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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin us present to abide and gives an emotional farewell as he passes the torch ship a democratic party to cover what happens or are you ready to work on the wires in general? you as president, is giving a standing ovation ahead of a speech toting his interest as of treatment. seeing offers. also coming up, you're a secretary of state, tennessee blinking says israel supports a new c spar proposal is now calling on him us to do the same. but it's unclear to
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have the new proposal addresses any of the militant groups concern the flow and tell me more than welcome to the program. joe biden has given an emotional speech of the democratic national convention to endorse criminal affairs as the parties presidential candidate by the wiped away tears. as he was brought to the podium by his daughter ashley. the rally the crowd around harris's campaign saying a boat for her was a boat for democracy. just 2 months ago, barton had expected to clinch the democratic nomination for a 2nd term, but concerns about his fitness led the party to back vice president service. instead. a miss biden's address was not just an endorsement of harris, what he called the right decision. it was also farewell speech to his supporters
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and which he admitted to making mistakes, but said that he gave his all. here he quoted from a favorite song of his american pencil. the work of prayers of century brought us to this day. what your leg is, our legacy be. what will our children say? let me know in my heart. when my days are through america, america, i gave my best to you the earlier couple of hers made a surprise appearance at the convention where she paid tribute to, but so i want to kick us off 5, celebrating our incredible president joe biden. so thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue to do we.
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* forever grateful to you. that's why i'm joining the studio now by d. w. 's melissa china, and who's part of our team covering the us election. oh, so this was not the speech that joe biden was expecting to give the convention a month ago. does this convention mark the passing of the torch to a new generation of democrats? perry definitely felt that way. and i would just say that the 1st day of any, a democratic national convention or republican national convention is an opportunity for the political party in question to sort of roll out their rising stars and see how they do at the national stage. and certainly we saw a lot of that, i mean, given a comma harris's is from the state of california. there were, there were definitely a lot of representatives who spoke from california, for example, lieutenant governor of any kind of like is that she is also going to be running for
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the state of california is governorship. and then we saw the mayor of los angeles. we saw the california state senator. uh but uh what struck out to me and i wrote her name down because she's new to me is state senator mallory mallory memorial from the state of michigan who up for her speech, brought out a printed 900 page copy of project 2025 and that certainly got a lot of attention as well as how her teacher what she was. so again, this is an opportunity for young people, younger rising stars to see if they could do it at the national stage. and sometimes they can't. and some of them do get the attention of the national audience. but this convention was not all they want is not all sweetness and light for the crowds. that's pretty clear. the war in gaza is overshadowing harris, his campaign to some degree with some activists criticizing her for being with a claim is to pro is real, is harris likely to revise her policy regarding israel and, and gaza as
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a result of this, the honest answer is we don't know, the vice president come on, harris, she had recently met with been human, not 10 yahoo of israel, and in her remarks after that meeting showed what many people considered more empathy towards the palestinians. and what was happening in gaza, then president joe biden. but in terms of policy, we don't have a strong sense and we have to look at u. s. foreign policy in regards to israel and see how it hasn't really changed in the past 2 decades. so i think that's one to watch and perhaps we'll get some hints over the next few weeks. but for now we simply don't know is this is this convention so far at least giving us any indication of what direction the harris campaign is going to take. and the run up to november's election. well, monday, as i say, it is all about vibes,
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but the direction is definitely one that is positive, not fear based biden, when he was running for this presidential campaign, a talked a lot about the threats to democracy. a polling has shown that americans find the word freedom a lot more appealing and the number of times i've heard that word dropped at the d . n. c. and over the past few weeks is just a, it's just a lot. it's quite a shift for the democratic nash party. and one last thing that i would say is that harrison did roll out. so many cannot policies. and people have been very surprised in terms of her shift to anti trust her interest in that given that in california, she was quite close to some of these big tech companies fits a role as a prosecutor there too. great, but listen chat for my usaa election team. thanks a lot. sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. us intelligence officials say around was likely possible for hacking attacks on republican
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candidate donald trump's campaign team. the b i and other agencies suggested the breach was part of a scheme by to run to interfere with the us elections. they did not reveal what information was accessed and it created and authorities of ordered families with children to evacuate from the eastern city of holcroft russian troops are advancing all the city ukrainian logistics hub in the don't ask region is capture, could we can ukraine's defense abilities and supply room overnighted search efforts have failed to find more survivors after a luxury yacht sake off the coast of the italian island obsessively. the yacht disappeared in a sudden storm on monday, among the 6 it among the 6 missing are reduced tech entrepreneur mike lynch. and the chairman of morgan stanley international jonathan bloomer, us secretary of state mc blinking says israel has accepted
