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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from butler in the us says, israel stands behind the new see slide proposal that could bridge the differences with hum us us secretary of state and me blinking pushes the revised proposal on a tool in the middle east. he's cooling on him off to accept it, but it's, i'm clear if the changes will be enough to convince the palestinian militant group to sign. also coming up from the program of finance leda and the tech magnet are among those still missing off for a super old sinks off the coast of sicily,
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emergency teams continue to search for remains of the ship. and it's come from just the great to have you with us. so as far as hawks aimed at ending the wall between israel and how much in garza all continuing in the middle east, the us x ray of state times ne, blinking arrived in egypt earlier on tuesday, where he met with the egyptian president of delta l. c. c, lincoln says israel has accepted a bridging proposal from us, the militant group that committed the october. the 7th terror attacks has accused israel as making changes to the proposal that go against what they will offered in early july. so it is still unclear if they will accept the concessions. lincoln says he's gotten from israel or e mail go hari in cairo,
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is following the story for us. he told me more about how, how mazda is responding to this latest proposal. you know, and it seems that they're not very happy with what the, until the police. because the rich richie the, they say we had an agreement in july was the bible proposal at that time. and in disagreements, there was a, a group that there was a 2 phases of exchanging is really hostages and punches to be in prison. this 1st in the 6 months and 6 weeks periods of a ceasefire, then this extending to a permanent ceasefire. and now they say in this ritchie proposal, and there is new to months by the end of our package that was until the break to the previous proposal. the main points, how much was unhappy was that there seems to be no more guarantee for a permanency side dis, package. this has to be negotiated to meet that time. and the 2nd thing that they
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are not separate was, is that is that is not a phone withdrawal and 5 is ready to from the gaza strip. they will not remain egyptian border to the gaza strip and also in the middle because it's different according to the bites that got us to pick to northern and southern parts. so how much isn't happy with this package? what about the talks happening between the egyptian president and the us secretary of state antony, blinking? i was not much thinking about this talk did. you should present this easy before emphasize to the danger that this order might to escalate into a wider conflict to something he agrees with us. and for sure it is, it is not happy about the it was pretty rich can propose is the permanent presence of professors, of these really ami s agents in florida to discuss this trip and as it offers
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crossing. and that's something that's also was read. sorry, despite that said y'all again that this is that the monkey would not move away from it. this is your security, say sources. so saying that there might be a readiness advise that how much is that just like me before? um, initial presence at this border, but also that limited to 6 months plus, as i said, there's really not much know about the details of the features. okay, so what, what does all of this leave the prospects for peace right now? what i mean for sure, we had very, very difficult negotiations ahead of us. how much is i don't think going to accept that there is no the for the store for the story, the army, and that there's not some kind of guarantee for coming to cease fire insight as you heard yesterday. and you as present to joe biden. in december, across the convention, he promised that he would deliver on
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a ceasefire in the cause of stripping the exchange of for hostages and christmas. but of course, all that he needs to sites not only is right, but also how mazda is homeless right now, is not very happy. her email good, hire a generalist in the cairo cream. thank you so much for your insights. doing as president joe biden has given an emotional speech at the democratic national convention to induce pamela harris as the policies presidential candidates. he rallied the crowd around the harris campaign, saying a vote for her was a vote for democracy just 2 months ago by it. and had expected to clinch the democrats nomination for a 2nd time, but concerns about his age and fitness. let the policy to back vice president harris. instead, she's managed to list the policy and the polls ahead of november's elections. it was a rock styles, welcome. as coma iris appeared on stage in chicago,
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but if the rest of the week is about fighting for the future, monday night was also about remembering the past. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president joe biden. h wasn't the speech by didn't had planned to give which it was one that found receptive and loving audience. the president clearly emotional reflected on the legacy and the tax donald trump, to but ultimately was a message of hope. and well marching the end of biden's half a century and politics are ready for freedom. democracy and the we're
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ready to work all the wires in general the when i gave my best for 50 years, like many of you, are getting my heart and soul organization. and i've been blessed 1000000 times reserved the support of the american people. the convention will see a row called a democratic grandees addressing the american people on monday night was the time of the last woman to face donald trump. this and our time america. this is when we when we
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the outside the convention center, it was more cons donation than celebration of thousands of pro palestinian demonstrates as long as the criticism of the policy. and this responds to garza, the democrats, and now looking ahead to the speech by the presidential hopeful, as joe biden passes on the leadership of the policy. and finally propose to exits the political stage. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today and us intelligence officials say iran was likely responsible for hacking attacks on republican candidate donald trump. campaign team b. s. b, a in other agencies, suggested the breach was part of a scheme, bites iran to interfere with us selection. they didn't reveal what information was
