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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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of the wales, the ocean comes to the september. the th is calling its a decisive moment in the gaza seized by adults and the blinking health adults with israel's presidents, prime minister, and the defense chief on monday in what he called the best. and perhaps the last chance for a cease fire release of hostages and relief for the people of gaza. this is blinking night's visit since the october 7th tara tax by home us. well, this visit show all parties that the time has come for peace. i'm going to have that office and this is the day i of the
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this is the decisive moment that i expect not seen from this meeting because our prime minister is below king the hostage gene. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home. lincoln's visit to israel will not change anything. we hear this every time, but it's not true. the complete opposite is true enough to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better fat, to enjoy peace and security also on the day the democratic party may have gotten the boost window bite and stepped aside. so that come with a higher as run for the presidency. but many american muslims are a 5 by israel. osborne gaza,
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remain unimpressed. and in this election year they are a t demographic to take into account. donald trump has said what he would do and who he is. the democrats, on the other hand, are inconsistent. they'll say we understand the difficulties that, that are going on and we're trying, but we really can't do anything and that in reality, you know, and i know is andrew i'm good how the elf is good to have you with us. we begin to day in the middle east and a new week of efforts to reach a cease fire and gaza talks aimed at ending the fighting offset. to restart in cairo today, us secretary of state ants and the blinking was an israel pushing the chase. he met with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. often thoughts with the president lights of lincoln also met with israel's defense minister of home
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office, set any signs of progress or a quote illusion. the group says is, well, has added new demands of the latest thoughts and has refused to consider withdrawing all of its troops from gaza. that's a red line for home us, which carried out the of tobin 7 terror attacks against these. well, that's what it isn't to the us secretary of state. this is a decisive moment. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better path to enjoy peace and security. i'm here as part of and it has a diplomatic effort on present, binds instructions to try to get this agreement to the line and ultimately over the line. it is time for it to get done. it's also time to make sure that no one takes any steps the could derail this process. michael,
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same as managing director of the washington institute for near is policy in washington, dc out a form of senior direct uh for middle east affairs at the us national security council, michael anthony blinking has called his latest diplomatic push probably the best and maybe the last opportunity for us these 5 deal. is that a fair assessment? well, i think we are getting more optimistic taste now, some us officials, whereas in previous weeks there have been a lot of concern expressed by us officials about especially the attitude to be is really government worried that perhaps practice or not now was introducing new ways use removing the goal posts, i take some of this current optimism to suggest that perhaps those gaps have been close. it's important, remember though, that you know, of course, a mosse is refined matters as well. and we've yet to hear a positive or definitive response from us that suggests that they're ready to accept. this is finding out how moss as they have called it an illusion. but as
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a news conference, he gave off the tools blinking expressed some additional optimism. let's have a quick listen to what he said that just last week the president put forward a proposal with carter and with egypt to try to bridge the gaps that remained between the party so that we could get agreement to what the president put out there a couple of months ago in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu today, he confirmed to me that his real accepts the bridging proposal. now michael soon put this issue in layman's terms for us, what is the bridging proposal and how significant is disagreement with an attorney out in as well. i say, as i said, you know, there have been these differences. they haven't merge between united states and israel over the last several weeks. overdues use like, you know, for example, who will control and how will it be controlled at the, the israel. i'm sorry,
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the guys at egypt order to prevent more arms from coming into homicide. you know, how will people be allowed to move around the gaza strip after ceasefire agreement is reached? it does sound as though these gaps have been narrowed or closed and what and what the u. s. has put forward together with color in egypt and use a proposal meant to try to, to sort of make compromises on these types of issues as well as the many others which are under discussion. and so i think again, sector blank is optimism to suggest that he made progress in closing these gaps between us and as real. but we still, as i said, don't really have an indication as to whether mos will accept it. i think that us officials may hope that ron as bola and other parties in the region which are maybe are looking for a reprise for complex or looking for a pretext to help their how still it isn't israel, that they might put pressure on demoss. but again, it's ultimately youngest in war,
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and guys are the head of a boss who's the decider here. and he hasn't said yes. ok. so in your view, what remains the main sticking points on the past to deal as well. you know, the stitching point, you know, in a sort of near term sense is waiting to hear from us, whether they'll accept this deal, which apparently is acceptable to the us. it is real to the egyptian, and country mediators and so forth. but i think quite fundamentally, one thing we need to remember is that even though we talked about this deal as involving essentially a ceasefire on the one hand, the release of hostages in the pals indian prisoners on the other hand, in factories more at play here, present the problem is, and then y'all has, has promised total victory over a mos where's a modest wants to live, to fight another day and, and reconciling those 2 fundamental objectives is quite hard. so even if i cease fire agreement is reached, you know, it's tough to imagine that this won't simply be purely you 2 more fighting in the, in the months and the years to come without more fundamental changes on the ground
