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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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hiding you with free information. these are you made for mind the some democrats are comparing their parties national convention in chicago to another national convention 20 years ago when the then candidate for us senate brock obama delivered a speech and became a star. he captured the imagination of a generation and is now passing the torch to commer harris. but wasn't there another democratic president somewhere in between a white house a be fortunately said some of the messaging in chicago is a review of the bite and administration. the presidency meant to be a bridge to the future. is it being relegated to a footnote from the past? i'm or go from berlin. this is the day. the
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something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn't it? though it is up to all of us. to fight for the america, we believe. vanquish the demons of fear the vision and hate america can be and must be a force for good america. hope is making a comeback. also coming up, trying to restore law and order in bangladesh. 2 weeks since the prime minister was ousted in her government, the laugh ethnic and religious minorities say they become targets. the icon it uh, mostly muslims in those, but this christian hobby and probably be people who live here in bangladesh together. most of us, it kind of do the incidents. i'm motivated by politics,
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not religion that i've, i've heard that will disabled and i will look at those responsible must be brought to justice. which of our viewers watching on tv as in the united states? it's of all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with to twilight, the twilight of the us presidency and the twilight of a us of political power. a couple of the democratic national convention in chicago . the party of j by lead on monday evening, saying the president for his service and for his decision not to seek a 2nd term 24 hours later the party celebrated the passing of the torch. now those were the words that were delivered tuesday evening by former us president brock obama. his speech recalled events 20 years ago when he became the leader of a new generation in american politics. in 2024, it is coming to harris who has suddenly become the face of yet another new generation. just as job i will in january,
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relinquish the most powerful position in politics. the obama is, are now relinquishing their role. as the most powerful people in the democratic party, we have more now from chicago. it was the obama as night receiving got a rock star welcome at the democratic national convention. the president buck obama bugler rousing endorsement of democratic presidential hopeful . com and the head is that we do not need 4 more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos better story. we are ready for
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both of almost strongly criticized the republican candidate, former president, done his drum. there is a 78 year old billionaire who has not stopped running about his problems since he wrote down his name escalator. 9 years ago. it has been a constant stream of upgrades and grievances that's actually been getting worse now that he was afraid of losing the commer. 4 years, donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people see or us see his. his limited narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of 2 hard work and a highly educated, successful people. the head is very formally accept the bodies domination for president at the convention on thursday. it will
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make the fuss the woman of color to lead a major party presidential ticket. the off the ready go easy. see it being the presidential. these to get behind head is that the support of the if it goes like the obama democrats are buzzing, but the whole and teens? well, our washington bureau chief and his policy joins me now from the dnc in chicago. it is good wednesday evening to you. i'd like to start with the twilight of the power of the obama in the democratic party. talk to me about what you have heard there about what looks like the end of an era. well, brent, they're still the pop stars here. i mean, everybody's talking about them, they were talking about me said a lot before it was clear that she would appear here on the stage behind me last night. and she said that she's still mourning her mom who just died
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a couple of months ago. and she wasn't sure if she really could be here if she would be able to deliver this feasible speech. but she did, so the obama are definitely still one of the most popular rockstars, the democratic past, the has michelle obama as popularity. we know it's very high among democrats, and she has said in interviews that she was relieved when she and brock's 8 years in the white house were over. another jump into public life would have been hers. to me. if this is the end of the obama era who is turning out the lights in, is it the rock or michelle of the i'm not so sure if it's it is really the end of the obama era of the printer. know they're still very, very active to have the foundation. so she's just finishing another book which definitely will be your best seller. on the one hand, on the other end, of course, snow is coming to her as being maybe the 1st black female president. she kind of is
