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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. rock. obama buyers up the crowd at the democratic convention in chicago, putting tele harris, putting a couple letters, twisting on his trademarks slope. yes. the petition that address and support of the presidential hopefuls also coming up, russia, recruits new soldiers and conscript says ukraine's cross border incursion. ships the narrative of the war. but some russian families are concerned about what it could mean for the 1st jewish communities. here in germany are worried about rising
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nationalism as the far right look set to make gains in eastern german elections. we have a special report, the low i'm terry morrison. good to help you with as it was another big night at the democratic national convention in the us with the rock obama and michelle obama delivering headlines speeches, the former president toll tele democrats in chicago. the torch has been passed to come into harris and it's time to get to work to electors pressed as it was the obama as night receiving god rockstar welcome at the democratic national convention . the president buck obama bugler rousing endorsement of democratic presidential hopeful common law head is
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we do not need 4 more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos stores. we are running for both of almost strongly criticized the republican candidate, former president, done his drum. there's a 78 year old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he wrote down his name escalator 9 years ago. it's been a consequence stream of upgrades and grievances that's actually been getting worse now that he was afraid of losing a comma. for years,
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donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people be or us see his. his limited narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of 2 hard work and a highly educated, successful people. the head has been formally accept the parties domination for president at the convention on thursday. it was because the fust of women of color to lead a major party presidential ticket, the off the ready go easy, see it being the presidential race to get behind head his head. but the support of the if it goes like the obama democrats are buzzing. but the whole and teens are former washington correspondent. i mean it is if is following all this and joins me now. in the studio, i mean the prospect of coming to harris running against donald trump for president
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has re energize the democratic party brock and michelle obama. tried to amplify that energy in their speech is what's your make of all that? what are you main take away as they 2 of the democratic uh, national convention. well, it was the night of the charismatic leaders at the dnc. that's because the obama's are still very popular. the 2008 election the sweeping election. a brock o'bonham was the biggest moment in my memory for the democratic party. and they want present comma harris as a repeat of that big game night. that big victory that gave a lot of people the, the hope i mean that was brock obama selling point. oh is the hoping to change that was on all the signs. and he brought that out along with his very popular wife. michelle obama. there pitch was that comma harris represents this hope that they represented of well over a decade ago. so that was their pitch. they also really went after donald trump. exactly nights or less in the, in the last. it wasn't tonight, there was
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a the night in the us but exactly the above was focused very much on on donald trump in their speeches. i'm just wondering what that's all about the obviously that's precinct. there's the converted inside the convention hall. but what's the point of such messages? were they trying to reach beyond the convention hall to undecided voters to think it appeals to them? of course, they got big cheers when they went after donald trump in the hall, registered democrats cheering them on when they attacked on from they pitched it as we are the big 10 party of adults, of decency and from for a presents the strain of, of anger sol, jenny, michelle obama called him ugly massage, and this they called and said he had braces, he always gave races lies. brock obama talked about his childish nicknames as a substitute for you ideas. so there pitch was that we are the party of adults, but that pitch was actually my opinion also to the independent voters and also
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trump supporters who are starting to give up on this politics of grievance, we saw a speech from his former press secretary, stephanie christian, who said that this kind of a mean spiritedness that he uses to attack his enemies. he also talks about his supporters like that behind closed doors. she said that was 1st her, her 1st hand account. so there are a lot of republicans out there who are look back to the former years of republican party and say, i want to go back to this kind of decency. the problem there though is there is a lot of grievance in the united states. there are a lot of people who are fed up with the way things are going to know that their lives were better off before the inflation before the pandemic. and they, they, they want real policies to address those issues. well, there is a lot of emotion in this presidential campaign on, on both sides. what about the substance? what about policy, particularly with cala harris. what is she offering to help get her self across the line? well, she is in a very strange predicament. here is not unique in american politics,
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but she's the sitting vice president. so she is part of the current administration . so while the obama is, are presenting or as hoping change, she actually represents the establishment at this point. so she needs to distance himself from the unpopular policies are fighting while the same time presenting her policy so far. it's been light on that the obama's and everybody else doing the work of, of building her character ups. the voters good to know her. but the real hard policies haven't dropped, she does have a line on a portion of various popular that's during the because of the supreme court, the way that the trump, uh, set it up with his nominees, abortion has been left to the states to decide. and she says she wants to turn that into law in the us. so taking away from the court and saying it's protecting women's rights by law, but she hasn't really dropped her big pauses yet. we're expecting that in the coming days towards is her running made. he's supposed to speak at the next day of the convention and on thursday. that's her big day. well,