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accessed in the hack again and courses up held the sentence of a 99 year old form, a nazi concentration camp walker. and god force now was given a 2 year suspended sentence for aiding the murder of more than 10000 people. as a secretary had the strict tool for concentration camp during world war 2. the case could be one of the last nazi trials because of the age of the defendants. to you, friends, parliament has voted to ban the russia linked ukrainian orthodox church. the bill life post outlaws, old religious organizations with connections to russia and measure needs to be signed into little by president for the modem is the landscape before it will take effect. now for such as underway for 6 people still missing officer a luxury on the side of the italian island of sicily, one man has been confirmed dead u. k tech tycoon. mike lynch and his daughter are among those still missing,
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as well as jonathan blue mother, chairman of the investment bank. morgan stanley, international british inspectors have now been deployed as the search continues a day after super. y'all capsized here. italian rescue teams continue their search for the missing divers began to send to the wreck of the page, and the british flag yacht had 22 people on board, including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. mike lynch. battalion media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal in a massive us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is among several still missing. 15 survived. the captain of a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft,
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or they just have different sides for people who ingest 3 heavy injured and we brought them to our ship. and then we couldn't communicate the coast guard after sometimes because the car came and later there pick up people among the survivors. one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma. the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues, lady the, the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people, pass it, rescue divers base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minutes shift as they set out once more, a bouquet of flowers thrown in by a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats at the sight. i would, i'm run this from
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a business desk and is following this developing story for us could see you would've as a good amount of intrigue in the story, isn't that, i mean, tell, assessable, more about the people who are still missing. right? so one of the most important people being highlighted that's missing is british. ty cool when mike lynch. now, mike lynch was a lot of things. he was an investor in entrepreneur. he was a big name in the u. k. tech start up scene and he's been double the bill gates of breton, so he has a root. he has to populate his book. he's popular. and kind of the thing that he's most known for is that he found this company called autonomy, which he falls to hewlett packard. h. b in 2011. now. all was, well until i think not too long after the acquisitions you had made had been made of each be thought that the company's value was inflated, more than what it was actually worth. and he suspected that maybe mike was cooking the books and this started a 12 year legal battle between economy, my clinch and h, b,
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's us backward. and it was not easy because it kept coming in and out of the news all the time. british american media, both a very well known or they're very familiar with the story. and last year lynch was actually extradited to the us. he was under house arrest for a few months. and in june this month, he was actually acquitted of all charges up to 12 years after 12 years. and he wasn't the only one. his um finance chief in champ chamberlain was also named in the trial. he tragically passed away this weekend and his death was announced the same day as the young man that's seems an extraordinary coincidence. doesn't it? tragic story. of course, he might, lynch wasn't the only person on board who else was on both the ship. right. so one of the biggest names in the us finance industry, jonathan boomer was on it. he is the international chairman of morgan stanley, and he has been in the industry for 50 years. so she's someone who's well know when he is in the news, very off since the his disappearance is
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a big deal. it's not just him. his wife was also on the yacht and she's also missing. among the missing is also lynch's lawyer who's a big new york lawyer. his name is chris more zillow. he's also missing and his wife. but perhaps the most tragic thing is that lynch's 18 year old daughter hannah is also missing as, as a search and rescue operations continue. absolutely, so the search is ongoing and obviously we will uh, update on view as, as we get more information. but for now, would it run? thank you so much. i are now countries across the world have been welcoming the night sky phenomena known as a super moon. an ancient greek temple, south of athens, was the wolf to by the moon. monday evening. the event causes the moon to a pay and much larger than usual as its oh, but pauses close to us, mondays, safe and then could also be seen from asia, from australia, of them, at least, and from the americas. if you missed this one,
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don't worry. you will be able to see the next superman as early as next month. and with that you up to date, i mind you could just mckinnon. thanks so much for watching dw, join us of a talk to the next allison ones, national headlines, the d. w. travel besides the food? well, let's go through so when it comes to the stand dependency information, i'm trying executive on detail. you travel, you can have it. what about you? what your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comment? this shadows up joe. these pod costs and videos shed light on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scores to


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