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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, us democrats prepared to raise the curtain on the 2 of their national convention after forceful space from president biden rock. and michelle obama are due to take the stage in chicago, holding their energy in good health, send pamela harris to the oval office, also coming up the u. s. as israel stands behind a new cease fire proposal that can bridge the differences with my secretary of state antony blank and calls on her mazda extended on its 4 of the middle east spots the palestinian militant groups as the proposal goes against earlier agreements and civil war and saddam has left half of the country's population
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facing famine. as people talk, stumble calls grow to open key border crossings and let in desperately needed aid. the u. n. warranty through john faces the world's largest hunger crisis. and the top anchor and a tech tycoon are among those still missing. after a yacht thinks off the coast officially, emergency teams continue to search for remains of the ship. and this passengers the call for links to those. joining us on p b. s. and the united states and all of our viewers around the world. welcome to the show. it's great to have you with us. we start tonight in chicago were a former president for rock. obama is expected to speak on the 2nd day of the democratic national convention residential vitamin who served for 8 years as a while as lice president will not be in the hall to see as former running may
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speak, he left chicago after delivering his own speech on the conventions opening 9 just 2 months ago by me, and expected to cleanse the democrats nomination for a 2nd term. but concerns about his age and fitness left the party to turn this back on him. since his withdrawal from the race vice president harris has managed to lift the part in the poles ahead of the elections and november a short while ago, i talked to political strategist to use fund the law. he worked on the brock obama campaigns in 20082012. and it's now following very closely, all is happening at the democratic national convention. i asked him what we can expect from the obama speech tonight. well, brock obama continues to have great weight within the democratic party is one of the most popular figures, of course. and so it was very helpful for emma harris to have his support. also shut obama support the i just state that brock obama is going to give
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a speech tonight. of course, praising here's talking about the relationship a talking about the type of leadership that people can expect from her. but i think he's also capable of making an argument. so if you compare with the current situation, 2024, with the situation 2012, when brock obama was ranked for re election. both now and then the economy was not where the president or cobbler harris was hoping the economy would be. so i think he's able to make an argument to people to say, look, i've been there, i know what it takes to restructure our economy, to help make sure that middle class americans have all the necessary things that they need. and so i think that is particularly helpful um for comma harris in order to get that dorsen from brock obama and have the case that she is capable of putting the economy back on the right track. yeah. and from what we're seeing from the harris campus, a very energetic, a very optimistic campaign. is she modeling her campaign in a way after obama?
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and i think she should, and that's not me saying because brock obama ran a particularly successful campaign, was part of it. but i think brock obama back then made a key argument to american voters and he said, who is fighting for you? is it me? who's always been part of the middle class and helping people to get into the middle class? it was a bit, ronnie, this is back in 2012, which is a millionaire. and who's going to be fighting for the millionaire class? and i think that's the same argument that come about her should be making as economy has nothing recovery as quickly as they have told. she can make the argument that she is part of the middle class. she's always help people get into the middle class. the same is of course true for scrap and joe biden. and so i think she can make the argument that donald trump is fighting for millionaires and billionaires like him. you can make the argument around the tax cuts that trump has to post and propose. and so that is, i think the playbook or the page from the playbook. they come or hair should copy back from the obama place in 2012. yeah, we saw that argument made on her behalf by
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a o c last night actually. and i wanted to shift and look at the pro palestinian groups that are asking harris to support a permanent cease fire and an arms and bar go. there were huge protest outside of the bmc yesterday. and does she have any plans to propose or offer any substantial changes or tweaks at least to the u. s. policy in the middle east? as it stands today? i was walking around the convention venue yesterday and product swell, full swing. i think you already have a new new piece now. i think for, for some of the protesters, the question is, so are they gonna support come with harris. their civil uncommitted delegates who are supposed to be voicing their opinion was be going to do that in the conference . so or the convention hall or not. so you know, still still still to be seen. but i think kyla harris has to be very careful and sort of walk a type line. is she gonna give it instead of tell people what they want to hear?
