basis just so that they can be handled. that is, and behind we have some dentist have agreed to speak to us and we're going to find out what they're doing. let's see. hi everyone. can i? can i join this? that's good. yeah. yeah, yeah. ok before, before we start dancing, let me introduce you guys. uh, joshua, that's your name, right. can you tell me what you guys are doing, dancing in the middle of the street? seen a ruby 1st of all this expression. yeah, shedding are partial of it for each other. so what you're trying to do here is to
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show the energy on the i think, happiness most of, most of the month. that's the most thing that there we are trying to do here. energy and happiness. but most is i know that you guys also come here on like the weekends on sundays and dancing with a lot of people. what's that about? basically what the doing the streets, you normally teach people dunces. you cannot to even join us every sunday which is kids. you even adults. it sounds like there's a very positive spin around all of this because honestly, i thought you were doing this for money. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, not even though the sense though. okay, no, yeah. well, what's, what's coming to mind when you are doing this is we know this someplace that you paid under. we know so many people don't have money. so what you want to share people is to give them something for free, which they would never forget that or life. i love that. do you think this is what makes you guys stand out and we do it because it's about giving that to people.
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second thing is the streets, it's free. you can actually come once and is that we just being done. so if you get some want to get to the good gets to see some of these feel free. no payment. and um, basically yeah, yeah, that's all about it. enough talking, can we see some decimals? yeah, so you're just it, 1234. step 44. and by then 4 and, but i have your hands the, uh huh. 1234, then open and close. so we're going to be returning to the dance as in just a shotwell, but let's leave nairobi for a 2nd to see what's happening in the heart of africa. congo, the country has been home to legendary music artists like pop a when, but i'm finally a cooper and now they've a new roof in town, tingling below to me up to the 2 chests. a base group produces some familiar applicant sounds, but use of unfamiliar instruments. like the tunnel before,
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remember he will, these guys make the instruments from scrap and the result is something that you go the one months trust is another man's treasure, or in this case, a musical instrument can shift. some music group can go look in the alta, makes music with things they find all the streets of the mega city. caustic buffaloes attendance resigned the same as a single string to tom made from a 10. com and the congress of the no tv such as a bass drum buffet, i can just tell you there's a trend in contrast to knowing that we're musicians a go look. but they're also visual artists who make costumes out of trash cans collected in the streets. would be the one in the rivers. well it's a kind of appeal electronic one ecological message equation telling people not to throw cans and so on into the gutters because it can clogged them well. you can take them and do something with them. we like or just recycle them pulling the off
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up. we take the shows. if he likes to click even in the scorching, often in some the members set out till the treasure hunt through the streets. and it's not long before they find something they can use this styrofoam here, done. i can put it in a bass drum. it makes it kicks on. deepest is like in rock music for an electronic music. ok. and it will fridge into, i'm not just picked up a string or my but i had a problem with my base, a string broke in the middle of the concert. so when i was out on the street, i found one. and now i can replace it, go to the can go look in the office music has inspired by that read to logical vision. the she had a touring america and you're performing the unique blend of music with a unique instruments. well, what lovely sounds, though,
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we heard from chester, but we're back in a row. be to perfect to a dance move. i don't want to continue this conversation with joshua associated with you. good. hi. uh, so we have buck and i just wanted to ask you something, you know, i know you told me that money is not the motivation for you doing this. so if this is not your source of income, what is so full and file we do have our own studio. we, i buy it, we are fully committed there. that's where we teach people like our permanent people. well, now we can check them. definitely, i am comfortable on the topic tools, not as you know, take a page through this uh, influencing the brands on to or to them. so it does swell. uh, stream of money comes from the, i mean you, you do sound very organized, but i wonder, do you feel that the government is supporting you as creative in this industry? so to me that nope, supporting us thing one percent like the streets. they've given us a chance to do, i'll, i'll, i do live activities. i'm sick and they'll give you enough like platforms well by
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you'll be given access to go perform in. that's what all the vents. but looking at the future, not just of dancing, but of creativity. in general and young people who just want to be in the us. what do you think the government can do better or what would you wish to? um for me, what to do, i would want government to do or to suggest for them is to create a uh, on santa web i, they kind of employed these units. okay. so for now we, we cannot uh deal with them on. so for us, it's so hard on those, all you find downsize, a no deductible on it, you might find the school dropouts. so this would be an opportunity to teach them fine on. so you know this most more things that people don't know. so because we don't have a done center yet and we on the streets, which is why we done, should we continue with that my, my lessons the