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there and gaza. now during this trip, lincoln is also repeatedly warned. it's time to make sure that no one takes quote, any steps that could derail this process. when, what was he referring to? well, i think the parties he has in mind when he says that our ron and his ball, because both iran and his ball and valid retaliation against israel for is barely stripes on their territory. but they have so far held off. now in my view, they have held off in large part because they may not want to fight a war with israel. they may worry that they would lose, or they would be severely damaged in a, in a world with israel. but they've promised essentially this fatality ation, and so they may be looking for a pretext to avoid it. i suspect it is there is a ceasefire agreement that both iran and his ball up may take the opportunity to claim credit for it and move on. and i think that's what's accurate blinking, blinking, or something they'll do michael thing they have the washington institute for near
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his policy in washington dc. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us . thank you. i us inside goes up to the stadiums. have low expectations, so blinking diplomatic push, it really comes was it to israel will not change anything. every time we hit it will. but it turns out that there are no negotiations. it's all lies about if the clock black is in the spot doesn't lie any just then we suffer a lot in guns that are good. but i many, you know what the categories and we feel that the american assault of the international community are, can you not on us without mercy, a cell phone? i had the easiest visit to israel is just for the us to check in with israel united provided with arms and logistics of you. so we continue with this extermination in oregon. so probably about the this won't change anything as though we're very pessimistic about his visit with the shaming dependency. although
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the by and administration is working hard for us. these 5 deal for domestic reasons to it has faced widespread protests in the us over at support for as well, and it's handling of the war and gaza at the height of the protests, many arab americans say they refused to give jo by them the vote while he complained for re election crowds of pro palestinian activists. i've also gathered chicago outside the venue for the democratic national convention. that's where biden's, vice president campbell of harris is due to get to know the as the democratic presidential nominee. i was hoping to win over. i'm decided that our american voters bought us to w as in his pull find out in the sweet state of michigan, vice president as still some convincing to do these sweets offer a taste of share tradition for the error of american community food.
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this is the most passionate thing that you can offer to people. what are the most 3 friends most re suites. one of the most popular bakeries in dearborn michigan founded more than 30 years ago. many of his 25 employees having votes and family in the middle east, the war and gaza is very present in the conversation of quotas. it is us just like it's upset to talk to a premium from being invaded by the russians when by then was running. i was going to hold back. i'm not electing, this is over, told you about supplying and supporting the killing of innocent decent people came in that came into the picture that it changes the vision and it changes the the hope so i wouldn't vote for his customers,
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however, have mixed feelings about the democratic presidential candidate, he thinks he got the community behind her, but i doubt that she has to do more the so the community can trust them. i'm. i'm reserving the right to the side once they go through the debate that they're going to have. dearborn michigan has become the largest city was an arab majority in the u. s. was around 55 percent of its population, claiming middle eastern or north african roots dollar d or of american community is those muslim edit christian does not make sense or draws a huge crowd for friday prayer. it is an orthodox most square men and women worship in separate areas. there are most and brothers out there. so of course, there are always in our prayers and i'm from originally from live on. so there are neighbors, sophia,
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and upon the executive director of this nomic center knows the community, well, the community is very sad and very mad. i said, for the killing of the both of us citizen but his time. and also mad because, i mean, we fund a lot of text money fund that getting our families, she might have a chance. i think the majority is thinking that we ought to pin games. uh, they all have given us promises and giving that is a lot easy weapons. many here share this sentiment. donald trump has said what he would do and who he is, the democrats, on the other hand, are inconsistent. they'll say we understand the difficulties that that are going on and we're trying but we really can't do anything. and that in reality, you know, and i know is andrew coming to harris hes up in the presidential race and now has
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an edge in the polls. but here on the ground in michigan, the race is far from over the most co as confirmed that ukraine is struck the bridge of the coast region. as it step up the steps up it's offensive into russia. ukraine says it aims to create a buffer zone along the boat to prevent the kremlin from launching further attacks from that ukraine release. these pictures of its forces destroying a 2nd strategic bridge in the cost region over the weekend. and attempt to disrupt must cause combat operations on supply routes. ukraine is a talking russia from above, as well, more than a hundreds. drones have targeted add bases inside russia. in recent weeks, russia has use these bases to launch as strikes into ukraine. since the beginning of the war can you have hopes it's offensive will help stop the bombardment?
