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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news license land, the high school coach turn state governor accepts the democratic nomination to be vice presidential candidates. that's how they turn the page on donald trump. that's how we'll build a country where workers come 1st, health care and housing. our human rights to wells far as up day 3 of the democratic national convention. se becomes cumberland iris is official running nice also on the program. press give us 55 bodies, and the rest of the luxury, joseph coast of sicily, after the boats on come monday and invited store the
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feel good. welcome to the program in the united states. if the day of the democratic national convention has closed with the nomination of minnesota government, 10 walls democratic vice president governor works except to the regulation web page . that blended optimism with criticism of donald trump. never. thousands of delegates, including the governors finally attended the country chicago, which has now officially come some couple of hours until, as the proxies know, months ahead of the final stretch of the campaign for the wiser. here's some of what mr. wells have to say. when i probably can use the word freedom, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor's office. corporations free to pollute your air and water bags free to take
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advantage of customers. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you lot. so let's get a little that on the day say from dw before the tablet slowly and yes, that welcome pablo. biggest speak your sense of to wells, his life. what else did he tell the democratic faithful, what we thought they're very energetic speech. and essentially this was his presentation to the world and to americans, even though he's the governor of minnesota many american voters. and i was actually very familiar with them. so it was a good opportunity for him to basically talk about his background. he's from nebraska. he has a rural background and essentially he was daniel, so a school teacher, he was a coach. this element of coach came up time and time again, which is sort of key. he sort of trying to get across how he is this sort of middle, average american, any can connect with a lot of voters. one element which we saw in ad that sound like that. we heard there was, he mentioned the word freedom. it was the theme of the night,
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and he was, he really went on the offensive against donald trump saying essentially that donald trump and his vice president, candidate at j. defiance are going to try and take away freedoms from americans on the democrats really stand for those freedoms, freedoms with regards to health care. basically what people do in their own home is up to them, abortion rights. and then with regards to the economy as well, he said that the democrats are on the side of the people and to donald trump is essentially going to take away freedom from people because they're going to have essentially less money in their pocket. okay, so taking over that token point from the republicans and who was the pitching to be on the gathered party faithful while as it was mentioning there, you know, he is a guy who is from this sort of middle american midwest background. he's trying to get across, but he is the average american and you can really appeal to many at voters, particularly white men in rural areas who have left the democratic party in recent years and have gone more in the direction of the republicans. he also talked
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a lot about the economy. he talked about some of the big issues that are affecting people in the united states in for he was talking once again about the fact that they were going to come to harris. they would be help for home buyers, there would be reduction costs of food and just general costs and also health care costs in the, our areas that he would be looking at along with the kinds of hires. if they went willing in november. and what do we learn then about how the democrats intends to govern beyond this nebulous idea of freedom? well, i think the theme of the night, again going back to it was freedom on the night. they had an advocates who were looking at abortion. right? you had eligibility to rights activists, you had leaders of liberal groups and also who were focusing very much for women and as well as certain segments of the society episode, just latino voters as well. the issue with immigration came up, which has been a bit of a weakness for democrats and it appeared that they're going to lurch a little bit more to the right. and then we're going to talk about tighter controls
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there as well. with regards to immigration, which has been a big hot topic on which the republicans have attacked. and the democrats, i'm particularly pamela harris, over in her role as vice president. ok, there was stop. how i was on display as well. that's the right. there's always star power these things we saw so many of those legends like stevie wonder and that john legends who's a big thing or for those who don't know. but of course, the big gap, the big faces will say were former president bill clinton. he's often brought in to talk about economics. he's, he's an old time that this is often that talking about these and, and, and that's a weakness for democrats at times, talking at the economy. but it was oprah winfrey as well. oprah winfrey has this mass of star power, the former talk show host, who is essentially like, become a larger than life character in the united states, and has a lot of influence as well. and she really went on the offensive as well. she also talked about this uh, these comments by j d funds. that's
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a donald trump running made. and who made comments about childless cop ladies and t . oprah winfrey made a couple of jokes about that, but it weren't really joke, so it was sort of very a clear. it was a clear message once again that you know, you have to vote for the candidates who are in favor of the people and not for a small minority of people. okay, thank you for that. the tablet slowly i guess on the final day of the democratic national convention. thank you, sir. are you watching data blue and use lie some balance, not of pakistan with police of charts of mine with cyber terrorism for his alleged rolled and spreading misinformation, which is believed to have triggered the space of riots in the u. k. 400 a. see for the rest is in the city of the whole is accused to be behind a website that falsely tried the attacker who stopped and killed 3 goals. in fact, last month was illegal, mostly in all sources of blame, to fake news for contributing to violence across the u. k. some of which august,
