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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] news this is the w news coming to line from berlin. us present, joe biden, gibbs, and emotional farewell. as he passes the torch, the democratic party to cobble efforts are ready to give him a standing ovation ahead of his speech telling his services achievements. you know, also coming up, israel says it supports
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a new 6 for our proposal ahead of for new talks in cairo, us as dell calling on him us to do the se, but it's unclear the new proposal addresses any of the militant groups concern plus ukrainian president a lot of the landscape says the course incursion is not about falsifying land. it's about creating a buffer zone to protect you crate. we'll take a look at the strategy behind, keeps for a into russian territory. the hello i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. joe biden has given an emotional speech at the democratic national convention convention to endorse cumberland. harris says the parties presidential candidate by me wiped away tears. as he was brought to the podium by his daughter asleep. he rallied the crowd around harris's
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campaign, saying a boat for her was a boat for democracy, just 2 months ago by the head expected to clinch the democrats nomination for a 2nd term, but concerns about his fitness led the party to back vice president terrace. instead. a by this address was not just an endorsement of harris, what he called the right decision. it was also farewell speech to his supporters and which he admitted to making mistakes, but said that he gave his all. here he quoted from a favorite song. if it is american and from the work of prayers of century, brought us to this day, what your leg is, our legacy be. what will our children say to let me know in my heart when my days are through america, america. i gave my best to you the earlier couple of years made
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a surprise appearance yourself at the convention where she paid tribute to fight. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president joe biden. so thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation, and for all you will continue to do. we are forever grateful to you. this melissa chan is with me here in the studio. she's part of our team covering the us selection was this was not the speech that joe biden was expecting to deliver at the democratic national convention a month ago. does this convention mark the passing of the torch to a younger generation of democrats? it certainly feels that way relative to other dns sees in the past and, and it's not just a passing of the torch to vice president comma harris a day. one of any political national convention,
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whether democrat or republican is an opportunity for the party to also introduce a to the national stage. rising stars within the political party, as so we saw a contingent of california is a given the fact that harris's from a california we saw a lieutenant governor, lenny can loc, as she is going to be running for governor of california, a big fixture in the democratic party but not a nationally known name. we also saw of course, the mayor of los angeles, who was very recently in paris picking up that uh olympic flag as well. and the california state senator. what struck me was, uh, i wanna highlight as michigan state senator. so not even in the house of representatives at the national level, but at the state. legislate just mallory mach morrow and she brought out this $900.00 page printout of project 2025, which is the republican and trumpet playbook for what they plan to do. and the 2nd administration as a prop props sometimes work, sometimes they don't,
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but it really worked for her. and so it's really exciting and interesting to see the new players that the democrats want people to get to know. but it's not all sweetness and light for the democrats at this convention. it must be said, the war in gauze is overshadowing to some degree. harris is campaign with the with some saying that she's to pro is real and all of this is that kind of pressure likely to cause coming to harris to maybe adjust her policy towards israel. a. terry, that's a great question and the answer is may be, but we don't know harris. i recently met with benjamin netanyahu of israel a when he was in the united states and in her post a meeting remark showed more empathy. according to observers, then president joe biden has a for the palestinian cause and also for the death and destruction in gaza. but whether that represents unintended police,
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see shift is something that we have to say remains to be seen. and in the greater context, we have to look at u. s. foreign policy of the past 2 decades. and it really hasn't changed that much for israel. wanted to ask you more about color harris and foreign policy. the convention, of course, has a chance to get to know the candidate a lot better. this is more for a domestic audience, of course, the democratic national convention. but what about kind of le harris is poor and policy interests or perhaps, or goals? any, any sense of what's coming out there? yeah, i mean, look, i was actually based in san francisco, san francisco, rather when comma harris was attorney general and then became senator, from the state of california where a lot of her issues were, were really domestic focused. i would say that the moment for me in terms of looking at her foreign policy credentials and building that understanding was on the eve of the russian invasion of ukraine in 20222 years ago after munich security conference here in germany. president biden was not there. campbell,