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a regular feature on the russians think t v. images of military aircraft in accent. the plains attacked in military positions and civilian infrastructure and ukraine. often with devastating glide bones leaving behind a trail of destruction, such weapons are difficult to detect. and russian war planes opened release them quite far from the front line. so the most effective option would be to destroy the aircraft. you know, mean you shouldn't in the air or on the ground. and this is exactly what you create in force is a trying to do. last week they launched what they say was the worst largest long range strike on russian air bases with more than a 100 drones attacking 3 major airfields inside russia. those bases hosting were planes targeting ukraine with blood bombs and missiles,
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including the hypoth, sony congested rockets. these such a light images show the aftermath of one of the strikes in bery so grabs at least 2 hangers, were destroyed, to fight through just a roll, so visible. but it's not clear if they were damaged. and this is what happened after a similar drugs try come the air base and leap. it's early in august, hundreds of glide bombs were reported to have been destroyed in the attack. you craze incursion into rushes chorused region is also believed to be helping achieve this goal. was i was in the news. ukraine does not have the possibility of it because of the conducted long ran. it strikes use the weapon else that we possess, defends from the chair. sore throat did a little new mind because since it could you seem to be there are no such decisions
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here. i am the more therefore you up with the fence forces are needed to free those border areas from the russian contingent are you and if you think of carry out strikes against and seem to be created for you. ok, you need some panel the say the incursion can increase ukraine's range cost, right. can russian air bases for now west and allies lead me to the use of its long range weapons like attack? and what do you crane says to bet account to russian air strikes? what it really needs is the green light from allied weapon suppliers to use them against targets deep inside russia. french language is a senior director and strategic studies. us both with university ad form, you can build military intelligence officers. joining us from oxford of frank, the ukranian president logan is advanced. he says he wants to create a buffer zone inside russia. is that possible?
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but it seems to be what they have done so far. they've advanced 30 to 40 kilometers, which i might say is irrelevant with respect to s strikes and not going to have an effect. well, my delta may will be by the way, we might see another smaller in customer that knows what size just to the northwest system. indications is one developing in this shouldn't be imagined as well. but look, that's what southern sky says, i suspect is for 2 political reasons, in addition or collateral to that. first, of course, as well, we're talking about this, but not talking about the concept russian advances in the southeast on the 2nd is to create that's cool. that's a collateral for a potential piece deal. in other words, the credits have not much to do with it. now they have, let's see if they can hold onto it. right now. they're offensive. do seem to be culminating, was quite natural in the credits. don't want to run beyond that logistical reach.
