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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 21, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin, us democrats show their support for comma harris on day 2 of their national convention. former president bar bama delivered a passionate address saying that the us was ready for a president come to la harris. earlier his wife, former 1st lady michelle obama paled. the new feeling of hope among democrats also coming on us says israel stands behind and you see spar proposal that crude bridge . the differences with some secretary of state done to me blinking calls on him off to accept it on a tour of the middle east by the palestinian militant group says the proposal goes
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against earlier agreement. the hello welcome to the show. former president bar obama gave the headline speech on the 2nd day of the democratic national convention. obama fault to energize both the delegates in the arena and to be undecided voters. i cited to vote for common law harris. he urged the country to put division and bitterness behind them, saying he thinks his countrymen long for quote, an america where we work together. its earlier form, our 1st lady, michelle obama. the most popular figure in the democratic party took the stage to cheers from the delegates and promised that quote, who is making a comeback higher as herself isn't in chicago. she's been campaigning in wisconsin
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alongside her vice presidential pick 10 balls and following present back, obama extended his full support for campbell harris. i'm the story we are running the president. the internal here's is ready for the job. this is a person who has spent her life fighting on behalf of people who need a voice and a champion. the former 1st lady, michelle obama, spoke a little earlier on. let's have a listening to her speech. something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn't it?
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you know, we're here in this a reno, but it's printing all across this country. we love a familiar feeling that's been buried to the for far too long. you know what i'm talking about the pages power of how the, the the energy, the exhilaration of once again being on the cost of a brighter day. the chance to vanquish the demons of fear, the vision and hate that have consumed us and continue pursuing the unfinished promise of this great nation. the dream that our parents and grandparents fought and died and sacrificed for america. how is making
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a comeback. for more knowledge comes over to dw washington bureau chief indisposed, who is at the convention. enos tell us how forceful was the former president bark obama and extending his support for campbell hard. so his speech came at the end of a very emotional davey at the roll call. this has been all states and territories kind of share the board. so that's always great. and this time it was particularly wonderful and fully done this fantastic music. funny speeches, then the 1st a gentleman about the 1st gentlemen no jets. uh the husband does cut on the heavy escape of fantastic speeds as well. and then at the end of the day, that was the record ball mind. of course, his support of come with a hair is, is crucial, especially because many people wanted to, to kind of stand behind come a lot. a hair is early in this whole,
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the page whether joe biden to drug or not. so that she came out here tonight and it's just praised her ability. that was definitely a huge, huge moment in her complaint. and he really threw his so waves behind her. and how important is that for her campaign going forward? yeah, it is important to know he's still very influential. he has a lot of fans of course, but also of really a lot of power was in the policy. and that of course also by the end of the day, really matter. so don't or is this is a very, very short time slots. she has left to convince people of course, to vote for her, but also to get the money going to fund her come paying. so it was very important for her and for her companion that she was so outspoken and so, praising her abilities so clear and so convincing and is,
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do you think that obama speech will help the democratic party to tap into new potential voters? so that's definitely the holt's not only because of his speech, but because of this whole kind of the way the whole d n c is put together. we have a lot of, um, a former republicans or republican speaking. he is saying that the g o. p has nothing to do with them anymore. and the bass, in this case, vote for coming to harris because yes indeed, obama will play a major role. let's have and this and what you said here tonight. even when we don't agree with each other, we can find a way to live with each other. that's comb, elizabeth? that's 10 vision. that's the democratic parties, vision. and our job over the next 11 weeks is to convince,
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as many people as possible to vote for that day. and michelle obama remains the most popular democrat in the us. how much will her speech here? how come a higher says campaign? i mean, she just rocked the arena when she came on stage people sitting. i'm sitting here or was sitting in an area because a lot of delegates and also i guess they were just jumping up from their seats and you know, there was so much excitement and so much joy and so much hold with that was what she referred to as well, i mean, you just, uh, set these quotes uh she, uh, she just repeated the line. she gave us your help is having a come back and who is a better person to deliver that. and then she then be sell obama, her son. and this is really kind of the theme of this whole gmc and basically of the companion of carmella harris and michelle obama did a wonderful job of portraying the situation. the country is in. and the importance