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a harris was the representative for the united states. and if she was not a trans atlantic supposed to be for, i think that moment in that hall with so many concern to europeans was an awakening for her. and since then, she's developed a strong relationship with president boulevard zalinski of ukraine and over in asia . she has attended us on meetings. she has met with our chinese president changing team. and based on what she's saying is clear that she's been reading her brief and studying up that you are at the 2016 democratic national convention when hillary clinton got the nomination. hillary clinton has now given a speech at the beginning of this convention, a poignant moment. yes. um. i think that people need to keep in mind that a lot of the delegates in the hall on monday night in, in the united states were also in that hall in 2016 in philadelphia. when hillary clinton gave her speech and accepted the nomination to be president in many
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people's minds in that hall there, thank you. when she's speaking that this could have been end of her 2nd turn in an alternate universe and how different would the united states be? how different would the world potentially be? was a chan from our us election coverage team. thank you so much. take a look and few other stories making headlines around the world today. us intelligence officials say run was likely responsible for hacking of time. so on republican candidate, donald trump's campaign team, the f b i and other agencies, suggested the breach, was part of a scheme by to round to interfere with the u. s. selections. they did not reveal what information was accessed in the heck the russian liter, alexander lucas shanker says. he will no longer stop migrants crossing his country to reach the european union. shank of said on russian estate tv,
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the migrants can go wherever they want. and he blamed you sanctions for his decision to stop cooperating with brussels. you have to go to overnight search efforts have failed to find more survivors after a luxury yachts. think off the coast of the italian islands of sicily. the yacht disappeared and a sudden storm on monday. among the 6 missing are british tech entrepreneur mike lynch and the chairman of morgan stanley international jonathan bloomer. are you a secretary of state antony blake and says israel has accepted a proposal to bridge differences that are holding up a ceasefire and hostage release deal in gaza. he made the announcement after meetings with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his and president isaac had sought in israel, blinking says it's now up to hum us whose terrorist attack on october 7th spark the current war. 2 green to the plan ceasefire talks are set to resume today in
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colorado. it is us secretary of state anthony blinking 9 visit to the middle east since the war and gauze that began 10 months ago following meetings with israel's leaders, he outlined to propose next steps towards ending the war. this includes a so called bridging proposal, which blink and says, should bridge the gaps remaining between the 2 sides. good afternoon everyone. the, the bridging proposal that prime minister netanyahu has as accepted and we looked at the mazda accept, reflects what is in the cease fire agreement that present, defined, put before the world back back in may. that's incorporated into your own security council resolution. and that makes clear that this process will proceed in phases of a 1st initials ceasefire over the course of 6 weeks in which hostages are released
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. prisoners are exchange and negotiations commence on the conditions necessary for an endurance these fire. but as blinking heads off to egypt for the next round of talks, disagreements remain between israel and homos. these include israel's refusal to withdraw all of its troops from gauze, the red line for how much israel would also like to retain some strategic control in gauze. the, including along its southern border with egypt, the rough off crossing and the philadelphia cord or narrow buffer zone involves a smoke rising above con eunice marks the latest bombardment by is rarely forces. the city and the south of the strip bears the scars of months of fighting its residents of ground,
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skeptical any attempts by the united states to secure peace. hey, it's evelyn comes, was it to israel will not change anything. every time we hear it will. but it turns out that there are no negotiations, it's all lies about if the clock like is if it's above us then right. then we suffer a lot and guns. i've got a but i'm the guy, you know, what's the guy that? and we feel that the american assault of the international community are, can you not on us without mercy? so i had the easiest visit to israel is just for the us to check in with israel united, provided with arms and logistics. so we continue with these extermination in war and concepts and a similar problem. this won't change anything as though we are very pessimistic about his visit to the contrary. i mean to convince the auto pessimism that grows day by day as the war rolls on. journalist kareem laguardia's in cairo, following this story, i asked him whether
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a mazda is likely to accept this latest proposal. us, what is kia? how most is not happy about what the u. s. is calling the so click richie proposes how much accuse the u. s. of buying time for each rate to as how much is continued . it's just, i think gaza must as agreed to the original proposal of the president risk present, joe biden, already in june. and this proposal was having several phases of exchanging is very hostage has been seen in prison us into a confidence for us by a 6 weeks east fire. and then by a permanency. busy into understanding go from us, this is one package. it now it's it, it uses it and it's allowed to significantly edits to this original proposal and to the u. s. setting, this is a friction proposal and i think it was happening that the how boss and it seems
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generally a self thing that you as role is on this broker in some comments, a u. s. secretary of state actually blinking. this even called the lawyer of nathan y'all. so all that is not a good site. what do you see as the biggest stumbling blocks at this point in negotiations, kareem or what i see and then read it to be know very literally and about the contents. but the, what the, how much is saying, and there are several points they don't accept to this. i, you always know say why the bridges to propose it seems to be that there is no, is withdrawal from these. are the troops from the alpha crossing between the gaza strip in the egypt? there's also no, is really, was drawn from this so that, that's the cartridge, or that's the quarter before the corey to also between egypt and because of strict meaning that the, it's a form is a, the presence is a force, each of the causes,