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she will give her speech and hopefully present some policies to address the grievances of americans. i mean, thank you so much. our correspondent. i mean, i mean it's a sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. the tell about have barred you and special rep or tour richard bennett from entering afghanistan. they've accused him of spreading propaganda against the country. then it has previously said that the tell about the treatment of women and girls could amount to a crime against humanity. indian prime minister and no render emoji has called for the return of peace as he embarks on a journey to poland and then ukraine. this is the 1st visit by an indian prime minister since diplomatic relations were established with ukraine over 30 years ago . as calm as just weeks after, moody was criticized from bracing rushes. vladimir putin in moscow present approaching, made an unexpected visit to chechnya for the 1st time. in 13 years he held talks
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with robins. i'm cut, they're all the leader of the mainly muslim republic, which is also part of the russian federation. as part of his visit preteen and career of tour, the military training facility which trains chechen fighters for rushes more in ukraine. this your secretary of state has the blinking has left kata his last stop on a diplomatic tour aimed at brokering a cease fire and hostage release deal between israel and tomas in gaza. earlier he spoke to tarry leaders who have been pivotal and trying to mediate the deal, blake and said israel has accepted a new bridging proposal, but from us which committed the october 7th terrorist attacks has accused this rule of making changes to the proposal. go against what, how much agreed to last month. blake, and spoke to reporters before flying out of kata. he rebuffed media reports
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suggesting that these really leader benjamin netanyahu had force changes to the plan, including, leaving is really troops in some areas of gossip. united states does not accept any long term occupation of gaza by israel and more specifically, the agreement is very clear on the schedule and the locations of ideas scrawls from, from gaza. and israel has agreed to that. so while ago i spoke with journalist carina mcguire in egypt, i asked him where things stand. now in the ceasefire negotiations, it doesn't look very promising and how much is saying that they want to go back to the binding plan. they agreed to it in july already and the in this packet share of the bible plan, there was the possibility of a permanent satisfy it in the for this role of these really forces. now i'm seeing
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at that is right. is it any new terms to this preaching proposal? there is no more guarantee for a permanent tools and there is no for withdrawal. and all these really troops, no matter what, slinking just to come and take us in the era of media saying that this new business suggested by you can go as it's a good deal is in reality it has to be for the kind of students. so there's another paysimple on the air upside also right up to silence from the other mediators to contact you about the suggestions and the pond list, it seems it was yesterday. and then the u. s. f. l. spreadsheet proposal. journalist carino glory there in cairo. now, russian senior security official, dmitri, my bet jeff has ruled out peace talks with key after ukraine's incursion into the
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course region. but video, who currently serves as the deputy head of russia security council, said there will be no tops until ukraine is completely defeated on the battlefield . ukraine's incursion, intercourse goes now, entering its 3rd week. steve says the surprise attack is aimed establishing a buffer zone and disrupting last goes combat operations. well, ukraine's incursion has added a further incentive for russia to recruit soldiers for the front line. one of the motivations for soldiers is to uh, to sign up seems to be money with cash offers the volunteers, but it appears new recruits are being sent to course, which is causing some descent among their families. these men are ready to join the ranks of the russian army after your cranes incursion. at least according to russian stay. tv will wish it almost as firstly to help my country. my people beat the fascists and get back the territory. they cease to the beginnings of watching
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a typical propaganda narrative on state tv. russia says it's fighting what it claims are ukraine and nazis on its own soil. the news report claims money is, is what's driving people to sign a contract with the defense ministry. even though it does mention a one time payment of $2000000.00 roubles almost 200000. average russians would have to work at least 2 years to earn that kind of money in poorer regions even longer. so there is a part of the population coming from the blue wrist regions and it was the beneficiaries of the war. we can not signal that money is important for these people. the a large amounts of money, which i suppose, which i promoted today by the russian officials in exchange of the human life is something which is conceded in both sides of the deal as the kind of acceptable
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deal. ukraine says it has captured hundreds of russian soldiers since the start of its incursion. 80 percent of them are believed to be conscript. after ukraine's 1st advances on russian territory, mothers of drafted soldiers called on president poor to to remove them out of the course region. now this chechen special forces commander has harsh words for those parents i use need versus if you're 18 year old children are already serving. and do you think they shouldn't defend their homeland when it's being attacked by the enemy or to have one question for you? what use you and your children to this country? russia says around 6000 soldiers have been killed, and ukraine, experts believe the number to be much higher with some estimates, putting them at around 300000. the russian defense industries now running as like these. reading real man belongs here to recruit more soldiers. the
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major strategy of the russian government for today is the pointing the mos mobilization must mailed to him about his ation in the whole russian population and trying to uh, categorize to a target mobile and rebuttal, a tourist and not the productive category. so the population, you know, the to filling the gaps in the, um, on the rims at, at least according to russian state to be there still enough volunteers left advice . it's well for more now let's cross over to dw is young. you know, some, you'll know that she's monitoring developments and russia from our rigor bureau, in the fighting and ukraine is now spilled back into russia, which started the war. how is that affecting morale in russia, particularly among potential recruits?
