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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the lin, a high school football coach, tons state government up, except for the democratic nomination to be vice presidential candidates that are on the page on donald trump. that's how we'll build a country where workers come 1st, health care and housing, our human rights, to move funds of day 3 of the democratic national convention as he becomes camelot . harris's official running lights also coming up on the palestinians, move on the victims of israel latest deadly strikes on garza,
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since mediations in cairo continued to see, to seek clients on the us. president judges, israel's prime minister to remove the remaining obstacles to a piece of grievance. and the fact that she is thrown border crossings into an india. many of them say that seeking safety from secretary in the tax the money to this making and welcome to the program. minnesota governor tom wolf has accepted the democratic policies nomination, vice president. now that makes him the official running mate for carmella harris, who will give her acceptance speech to the democratic national convention this evening. all the former high school football coach and enjoys convention delegates for a spotlight on his family members. and the
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emotions running high gosh. and when you are my entire world, and i love you this 70 moment one over one solution media, it's tim bones formerly accepted. this body's nomination for wife president. he's think of preserving the freedoms that them will seriously not under that tax from, from accept your nomination. and no matter who you are. calm, le harris is going to stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life that you want to lead. because that's what we want for ourselves and it's what we want for our neighbors. the democratic national conventions, todd night. showcase media faces such as palmer house speaker, nancy pelosi and former president bill clinton. both
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took aim at mister drum, mostly talks about himself. so the next time you hear him don't cross the laws count, they let us not forget who assaulted democracy on january 6th, he did it was a night that started started lineup of performances and speak, a legendary tv presenter. oprah winfrey was a surprise guest. she, us, americans to elect. com and the head is let us choose for you to why? because that's the best of america. we're all americans and you gather, that's all to call the, the,
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the glitz and glamour build up. put. com la head is this acceptance feeds and door lights will be on the most important moment. we'll put forward to keep katie is so far. right, let's get more from the w reports or tablets any. i skipped to see pablo. this really was the biggest speech of symbols as life was and that tell us more of what, what he talked about, what totally he struck. well, you said it before, very energetic. this was his chance to introduce himself to the world, introduce himself to american voters who aren't particularly familiar with them. he took that as background as a school teacher, as a coach, he made many references to reflect anything or for the football coach. he also talked about the fact that he'd been in the national guard for over 2 decades. he introduced his family to so he has be very reliable elements which he wanted to get across. and he's also quite a good speaker. he came across quite relaxed, quite funny and engaging for people, but also he went on the fence as well. let's not forget that he is the governor of
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minnesota. he is a politician. he knows how to get his message across. and he was a congressman before that and he went after trump, i knew made a lot of comments with regards to freedom, which was the theme of the night and talking about have essentially the republicans are going to take freedom away from americans. and he was told them at how the democrats are very much a party of a personal freedoms. and what goes on in your own home is up to you. so this was a very clear message that he wanted to get across with regards to reproductive rights. in many respects he was quite possible wasn't a he to read about he and his and his wife's own experience with facility treatment, correct. and he spoke about that and thought has actually been criticized as well by the republican is not just about the fact that he saw it pretend to be treatment . but it was actually the type of fatality treatment that was sort of out there. they've kind of gone after him saying that they made it seem that he was talking that are vs, but it was actually a different type of treatment. but at the end of the day,
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the republicans will go after at b, nit picking and looking at all the details which has to be expected in this campaign. but essentially he was introducing himself to america wasn't hand really, as he said, introducing himself as the football coach. right? the every man, apart from the democratic policy faithful. i mean, obviously the, the atmosphere at the convention is really positive, really excited. but he is kind of preaching to the converted out the convention, isn't he so who else is he pitching his message to? well, let's not forget that he is from the midwest. he actually grew up in nebraska, he's coming across as they sort of relate to bull character. and the democrats have a big issue, which is that they've lost a lot of white men at voting for the democrats. and they've shifted to the republicans. so they sailed and perhaps was someone who can actually bring those voters back. he talked as well about the economy, and he focused very much on watson, the contents of cold populist issues that, that, that the democrats are seeking in this election. one being that they're going to be