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stripping the case and the 3rd point is no withdrawn from the and they said him. corey though that's according to that the bytes a more than a southern causes chips into 2 parts into students have to cross. in that case, that is where any check point is maybe for how much most important there is no commitment for a permanent ceasefire. that seems to be the idea now that you have a 1st phase of 6 weeks and then you start to negotiate a permanency supply. that is something how much from now is not accepting many is real haven bracing for a possible attack by iran, and it's proxies in response to the assassination of from us as a political leader into iran. does that added some urgency kareem to the negotiations on gaza? so i think that's the very reason. why is it negotiations where started it was started by this pressure that, of course, of freights to say would be
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a further escalation. give you some reason that's something they want to prevent and that's equal to the like also to the best present bible individual. quite a convention problem. it's not a ceasefire. there's a lot of pressure that you is under right now. is a head of a depression though, to the 2 sides green. thank you very much. that was uh, corresponding journal, this dream of why in the car you were to now to ukraine and you credit the president, blowing me zalinski has said the goal of his country's incursion into russia is to create a buffer zone to protect against further russian attacks. the statement echoes proteins claims a russian president vladimir putin, his claims about russia's offensive in the hockey region. in the spring. he was a closer look at ukraine's 1st major campaign across the russian border and the possible strategy behind it. ukrainian soldiers fighting in cross
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trying to take new territory and to hold on to what they've gained already. ukraine says it wants a buffer zone territory that russia needs to crossover if it wants to attack this is the territory ukraine claims to have seized in the course region. it says more than a 1000 square kilometers, but that's just 3 percent of the overall. russian says it's evacuated, more than a 120000 people from their homes. about $1000000.00 people live in greater cost, which is mainly agricultural so what does cross cab that ukraine wants for $1.00 thing, there's a major airbase still well outside of ukraine's area of control, but much closer to its range limited missiles. russia uses the space to launch attacks on ukrainian soil and taking it out would be a major game. or russia also uses cost to send troops and equipment into ukraine,
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taking the territory and blowing at bridges as ukraine did over the weekend. and on monday makes it much harder for moscow to deliver mann and supplies where they're needed. ukraine says it is. i'm trying to take rest as territory in order to occupy or exploit it. but if you crane wants to buffer, it needs to hold the land. it's conquered. it's already started placing mines to defend what it's taken. and russia, it has started to build more fortifications and dig trenches within its own territory to contain the ukraine in advance. the further ukraine pushes the russians away, the bigger the buffer zone, and the harder it is for russia to attack ukrainian territory. but let's get some analysis now from marina monroe and she's a military experts at the war studies department of kings college london. could see you again more what military advantages does ukraine expect to gain?
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would you say by creating a buffer zone or russian soil? a good morning, terry. well, there are a couple of military aims that ukraine pursued, and it's probably not so much the creation of a buffer zone. but more importantly, drawing russian forces away from them. but us were ukrainian forces are critical and as far as the buffer zone is concerned, the full look at the map. we need to understand that in order to create the buffer zone in order to prevent potential russian attacks on the swimming region, which we have heard about 2 months ago. the were speculations that the russians would continue their harking offensive and expand. assuming ukraine would need to control more territory and to establish better logistics, and it would need to control at least the core in the body to golf and risk which ukraine doesn't control, or maybe is
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a city of christ. and it's still too far away. ukraine doesn't seem to have the momentum right now, so the appraisal temple has slowed down. however, this small territory is that ukraine has the right now, is it going to make a difference in the grander scheme of things in terms of preventing the russians from operating efficiently? i don't think so. we ukraine's advance in course, must also type a lot of ukrainian resources. why not use those resources to defend the eastern territory? it's a pro cross square. russia is continuing to make gains it's a difficult situation for ukraine and for ukrainian command for military command, because on the one hand, ukraine, lex manpower on the other hand, ukraine lex equipment, was a political uncertainty on the quote in the global sphere,
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especially with the upcoming us selections and the fact that ukraine has been suffering setbacks to the ukrainian side have to do something because they're getting supplies from western partners is very, very uncertain for you. creating meaning that it humpers operational planning. and so this is a way off a gamble to achieve a specific media effect on the one hand to pull some route or few cranium fruits and maybe show the population that it's worth joining the ranks. because there are issues with the recruitment of personnel. and also the potential of using this territory during peace negotiations with russia. where are you praying would have done a stronger position if it can hold that territory. now that strategic gamble comes at a price at a price where russia didn't fall into the trap, or at least the as of yet and didn't for you to pause the troops from those