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this new light, which you probably mean by the question, who's telling me of the life. but i'm sure they still will be in the picture even so, michelle obama made it crystal clear that she doesn't like to be in the political spotlight anymore. and that was also sense like us last night. it was, you know, the way she delivered her speech. she was very free. it's a little bit like, you know, i don't care about your opinion of the public. i the more i just want to work for something i believe, and so i think there will be still in the picture. i'd like for you to take your lives into part of what michelle obama said last night. she began by saying that something magical is in the year, something that has not been present in a long time. take a list of familiar feeling that's been buried to the for far too long. you know what i'm talking about the power
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of the b. b energy, the exhilaration of once again being on the cost of a brighter day. the chance to vanquish the demons of fear, division, and hate that have consumed us and continue pursuing the unfinished promise of this great nation. this is a political report, is that a white house, a called michelle obama, is speech an implicit rebuke of the bible presidency was a strong words, was it that i'm not so so i read that as well. um, you know, honestly she didn't really talk about the bite and administration that was not her fault because that was more of a job with her husband who came off to her,
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who of course had picked a terabyte and as his, his it'd be p, she was really so much more focusing on the whole on the kind of freshness of coming to harris. she caused her, my girl, she focus really more on the possibilities of this country in this country. she still believes and then of the failures if you wish, from the bite and administration. so in that regard it's, she didn't really, you know, she didn't really care so much what she did or what to do to accomplish. she really wanted to push carmella harris into the white house. and what about her husband brock obama? me does he master walking the line between being reverential to joe biden, at the same time, helping cements harris as biden's rightful replaced? that's a good question. bring to don't many people said yesterday that actually michelle
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obama delivered the best of speech. her speech definitely was more emotional about the president, former president rock obama definitely had to walk and much more difficult line. and the wondering to had a really, to show support of, of jo bite and who we must forget that was still the candidate just a month ago, you know. and so he wanted also to applaud his accomplishments. and so he was a little bit more if you wish, intellectual. he did the take a little bit more of the bird perspective and the deliberate a little bit more of an inside political analysis and didn't talk so much about coming to harris. you mentioned there are only a couple of times, but i mean the bottom line, i think he did a fairly good job and people here of course, still nothing very, very much. this is the 1st b and c. actually, it's the 1st political convention and us history that is given priority to social media and social media influencers. but there even been complaints from legacy
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media that they're being somewhat sidelined to be what have you heard? what did you experience as well don't us media or our colleagues, maybe we ourselves as well. always complain that we don't have enough access. i mean, it definitely is, is dominated by a new, fresh wife or just to the story of is a young insights are here americana, you know, they have a different approach. and the kind of a hair is a campaign. they just embrace it and it's good for them because they need to reach this next generation, not only to win or to keep the white house, but also to lead a political interest into the future. so i personally think it's a great, it's a great thing to see. all these young kids running around through their self is talking to a stablish politicians. and these are not the only ones of course,
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we're reporting for this convention. they're all traditional media outlets as well . so i think we all just to the brace this new, fresh way of our younger colleagues, how they approach political reporting and you know, it tonight we will hear you just from the vice presidential candidate to move on to what when you'd be listening for i think he has to do more than just putting out his dad by a piece coach wipe. you know, we've seen that know, he introduced himself also through social media to the country, which only knew a little bit about him over the last couple of weeks. but we want to hear a little bit more about his understanding of politics. what does he really want to do for the working clause, which he says he's representing, what does he really want to do to families who are having troubles to get
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food on the table? so i will be listening if there is some policies in his speech and not only this, like, you know, i'm a coin codes and i love you all. yeah. let me just ask before we run out of time. it is, there's been some criticism that come with harris. his is not being accessible at all to the media, not answering any interview questions, she gets her speech tomorrow night. is the honeymoon between her and the meeting? will it be officially over after that speech tomorrow? i'll be sure to see, i mean, she definitely has to do some sit on interviews but prince, let's be fair here. she's like really working tirelessly to reach out to all her possible motors. she does all these rarely. she went to really yesterday to milwaukee was a see kind of just clips denomination here. so i think yes, she will have to sit down. but it's a honeymoon over. i doubt it. um, she puts out a great wipe and i just have to say here the moods in this convention center. it's
