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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from bell in the us says israel sounds behind a new c spy proposal. the could bridge the differences with hum us us x ray of space has to be blinking, pushes the revised proposal on a tour of the middle east. he's cooling on him off to accept it, but it's unclear of the changes will be enough to convince the palestinian militant group to sign. also coming up for the park to talk to us president gives an emotional firewall as the pos is,
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the democratic party torch to cumberland harris. the democratic national convention and civil war and saddam has left off the country's population facing from this peace talks to end the conflict stumble calls pro to open t border called the crossings unless in desperately need h u. n is wanting saddam faces the wealth largest tongue crisis. the many tubes mckinnon. good to have you with us ceasefire talks aimed at ending the war between israel and hamas in gauze at all. continuing in the middle east, the us secretary states asked me blinking arrives in egypt earlier on tuesday, where he met with the egyptian president of they'll set to fcc. lincoln says, israel has accepted a ridging proposal from us,
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which is the militant fruit that can message the type of the 7th terror attacks as accused as well as making changes to that proposal that go against what, how much was offered in the, the july. it's still unclear if the group will accept the concessions that blink and says he's managed to get from israel to unless kareem, i'll go hurry in cairo is the following story for us. and he told me more about how, how much is responding to the slightest proposal. yeah, well it seems that they're not very happy with what the onto the police and caused the rich richie the they say we had an agreement in july, was the bible proposal at that time? and then disagreements. there was a group that there was a 2 phases of exchanging, is really hostages and punish to be in prison. this 1st in the 6 months and 6 weeks periods of a ceasefire. that then this extending to a permanent ceasefire. and now they say in this friction proposal,
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and there is new to months by it, it's on the old package that was until they blinked to the previous proposal. the main points, how much was unhappy was that there seems to be no more guarantee for a permanency side dis, package. this has to be negotiated to the meet that time. and the 2nd thing that they are not separate was, is that is that is not a phone withdrawal and 5 is ready to from the gaza strip. they will not remain egyptian border to the gaza strip and also in the middle because it's different according to the device that got us to pick to northern and southern parts. so how much isn't happy with this package? what about the talks happening between the egyptian president and the us secretary of state antony blinking? it was m not much thinking about this talk is it is present the cc before emphasize to the danger that this order might to escalate
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into a wider conflict to something he agrees with us and for sure it is not happy about to it was pretty ritual proposes that the permanent presence of professors, of these really ami etsy dixon, florida, to discuss his trip and as it off are crossing. and that's something that's also was read. sorry, despite that, said you all again that this is that the monthly with not to move away from it. this is your security, say sources. so saying that there might be a readiness advise that how much of that just like me before, a initials presence at this border, but also that limited to 6 months. plus, as i said, there's really not much know about the details of the teachers. okay, so what, what does all of this leave the prospects for peace right now? what i mean for sure, we have very, very difficult negotiations ahead of. busy how much is i don't think going to
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accept that there is no the, for the store for the story, the army, and that there's not some kind of guarantee for coming to cease fire insight as you heard yesterday. and you asked present to joe biden into democratic convention. he promised that he would deliver on a ceasefire in the gaza strip in the exchange of for hostages and christmas. but of course, for that, he needs to sites not only is right, but also how most of the home us right now is not very happy. her e mail go, all right, john, lift in the cairo cream. thank you so much for your insights. doing the president joe biden has given an emotional speech to the democratic national convention to induce cumberland harris as the policies presidential candidates. he rallied the crowd around the harris campaign saying a vote for her was a vote for democracy just 2 months ago. biden had expected to clinch the democrats
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nomination for a 2nd time, but concerns about his age and his fitness led the policy to back vice president harris instead. and she's managed to list the policy in the polls ahead of the november elections. it was a rock styles, welcome. as homeless iris appeared on stage in chicago. but if the rest of the week is about fighting for the future, monday nights was also about remembering the past. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president joe biden. h wasn't the speech biden had planned to give, which it was one that found a receptive and living audience. the president, clearly emotional, reflected on his legacy and the tax, donald trump. but ultimately was
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a message of hope and well mocking the end of biden's half a century and politics are ready for freedom. democracy in the we're really to work on the wires in general the when i gave my best for 50 years. like many of you are getting my heart and soul organization and i've been blessed 1000000 times to return the support of the american people. the convention will