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locations in the bomb by such as tri city are such as threats come across to curse . therefore, now we have that problem in the don't boss where you cranium. troops are all gummed . and under a staff they are advocating population from across. and the russians, a pushing force or new york has allegedly already full. and i direct my, these are next, the russians have entered the tourette's, and those are all important, logistical helps with the ukranian forces, meaning that there is a chance that while the best equipped and best trans units upside down encourage the russians could potentially take those cities and bring the front sounds of across your co ops are thank you so much for your observations. are the was marina marilyn from kings college learned. thank you for having me. it's
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now to the indonesian province of bali where tourism is getting a new tax. more than half of the 9500000 tourist who visited engineers last year went to body and authorities want to use this post. pandemic search to keep the islands beautiful. from this year, each visitor has to pay a 10 year old visitor tax. the money will go to environmental and cultural preservation projects that we use georg motus reports. these fishermen embodies largest mangrove forest pool. more than 8 tons of garbage out of the trees and the water every month. it's a problem for their crab traps. and the new mangrove being planted to restore the ecosystem. going again, this planting techniques, page mangrove for us to i had that if it's necessary for me mangrove trees that we plant them. i for all of us own, we elevate the ground and then protect the ceiling. with a mess,
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theme is to stop plastic garbage getting calls from the plant undercurrents, then pulling this up and by the piece to guided tours, trips like this to see demand growth help from the restoration project. additional money for stimulus games will also come from the bali tourist tax. for the provincial government introduce this year. each person pays around 10 euros when they arrive with the money designated for environmental and cultural projects. when what d g a is working to rebuild the firefight population of bali with the more net that i'll lose or off up i can for housing and buildings. so it means gaping a pressure for the fireflies i beat that so that a less and less fireplace habit. and then the only space that is available, of course, the agriculture area, but most of the agricultural area now using chemicals base. so it also doesn't
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bring a good impact more houses are being built across valley, which is leading to more light pollution biologist working on the firefly conservation projects. say that's a problem. now most of the heavy dot o not read up anymore. and if they're missing right, because used to live used to comics other but they getting on to us because it's not really dark sometimes people to day. but people like this family from daily travel to even this remote area to see them then they will. they book to dinner with a firefly tour. the tourism in conservation continues under the water here in the north of the island, calories destroyed by fishermen of being restored a technique called by
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a rock uses low electric charges provided by solar panels to accelerate the carl's ability to, to and minerals in water into hard carl but even then it's not a done deal then you reeves need protecting and actually when i need some, uh, someone to look up to a sample of this kind of the big i'd go to have to look at well, i went into the mines and then at least like taking every week back of the firefly camp visitor's head towards the rice feels looking for the insects. but it's dark. suddenly, it was most of these fireflies being bred in captivity. provide
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a glimmer of hope for what the future could look like. you're watching dw news, just remind of our top story us present. joe biden gave an emotional speech of the democratic national convention to endorse couple of harris as the parties. presidential candidate. he said a vote for her was a vote for democracy, concerns about findings, fitness led him to withdrawal from the risks. thanks for watching
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the rest of the 20th. i saw for them bearable pain. my period last minutes painting candice. miss kim. priscilla has in demetrius an affliction that affect many women. doctors often don't cheat the disease seriously. that needs to change. but how?
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breaking the silence over and demetrius the next on d w. respect, it's all about a walk in waves and texting nature. that's right, sandra, respecting they just studying the new data. it's about being up to date with current ideas, technologies. i'm trying to the co way of life, the environment magazine, the co africa, and 16 that is on d. w. the asked about why does that?
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because now i'm leave them under the new host to join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between moses video and audio production, 5 d w. i. who did you with unit the full years, priscilla abuse, suffolk, painful crimes. and yet no one took her seriously, not her doctors or the people around her. she doesn't one of those to have to go through what she did. or if she is a 20, yes i suffer them, bearable pain. my period only ways meant pain. okay, let's move to tell them the accusation of a hysteric for women. patronize in infuriating naturally comes of course it's unacceptable that up to a few years ago,
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most people didn't even know what engine heater use it in the slicing for


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