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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the civil war and see don has left home of the country's population facing simon. as peace talks to and the conflict stumble, pools grow to open the keyboard across things and less and desperately needed aid. the un dawn is facing the world's largest tongue, a crisis bulls that coming up from the program. the us says, israel has supported a new sci fi proposal ahead of for new tolts and colorado. us officials on now pulling on her mouth to do the same. but it's unclear of the new proposal, addresses any of the militant groups concerns and a finance leda and the tech magnet among those still missing off for
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a super you'll think of the coast of sicily, emergency teams continue to search for remains of the ship and the money group is mckinnon. welcome to the program piece folks underway in geneva to end the 16 month pool between the suit and these ami, the power military rapids support forces are assessed, but only one side has showed up to those tools that has made it difficult to address the humanitarian dissolve. that is unfolding as a result of the war officer don's population of 50000000 is now facing food and security. simon, one of the negotiations main goals now is to open 3 border crossings, which would allow motion monetary and aid into the country. dw correspondent and
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mariel miller traveled to child support a with saddam to speak with refugees. they said the stories with her about the brutal to force them to flee that homeland a hi, at most stuff i was lucky to escape and attacked by the power ministry rapids support forces hometown engine. you know what you witnessed. it's baton a t c big deal. i mean, i don't know, they just made the info into his house down. they didn't shoot him, they tied him up and set him on fire. the fire killed him of the select model mostly that hey, she was forced to abandon her farm and floor and struggle to find enough to eat for her children. arriving in the refugee camps and chat conditions, square, and just good as sweet hoped. that wasn't enough shelter, food or clean water. most days they were only able to eat once a day. then due to my lack of fees, diarrhea and fever. signs of malnutrition. like i'm done,
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i'm worried about her because she didn't get the best that's a long time. we couldn't find any treatment and often taking her to a hospital and she didn't get back to like doctors of them speech has seen many children like her arrive in recent months. the expect the situation to get with the main reason is the lack of food for the communities. and especially for people who from from so done the depend of the money to tell you agents that's not enough . it's one of the was a research advisors, overtime to let you know for the, for more than 600000 people have fled into neighboring chat since the war broke out . in april last year, 8 organizations have been overwhelmed. food assistance is chronically under funded funding 19 percent of the world food programs funding calls have been met by doing
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that countries over the board and then the situation is even well, so simon has been declared in a time. coal, samsung containing nearly half a 1000000 displays people. the city of a sasha, north stuff. and sasha has been under siege by the rapid support forces, making it impossible for people inside to receive any aid when we had the image. so . so for an student, you know, a refresher and they had to stop the project there. after that, it was the total was blown. it's hard to imagine what the people are. we take care of. i've been, i've been through 11 year old mohammed ali was injured by at any rate, you know, sasha and then got malaria on the way to some, some come to some of us desperate. and then again and they didn't. we generally need 8 organizations to come and help us with starving here. hunger makes our children sick. and with the rain it's even what we can only give them nuts to eat. hung to make my son like this. who was the hood back at the hospital and chat?