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giving grants to essentially middle class voters at, for buying their 1st home as well with regards to health care costs and also to food costs, which is actually also being criticized because there's one element which is food at price gouging which republicans are saying that that's too much interference with regards to the economy. so they've done after the democrats in that area too, but he wanted to highlight that their theme, the theme of this, this election is looking after the middle class folder. okay. now as we were saying that the mood among democrats is overwhelmingly positive, isn't that there's a lot of excitement about what's happening. but that is not the whole story because hundreds of pro palestinian protest is gathered outside the convention center, cooling on the democratic policy to end military funding to israel. and to commit to an immediate gauze that sees fun of the chicago area. that's where the convention is. being held is home to one of the largest palestinian communities in
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the u. s. and have a so called uncommitted national movement with spots by dissatisfaction with president biden's handling of the israel. how may i ask for and has so i see 6 delegates at the convention. so pablo, how much of a challenge is that to the higher schools campaign? i mean, how important a palestinian american or our american versus whether estimates from the last election in 2020, that almost 70 percent of most of them in the united states voted for joe biden. so that's a significant percentage of people. also the population of arab americans is quite high in the middle, the in the middle east, in the mid west. so that's also an area of where they're really looking at actually winning because these are a lot of the swing states. so they really need to hold on to that, but there have been issues in that when it comes to guys that harris has been
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a bit more vocal in her criticism of, of the situation there of the war that's going on. but she does need to actually a 9th, a clear message and have a clear message to the voters of have she will proceed and come up with some type of at least sort of solution in her eyes to the situation there. and speaking of clara messages and specifics, let's talk about policy. i mean, did we learn anything from wolves, of speech, about how democrats, you know, wanting to govern? were there any policy details? because this is something that republicans have been criticized like isn't absolutely. and like i said before, he touched on a lot of those sort of what have been called a populist economic policy, the torch on it. but even go into much detail, even expressing a lot of support for hire. so perhaps even sort of giving come a higher is more sort of that will say pressure, no pressure, but it can lead to in that direction. but you have to look at the night in general who was speaking and that gives us an indication of what direction the democrats
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are going. and so apart from the economy, you had speakers who were at dealing with eligibility to rights, and abortion rights advocates. you also have leaders of liberal groups that are dealing with at issues that are affecting women and certain percentages and, and, and groups in society such as latino voters. but one topic that also requires greater emphasis from the democrats is immigration, because that's an area that the republicans have really criticized commer hires on, on the democrats in general, that is being k all take that she hasn't been clear and that there are issues there . and they really need to come up with a care policy. it appears from yesterday's features that they're headed more it towards the republicans a bit stricter on immigration, perhaps a coming down a bit more heavy will say on, on people who are entering the united states. either illegally or documented ok, well details that well presumably be more specific. android confirmed in the,
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in the, in the coming days and weeks probably 30 i nice. thank you so much. thanks on all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the former us president donald trump has given his speech at an outdoor riley since the attempt on his life in july, standing behind bullet proof loss. he spoke about national security and blamed democratic leaders for the war and ukraine, and the cale sick us withdrawal from afghanistan. the rescue is found sized bodies on board, the cpo, the son of the coast of sicily, italian need media say they include british tech entrepreneur unlike lynch, such teams are still looking for one missing passenger. the vessel was hit on wrecked by a violent storm on monday. and his prime minister under, under moody,
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has met with ponens prime minister don't autistic. and we also offer his visit to poland hill travel on to ukraine, which will be the 1st visit on indian prime minister for more than 30 years. now, this will come just weeks. often mister moody was criticized for hugging the russian president vladimir putin in moscow. behind the scenes negotiations to end the war in gaza and you to continue in cairo so far. representatives from israel control egypt on the u. s. have been involved, but not the palestinian and the lessons group come off the top. so based on a plan suggested by the us and approved by the un security council, it includes a 6 week ceasefire, a partial withdrawal of israeli troops, and the return of hostages held by militants in gaza. israel would release palestinian prisoners and withdrew the rest of its forces. then the construction of guns could begin. begin at both sides. still have the differences which it is hoped
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will be addressed by a bridging proposal. but israel on her mouth are accusing each other of adding and changing conditions. her mouth says it cannot except israel's plan to keep control of the philadelphia car. it will, that's a buffer zone along the golf and border with egypt. nor can it except israel's to mom a v, so over the release of palestinian prisoners or its plan to search palestinians for weapons. before lessing them return to the homes in garza, a journalist, cream alga hurry is in a cairo kareem. good to see, you know, this sounds like a stalemate. oh, all of these complex negotiations potentially laying the groundwork for something concrete or was it is this is concrete use about
