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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 7:15pm-7:30pm CEST

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stay with us up. next we look at how big business is profiting from waters scarcity . i'm the coal fairly from all of us here in berlin. thank you so much for your company. the . there's no understand can have a think like the volume just presented. do you have any news on instagram and you know, follow up get training for an exciting hobbin, toyota to surprise. hi, i'm shop now and i'm ready to dive into the hands of humans or to have you have a wonderful geneva comport card via included, invest funded from quarter key indians to keep close that even though
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we've got a response to this for and unexpected sides of the, this stuff is generally regarded as the earth's most valuable commodity, but that might not be the case for long. water is going to be good as the new oil climate change in population growth has pushed the world into what nasa calls a major hydraulic change. a k, a global water crisis. the scarcity of water means one thing is value is going up. it's why investment firms are smashing up land tied to water rights. and french farmers are taking big business and the authorities to court. we look at the impact of worlds, water problem is having our local communities and how it's re shaping the market. i wanted to just city gold was
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a child. he and his siblings would swim and the mouth of this case was your telephone as kids. we have the water up until here. and now there's not a drop of water to be seen. this cave is one of the water sources. we're cold, fresh water from a reservoir. under the dome volcano emerges, it sits on into odds land, which has been of family run fish hatchery since the 17th century. but the source has been dry since 2018 and the network of pools that were once used to breed trout are no longer in operation. due to the severe drop in water levels where you have that exhaust. you can see here, for example, here 30 or 40 years ago, the water came up here every day of the year. it was constant, particularly since we did out who's the head of local water conservation group. clayvon is standing above and irrigation canal that carries natural mineral waters
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throughout the town. today, despite the heavy rainfall we had in may in june, the water levels are very low, where you click on to do it, become a fabulous. you're only $3.00 to $4.00 centimeters. sylvie and it was blameless on french food and beverage company, donal which extracts water from the pleated on base and, and bottles it under label volvic every day. a steady stream of trucks loaded with freshly bottled water leave the volvic plant on their way to shelves in more than 60 countries. it was says donal is taking water faster than the water table can replenish itself. the hydrologist he's hired to assess the future of the fish farm. predict it'll be completely dry in 20 years. a tunnel wasn't available for a sit down interview and answered questions by email. they say that last year, 1700000000 leaders of volvic water left the plant, the equivalent of 680 olympic sized swimming pools. and that the company has
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already reduced water used by 17 percent since 2017. since he explains that to save the sources from dying, it needs to be reduced more. here's how it works. this is a volvic and fluid them. when it rains, the rain water is soaked into the soil and crosses the different volcanic layers in full trading faults in the rock and eventually settling into a number of underground basins. there are natural sources where the water emerges. one used to be edwards caves, but it's now dried up in a similar fate threatens the others. dental is allowed to extract 2500000000 meters per year. the water levels drops so low. regional officials put restrictions in place. local residents and businesses were told they had to reduce water used by 10 percent by 2025. but the restrictions
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didn't apply to dental. so they have promised to reduce extraction by 5 percent in the case of route to water belongs to the nation. considered a common good and globally water is becoming more scarce. half of the world's population could be living in areas facing water scarcity by as early as next year . this sets the stage for a range of other problems like increased risk of disease. women and children bear the brunt of the hardship as the ones typically collecting water. they face exploitation. so could water markets be a viable solution transporting and selling water from one place where it's abundant to a place where there isn't enough? could feel unimportant need for people where there is water scarcity. but as demand grows, so to will the price the world resources institute rings,
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jewelry as one of the most water stress countries in the world, meaning that the countries demand exceeds the available supply central. it's sheila has been experiencing drought for more than a decade. and the evidence is already visible. this is like, you know, i cool now one or 2 of these lakes. well, it used to be a lake because now it looks like this. hydrologist say that the lack of rain fall in the country has contributed to its demise. but that over exploitation from humans has had the biggest impact in the 19 ninety's water from nearby rivers and aqua 1st, which replenish the lakes, were diverted for other uses. the government sold water rights to water intensive of a condo in charity farms, summer homes for wealthier residents use some of the water to grow lawns and filled their swimming pools. experts blame the unchecked sale of water rights during this
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period. as the reason why the lake is dry and that has encouraged some to try to bring transparency to chili's watermark at the okay. he believes that building the value of water rights is key to taking care of water resources. and we also see that the trulia and state has not been concerned about this issue. christine valensuela is a natural resources engineer and founder of august, he's got a platform that shows where water rights are being sold. and for how much money when we want to set a precedent for future public policies that are better oriented than those that exist today, the federal level cd, the policies that many july ends hope will change under newly elected left. as president gabrielle bowditch, who says he'll support a proposed statute to reform. she lays water laws experts point to the privatization of its water, which began in 1981 under the dictatorship of pino shay, as the biggest corporate of water scarcity. so while water markets can help supply
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water to areas that need it, that policy can undo its benefits. water markets are good tools. i am in favor, generally speaking of water markets. but the problem with water markets is that they're a means to an end, but they're not in the end and, and of themselves. and so they have to be, well regulated, a global water scarcity, whether it's driven by over extraction or by drought, or both means one simple thing. it's value is going up. water is everything that gold and oil and we is, it is a valuable salable commodity. this is right, larson, he's a professor of water law at arizona state university. one thing water policy people say in the west is water doesn't flow down hill water flows to month 10 years ago, a private company named greenstone resource partners, llc. but a $500.00 acre parcel of land and simple la, arizona,
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for around $10000000.00. the land came with water rights to the colorado river, which had been in decline due to drought and over use for the 1st couple of years, greenstone least of land, back to farmers in the area. and then in 2018, they sold the water rights tied to that parcel of land to a gated community in phoenix, arizona. they made a profit of $14000000.00 by shipping the water 200 miles away. even though the greenstone sailed into effect, sibyl was municipal water supply. it's done local residents who worried about the impact selling water from one community just to redirect it towards another will have on farming in the future. this is all according to an investigation by the guardian, massachusetts state senator elizabeth warren, is trying to put a stop to water features trading, which allows investors, farmers, and municipalities to speculate on water scarcity and trade water rates as
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a commodity. water isn't actually exchanged and there's water us index giving investors a benchmark of the price development of water in california. the nasdaq villas california water index, which launched in 2018 experts say the danger is that it could encourage investors to buy water rights in order to drive the price up and to make money on the futures market. with more than 2000000000 people lacking access to safe water, the idea that water scarcity is being used as a way to make profit is concerning to the united nations. last year, the un held the 1st conference focusing on water in nearly 50 years. that significant number should demonstrate just how seriously we take water security in a statement. it said water is the human right. it needs to be managed as a common good considering water as a commodity or a business opportunity will leave behind those that cannot access or afford the
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market prices. back in france, eduardo take steps to conserve his communities. common good. it says he's taking the french authorities to court is asking them to reduce the amount of water done. none is permitted to pump because of the secretariat, they can pick more sick. this patching pool is completely dry. pc color missed the thank you done on the whole you look at the damage your doing on our territory. now let's see, nuff is enough play. bob wants to see water levels rise again, too low, you know, to general mount water is a common color. does he have to use it belongs to everyone, why it should not be monopolized by a multinational corporation? like done? should there be limits on corporations that bottle ground water for big bucks? what about investment firms up by water rights hoping to re sell them for a profit? what do you think? let us know when the comments the
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