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now can you tell us why russia has not managed to repel this incursion? yes, that's a great question and a very important one. i think there are several reasons for this. first is the usual. i told you this with the which the question on the test drove out to things, but let's not put too much stress on that yet. this operation is only a week or 10 days old, and i wouldn't have expected loc units yet to be deployed to do so. second reason is the russians formally see, this is a count of tigris operational and total security. and so the f s, b, c, l k, g b, or an old money case would be, be put in charge of this operation that they have full responsibility. they don't really heavy military or that are not have, they do not possess heavy military units. i probably don't have the capability to come out of the house. the 2nd thing, the 3rd thing is i don't think the russians are taking the bait with respect to room moving, experienced, and more capable of strike unit. so the timing is the brigades from the
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east without making us, i say, considerable pro progress. i suspect that's one of the items to date for the credit is to try and do that. the dates the crate is one, a run is that they, they are, they are deploying that best units, while the russians off deploying that road. and things might get out of hand, i think, cover the next few weeks. but let's not look at right now. it's looking positive bolt. now you kind of keeps asking, it's a west and the friends and the backers to allow the weapons to be used to strike target deeper inside russia. do you see any chances of these limits? stations being listed below are already a few weapon systems that can reach to significant distances into a rush. i think probably what they're wanting to do is use the west cruise missiles or other british in german and french cruise, marseilles eventually on strikes, fields and other targets. i want to put this all out. i'd like to put this into
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perspective when we conducted operations against iraq, there were 40000 stripe points that required a huge, a compact of effect. as it is unlikely, in any circumstances, the crates will have a nice thing like that capability. i give you an example, the british store shutters, they may or may not get the permission to use one or 200 of these. those will not cripple russia. however, they will make a political point and they'll put much of their apples at risk at the very least. move it back. right now of course they're not allowed to do that. even if they, although we mustn't expect that, that's going to be a game changer. much like know, in a safe way to no other weapon systems. how big game changes so far. i wish that as of a thank you. fine. like you've got the office student protests in bangladesh. go down the government that earlier this
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month, many police officers abandoned their posts. they fit reprisals from the movement that they have tried to suppress, often very violently now as the police tried to reorganize students feeling in patrolling the streets of the capital dot com as night falls in tucker, the students speak control of the streets patrolling their neighborhood to predict the residents from properties, they're telling residents to be vigilant, but also assuring them that they don't got to protect them. police are not present here on the field. so we are acting that room to pump. i'm out of safety and an hour, so that is people started using boarding for us, but i but to protect our people and protect alex as i do. it is one of the most important lar, also, also,
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and one of the most important elect for us. the presence of the students on the streets brings a big sigh of relief for the residents. so i think i think she gets the benefit of it. she's not fled alone. she said we hired police as she used to do it as very particular workers. what did you do to have the guys these to be a sofa? so what happened there? you know, the law i know are there broke? don't actually we felt in sick cubes, and then they strings came again on the roads to ensure our security so far. police is not there so long to maintain the line order. they are, they are, you know, buffering their own and hopefully police, they come in during the work and the larder really comedy getting shot. police are largely absent in finding that these students and activists have taken up many of digital liberty accused of shooting to keep protesting students from
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300 people. menu them with bullet phones. but get these preceding the form of has seen us government the and the protest to a subject valued with attacks on police police patients like this one in tucker, were burned down. in some instances, police officers were killed to this has instead of fear and police, and many of them are not showing up for book. we have to take some actual that wouldn't take us the people, the following people. so the people and stuff and they sort of destroyed a lot of different establishment and they destroyed on what is the higgins. we have witnessed policing, leasing activities and solely had gone to a hot we are again starting out of all the type of professional activities and
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try to help those people eat again. the appointment is on place. developing trusts between the police and the bangladesh. cheaper is one of the toughest challenges for the interim government. a dish that happens. many are willing to do what they are, what it takes to ensure the country does not fall into darkness. before we go, star gazes across the world have been saved wearing a true spectacle this evening. so put moon, as appeared live here in greece above the temple of recital. yeah. occurs when the moon's over it brings it closer to us. and usually, if this guys are clear that isn't in greece, i said the what you missed, it's not as bad. the move could be almost as impressive to
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look for that. so i've got f, as in berlin, a good day. and the, the, the,
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when you can't smell anything, or, or when everything smells awful, the rate of smell related disorders has increased since corona virus. how important is all sense of smell? and what is life like when it's gone? in 15 minutes on the w. 20. yes. i suffer, don't bearable pain. my period last minute painting this, ms. kim. priscilla has in demetrius an affliction that affects many women.
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doctors often don't treat the disease seriously. that needs to change them, but how? breaking the silence over in demetrius in 90 minutes on d. w. the this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a squarespace, good farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. do you know which of these 3 industries has the
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highest c o 2 emission rates which is good, concrete, transforming business syllabus onto the bigger house, but the real new deal. just screen blushing. the the independent arrives to also saw i see is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think of each other's in this leaving. what is home? how do we talk of the major issues about time? talk about the there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our system. our series
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continues. johnson henderson on the w, the, this is the w news, and these are all top stories. so that, that us secretary of state and the blinking has health cease 5 talks with is rarely president sex hassle in jerusalem present. lincoln says they're negotiating actions are decisive moments and the war. and maybe the last opportunity to get is riley. how such is home to israel, a moss which carried out the october 7th. so attacks against israel, a said any signs of progress are an illusion, may be less. russia is confront that ukraine has struck us the bridge and the coast region offer a similar attack on the.


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