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with most, most in communities you drive your present. the landscape says these countries force is a continuing that attacks and rushes cost regents even as moscow presses forward on the front lines and don't pass. this real estate is released by your training and special forces is said to show strikes against a russian pump team crossings in the course area. ukraine has already destroyed at least 3 bridges of the river, same as it seems to create a buffer zone in the bones of ancient laska claims its troops have stopped ukraine's advance. the german chancellor is visiting the ball, dove, which sits between the european union and ukraine, and this heavily affected by the russian invasion of its neighbour shelves. that helps tools with president a minus time doing prime minister door in return and discussions focused on security issues. the resulting for investors aggression against crime. although it has been a supporter of kings war efforts and claims to have also been to the target of
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russian hybrid attacks. and these stabilization, another top. com. the agenda is germany support from all those applications to join the key units of process begun formally in june as expected to take several. he has to complete the degree of phone was breaking involved over a president, chancellor schultz said, germany will continue to support keith as long as necessary thoughts as to the distance of the ok. germany will not let up in its support of ukraine. we will support your crane 1st long as necessary, and we will be the largest country in europe supporting you. craig would use only the usa. it's doing more fast and major world power. and this is something that everyone ukraine can rely on. but also though we're rooting for the training people were fighting for its independence. sovereignty in democracy, which feed on to her of design to the crane. rescue as a found find body is on board the super y'all that sank off the coast of sicily,
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claiming the lives of british tech and banking executive search teams and still looking for one more missing passenger vessel. westgate by violent storm on monday, brought back to show off to being recovered from some 50 meters below the waves. officials haven't yet released details about the identities of the bodies found on the sunken ship. 6 passengers were still unaccounted for when the coast guard was even searching the wreck with some muscle robots and divers on wednesday morning. among them was british business been mike lynch. he had reportedly invited gets on board his family's 56 meter luxury yelled the basie and to celebrate his recent acquittal in a massive fraud case in us. this cctv footage from the show shows the ship's lights disappearing into darkness as a violent storm had pulled to cello hall,
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but in the early hours of monday morning 10 crew and 12 passengers. one boat at the time 15 escaped in life boat, including the captain, costs and bone us. the skipper of a boat mowed alongside the bayesian, found the survivors. he said the yachts had sunk in an instant. i don't absolutely know what they did. i only know that there uh when slit with them us on the water and that the sink in 2 minutes. like i said, as authorities move to identify the dead, it's not yet clear why the ship founded so rapidly. officials believed it may have been hit by a tornado over the war to known as a water spout during the storm. the questions remain why the multi 1000000 euro, your sank when other nearby boats didn't is right where
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police have classed with orthodox jewish protest as in jerusalem, where they gathered to oppose military conscription. of 5 people were arrested, officers could be seen beating and forcibly removing protest. this demonstrates is blocked a road to prevent people something familiar to service from attending the investment office. really, jews at long being exempt from ministry service until june. when the supreme court ruled by must be drafted, meanwhile is, or at least continues to kind of have strikes on gaza with the latest kit and at least 11 people in a residential building in the northern causing town of bats out here. that's according to public opinion media. and so that israel founders have held funerals for hostages, whose bodies were coveting cause you in gospel this week. they were among $250.00 hostages, taken to a new commerce is october, some attack, which triggered the will. the tears of
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anger and despair. yeah, the book stuff was kidnapped from keyboards, knew him on october 7th. now his family and his whole community is laying him to rest the day. he wants to call and what will does a mother have to sing for the return of her son who was a band and then that in what we'll do. families have to back and cry for the return of their family members a life. and that today i ask you again for forgiveness. my child. i'm sorry we didn't make it. i'm sorry. it's worse as it recovered. books stuffs, body and 5 more in a tunneling guys. earlier this week. as the army has come under heavy criticism for
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each failure to predict the october 7th attack, and for it slow responds that day. the outgoing head of is really military intelligence says the failures of october 7th will haunt him for the rest of his life. though it does show, but we failed in the most important mission, we are entrusted with giving a war warning. the ultimate responsibility for the failure of the intelligence division rests with me according to gaza officials, israel's retaliatory military campaign, has killed over 40000 palestinians in the strip since the war started. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under pressure at home and from abroad to reach a ceasefire deal with home us. but negotiations happened deadlock for months. many
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you attended the funeral, as of the east for the hostages, lamented the fact that months of talk you have yet to yield a deal releasing the rest. thank you. hi, i have several of you with them. they may have it. so i actually have of this could have ended differently for the time that i know about the i mean without coverage and they could have been brought back in march to get him to we could have extended the deal. let me see if jennifer claim simple and they could have returned to live and then we wouldn't be in cemeteries today. a tom os is believed to still be holding around a $110.00 hostages captured during the october 7th. the tax is rarely authorities estimate around a 3rd our debt just as a reminder, that top store rating welts has accepted these policies nomination to become us, vice president on page 3 of the democratic national convention in chicago. a couple of harris and wells of mountain pottis' nominate nominees and begin the final
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stretch of the my task. of next on dw, i'd well meeting a for my ask, understand government administrators and i find them against restrictions on women's reasons. that's in just a moment. i'll be back until the, the learn shannon with winning offer is available language learning gem and has never been sent to no c as in buttons and that have something in your mean. i'm not listening to them anymore. i'm getting this most seen as being used as
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a so it could be even be to just do the cooking wash.


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