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i don't think she should do that. i don't think she's going to do that. i think the line that democrats is going to walk is to say, she is particularly empathetic, maybe more empathetic, as joe biden is on that issue. she's going to listen. but in the end, she will have to do what is necessary in order to win the selection. i think the case that she's going to make is look 8 shop presidency. what the way worse for people over in the middle east and my presence will be so i don't think she should given i don't think it's a smart little strategy. and i think the democrats need to do everything to make sure that whatever we're seeing on the left hand side right now is not escalating. because that could have tremendous ripples in this convention for narrative is that the convention under the democratic leadership has gone rogue. them out of control . mm hm. and you mentioned donald trump, there for a fleet. he will be campaigning in a town in michigan, with historic links to white extremism. what message is he sending with that? of course with donald trump, i'm not quite sure what message she's sending. i think there is
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a message that could be sending that would tremendously help us campaign, which is of course the economy is not on the right track. there pulls out that say, you know, overall the countries on the wrong track, almost 7080 percent of americans say countries on the wrong track. and on the other hand, of course, the economy is still not delivered as soon as he's talking about the economy. i think is polls are going to continue to go up, but you can't seem to help himself because he's calling com. i hear his name's, he's making suggestions that he's better looking then calmly. here's i think that is might be something that the image size of the room that he's speaking in right now, but i don't think that's politically helpful to swing voters right now. if you look at the polar, people still have a 10 point favorability ready for trump when it comes to handling the economy. board inflation. i think that's a sweet spot for donald trump if he continues to hammer that message. i think he very well mike, window selection, but again, if even for years off it goes back to the greatest hits 20162020 calling or corporate comma, or saying that the election was
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a break back in 2020. i think he's losing those important swing voters as a political strategist, julia spangler. thank you so much. i said, i mean so as far as hawks aimed at ending the war between israel and the mos in gaza are continuing in the middle east at this hour. us secretary of state antony blinking is now in kentucky. are as part of a diplomatic tor that's pushing for a truce. earlier he met with president bill for tile, c, c in egypt. lincoln says, israel has accepted a bridging proposal as he calls it, a moss, which committed the october 7th terror attacks. has accused israel of making changes to the proposal that in go against what a mazda agree to back in july a car. im algo ari is a cairo based journalist and he told his why her mazda is saying the current proposal on the table goes against earlier agreements. you know, it seems that they're not very happy with what. busy onto the police because the
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brit shit, fritchie d the they say we had an agreement in july, was divided, proposing at that time. and in disagreements there was a repeat that there was 2 phases of exchanging is really hostages and punches to be in prison. this 1st in the 6 months and 6 weeks periods of a ceasefire, then this extending to a permanent ceasefire. and now they say in this friction proposal, and there is new to months by and it's on the our package that was until the break to the previous proposal. the main points, how much was unhappy was that there seems to be no more guarantee for a permanency side dis, package. this has to be negotiated a later time. and the 2nd thing that they are not separate was, is that is, that is not a phone withdrawal. and 5 is ready to from the gaza strip. they will not remain
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egyptian border to the gaza strip and also in the middle because it's different according to the bites that got us to pick to northern and southern parts of car him. alga laurie reporting from cairo there, and we can now look at some other stories making headlines around the world. a north korean soldier has defected to south korea, reportedly crossing the heavily notarized border, a sole base news agencies of the country's military and taken custody of the defector. a man wearing a north korean military uniform is being questioned. 5 south korean authorities on his motives for the crossings. german court has upheld the sentence of a 99 year old former nazi concentration camp worker. m. god force now was given a 2 year suspended sentence for a meeting in the murder of more than 10000 people. as a secretary at the store total concentration camp during world war 2. the case could be one of the last non c trials due to the age of the defendants.
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ukraine's parliament has voted to ban the russia link ukrainian orthodox church. the bill they passed outlaws, all religious organizations with connections to russia. the measure needs to be signed into law by president will let him hear the landscape to take effect. the chinese prime minister leads young has begun a 3 day visit to russia. piece came to boost ties that have grown closer since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. china is never condemned to russia's invasion. nato members have described beijing as of the science of enabler of the war. chinese premier d chung as arrived in moscow for talks with his russian counterpart. that's me try it, let me just and you can see any a relationship as close as lips and teeth and stuff that he can just go about. you know, still trying to supreme leader, she jim paying is a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. she famously declared that his
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country's friendship with russia had no limits. song, china and russia have ramped up economic cooperation and diplomatic contacts. and beijing has broadly backed russia's war and ukraine. it stopped short of sending weapons as it fears being sanctioned by the west. although nasal was branded beijing, a decisive enabler of the war. and pressure was growing on paving to scale down its backing from us. go from moscow, lead travels to me is another close relationship. the chinese of describe better ross and beijing is being all weather comprehensive, strategic partners. in july, better roost joined the china ledger lines of states called the shanghai cooperation organization. july also saw a major joint display of fire power by chinese and better russian forces to 5 kilometers from the border with poland. much operation eagle assault was carefully timed to coincide with the nato summit and jangled nerves into european union.