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of having a woman in the need will be able to bring these different people together, who has a clear vision. not only of unifying this country, but also helping those who are, you know, didn't get such a great start from the beginning of it. so those from the, you know, some suffering families from the families which fall apart from the middle clause from playing with people. so she definitely probably was the most important a speaker i've heard so far at the dnc and let's be quite frank. she got more applause than her husband before the president obama. it was certainly quite riveting to watch her talk, dw washington bureau chief as full. thank you so much for your reporting tonight as well. just a few blocks away from the convention center hosting the gmc, chicago police have detained at least 4 protesters up to demonstration outside the
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is really can see that dozens of pro post and in protesters are demanding israel and its war with him off and gaza, which has killed over 40000 pounds demands. many of the demonstrators were face coverings and were involved in the stand off with police. hundreds of officers pending the demonstrators and tried to disperse them. this march was smaller than the demonstrations on monday. and us secretary of state on to me blinking has left guitar his last stop on a diplomatic to her on which she tried, but has so far failed to broker a csr deal between israel and tomas and gossip. earlier he spoke to could tarry leaders who've been pivotal in trying to mediate ceasefire to lincoln says, israel has accepted a new bridging proposal, but how mosque, which committed the october 7th terror attacks has accused israel of making changes to the proposal that go against what time must agree to in july and blinking spoke
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to reporters before flying, i just guitar. he re bossed media reports that is rarely leader benjamin netanyahu had force changes to the plan, including leaving is really troops in some areas of casa. united states does not accept any long term occupation of gaza by uh, by israel. and more specifically, the agreement is very clear on the schedule. and the locations of ideas draws from gaza. and israel has agreed to that to let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. rushes president vladimir putin made an unexpected visit to chechnya for the 1st time. in 13 years, he held tops with rams cut here of the leader of the mainland movement republic, which is also part of the russian federation. as part of the visits person and
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creator of toured military training facility, which trains traction fighters for rushes, war and ukraine. hundreds of demonstrators disrupted trained services in a town close to the city of them by, as they protested against the legend, sexual abuse of 24 year old girls at a school. this comes just days after the rape and murder of a training doctor earlier in august, which sparked national outrage across india. the german made rocket has exploded during a test launch at the united kingdom's new spaceport on the shipment islands, built by rocket sack throughout the book. the rocket blew up on monday night. no one was injured. the company was testing its multi stage launcher for carrying satellites into space and refresh searches underway for 6 people still missing after a luxury your cycle fear telling island of sicily. one man has been confirmed that
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the u. k. tech, so i couldn't, mike lynch, and his daughter are among those still missing as well as jonathan bloomer, the chairman of the investment bank, morgan stanley, international registered inspectors have not been deployed as the search continues the day after super your capsized here, italian rescue teams continue their search for the missing divers began to send to the wreck of the beijing of the british flag yacht had 22 people on board, including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. mike lynch. battalion media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal in a massive us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is among several still missing. 15 survived, the captain of a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft. baby st. peter's side for people who
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inject 3 heavy injured and we brought them to our ship. and then we couldn't communicate with the coast guard after sometimes the coast carts came. and later among the survivors, one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma, the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues, lady the, the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people, pass it, rescue divers base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minute shift. and if at all, the biggest difficulties getting into the ship. when i was into the once inside, we can follow the path and begin searching room by room. as they set out,
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once more, a bouquet of flowers thrown in by a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats at the sight. to under reminder of the top stories were following this, our former president box bomb. i gave the headlines speech on the 2nd day of the democratic national convention. obama called on americans to set aside their differences and worked together earlier. his wife, former 1st lady, michelle obama, heralded a new feeling of hope amongst them across the us says, israel has supported, didn't you see spar proposal that crude bridge? the differences with the palestinian militant group amongst us secretary of state lincoln has called on him off to accept the latest proposal. but the group says that goes against earlier agreements. and that's all for nice. stay with us. we'll have more news and analysis at the top of the hour for you. i'm kind of handling.
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thanks so much for watching dw state your take care. the last name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay, like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called called. so hold back. we are in the far north of mongolia. it's an ice.


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