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see a role called of democratic grandees addressing the american people. monday night was a ton of the last woman to face. donald trump, this is our time america. this is when we when we bring the outside the convention center, it was more cons donation than celebration of thousands of pro palestinian demonstrates as most the criticism of the policy. and this responds to garza, the democrats now looking ahead to the speech by the presidential hopefuls. as joe biden passes on the leadership of the policy. and finally propose to exits the political stage. 60
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w a reports of stuff on simon's is following the democratic national convention for us in chicago with the former us president brock obama due to address the convention on tuesday. i also how important obama's endorsement has been for couple of harris presidential elections in america. it is a heavy endorsement counts, some count a little more, have a little bit bowls and then others. i mean, this is definitely uh, this is the big leak. so yes, those endorsements and the ones which will come a long this week. you know, it's great because of this week or until thursday until the dns, he's over, they will accounts they will account with in the democratic party. they will account for getting or enabling pamela harris to grep, move orders on the, on the edge of the independent voters. frat especially female voters in the suburbs, there is where she already made some strides, where the democratic party was under joe biden, as or with joe biden as a candidates in a slump. this has significantly changed,
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and those endorsements they help. so tell us a little bit more about where the race is at right now, because as you say, since cumberland iris has come on the scene that has been a shift in the polls. what all the poll saying now about how close harrison trump? of course. yeah, there's 2 kinds of fall. so there's a national paul, and we kind of have to neglect this a little bit because they don't really compared to the state polls. what is going on in the states, for example, in the battleground states. they don't matter that much, those national polls, but the she has for the 1st time, the democrats, as kamala harris, had a slightly over donald trump in the national poli. now let's talk about states and there, better ground states. and there is where the, where the cheese is, where it's really in pennsylvania, wisconsin to minnesota, michigan,
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georgia, arizona, pennsylvania, for example, georgia, for example. she has turned a little bit around that. it's a job id was in a dead heat at the time he were still the candidate with joe with donald trump that has changed now come out of harris has picked up more momentum. so you see there is we're pulling is more interesting for politics nerds, and for everybody was watching this really where this race is going. so come up our errors based on a good track. she has the momentum in the states in the battleground states. and so that is key for anything going forward from you don't use stuff on simon's reporting from chicago stuff and thank you so much i to india now where the supreme court has ordered and it was a whole as a working conditions in hospitals. i was following the rape and murder of a medical training that sparks major protests. judges set a national task force that will include doctors would check the safety of self and
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hospitals. the court has also off medics to end the day as long strike, which is caught known as central health services. in many settings, the demonstrations have been calling attention to violence against women in indian society. a police volunteer has now been arrested and charged over the 31 year old woman's murder. the victims family alleges it was actually a gun, right? dw correspondence, shelly out of isn't deli incentives this update on the quotes decision. the judges list and does highest score would have made it very clear that the face you'll self does is a pressing nationalism, sun devoss, the country is federal investigative agency. the file is set to support into these the top 4 defender not just pointed out, they've lapses in initial investigative proceedings by the local police and the state government would also emphasize how common violence against medical professionals is in india, would experience the ongoing protests and slide by doctors across the country that
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have affected thousands of patients, medical professionals have been demanding tougher laws to protect them from violence for many years. during the hearing, the chief justice of india said that the nation cannot afford to wait for another tragedy before taking besides this action. the goose of rape and model of the young doctor in the eastern city of car cutoff has not only put a spotlight on violence against caseworkers, but also on the issue of sexual violence against women in india. despite self legislation and competent punishment women face harassment and sexual assault on a day to day basis. as for the patients that goes from 2021, almost 90 days as a freight border disturb and in depth every single day. for now, the supreme court has ordered said a couple shots for us to ensure the safety of doctors and they will place. it has also appeared to the doctor and the stripe. and this you book, the next coding in the macro will take place this thursday. ok, let's take a look now. some of the other store is making headlines around the world at this
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hour and place in kenya all searching for an alleged serial killer who has escaped from custody. collins to my z was described as a psycho pump of implants of the allegedly confessing to murdering and dismembering 42 women, including his wife. he broke house of a police cell in nairobi, along with a dozen of the detainees. a german made real kit has exploded during a test launch at the u. k. is new space force on the shipment. the islands built by rocket factory, oaks books. the rocket blew up on monday nights. no one was injured. the company was testing its multi stage launch as a carrying satellite sense of space. ukraine's parliament, as those are to bind the russia links ukrainian. if adults church, the bill, they false don't lose all religious organizations with connections to russia. the measure needs to be signed into little by president below them is lensky before it can take effect. the chinese prime minister leach young has begun