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or you know, there is this propaganda narrative surrounding this for russia. claims it is actually fighting ukrainian, nazis and his referendum, seeing what we're to there for that. we have to know this war is surrounded by a great mis, a in russian society. it's called the great a patry arctic war, and it is used to justify the war against ukraine and now with the incursion. we kind of see this narrative continue, because russia can also see the enemy is on our territory. and we have a 2 sites as an enemy. so patriots nationalists might actually have been reassured by ukraine's incursion. reassured a, to, to fight this enemy as, as russia claims it a. but of course, the question is more at how many really sign up because of this patriotic motivation of social is just actually say it as a minor factor for people to serve the army. and that money is actually the more important one. but of course, still this narrative, kansas,
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and it's also being spread by a lot of pro war bloggers in russia right now. who to ask you about russian media. how was ukraine's course incursion playing out there? how is it being seen by average russians? well, there's difference, definitely a difference between russian state media and the population of russian stating that tries to put a kind of positive spin on the events repeatedly exclaiming if occasions are going well uh, claiming the russian army, its successfully hitting the ukrainian army, ukrainian military equipment that's what we see on state to be, i think for the russian public. one thing is certain it is that of course, for the 1st time a broader part of the russian population is pretty feeling this for firsthand, at least on the largest scale. we see a lot of people who have been evacuated from the regions. we see them arrive in other regions of pressure to so just placed
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a people there on social media. we hear some complaints about. education is not working as they should. and then of course, there is this issue at the very sensitive issue i would say for the kremlin of conscripts because there is some kind of pressure in society there. so it is sensitive for the kremlin. we seen this a direct appeal to vitamin approaching from parents of conscripts. but of course in general, we have to remember that it is really hard to assess russian public opinion because we have such repressive laws regarding freedom of expression in the country. now russia has so far not succeeded in pushing back ukraine's incursion. what do we know about present in proteins plans to deal with this? to yes, a rush. i was really surprised. it seems of by ukraine's incursion. and so we
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here, now, it seems that russia is really trying to pull troops a to react a, to your credit incursion. about 4 of which my pushing himself, i would say, he really doesn't seem to effective by ukraine's incursion. he just came back from a 2 day state visit to other by john. he has a towards the caucasus now and all that why we see the largest attack by your firm and ok for an army on russian sort since one or 2. so from the political leadership in merced said, really seems to continue this message that there's a business as usual going on. and it's kind of things that's pushing is waiting out this incursion by ukraine. janina. thank you very much. that was the w. c. i need to samuel nova in riga now to bangladesh, which has been going through political upheaval in the weeks since crime and
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associate casino resigned and fled to india. her supporters, including those among the hindu minority, have faced retaliatory attacks, inducing bangladesh have faced violence during previous political change. but some citizens are taking it upon themselves now to try and protect and do homes and temples. this burned down home belongs to 65 theatre voice. i'd open them. how you doing? well, how good spot of the him do? minority of bundle of dish. he's a supported of the former prime minister. she a casino just these often have seen a flip. the country, an angry, bought strong piece of residence, anticipating the attack. he and his family had already fled to safety. me though, because from this i'm begging skid. after when you've accumulated so much stuff and created a home to body, when somebody buns it down, you don't want to go back there to talk it. but i still want to go back to my house because i've lived there for so long. but the goons and the looting,
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they've got it out. it has made me afraid some 30 that a boy these attacks have instant fear. amongst some people in the community that comprises about 8 percent of bunk like this 170000000 people. to the interim government says it's clear politics so that the religion is behind some of these attacks icon. it will lead muslims in those, but this christians and find the people who live here in bangladesh together. most of us, it kind of do the order of the incidents. i'm motivated by politics, not religion that i've, i've heard that will disabled and i will look at those responsible must be brought to justice. one of the, most of the joys that have we have businesses to minority communities of them is gonna be showing that the people along the deals of the government among the will stand by. you have one another sort of model as long as it is part of that, almost the process of that. but that has into going to display the feet and