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how yet is relief to do? it has finally getting better. but she's worried when she thinks about her family, she had to leave behind. and so done we can get more now from my to do from the norwegian refuge get refugee council, usually based in the for she is joining us today from paris. welcome to dw, we just sold the how desperate the situation is around l, sasha. in know, the full, what more can you tell us about what is happening there about the situation that people are experiencing? frankly, the situation is unbearable people. i mean you've seen the images, is it shocking? and this is happening like, oh, the horror, but also the, the for the most, we can be capital since you've been in fact to yes, people who are dying right now. and as you said, the couple weeks ago, every single woman i spoke smuggled to each of the day,
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they were barely surviving on one year of the day. and when i say mil like it, it was just orange, it was basically serial. then what i'm, that was it's, i made all the ladies were nice. you actually were one. we just 2 and 45 pieces of bread. so, you know, on top of the vitamins on top would be a trusted choose that this device. now they have to deal with hunger and now even with lots more, we waive the more the human nature. and these are really spiral piece talks all happening in geneva. and there are reports that one of the border crossings into sedan might be opening as soon as today to last in this desperately needed to monetary an aid. how optimistic all you that that will be some kind of breakthrough as a result of these tools. it is indeed the trucks are
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allowed to cross. this is going to be the game changer. so you know, everything is in the details and everything is about how it will be and the message we have to ensure that this decision, that is really a game changer for the, for the millions of people who are really starving to death right now is basically unrestricted, suppliers need to cross into the people at work as need to cross enough for the frontier. have to say the limits of 3 months that he's given by the stuff. i'm sorry it's, it's too small. you know, we need to ask, you may need to, you're in assistance flowing into an offer as long as people need it. and right now, you know, the, the slugs and the, the roads make it very difficult for us to make it to, to, to actually meet transports. so it's really important that it is expanded. absolutely, and i will add one more thing is that it's not on the about a south orange is a natalie the border crossing. it's also about the warranty,
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warranties and the are assessing the other how much to ensure that those trucks we're entering into the who are reaching the people we need, that needs to a stop detaining trucks on the way to lane trucks. because right now is border crossing has been pushed for 6 months, and we call waste any along to making very clear how many moving pieces they're all to this puzzle. let's look at the other alternative. what happens if these piece talks fails and completely and you know, if these folks fail, uh, it needs more software and that is for sure, but i can find out what's going to happen is the humanitarian assistance is not reaching people the needs. right? now we're going to see really, people dying in moscow, hunger for good guy was like mind nutrition, even maybe like
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a rigs of colorist or he's going to like exacerbates the situation. are going to see more and more people having to me not only because of violence because they hungry. and you know, we're looking at really one of the world's largest woods prices in the world. and frankly, i have to say that it, it will get worse. as you mentioned, that systems is, is not coming in time. so no need to do still need to progress. we need to make sure that none of the piece talks, you know, agreements or not to be still strongly is actually impeding you manage and assistance. these needs to call anywhere. and regardless of whether or not there is a piece to do from the norwegian refugee council, thank you so much for joining us today. and for your insights now there's been a rush of diplomatic assets across them,
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at least aimed at securing a ceasefire between israel and homos. us secretary of state anthony blinking says, is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accepted a bridging proposal to hold the slicing lincoln thomas to do the same. he's in el alamein to the a meeting with the president of delta l. c. c of egypt. as a key negotiating partner with him, us, a senior mazda official has cost doubt on progress being made the same. the terms of the deal differed from previous positions. israel is reportedly demanding control over a border crossing between egypt and gaza. meanwhile, israel's israel's military says it has recovered the bodies of 6 hostages in an overnight operation and gaza. its belief militants are still holding more than a 100 hostages, who were captured in the october. the 7th terror attack on israel releasing them is a key, is rarely demand in the seas fund negotiations. it is us secretary of state antony,
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blinking 9th visit to the middle east since the war and gauze of began 10 months ago. following meetings with israel's leaders, he outlined to propose next steps towards ending the war. this includes a so called bridging proposal, which blinking says, should bridge the gaps remaining between the 2 sides. good afternoon, everyone or the, the bridging proposal that part mister netanyahu has as acceptance, and we looked at the mazda except reflects what is in the cease fire agreement that presents the binding put before the world back back in may. that's incorporated into your own security council. resolution, and that makes clear that this process will proceed and faces a 1st initials, a ceasefire over the course of 6 weeks in which hostages are released. prisoners
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are exchange and negotiations commence on the conditions necessary for an endurance these fire. but as blinking heads off to egypt for the next round of talks, disagreements remain between israel and homos. these include israel's refusal to withdrawal all of its troops from gauze, the red line for how much israel would also like to retain some strategic control in gauze. the, including along its southern border with egypt, the rough crossing and the philadelphia cord, or narrow buffer zone. in does the smoke rising above con eunice marks the latest bombardment by is rarely forces. the city in the south of the strip bears the scars of months of fighting. its residents have grown skeptical. any attempt by the united states to secure peace.