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and what's happening was making choices when they are going to stop in cairo again, who is negotiating in the city and a huge gap between 2 sites the israel is insisting on the continuous military presence in the gaza strip. busy nearly all at once to also keep open the possibility that even if there's a ceasefire, he might, if a data point continue the walk, it's almost how much, what's the exact opposite they want to own is really troops out of the gaza strip and they want guarantees for a permanent ceasefire, now there was a, a telephone call between what is present joe biden antares, and with this on you all in which in that direction to finally see a de, somehow contradiction to the positive aplus here that was spread by the secretary of state to add to the principal saying this is just the question of thought time,
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and then you also sites everything off. and that's also indications from the era the negotiate this from apple. officials go north officially the, some of them saying in the u. s. went to far as to accommodate this. and y'all, in which this military presence in, if you, that there's, according to also in the necessary inquiry to that's dividing because that in the northern and southern part is talking about, it doesn't seem past that it doesn't make much sense to hold any higher ranking negotiations. and that's a cost also, i think i, i on the, on the side of the air up because she says it's, it's saying that they basically and of the u. s. a saying that the, this idea all sides to purchase proposal, golf and all the instructors parties, how much, but really at the end, having said all this, we really don't know exactly what's happening behind. so could you say that one
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side has the off behind? i mean, is it, i'm also is israel, or is it just not clear what this is us and richard walker's is where it has the military superiority. but in the both sites, i think, trying to reach now in this negotiations, what they could not reach in the wall and it's on the, on what's to establish a permanent is there a ministry presence in the causes to sign off by how much in the case that i think to this and how much was the, is there a, the, on the, on both sides put the pressure on the grounds and how much is a taking the lead? so the inquiry though that is what is really i mean station which is dividing because us trip is rain on its sides continuous from being of the gaza strip. boy, if equation or this belt into population sent us in the causes typically said because it took the same time only 10 percent of a say. so therefore the palestinians. so lots of pressure on both sides kind to
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create a situation in their favorite korean. thank. so much for that analysis that stream . okay. hiring or forcing from kyra, thank you. you're welcome. and israel is continuing it strikes against gauze of the lights has killing at least 11 people in a residential building in the northern gauze. the town of bailey here. that's according to palestinian media. companies in southern israel have held funerals full full of hostages, whose bodies were recovered and gauze at this week. they were among $250.00 taken during the october. the 7th, almost her attracts attacks which triggered the war. the tears of anger and despair. yeah, the book stuff was kidnapped from keyboards, knew him on october 7th. now his family and his whole
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community is laying him to rest the day. and what will, does a mother have to sing for the return of her son who was a band and then that in what we'll do, families have to back and cry for the return of their family members a life. and that today i ask you again for forgiveness. my child. i'm sorry we didn't make it. i'm sorry. it's worse as it recovered, books stuffs body and 5 more in a tunnel in gaza. earlier this week of the army has come under heavy criticism for each failure to predict the october 7th attack. and for it slow responds that day. the outgoing head of is really military intelligence says the failures of october
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7th will haunt him for the rest of his life. though it does show, but we failed. in the most important mission, we are in trusted with giving a war warning. the ultimate responsibility for the failure of the intelligence division rests with me and i according to gaza officials, israel's retaliatory military campaign, has killed over 40000 palestinians in the strip since the war started. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under pressure at home and from abroad to reach a ceasefire deal with home us. but negotiations happen deadlock for months. many you attended the funeral, as of the east for the hostages, lamented the fact that months of talking have yet to yield a deal releasing the rest. thank you. i have several of you with them. they may
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have it. so i actually have of this could have ended differently for the time that i know about the i mean without coverage. they could have been brought back in march and i should get him to we could have extended the deal. let me see if jennifer claim simple and they could have returned to live just to find them. then we wouldn't be in cemeteries today. tomas is believe to still be holding around a $110.00 hostages captured during the october 7th. the tax is rarely, authorities estimate around a 3rd our debt i know thousands of people in bangladesh has been trying to cross into india since a violent protest script. the country in july. that being reports of attacks on hindus, many of whom hope that bangladesh was injured. and majority neva will provide them with a safe haven. bangladesh has been in a state of turmoil after weeks of violent protests, thousands of bangladesh. these have gathered at the indian border,
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hoping to get refuge in india. but security forces on both sides, keep them from crossing over and look, there are going there on the other side. i don't this side it directly g. 's are trying to cross the stream on the other side. but the golf and allow them to cross the border. my relatives wanted to come over, but they couldn't to that. i got out of our lesson didn't automatic shut up. indian prime minister in their end, remotely recently said that his government will protect bangladesh the hindus. but the border situation is volatile. this local leader is working as a mediator between indian and bangladesh. the border forces and the people gathered along the border, bony look what i baby since the 9th of july she went to go to thousands of people that was kind of have gathered at the board and think it was actually that her mother, we've often to stay on the other side of it, to now a couple she, mo, the bundle of dish, or 3. i'm here for like with done gullies. me,