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one i did the, the guys thank you so much put you to me here and there will be, we say i'm a quarter to 2, which means i'm still very rough around the edges, but that's ok. you know, who isn't bill? these incredible breakdown says from godaddy one to apparently they have some really good ones. and the best part is the also inclusive of a look. i remember them we i they, i school body. i say guy was doing doing this rick done stuff. been from dallas like was this looks cool and then i was like just to try it before i started because i was cool. but then i me think guys from move,
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they were both. so i was sure this is someone spinning the other one was spinning on his buck. so it's like if you find me breakdown, that's the stuff that you know from the us music feed, used underground people, but it was the ship's. the nice thing it's, you've done seen what is also called the fascination of done. so think you got the money memorial and you got them but i like so by god it's phone is the computer internationally started yet one breakdowns festival. well this to have a few hurdles to overcome. that can be so good or you can center inc. you gotta use the school to alex and i might have 3 it for the community to be boys in vehicles. and you can most experienced census everybody when you're starting to break it. it's the kind of introduction for yourself like your, this is me, and i'm here at the flow. you know, so it's, i'll say the plus plus plus that you have to do stuff for you to. julie said i missed on this. we are owners here at the youth center to walk,
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to gain more experience, but that's all what we'd love to dance. that is part of us. what is freeform? the bounce lends itself to just about everybody. i mean 2019 the to started encourage in different edwards today and would be nice to move in the looking for the people in the streets. you know, some of the big on the streets does, does the stage in the, in the home without going any way. uh, what was supposed to be a month cause ended up with a sub. this went up to could buy shut down, screw, and up the phone. and i think he's got a brick, insightful festival. they, they, they performed a movie performance. every one was still and people cried. that's it. for the 2. i chose does for 3 reasons. one, it is tear up, you take your number too much. sometimes when i take too long without doing sports
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and dance, my buddy's defense. and i've also gained confidence and self esteem before i was too shy to perform in front of people. but because of dance, i am no longer afraid that's in their new monthly alexa, the money organize to congratulate breaking cycle festival, which includes stem cells from all over the world. for the dentist activities. aaron's only confines to the one that competitions outside is tough. we got introduced them to another level of break. it was written. some can see that's way good. like it shows to cover for the 1st time in the chain. does this the believe in, you know, for the idea and they, when i was going to compete with min. so it was, yeah, i was no bus. but i said, yeah, i know i do a bad thing, but i'm gonna be presenting yolanda, so and the stuff big guy flags the i have to do my best. rwanda has no official
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breakdown situation. and so, while breakdowns this stuff, it's making his debut at olympics entering to take the full these sensors weren't able to compete for the qualifies for this team. i work into what's making that happen in the future. i think this is the right time for our freak up, you know, come on the road map that this photo is now resolved. renee's 10 different durations if they are working, the government comes in so that there is a big move of main general since our dreams every, every in the boys has that to be to be in that stage. and they confident that the goal is done. so it's have both the talent and the we will to make it so i think we can all agree that those are some pretty cool dads moves from the guy lead. i wish i could. i'm not going to embarrass. i felt that was pretty cool, but you've got you has incredible breakdown, says nairobi has talented photographers and the some who are in the city. they
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actually as i understand it here every day to try and get an income by photographing people. so let's try and see if they'll talk to us. hi, my name is it is same. same on. okay. can you please tell me a little bit about what you do here? well, all these photographers and what do you explain what to do here? you take pictures that we have, but there's that this, the t, there's a lot to do. and then i say do music videos over here to our clients. there's a space to that isn't going to be here. if it's not being, you wouldn't be here if it doesn't say well, i like that. thank you so much for speaking to us. uh now i did mention that we are going to be taking a tour of the continent, and so they will be is not where we are focused. so let's go silver to south africa where we meet an incredible legend. he is responsible for the 1st african series, an inmate that seems to be produced by disney. we asked him a few questions and he had some very incredible things to say, watch with the animation industry growing in south africa,
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many estimates as likely single, foster being recognized globally for the type. it's like being paid for how be, you know, what i mean the and i was growing up. i didn't see myself on the screen and i have to run home to us generally. so we decided along with my partner to start something that looked like us sounds like of the dispute has been running. he used to do for a number of years now, but he's mission has always been to increase the visibility of african stories through animation. now this, so it's a born estimate to is a director of the 1st african series on disney plus sci fi animation and found the g offering a futuristic view of the continent. there was