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these visit to both countries will highlight the broadening alliance of autocratic states, or china and russia are creating a platform for countries such as batteries around a north korea pace. stocks are underway in geneva to end the 16 month war between the sudanese army and the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. but only one side showed up to the talks that's made it difficult to address the humanitarian disaster unfolding. as a result of the war, half of students population of 50000000 is now facing food and security and famine . one of the negotiations mangles is to open 3 border crossings which would allow more humanitarian aid into the country. our corresponded mario miller travel to chance border with through don to speak with refugees. they share their stories about the brutal war that forced them to flee their homeland. the hi at most stuff
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. i was lucky to escape and attacked by the power ministry rapids support forces on their hometown engine. you know, that you witnessed it's baton a t. c big the info into his house down. they didn't shoot him. they tied him up and set him on fire. the fire killed him a little bit more that hey, she was forced to abandon her farm and floor and struggled to find enough to eat for her children. arriving in the refugee camps and chat conditions, square, and just good as sweet helped. there wasn't enough shelter, food or clean water. most days they were only able to eat once a day. then due to my lack of fees, diarrhea and fever. signs of malnutrition. like i'm done, i'm worried about her because she didn't get the best that's a long time. we couldn't find any treatment and often taking her to a hospital and she didn't get better. then i might even say like digital i'm speech
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has seen many children like her arrived in recent months. the expect, the situation to get less the main reason is the lack of food for the community. and especially for people who from funds to be done, the depend of the money, tell you on a, does that not enough, it's one of the was a richard g prizes of our time to let you know for the, for more than 600000 people have fled into neighboring shot since the war broke out in april. last year. 8 organizations have been overwhelmed. food assistance is chronically under funded. only 19 percent of the world food programs funding calls have been met by doing that. countries over the border and span situation as even with salmon has been declared in a time called samsung containing nearly half a 1000000 displays people you the city as
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a sasha or north stuff and flash has been under siege by the rapid support forces making it impossible for people inside to receive any aid when we had the image so . so for instance, in a refresher and they had to stop the project there after the hospital was blown. it's hard to imagine what the people are we take care of. i've been, i've been through 11 year old mohammed ali was injured by a temporary, you know, sasha, and then got malaria on the way to samsung come to some of us desperate. and then again, and they didn't. we generally need 8 organizations to come and help us with starving here. hunger makes our children sick and with the rain and see what we can only give them not to eat hunger. make my son in like this. he was the hood back at the hospital and chat, how you had his relief to do. it has finally getting better. but he's worried when she thinks about her family, she had to leave behind. and so down the united nations, as described,
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the latest forest closure of some one and a half 1000 n g owes in nicaragua, as quote, deeply alarming, the latest move by nicaraguan authorities, we'll see mainly religious associations shuddered and it brings a total number of band civil society organizations to more than $5000.00 their closure as part of a major craft down by president daniel ortega on opponents. the government has also sees the assets of the band organizations to felix miranda. yaga is a prominent nicaraguans human rights advocate and the president of the foundation for the freedom of nicaragua. and i asked him about the practical impact of ortega, shutting down more than 5000 and jails. is a best blow to civil society is an attack on the very essence of a free society, but also the most vulnerable. in addition to religious organizations,
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23 percent of the 5100 organizing shutdown used to cover on attended areas of the country in dos of water surfaces, health and education over 600000 children. and you cut out what receive education services from these and deals. now, many of the groups targeted were religious entities, but the crack on also head chests, clubs, small traders and pensioners. and they will now all have their assets seized. how to make sense with this? it doesn't make any sense if the paranoia of the sun denise the dictatorship, they started actually with my organization in june 2018. the think tank that i used to direct was the 1st, but unfortunately not, not the last on. now we're seeing even organizations that were closely tied to the or the origin. so the son is the party. for example, competent organization veteran movements for the sunday needs, the party were also dismantled,
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which only can be explained to the extreme paranoid that the regime has been hit hard by international sanctions from the you from the west. is this correct? or maybe also a way for ortega to raise money, seizing all those assets. yes it is. it's a, it's a, it's a big part of that, but it's not the main component. a visa that needs to redeem is a clip. the category team. they are making a lot of money by giving mining concessions to china by making corrupt deals with all the clap, the category games around the world. so i seen that the prime no. yeah. and also, the systematic you already cation of the boys, as an independent thought is the main motivation of these crack down. what i want to talk about how we got here, because not everybody might be as familiar as you are with the history of, of nicaragua. ortega was hailed as a revolutionary when he rose to prominence for helping over throw the nicaraguan dictatorship in 1979. now today, many you among them? see ortega is a dictator as oh,
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right. how did he become the very thing that he wants fought against? only my personal opinion. i've always been uh, someone against ortega himself. i think he was a hypocrite. however, he's on, the brother criticize him just a few months ago and his brother is in house arrest. so that you know, way explains the x ray par note overtake none of the original founder. so be signed the lease to move and agree with their take out today. he's on wife, real side of what do you know? he's the vice president of the country. 5 of his children have minutes to pose or high ranking positions in government, which really explains that he'd turn into the same thing that he criticized. and it was precisely because the democratic transition from the get out from of the. busy or to piece any get out what was very weak. and we must admit that because i would never had the strong democratic institutions. but the things that we're seeing today are on president that the cut our history. nicaragua has a troubled history of failed for an interventions. when you trying to challenge