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a 3 day visit to russia is getting to boost ties that have grown closer since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. china has never condemned thoughts invasion . nathan members of describe beijing as a decisive enabler of the war. chinese premier leach young as arrived in moscow for talks with his russian counterpart. that's me try it, let me just and you can see any, a relationship as close as lips and teeth and stuff that you can just go about. you want us to trying to supreme leader, she jim paying is a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. she famously declared that his country's friendship with russia had no limits. song, china and russia have ramped up economic cooperation and diplomatic contacts. and beijing has broadly backed russia's war and ukraine. it stopped short of sending weapons as it fears being sanctioned by the west. although nasal was branded beijing, a decisive enabler of the war. and pressure is growing amazing to scale down. it's
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backing from us, go from us, go, lead travels to minsk, another close relationship. the chinese have describe better us and beijing as being all, whether comprehensive strategic partners in july better roost joined the china ledger lines of states called the shanghai cooperation organization. july also saw a major joint display of fire power by chinese and better russian forces. just 5 kilometers from the border with poland. what that means that operation eagles sold was carefully timed to coincide with the nato summit and jangled nerves into european union. these visit to both countries will highlight the broadening alliance of autocratic states, or china and russia are creating a platform for countries such as by the rules around a north korea. now peace talks underway in geneva to end the 16 month will between the sudanese ami,
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the power millet treat rapid support forces or assess but only one side has showed up to the talks. now that is making it difficult to address the humanitarian dissolves, still unfolding as a result of the cost of students. population of 50000000 is now facing food and security and simon, one of the negotiations. main goal is to open 3 border crossings, which would allow him to monetary and aid into the country dw, corresponding around the travel to transported with saddam to speak with refugees the. they shed the stories, was about the brutal rule that forced them to slay the homeland hired most stuff. i was lucky to escape and attacked by the power of military rapids support forces. hometown engineering. now that you witnessed it's paternity survey here by the name of the info and his house down. that's all it didn't shows him well, how did they tied him up and set them on fire?
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the fire killed him of the select model mostly that hey, she was forced to abandon her farm and floor and struggled to find enough to eat for her children. arriving in the refugee camps and chat conditions, square, and just good as sweet hoped. that wasn't enough shelter, food or clean water. most days they were only able to eat once a day. then due to my lack of fees, diarrhea and fever. signs of malnutrition. like i'm done, i'm worried about her because she didn't get the best that's a long time. we couldn't find any treatment and often taking her to a hospital and she didn't get back to like doctors of them speech has seen many children like her arrive in recent months. the expect the situation to get less the main reason is the lack of food for the communities. and especially for people who from, from so done the depend of the money to tell you on a,
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does that not enough, it's one of the was a richard g prizes overtime to let you know for the, for more than 600000 people have fled into neighboring chat since the war broke out in april last year. 8 organizations have been overwhelmed. food assistance is chronically under funded funding 19 percent of the world food programs funding calls have been met by doing that. countries over the board and span the situation is even with salmon has been declared in a time. coal, samsung containing nearly half a 1000000 displays people, you the city of a slasher, know stuff. and fashion has been under siege by the rapid support forces. making it impossible for people inside to receive any aid or do we have to assess the friends different, you know, as i feel they had to stop the project, there are still,
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there was the total was long. it's hard to imagine what the people are. we take care of i've been, i've been through 11 year old mohammed ali was injured by at any rate, you know, sasha and then got malaria on the way to some some come to some of us desperate and then again and they didn't. we just need 8 organizations to come and help us with starving here. hunger makes our children sick. and with the rain it's even what we can only give them nuts to eat, hung to make my son in like this. he was the head back at the hospital and chat. how yeah it is released to do it has finally getting better. but she's worried when she thinks about her family she had to leave behind. and so done that report was filed by dw correspondent mario miller, who told me more about what life is like inside to dawn right now. are well documented tyran situation is catastrophic. i mean, we're talking in a special, we're talking about a city of 1500000 people,
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including 800010100 displaced people. and you've seen the conditions in the report and the kinds that deplorable people are completely cut off any aid or food. and then also this constant selling and bombardment or the hospital except for one has been forced to close because of incessant and get constant bombardment and, and attenuation calling. and the only one that is now celebration will also has been putting out a statement saying they cannot continue like this. and people inside of sasha are basically trapped inside the city because it has been under siege virus for several months now. and the said in his army is not willing to give up this position. and as i sure because it's the last position in the for, and that if they lose the state, that would mean that the r as f as in control of the whole region of the for that is about the size of spain. and that would give them a significant apprehend in this war. let's talk about the piece talks that are
