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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is due to be news live from berlin. in the us day 3 of the democratic national convention is underway in chicago. tonight and spotlight is on vice presidential nominate him, was su, hours support for comma harris and her bid for the oval office. former president bill clinton also address the delegates. also coming up pakistani police arrest the man believed to be responsible for spreading fake news, which triggered a state of rights across the u. k. the, i'm seeing there's we in berlin, welcome to our show. in the us,
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the 3rd day of the democratic national convention is underway with tim wal set to address the crowd and formerly accept his vice presidential nomination. you were looking at live pictures from chicago. thousands of delegates are there for the convention, which officially confirms complet harris and waltz as the parties. nominees, and the convention begins the final stretch of the white house campaign. former president bill clinton also spoke on day 3 of the convention that followed michelle and brock obama, who headlines the conventions. second day was, were both received rapturous reception, which you was encouraged. all right, let's go to, janelle do loud. who was in chicago at the democratic convention. janelle welcome. this is arguably the most important speech of tim walters political career. what can we expect? the most important speech of his political career is likely an understatement. stephen, this is also possibly the biggest crowd that he will ever have faced. the united
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center has a seating capacity of sub 23500, but he's lucky that he has the celebrities like the lights of caden thompson who was speaking right now literally from saturday night live, of course, to warm the crowd off the one that is fascinating to see how quickly was gain traction and how quickly he became a household name. this really is an opportunity of for him to so the american people who he is, who he is beyond midwestern dad, beyond high school football coach, beyond community champion. it's an opportunity for him to tell the delegates here and also all the billions of viewers watching at home, what he can really bring a policy wise to the harris administration if she were to become president. so of course he was chosen as a vice presidential pick for a move for his ability. perhaps our 1st hope,
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the ability to bring in the white bail working class. a voter now perhaps will have an indication from his speech tonight as to how he might be able to do that. but so one other thing that we might be able to watch out for the theme for tonight is the defense of freedom. so the defense of reproductive, right? so the defense of democracy. so we are expecting tim was to set himself up as a defender of those freedoms that the democrats of fuel are under threats. and perhaps some concrete ideas as to how exactly he intends to be. that person. we know bill clinton will also speak tonight. do you know what role does the former president play for democrats some 25 years after leaving office? has become sort of elder statesman for the party, but more import the same was. he's also seen as one of the party's
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most effective. well communicators. when it comes to messages about the economy, so his ability to express in simple terms for how complex so, and do one. so you can, all big issues could be seen as a particular boon to pamela harris and symbols who have made to cooperate at the hearts who have put at the heart of the economic policy. helping the working class families helping to build the middle class. so they're hoping bill clinton is somebody with the power point or however the forward home to voters how, what is this uh, this administration will be able to do that if they were elected. now on another note, it's also been reported that after seeing just how much energy and good vibes of this convention has generated in the past 2 nights, bill clinton reportedly ripped off the speech that he had been working on to start
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with a much more joyful lights and cheerful toad. so it will also be on the lookout if that is in fact something that he has been. yeah, been able to manage was speaking of messaging. this is nominating process was unusual for democrats and potentially divisive, of course, with bite and pulling out. so late, are we seeing a unified message at this convention of the know is in many respects, so they really do seem to be singing from the same him, him book. so you've had these messages of hope you've had these messages of a new chapter and up a hopeful look into the future. and of course, so there's the defense of those freedoms that i was talking about, like reproductive rights. but to say that the party is that unified adult issue is of course, that is something that is not achievable,
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and that's also something that has not been achieved here. one of the biggest divisive issues of course, is that the democrats policy towards israel and gauze all week long. there have been protests going on outside of the d. n. c. they are expected to continue until tomorrow. that is the last day. you also have the 30 or so delegates of the uncommitted moved and they represent some 700000 voters. and they do want to see assurances from carmella harris and symbols that there will be a permanent ceasefire in garza, that they will consider are stopping arms transfers to israel. and so far there is a very little to suggest that all of this ticket would be able to are, is even inclined to reverse decades of all, almost unconditional support to israel. so even beyond this convention that is going to be an issue that remains divisive. and it's uh, even if it's not showing up here in the waste or in,
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in the volume that it was expected to ahead of this convention, it still remains an issue. right now, the democratic convention in chicago. many things let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. a school employee has shot and killed 3 other staff members in northwestern bosnia, the shooting occurred at a secondary school in the town of sun ski most about 300 kilometers north west of the capital. sorry, eva balkan region has been a watch with small arms and weapons since the wars of the 19 ninety's. at least 15 people have been killed. an explosion at a pharmaceuticals plant in southern india, a district official in under a potash state said the death toll is likely to rise. the blast occurred after a fire broke out as the plants, dozens of injured people were taken to a local hospitals. police in pakistan have charged the man with cyber terrorism for his electorate role in spreading misinformation, believe to have triggered