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hey, it really comes, was it to israel will not change anything. every time we hit it will. but it turns out that there are no negotiations, it's all lies about the clock like is if it's above us then, right. then we suffer a lot and guns that have got a but i'm ready. yeah. you know what the categories and we feel that the american assault of the international community are, can you not on us without mercy, a cell phone? and i had to use this visit to israel was just for the us to check in with the israel united, provided with arms and logistics of this. so we continue with this extermination in war and gone. so had a better look at this won't change anything as though we are very pessimistic about his visit to the contrary. i mean to convince the auto pessimism that grows day by day as the war rolls on afresh, such as on the way for 6 people who are still missing officer luxury, your sign calls to be italian island of sicily. one man has been confirmed did the
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what is the u. k. tech tycoon, mike lynch and his dosa among those still missing as well as jonathan bloom. that's the chairman of the investment bank. morgan stanley international not pressures inspectors have now been deployed, as the search continues. the day after super. y'all capsized here. italian rescue teams continue. their search for the missing divers began to send to the wreck of the page, and the british flag yacht had $22.00 people on board, including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. mike lynch. battalion media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal in a massive us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is among several still missing. 15 survived. the captain of
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a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft. the biggest safe people inside for people who ingest 3 heavy injured and we brought them to our ship. and then we couldn't communicate with the coast guard after sometimes because the car came and later pick up people among the survivors. one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma. the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues, lady the, the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people, pass it, press q divers, base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minutes shift, as they set out once more, a bouquet of flowers thrown in by
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a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats at the sight. what i'm run is from a business desk and is following this developing story for us could see you would've as a good amount of intriguing, the story isn't that, let me tell assessable more about the people who are still missing. right? so one of the most important people being highlighted that's missing is british stay cool when mike lynch. now, mike lynch was a lot of things. he was an investor and entrepreneur, he was a big name in the u. k. tech start up scene and he's been dumped the bill gates of breton, so he has a, he has to populate his book, his popular and kind of the thing that he's most known for is that he found this company called and autonomy, which he sold to hewlett packard h be in 2011 now. all was well until i think not too long after the acquisitions you had made had been made each. we thought that the company's value was inflated, more than what it was actually worth. and he suspected that maybe mike was cooking
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the books and this started a 12 year legal battle between economy and like lynch and h. p issue if backward. and it was not easy because it kept coming in and out of the news all the time. british american media, both a very well known or they're very familiar with the story. and last year lynch was actually extradited to the us. he was under house arrest for a few months. and in june this month, he was actually acquitted of all charges up to 12 years after 12 years. and he wasn't the only one. his um finance chief and champ chamberlain was also named in the trial. he tragically passed away this weekend and his death was announced the same day as the young man that's seems an extraordinary coincidence. doesn't it? tragic story. of course he might. lynch wasn't the only person on board who else was on bullets. i said, right. so one of the biggest names in the us finance industry, jonathan boomer was on it. he is an international chairman of morgan stanley,
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and she has been in the industry for 50 years. so she's someone who's about know when he is in the news, very all since to his disappearance is a big deal. it's not just him. his wife was also on the yard and she's also missing among the missing is also lynch's lawyer who's a big new york lawyer. his name is chris more zillow. he's also missing and his wife. but perhaps the most tragic thing is that lynch's 18 year old daughter hannah is also missing as, as a search and rescue operations continue. absolutely, so the search is ongoing and obviously we will uh, update on view as, as we get more information. but for now we're getting run. thank you so much. okay, we're going to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now and police in kenya. all searching for an alleged serial kayla who has escaped from custody collins jeremiah as he was described as
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a psychopath. i'm the vampire officer allegedly confessing to murdering and dismembering 42 women, including his wife. he broke out of a piece of police cell in nairobi, along with a dozen of the detainees, us intelligence officials say iran was likely responsible for hacking attacks on the republican candidate donald trump. campaign, same espn and other agencies suggested the breach was possible scheme bites her on to interfere with the us elections. they did don't reveal what information was accessed in the hack ukraine's parliament has voted to bomb the russia link to craning into adults church. the bill life post outlaws, old religious organizations with connections to russia. the measure needs to be signed into little by ukranian president. let them is lensky before it will take effect. a german made rocket has exploded during a test launch of the united kingdom's new spaceport on the shetland islands,