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outstanding. it's like one big party. people are so happy that there is some hope back in this political political process. you should see. yeah, you can send some of the party to us here in berlin if you have some extra, you just, you just fall in chicago. thank you. we're now into the political upheaval in bangladesh in the weeks since prime minister shaken, seem to have fled to india after mass protest, her supporters, including those among the hindu minority and faced retaliatory your tags. so this is not new for hindus bangladesh. they've faced violence during previous political changes, but this time some citizens are taking it upon themselves to protect others, homes and temples. as this burn down home belongs to 65 years away. i'd open them. how you doing? well, how good spot of the him do? minority of bundle of dish. he's a supported of the former prime minister. she
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a casino just div often has seen a flip the country, an angry ball, strong piece of the residents. and to be think the attack he and his family had already flipped to safety. i mean though, because from this i'm vegas good at all. when you've accumulated so much stuff and created a home to body when somebody buns it down, you don't want to go back there, see what he said. but i said, want to go back to my house because i've lived there for so long. but the goons and the looting, they've got it out. and so it has made me afraid sometimes that a part of these attacks have instant fear. amongst some people in the community that comprises about 8 percent of bunk like this 170000000 people in did them government safe? it's clear politics rather than religion is behind some of these attacks on like on it. i will sleep most lives in those,
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but this christians and try and the people who live here in bangladesh together, most of us, it kind of do a lot of the incidents. i'm motivated by politics, not religion, that i think i've heard that will disabled and i will look at those responsible must be brought to justice. the most of the joys that have we have this message to minority communities of them is gonna be showing that the people along the way the government of bangladesh will stand by. you will have one of the sort of models. one of the just thought is that almost some of the processes, but that hasn't to granted the straight to speak and misleading information online with far right into went to have shared thoughts, videos, exaggerating the violence. it has also created panic among, from inducing bangladesh. many students and even lucas have stepped in to provide security for him to neighborhood here at the package. but he then put in tucker their services, continue with students on guard,
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day and night. i know that there are some real problems happens though, some uh, template binding and uh there are some houses mine are the houses have been after shut as well, but in that case, i will say definitely you for the major do will not come forward to perfect the miners has been the problem and you know that miles of the bargaining houses are tenfold, the affected people will be very, very much green. the indian government has pledged to protect hindus that and the growing number of ordinary people coming to the defense. it has been insured by them that have been him to come in at these, remain safe as part of the morning i'm joined by naomi jose, and she's a professor at the school of oriental and african studies at the university of london professor. it's good to have you with this, is there a security crisis in bangladesh following the collapse of jacob seen his government
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as well. thanks for following. the story continues to part of the story. as i would say that the security situation is probably very fragile, but it's not, i wouldn't say as far as it was a week or 10 days ago, and it's a lot coming out seems to be improving all the time. the police have returned to the posts to some extent, and the all new standing ready a little. so the board of society came out to really a police, the streets patrol and the concerns about a robbery and the general breakdown of law and order. so i think that it's about extent the security situation means for job, but not in crisis mode then. well, i think this is really important to mention that was phase of mass attacks against minorities. and there have been kind of forces at least $200.00 of such attacks. but also i think, straightforward and very careful here that has been also a massive campaign. this information coming naturally,
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i think from right wing into accounts and organizations and, and just makes it very difficult to understand actually the extent of what has been going on. and on the left it seems a lot of these attacks have been against a warm league supporters that does not make it right. doesn't make it good. but it does mean that it is not a religious motivated campaign of the tax. it seems a lot of these claims have been thoroughly to boat and to repeatedly to bunk. i should say 5, a very credible fact checking groups, the c p out to 0 advice, other groups. and if i can just imagine there was an extended piece in the diplomat last week by for honda. so found out which summarized all of this. so yes, it's fragile, but not scientific process. let me ask you then about the police. the police forces are, are they fatally compromised? mean, does the force need maybe to be rebuilt from scratch? i mean, if we're talking about possible attacks or minorities being targeted,
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you know, we're getting rewards that minority groups, religious groups say that promises by security forces by the police to protect them or not being kept as well. the day off to shake his senior resigned and the tax on police stations around the city around the country. so we think now the number of that policeman after this, the price of the tax and including the purchased moving is $44.00. so the police a very, very fighting for good reason and they have been seen for many, many years now i see the forces and shakiness or shame. so it's so it's, it's a, it's understandable. i think that they were an object. they were target of these reprisal attack. so i think there's a, there's a real problem here which is that the majority to boston, georgia, you, the rank of, of the police were actually increasing. i'm shaking, seen this rule, which makes it very difficult to when to reform the police without wholesale reform