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a state of riots in the u. k. these have arrested a man named for hon us, even the city of love for is accused of being behind a website. the claim that the attacker who stepped to death 3 girls last month in the u. k was in the legal, most of the migrant categories have blamed the fake news for contributing to rights across the u. k. some of which target must and muslim communities. all right, dw reporter, abuse job is here with me to help us understand the story more. because you and i were talking about this earlier, it's sort of fascinating. we follow these riots when they happen. and now we see that an arrest has been made. of course, many of those writers were arrested, but an arrest for instigation was made all the way in lahore, pakistan take us through this. why? so focus on me a part of these say that the housing custody, of course, is to reorder or 9 and focused on that invest because it investigate the said that they hold him responsible for spreading because of
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a 4th information amplifying, missing information about in a doctor i took place last month in the north and 50 of us in a, a south port in the u. k. and that's at that a man had stopped a 3 children to death and then were injured. what boxes on the investigator said is that after this attack, a man believes to be behind a website known as china 3. now, doc man posted an article and shit it on different social media websites, social media platforms. and that are because basically said that almost lim, migrant was behind this, a document that migrant had entered bricked in the, in the galley last year. and the moment that articles was published and shared, it was played widely and bought different interests to get to say that they believe that it was one of the arctic guns that this, they say 3rd and viewers the far right riots in the u. k. to be clear,
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this was not true, but he had posted it. this wasn't about a muslim margaret was involved in an attack. do we know if this person's intention was to spark violence? what of authority said? so i, i to be a british broadcast network. basically there, journalist, i tracked him down and confronted him, and he said that he, as you mentioned that this was the wrong information. he bought this, that information, he apologize. and he says that, uh, that you know, with that article was taken off, an apology was published and that he fired supposedly for people who bought this in the a told her the said that there was, nobody is working on that website and was only that person responsible, but to say that he was his invention was to cut costs. that, of course, very difficult to meet then. but what we know is that his article was one of the 1st few articles that spread farther information about who was behind these rights
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and fuel. the powdered category was waiting for that kind of news in the okay, unfortunately, we have to leave it there right now. be in his job at the job. you're porter. thank you very much. all right, and moving on communities in southern is, is israel is cute. excuse me, i have buried the hostages, whose bodies were covered in gauze of this week. they were month 250 hostages, taken during a mazda is october 7th attack, which triggered the war. diplomatic efforts have redoubled as fears, grow of a wider regional conflict, while israel keeps its military campaign in gaza. the way to strikes if you would at least 17 people in the aba law with the army just calling for palestinians to evacuate. the tears of anger and despair. yeah, the book stuff was kidnapped from keywords, knew him on october 7th. now his family and his whole
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community is laying him to rest the the in what well does a mother have to sing for the return of her son who was a band and then that in what we'll do. families have to back and cry for the return of their family members a life and that today i ask you again for forgiveness. my child. i'm sorry, we didn't make it. i'm sorry. this is where it says it recovered. book stuff's body and 5 more in a tunnel in gaza. earlier this week, the army has come under heavy criticism for failure to predict the october 7th attack. and for it slow responds that day. the outgoing head of
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is really military intelligence says the failures of october 7th will haunt him for the rest of his life. built the shell, but we failed in the most important mission. we are entrusted with giving a war warning. the ultimate responsibility for the failure of the intelligence division rests with me and i according to gaza officials, israel's retaliatory military campaign, has killed over 40000 palestinians in the strip since the war started. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under pressure at home and from abroad to reach a ceasefire deal with how much but negotiations happened. deadlock for months. many you attended the funeral, as of the east for the hostages, lamented the fact the months of talking have yet to yield a deal releasing the rest. thank you. i've got to love you with them. they may have
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that. so i actually love this. could have ended differently for it of us. i'm kind really know about the i mean without coverage and they could have been brought back in martin if she'll get him to we could have extended the deal. let me see if jennifer claim simple and they could have returned to live and then we wouldn't be in cemeteries today. tomas is believe to still be holding around a $110.00 hostages capture doing the october 7th. the tax is rarely authorities estimate around a 3rd our debt us and that's all the headlines for now. we'll be back in less than an hour with more. in the meantime, you can find this online check the w. com also on youtube or the deeds of the news channel. next report about the daily reality for women living in afghanistan. i'm seeing there is invalid. x one, the
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updates innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of climate problems. if the care is subscribe to the subscriber to plan, it's a no c as in times and that of some, you know, mean i'm not listening to him anymore. i'm getting this most.


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