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a 135. i think there it goes, invited to page across africa, the 3 requirements, 10 minutes, hopeful future and it must have hopeful future and future worth. so as i fi, and i was one of the ones i've got selected, the, you know, the wealth of stories update meaning to in africa. it's of the so much that we haven't tapped into. and if we don't do it, it's going to be done for us. it's already starting to happen the from a fine or find his degree at vincent of is to to a post graduate diploma animation. let's see, hold ventured to fund for a mazda is that black becoming the 1st african estimate to ever selected. despite this prestigious charity teaching remains his passion. back in south africa,
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he co founded the model of animation academy in japan, his bit between 219 so i went to the parents to learn from the business, goes down to this school in the world. and even in the interview to get into the and i said, i want to come to, to learn what you guys do to come back and do it. and that's essentially what i did . there's a proof of graphics from beginning that when the mendoza library buttons though, the so much that i've learned that i can just keep to myself it's, it's, it's useless. it's important for me because if it's important for the young people that are coming up, it means they can see the same future that i see the way that i have taught. and the way that i have notes cuz i'm or the older generation, i still start on paper. so i still start with something that looks like this. so i do my reps on paper because the computer has and do
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and the detriment does not include here, especially when a go with the muckle or pen does have to do it again. and i know what i'm going to fix once i scan them and then i put them on the machine. i went to fits, i wanted to do integration. i didn't think about kerry, i didn't think about money. i wanted to do anybody's input. they said there's no animation that's fine on, so i did find out. i do not regret that decision that place open my mind. so animation, i'm self taught so even to get into mobile and it was with a self taught things and that could be always good enough. when i talked to myself in the mission, i was in so a tone with like as remember they used to get to memory sticks of that. and it was like one gig a month. i would watch animation and try to copy it and think it was good enough and then when i played back, so it was a lot of trial and error. so a comprehensive i to of africa would only be completes with a visit to may goes. and i had the chance to visit this remarkable acktis nation and wanted to guide you in preston. the nick a us gallery is one of the largest and oldest in west africa and was in lagos. i
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had a chance to visit this multi story odds haven. and had a unique opportunity to speak with his found nick, a hassle funded in 2009 fine. a julian tech sto, autism advocate, oakland di this is west staff because the most extensive art gallery was wanted to come here. and today we have the unique opportunity of speaking with me. k a, some young people who tell us what's ok in africa next to them. policy and a 5 story building. it boost a collection of about $82019.00. i do an outward from various artists, including chief josephine obo, mccloud. the gallery aims to positively transform the long neglected offs and culture industry in a julia and encourage the growth of african cultural heritage. this gallery is a well known cultural sport and tourist destination in west africa,
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especially among young people, many of whom discovered it on social media. instagram, on every rough audio out in the color. so i was breaking them, coming to me is 9. as you already see here, the difference tries you have you have your advisor and all of these people make for either the case dream is to reach the age gap in our appreciation to provide streaming to young office and visual musical and performing arts. these artists then showcase best deals to guess demonstrating their traditions of earning a living. the space is open to opt into the old agents offering guest so unique opportunity
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to connect with their routes and forced a sense of community and pride. make a wants to show how often sense family tradition, community so i would love to go back to the case i'd gallery one day, but for now this is where we end this incredible round up of some of asked. because most, if i recreate them, please let us know what you think would love to hearing from you and you know where to find us. we are on all social media platforms, but i've still got some data. perfect, so i'll leave it here for now. thank you so much for watching by the, the, the, to
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youtube. d, w documentary, dw 416 docs vn, 5. every day, the world wide web for free. because we can make the different w call, the world unpack pulse of your info is in all the input u, v w story. now on to the, the, the,
10:00 am
this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. us secretary to state mc blinking says the window is closing for israel to bring hostages home from guys of lincoln visits, his real push for a cease fire deal with some us calling it a decisive moment to end the war. but the law says any announcements of progress or an illusion also coming out to warren guns, a cast a shadow over the race for us. president motors appalled by the palestinian death toll promised to abandon the democratic ticket, but coming to harris folks to win back their trust. and ukraine claims another blow
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to moscow supply lines. keith says it's destroyed a 2nd brute.


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