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. there was an effort to give them new uniforms and badges and logos and so on, which i think was quite rightly derived is, is as a very unlikely to make much difference. yeah, i think it's a real priority. it's not quite clear yet how that's going to be achieved. it's one of those huge, one of the many huge challenges that professing us is facing right now. yeah, i want to ask you about professor units. you know, it's been about 2 weeks since he was sworn in, returning to bangladesh from paris. give us a sense of just the challenges you know, that he is facing. i mean, the, how would you describe the political situation that he found when he landed, or, or the political situation is, is probably be the biggest challenge we have, of course, in the one the league which is thoroughly. and now when rejected really by a majority of the people, there's no doubt about that. but also kind of weak opposition to the nationalist,
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part of the main opposition has itself been, you know, under so much pressure has been arrested and jailed in the thousands of and in exile the leader of the b and p was under house arrest is very ill and, and quite elderly, so it's not clear really that there was a strong opposition either. the student movement is turning out to be quite a, quite to a false, actually full, full, quite well organized and trying to be supported with the, this, the dream government. very much so whether they will turn themselves into a inactive political part. you don't have his yet a know and, but i think many young people think that they should. there's a strong sense, i think in the dash that neither of the 2 main parties have really done a great deal of good for bangladesh and actually alternatives all wanted for us and the other challenges. yeah, go ahead. can i just was able to click that? yeah, go ahead. oh, this is now facing huge flats. it's a terrible situation. over
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a 1000000 people are stranded or in trouble because of the slots. and there's a ring, a refugee crisis brewing in the southeast corner of an economic crisis as well. so we have a lot for us to use as a lot to deal with. so he needs everyone's goodwill. we shall solution. presently we have seen it as always. good talking with you. we appreciate your valuable analysis of this situation. thank you. as to whether they continues online, you'll find this on the x also known as twitter and on youtube that need to be a new she can following me at brent golf tv on social media. and before we go, here's a bit more of what you'll see only in america when the political parties choose their presidential nominees at their national conventions. each state is called individually to declare who it's delegates support. it's become a formality, but not this year. for the delegates from georgia,
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and that has everything to do with a man from atlanta and known as roland. john, take a look. we'll see you tomorrow as georgia. how do you pass your boat? the
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clarity of georgia on the boat. when we have the freedom to boat and our freedom and the trouble has $123.00.
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wow. the
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old friends, new front is named so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well, the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now some weaknesses pop, beginning to show this up from this new threat made in 15 minutes on the w. a. gym and research team wants to save lives worldwide. by making m already technology more flexible. up to now,
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the equipment has been too heavy and expensive. move and half of the world's population. she had no access to it. no 3 researches have developed a new system. an opportunity for millions of people made in germany and 19 minutes on dw the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how back lane with a car for a long time, they had to be a human sunday attorney. but now the premises have to come there, protect the ocean
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on the living, independently, rise to society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think i pretend as a new slaves and what is home, then they will not go such a roof over your head. you must come for a place to rest. let us in a refuge from the world's key. the most important thing you can have and for he has seen how do we tackle the major issues about time? let's talk about the system. there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our systems. climate change is the new frontier of sofa and our series continues on
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since september, 1st on the w. the dw news, and these are our top stories. former us president brock obama has led the crowd at the democratic national convention in vocal support of cumberland harris sought to energize the delegates in the arena and the undecided voters outside saying, america is ready for a president. come over here's. here's, we'll give her main address at the convention later this week. funeral services have been held for tv is really hostages, whose bodies were recovered from gaza, is really troops recovered the bodies of 6 hostages during a night time reading. the city upon eunice. 6 men were all kidnapped from communities near israel's border.


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