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a proposal to bridge differences that are holding up a c spar and hostage release in gaza. he made the announcement after meetings with his really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and president as a counsel again israel blake and says it's now up to hum us whose terrorist attack on october 7th started the current war to agree to the plan. it is us secretary of state and to me blinking 9th visit to the middle east since the war in gauze that began over 10 months ago. following meetings with israel leaders, he outlined the proposed next steps towards ending the will. and this includes the so called bridging proposal, which blinking says, should bridge the gaps remaining between the 2 sides. the, the bridging proposal that part mister netanyahu was as accepted and we looked at the mazda to accept, reflects what is in the cease fire agreement,
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the present button put before the world back back in may. that's incorporated into human security council resolution. and that makes clear that this process will proceed and phases of a 1st initials, a ceasefire. over the course of 6 weeks in which hostages are released. prisoners are exchange and negotiations commence on the conditions necessary for an endurance. these fire, it is blinking heads of egypt for the next round of tools. disagreements remain between israel and how much these include israel's refusal to withdrawal. all of its troops from gauze a, a red line for him us. israel would also like to retain some strategic controlling garza including along its southern board with egypt. the roof of
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crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. in goza smoke rising above coun, eunice monks the latest bombardment by his railey forces of the the city in the south of the strip. as the scholars have months of fighting its residents of grand skeptical of any attempt by the united states to secure peace. hey, it really comes, was it to israel will not change anything. every time we hit it will. but it turns out that there are no negotiations. it's all lies about the clock like is if it's above us then right. then we suffer a lot and guns that are good, but i'm ready. yeah, i know you know what the categories and we feel that the american us about the international community are, can you not on us without mercy? so i had the easiest visit to israel is just for the us to check in with is really not provided with arms and logistics of you. so we continue this extermination in
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warren concepts and it's probably about the this won't change anything. so we're very pessimistic about his visit with i'm sure, i mean to convince the auto pessimism that grows day by day as the war rolls on. i'm joined now by a journalist from e mail guar in cairo. kareem palestinians are skeptical about the prospects of a ceasefire. deal, how likely is it that from us will go along with the agreement currently on the table? this is kiera. how much this lots pepe about what the u. s. is calling this real quick, richie proposals, how much accuse the u. s. of buying time for this rate to as how much is continued it's genocide, things gaza. how much that's agreed to the original proposal of the president who is present, joe biden already in june. and this proposal was having several phases of
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exchanging at this rate of hostages. and i'll just keep me in prison. this is a company that 1st by a 6 weeks is fire, and then by a permanent says, fire in the understanding or from us. this is one, package it now it the, it uses the out to significant the edits to this original proposal and to the u. s. setting, this is a preaching proposal and i think it was happening that the positive. and it seems generally a self thing that you as role is on this broker. in some comments, the u. s. secretary of state of lincoln is even called the lawyer of nathan. y'all, so all that is not a good site. what do you see as the biggest stumbling blocks at this point in negotiations, kareem or what i see and then read it to be know very little
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about the details, but the what the, how much is saying? and there are several points they don't accept to this and you always know say why the bridges to propose that there seems to be that there is no is withdrawal from these. are the troops from that off of crossing between the gaza strip in the egypt days? also know is really was drawn from the fear that that's the course or that's the car to the board according to also between egypt. and because a strict meaning that the, it's a form is a, the presence is a force, each of the causes stripping the case. and the 3rd point is no withdrawn from the necessary. in corey though that's according to the, the bites a north of in a southern causes trips into 2 parts into students have to cross. in that case, that is where any check point is maybe for how much most important there is no commitment for a permanent ceasefire. that seems to be the idea now that you have
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a 1st phase of 6 weeks and then you start to negotiate a permanent ceasefire. that is something how much from now is not accepting many is real, haven't bracing for a possible attack by iran, and it's proxies in response to the assassination of how mazda is political leader into iran. does that added some urgency kareem to the negotiations on gas? and i think that's the very reason why it is negotiating swift started. it was started by this pressure, that of course, of freights. the said would be of further explanations of using recent. that's something they want to prevent. ethical tier like also to the best present bible individual. quite a convention problem. it's not a ceasefire. there's a lot of pressure that you is under right now is a head of depression though to the 2 sides. great, thank you very much. that was uh, corresponding journal, this dream of why in kyra to you what
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you're watching dw news from roland coming up next it's planet a, looking at the recycling nuclear waste and why we don't do more of it of course, and get all the latest news information any time you want on our website at w dot com, i'm terry larkins, thanks for the long voyage through the ocean. another how well with the cost for a long time, they had to be a humans on that journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of the ocean conservation start september full dw, i've done a lot of reporting on nuclear waste. this from the mine contains over a 100000 barrels of radioactive trucks. i also went to the world's fast prominent
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storage when you.


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