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ortega, you ended up in prison to see any real challenge to his group on power. as i said, that the fact that he knows that he's not popular at all has thrown him from all what people labeling label him before he's being dictator. basically, he tried to have a side of democracy a decades ago. now he does a need that's beside because he knows that he doesn't have any legitimacy. and he's is very weak because he's on party is afraid. a lot of the founding members of his movement are afraid. and then he cut out one of the relations. the resilience and we are hopeful that a we, at, at some point will see the more credit change. however, i must admit that these precise points or data has been able to eradicate all the position parties and old independent voices. i hope that this is not a long term situation. would you consider launching another challenge even after everything you've been through? well, in my case,
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i have been declared is they bless my role at these points to support those to remain inside the country. doing a political position from exile as a stainless person is, is very complicated. however, i believe that young caroll, once the inspiring students went to the street, the, the youth and they just moved with the we must move on inside the country. they continue, although very silently at this point, they continue to hold for democracy and change and i believe i'm optimistic that change will come. the next morality i got president of the foundation for the freedom of nicaragua. thank you so much for the time that you gave us and all the best. you thank you to go and some more world news for land has some of the uranium basset, or over the closing of a german language institute and tear on calling for an immediate reopening or any media saying the closure was in retaliation for germany shuddering. and his lumnick
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center in hamburg, back in july, the lennox used it of being an outpost of iran, secrecy, or in india. thousands of people have blocked railway tracks in and around noon by and protest over the alleged sexual assault of 24 year old school. girls. officials say the protests turn violent when police try to clear the lines. interest comes just days after nationwide protests over the rape and murder of a female doctor. a german made rocket has exploded during a test launch at the united kingdom is new spaceports on the shetland islands, built by a rock in factory outs, book the rock and blew up on monday nights. no one was injured. the company was testing and small tiny stage launcher for caring satellites and to space. the search is still underway for 6 people missing after a luxury yacht sank off the italian island of sicily. one man has been confirmed that the okay tech type couldn't like lynch and his daughter are among those still
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missing as well as jonathan bloomer, the chairman of the investment bank. morgan stanley international version inspectors have now been deployed. as the search contains the day after super, y'all capsized here. italian rescue teams continued their search for the missing. divers began to descend to the wreck of the page, and the british flag yacht had $22.00 people on board, including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. my clinch. battalion media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal in a mass of us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is among several still missing. 15 survived, the captain of a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft. this is
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a different sides for people to ingest, 3 heavy injured and we brought them to our ship. and then we couldn't communicate with the coast guard after sometimes because the car came. and later people among the survivors, a one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma. the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues, you know, the lady, the, the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people by rescue divers base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minutes shift. and if at all the biggest difficulties getting into the ship, when i was into the once inside, we can follow the path and begin searching room by room. as they set out once more,
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a bouquet of flowers thrown in by a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats at the sight. and american born spanish women believe to have been the world's oldest person has died at the age of 117. born in san francisco in 1907, maria braun. yes. and her family moved back to spain. she was very young. she survived the 1918 flu, 2 world wars, the spanish civil war and a balance of corona virus. or family said she died in her sleep at a nursing home in catalonia. she'd held a title for over a year. the world's current oldest person is now said to be a 116 year old japanese women calling to michel a total council. as a reminder of our top story, at this hour, democrats are gearing up for a day to other national convention in chicago. a former president for rock obama is
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sent to deliver a speech backend, cala harris for the presidency on monday. you as president joe biden gave an emotional address in her support a month for withdrawing from the re stay with us after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day and then we'll be looking at the bmc identity politics and the presidential campaign of his efforts in the middle east. by the
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they fled from gaza to egypt, away from your but they remain surrounded by fear and uncertainty. how long will they have to stay here? and can they build a new life? refugees from gaza give us a glimpse into their everyday lives. out in 45 minutes and e, w, the
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one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world. for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary, this shadows, these pop costs and videos shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched post, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the it might be, come on, harris week at the bmc. but monday nights was jo biden's night in front of many of those who lobbied to the throne. him he held what is likely to be his last major speech as us president preparing to leave the political stage. after half a century of public service. he ceremoniously pass the torch to the next generation, accompanied by standing ovations and chance of. we love joe, but last night wasn't just the celebration of jo, binds the chief months. it was also maybe mostly a celebration of his decision to stand down and pay the way for his b p to make history on the call for ocean berlin.


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