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me on both sides for and i ask why you would think it was how much to start room that we don't want any on rest top. if you go to the not only want to do it, maybe not live with them together. nothing. and then we get back there, but i'm actually taken by them. i want to know many people here on the indian side told the they'll be with that they will welcome the refugees from bangladesh as they have gone through similar experiences. but they're also wary of possible conflicts in the future. all right, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines. and police and pakistan have arrested a man. so his alleged role in spreading misinformation, but triggered a space of riots in the u. k. fun i'll see is accused of being behind a website that falsely claims that an attacker has stopped 3 and goals to death and the u. k. was an illegal muslim my front seats is now being charged with cyber terrorism. and parental reign has caused flooding and disruption to tokyo's massive transport network, the center of the japanese capital. so $100.00 millimeters of rain and one hour on
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wednesday evening. some real services were suspended and flights canceled from anita efforts. now one of the world's biggest accountants see funds p w. c is facing a 6 month suspension in china. that's according to the financial times the punishment is reportedly due to sailings and its order thing over the collapsed prophecy. develop the f, a grant chinese regulators accuse p w c. a failing to identify and failing to address significant financial irregularities in the company's accounts of the ground, allegedly overstated its revenue by $79000000000.00 over a period of 2 years. okay, let's get moved on that from order and run from dw business. get to see order. that's really a lot of money. tell us more about this case against p w. c. right,
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so pete up, you see kind of came into the spotlight when china announced its biggest financial investigation into fraud for ever grand as you said, the be inflated their revenue by more than $79000000000.00. and so p w c signed off on that. and so for this, they're facing a fine up to that's like $145000000.00. so we're talking about a lot of money and a 6 months of suspension. but this lawsuit is part of a bigger effort to recover some of the money that investors have put in over the last few years into ever grad after its collapse. but the biggest allegation against the accounting firm is that it's signed off on a questionable numbers that are only coming to light now. mm hm. know, these are obviously serious allegations against a very well known accountancy fun. how is p w c responding to all of this? right? so they're basically saying these are all false allegations of all of these allegations actually came from a visual blower report earlier this year. that said that the w c was involved. so
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the accounting firm is saying, this is not true. we obviously did not make any of these mistakes. but the fact really is that a p, w. c, was an ever grand auditor for more than 10 years. so it's hard to believe that such big oversights could have happened without the company knowing, and the p w. c is also used to be one of china's leading audit firms with an impressive $110.00 companies under its belt, including the bank of china. and ever since the scandal of 50 of those companies have dropped the w c as their auditor. so things are not looking good for p w. c right now. okay. and just to clarify, so it's facing a 6 month suspension. so now and then next steps will be decided after that. yes. so basically we're expecting that it's the fine has to be implemented. it will come within the next few weeks of the early, few days of september, and then what happens after to the chinese unit and with international image, we will only know once china officially rep reminds people to see, right,
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wouldn't run from dw business, thanks so much for that, thank you laura, it's, here's a quick reminder for you all of our top story at this hour. tim roles has accepted his policies nomination to become the us vice presidential candidates on day 3 of the democratic national convention in chicago. couple of harris and tim wolds were officially confirmed as the policies nominees and they now begin the final stretch of that white house campaign. and as ralph is launched and deadly as hawks and gaza as media is seeking a truce, are due to meet in cairo, egypt. katasha on the us are attempting to bridge differences between israel and come off of the as rainy troop presence in gaza off to the slicing
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for we have time for that to stick around up. next focus on your takes a look at how the spanish island new york is trying to tame on tourism that's coming up after a short break. and then you can sneaking in, thanks so much for watching data. we need the,
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or the time of a sudden i fly out with pleasure. without alcohol, the spanish mediterranean island of my york has issued at them. alcohol is no longer allowed in attendance for years. parties, power, tourists reacting, and the local focus on w. old friends, new front is nate, so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well,
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the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses complicating to show this from this new threat made in 45 minutes on d w, the have someone else to see the highlights of selected for you you every week in you a box subscribe. now the togetherness, the standard is 3 to julie zullie, the inventory,
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and click the the . this is focus on europe, i'm laura blah, blah, blah. welcome to the show. britain's health care sector is in a state of crisis. millions of patients are on waiting lists with the publicly funded and national health service or n h s. care workers are overwhelmed. the low wages and high stress levels have led to an exodus of professionals in the sector. many blame the former conservative administration. how.


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