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built by rocket factory, oaks books. we broke it, blew up on monday nights. no one was injured. the company was testing its multi stage launch for carrying satellites in to space. now, india supreme court has ordered and over the whole of working conditions in hospitals following the rate of a medical train me the spot, major protest. judges set a national task force, including boxes, would check the safety of stuff in hospitals. the court has also lost medics to end that days. long strike, which is cox, non essential health services. in many cities. they've been calling attention to violence against women in indian society. one police volunteer has been arrested and charged over the c one year old woman's mother. there's a victim's family, alleges it was a gang right. dw correspondent shelly yadda,
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isn't deli incentives this update on the court's decision. the judges of and does highest school would have made it very clear that the face you'll self. this is a pressing national concern, devoss to countries federal investigative agency. the file is set as default into these. the top 4 defender not just pointed out, they've lapses an initial investigative proceedings by the local police and the state government, but also emphasize how common violence against medical professionals is in india, which explains the ongoing protests and slide by doctors across the country that have affected thousands of patients, medical professionals have been demanding tougher laws to protect them from violence for many years. during the hearing, the chief justice of india said that the nation cannot afford to wait for another tragedy before taking decisive action. the goose and rape and model of the young doctor in the eastern city of card cutoff has not only put a spotlight on violence against caseworkers, but also on the issue of sex with violence against women in india. despite self
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legislation and capital punishment, women face harassment and sexual assault on a day to day basis. as for the fishes that goes from 2021, almost 90 cases of rape would registered in depth every single day. for now, the supreme court has ordered setting up a shop for us to ensure the safety of doctors and they will place. it is also piece of the doctor and the stripe. and this you book, the next tooting in the macro will take place this thursday. are now john colt has rejected an appeal by a 99 year old woman who was convicted of crimes committed during germany's nazi era . god f was given a 2 year suspended sentence of being accessory to over $10000.00 motives when she was secretary to the assess, come on the of the for 12 concentration camp. an estimated $65000.00 people died extra tools, including jewish prisoners, polish partisans, and soviet russian prisoners of war, dw is political correspondent,
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thomas barbara has moved on this for us. hi, that's how much tell us more about what exactly on god f was convicted of. the 99 year old woman was described as having, being a secretary at the store 12th concentration kind of working directly for the head of the concentration comp. and that basically means that you had a desk job at the time dealing mostly with correspondence. this is important because it was clear from the beginning of the trial that you had not been actively involved directly involved in the top of thousands of people in stood 12. and it's important because the question that the judges had to ultimately decide on was whether she was aware or not about what was happening is to 12. while she was working, there was an 18 or 19 year old. and in the end, judges found that she was aware and that she was there for complicit. and the
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mother of around $10000.00 people defense lawyers had actually hoped for an acquittal, basically explaining that it was impossible to prove beyond any doubt that you had been aware of what was happening at the store top concentration comp, in that goes where she worked at now this is one of a number of cases linked to not see crimes that have been attracting a lot of attention here in germany. you haven't may and there's not just one out of several, but it's probably also one of the last and what's important with all these different trials with all these different cases is on the one hand, the aspect of time, the fact that crimes happened decades ago. but judges today when they announced that decision, we're clear to say that in the specific case of murder, the statute of limitations is not applied. but the other question, which as being present in most of these cases, at least in the last decade,
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is to what extent people who are not directly involved in the murder, we're actually still responsible. what happened in that goes infraction comes, in other words, where the people who are responsible for correspondence or gods, or the concentration come to who are responsible for transporting goods from one to another. whether they also played a part and based on to what, to what extent they were responsible for what happened. and basically what judges found, again, in this particular case, is that even if the, if those people played a small role, they will still responsible when it comes to the overall machinery, if you will. and that's why this particular case is so important and tell us just to pick up on the point you made that this may be germany's last trial related to nazi crimes. so does that mean german prosecutors are no longer pursuing the suspects? just briefly, if you could, you know, it essentially means that it's a race against time that most of the people who witnesses of that time who are
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involved in some of these terrible cases are dying. they're all we're talking here about 9 to 9 year old woman. so basically what this means is that all this working of what happened back then trying to understand what happened and also having those that played a role brought to just this is becoming a more and more difficult challenge for jumping off. what are these on what's relevant also, what's interesting in this particular case is that even some of the proceedings were filmed and recorded for posterity, because it's clearly the taste. it was described that, that a, something of historical importance. data based on the spirit, thomas, thank you. so much for that and here's a quick reminder for you of our top story at this hour. as peace talks to end the war and sit on stumble, mediations, a cooling for the opening of key border crossings to lesson desperately needed. a un is warning. so don's population faces the world's largest home, the prices because of the complex and with that you off today,
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