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currently underway in geneva. only one of the war and policies has shown up. tell us more about the of the. yeah, exactly, for context. yes. and all of the several delegations taking part in these geneva tools. we have to integrations from the us, the when the african union, saudi arabia, egypt, the united arab emirates. and then one of the warring parties, the rep that support forces. and the said in his army refused to take part because they say they don't accept the united arab emirates to being upset the, to these tools because they accuse them of actually supporting the rapid support forces of supplying them with arms. that's one reason. the other reason they say is their 1st want to see the implementation of the jetta agreement that both parties have signed last year. and that basically says, or both parties have with that reaffirmed their obligation under international humanitarian law. to facilitate humanitarian assistance in the iris that they are controlling,
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but both sides have not done that. and that's why we see this catastrophic conditions inside saddam. we know that there are actually trucks carrying humanitarian aid that a wasting at the sudanese florida. apparently negotiate has expressed the hope that several border crossings might open allow this a to reach people into don. all that any signs that will that, that might be happening. yeah, so this, it in his army has just agreed on opening up audrey border crossing. that's actually the border crossing where he's feeling part of this report that he does so . and that's good news. of course the us special envoy to sit down to him. perianal has said yesterday and a briefing that now around 100 trucks filled with medicine and food can actually and said for from today and also hopefully reach the worst affected area such as some of them come the counsel autonomy to stress the voice on the report so yeah, and also then there are also negotiations going on as to why the border crossings
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could be opened. still not to confound. it's a small step, but at least in the right direction to use mariel and the less thank you so much. mariel to the update for now for such as i'm the way. so 6 people still missing off to our luxury. you don't sign coffee. italian island sicily or mine has been confirmed that u. k. tech tycoon might lynch and his daughter are among those still missing as well as jonathan blue. my, he's the chairman of the investment bank. morgan stanley international petition inspectors have now been deployed as the search continues the day after super. y'all capsized here. italian rescue teams continued their search for the missing. divers began to descend to the wreck of the page, and the british flag yacht had $22.00 people on board, including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. my clinch. battalion
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media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal and a massive us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is a monk. several still missing. 15 survived. the captain of a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft, a just a few insights for people to ingest. 3 heavy injured and we brought them to our ship and then we couldn't communicate with the coast guard after some time the cost car came and later people among the survivors, a one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma, the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say, corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues, you know, all the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people,
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pass it, press q divers, base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minutes shift. and if at all the biggest difficulties getting into the ship into the once inside, we can follow the path and begin searching room by room. as they set out once more, a bouquet of flowers thrown in by a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats. at the sight, this is a reminder of our top story at this hour. the us says israel has supported a new c 5 proposal, but could bridge the differences with the palestinian militant for from us the us x ray of space and to me blink. and his cold on come us to accept the license proposal that the group says it goes against earlier agreement and with that are up to date and stay with us. eco, africa is not. i'm any tips,
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mckinnon. thanks so much for the
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respect. it's all about walking waves and fixing nature. that's right, sandra, respecting they just studying the new dates. it's about being up to date with caring tardiness technologies. i'm trying to eat co way of life. the environment magazine, africa next on d w. they fled from gaza to each weigh some more, but they remain surrounded by fear and uncertainty. how long will they have to stay
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here? and can they build a new life? refugees from gaza give us a glimpse into their everyday lives. out in 45 minutes on d, w, the living in a society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think i pretend as in this leaving, what is home? how do we tackle the major issues about time? talk about the system, or if there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our system. our series
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continues. dodson henderson on the w the when it comes to environmental protection. one of the biggest challenges is how to balance competing interests all too often. there is a conflict between nature conservation out economic goals bought, taking auction on climate change, come and look new opportunities if it is done right. so welcome to go off because i am a son drug of homes that we know.


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