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misleading information online with far right into into have shared fox media, exaggerating the violence. it has also created panic among, from inducing bangladesh. many students and even lucas have stepped in to provide security for him to neighborhood here at the package. but he's been putting tucker best services continue with students on guard, day and night. i know that there are some real problems happens. there are some uh, template binding and there are some houses mine are the houses have been actually shut as well. but in that case, i will say definitely you for the major do, will not come forward to perfect the miners, use them the problem. and the little that miles of the bargaining houses are simple . the affected people will be very,
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very much green. the indian government has pledged to protect hindus that and the growing number of ordinary people coming to the defense, it has been ensure vulnerable him to come in and these remain safe is now to politics. here in germany and 3 state elections are slated for next month. in eastern germany, one party is expected to pull off its best ever result the far right alternative for germany. the anti immigration and t u. s. pro russia a f d party is oncourse to win all 3 races. it would be the 1st time the far right nationalist party is one power at the state level in germany. since the nazis dw is matthew mor visited the jewish community in airport, the state capital of 3 and yeah, the celebration of 1000 years of jewish history. an effort just to meet before both to his face a high speech choice. i go on to hold
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a if the blue that's a know it's it was, he's gone. i'm. it's going to use of a new dark chapter to him. she's not just a few jews. he done on slough, taught denials, escape kind on. they have no reason to be afraid of your different mention. ryan hutch from survived the holocaust as a baby shows the popularity of the fall right till tentative for jeremy or re f. d is fueling concerned among to written just jewish community by sci fi. and if that's the i the august, what unites them is that they're all afraid to view the gain strength. and this under simitis most i think is info b. s, anti semitism and racism. a part of the a f d is dna i've taken who on to say is it's done to this man. you unhook the local e as the leader who has huge influence nationwide who could use is not us slogans while competing for which he was fined by
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a court on has called for germany to dwell less on it's not see past. this is yeah, i think if chic this monday will be on page clever maneuvering aimed at avoiding breaking the law. and that's this spot. he's fundamentally sparing on next billing . so i do see a thing doing that because ultimately it's not just a few jews was sent to your room who died. but ultimately, when nationalism prevails, it leads to the war, and there's a lot of breast as a regular at the synagogue. she believes the, these popularity hasn't bold in violent extremist as in the song. so we are concerned here because the right wingers are also acting with brutality against not only jews, but against everyone. what they don't like if the face doesn't suit them, then they just lash out. unplug postables, before we put those claims to the f
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d 's leader in the state, parliament escape kind unless they have no reason to be afraid, especially not jewish people. there's no reason to fear the a if the leading or being part of the government. we have no plans. neither our program nor any of our proposed measures or even remotely directed against jewish people mentioned listed. despite those we assurances on these prevails, but some here are hopeful that dialogue and dancing can overcome division. the future of to india may depend on it. so a bit of celebrity news senior, an actor jennifer lopez has filed for divorce from husband ben aflac to after 2 years of marriage. the power couple warmly referred to as beneford, had been in a relationship for almost 2 decades and made 2 films together. dangly and jersey
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girl. j lo filed her divorce papers on august the 20th. that's the same date that the couple originally made their bowels. man. i'm terry marshall. thanks for watching the,
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the sled from dodger the agent. way from your but they remain surrounded by fear and uncertainty. how long will they have to stay here? and can they build a new life? the refugees from godhood give us a glimpse into their everyday lives. next on d. w. a. gym and research team wants to save lives worldwide. by making m already technology more flexible. up to now,
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the equipment has been too heavy and expensive. move and half of the world's population has no access to us. no 3 researches have to have the new system. and opportunities for millions of people made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the living in a society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think i pretend isn't misleading. what is home? how do we talk of the major issues about time? talk about the, the, there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our system. our series
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continues. dodson henderson, on the w. the part of the home language is furious, getting a call from gaza, telling us another one of our loved ones has died on it. and in addition to the ones that are already morning hasn't had the the.


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