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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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david news of the ocean conservation september dw, the . this is focus on europe. i'm lara bubble. a. welcome to the show. britain's health care sector is in a state of crisis. millions of patients are on waiting lists with the publicly funded national health service or n h s. care workers are overwhelmed. the low wages and high stress levels have led to an exodus of professionals in the sector. many blame the former conservative administration policy experts say they failed to adequately fund the system during their 14 years in power. the new labor government has about to fix the n h s. but
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that could take years and 2 year old delilah needs health. now her mother fears the delay will effect though i live development young. a lot of hassle getting her daughter to eat as a test of patients for chloe kirby. sure. do you real delilah usually spits everything out in time ever since she was born, delilah has avoided eating solid food. she doesn't particularly 8 any food like as useful. she the, i need food. i'd say she eats a little bit all these chaise. and you know, mean this is how much isn't that ball that i offer and that doesn't even get a, an in the dice. chloe has tried everything as well. other toddlers, her age are long used to eating normally,
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meals delilah will only drink from the bottle. her mother suspects eating disorder linked to autism, but she's not in your family. doctors haven't been able to help. and chloe's been waiting 6 months for an appointment with a specialist. every single thoughts off the session. although i say that a lot, you know, i've never come across the case of this, so you're not, i don't really know what to do. so then they said it was it. so they now should be same last question is within a certain amount of time because there's none of them come across it till it's not unique or it's out there that it's not just going to resolve itself. over 6000000 british patients have been waiting months or even years for an appointment with a specialist. for years, the former conservative government spitting less on the health care system than comparable european countries. that was one of the big issues in the election at the beginning of july this year. andrew myers, and as an emergency doctor,
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he says the situation many hospitals reach breaking point long ago. so emergency care is awful for clinicians for patients. we're seeing patients that have to sit in our waiting room stuff to sit in the carters waiting for care of people that are dying on the back services waiting to be brought in, say any dying in inside a or any departments. i fortunately work and it was a quite a good hospital where we don't see a lot of that. but just knowing that that exist in so many different places and somebody from hospitals across this country is, is just, it's devastating doctors and nurses are leaving around 100000 posts in england are unfilled. the professionals are attracted to careers abroad with better pay in working conditions. many of those who stay can't cope with the pressure and suffer physically and mentally. we're seeing record numbers of our colleagues having mental health crises, taking time off of work because of that whole process. and i've been to the memorial services of,
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of colleagues who have killed themselves because their work is just far too difficult. and they, they took too much of that home and that's, that's also to do with the doctors and nurses going straight due to poor working conditions, which then leads to even worse patient care. the new labor government has promised more money, shorter waiting times, and new stuff for the health care sector. that's urgently needed, says meyerson, we need to fill the holes. that was, that was left by the less of the. we need more hospital beds within the inner chest . we lost 25000. the last decade we need, we need to stop the steps. hemorrhage. we need to stop losing $20000.00 doctors every year for to 1000 nurses. and we need to solve the suffolk at present because if we take a patients out of hospitals, we're wasting billions there. and then we're providing terrible care for about 10 a month. chloe kirby sir agrees. there's no way things can stay as they are while she's worried about her daughter's future. the so the to gain weight in this for
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a child is just wrong. it's not like it's a room pain appointment like, oh, you know, it's just this is that is it's a serious thing. what she's going to be 5, what she's going to be putting in school because she can only have formula so far. all her mother's efforts to shorten this long wait have been anything the a mass protest and calls for quotas residence on the spanish islands may orca, are fighting back against over tourism. calls for crowd controls are also happening . other european nations travel is booming. after the pandemic, but for residents and tourism hotspots, there's little cause for celebration, housing shortages, soaring rent, prices and pollution are fueling ad t tourism sentiment. spain is also trying to climb down on rowdy behavior in places
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like fly, a diploma authorities have bound the public consumption of alcohol in certain areas . still, some locals feel that not enough is being done to address the problem. a it's party time in my orca. tens of thousands of tourists, mostly germans, are letting their hair down on the fly a diploma. much to the annoyance of neighbors like luis, as we'll call him to keep him anonymous. he lived here for 25 years. i can be of the people tourism is totally changed. it's just one big drinking spree. so we feel powerless with me. i have to sleep with earplugs because it's so loud. i belong to the detroit for the night out is in plain sight, empty bottles thames, despite the regional governments crack down on several of the islands party zones, fly, a diploma has banded drinking on the street or the beach with fines ranging up to 1500 heroes and shots,
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but sell alcohol must close at 9 30 pm. even cargo know and me go past quote on fighting for the new rules to be enforced. they live in the party zone and have joined a neighborhood association to deal with it because the mother to this place is like a theme partner. when the tourists are out on the town, they come lurching through the neighborhood this fall down for a while. you're in a, in the street all the while. everyone does know assuming the daughter. yeah, here's the real lemma. the government test, the started catalyzing, the shops, the don't stick to the sales hours or the idea is that right? that's the, that's an example of the crap we have to put up with. i have germans in my family myself, and i'm ashamed of this behavior and the boys that did it and some of the
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party starts in broad daylight to the tourist. it's pre drinking at the beach, even though they've heard about the alcohol being or a zones of for us. it's just a classic drinking holidays. it's a shame not being allowed to drink on the beach right now saw the phones. so it was . 7 by some lines and asked on the beach somewhere to drink, but we're not actually allowed to do that. and then we just bought some bottles and told them to sell it. and you said, what's them? good. i still see people consuming a lot of alcohol here and personally, i don't see much of a police presence to be shipped. so the next on the screen with become established with the neighborhood association is disappointed with the authorities. the noise from the party torres isn't limited to the street. the fiesta continues on hotel balcony. and in the apartment blocks, because more and more flats are being rented out to terrorists. i for your time what we've been hearing that the problems being dealt with for years. now the problem remains and nobody really wants to do anything because the tourism brings
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in money because we made several requests in writing and by phone to the regional government of the bali arctic islands of which my york is the largest. but we weren't given an interview nor any information. the beatrice chief ardini runs a german restaurant. she's lived on my, you working for 50 years. now she's a scene of the behavior of many torres, i'm sense of the change in the atmosphere between foreigners and local. i know they used to feel like a 4 and a half a now over the last few years, a really last for you to like a for and the why actually speaking, how say based on that well, i've blown tire, so i must be towards the house because it's not too many hotel operators are worried to the chairman of the local hotel association. pedro many has been fighting for years to increase hotel quality and with prices. they're also trying
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to deter party torres by imposing a minimum length of stay. you know, so that's just us, as for the thoughts about all the furniture to attract respectable tourists, are not enough that i think you have to sensitize people in their country of origin . the same one thing that they should comment enjoy the benefits that we share with this stuff and not just claim it for themselves as she and then we all have to treat it with parent. and with that, with that and the local population mean, well start spinning out. if something isn't done, see the waste no longer wants to put up with the noise. is equal those to see if it stays like this or gets worse. i need to plan the, i'll have to move away with them that i've already thought about moving into my mother's class. that's how the new model is more residents follow his example. the parties on apply a diploma will soon be completely in the hands of taurus. it's the
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lightest metal on earth and one of the most sought after lithium is a key component for powering electric vehicles. and for the transition towards net 0 emissions, serbia is home to vast deposits of lithium, located in the outer valley, but plans to extract it are being met with resistance. in recent weeks, tens of thousands turned out to protest against plans to build a mine. they believe extracting lithium will contaminate the land and water supply . maria olympus and her family have lived in the valley for generations. and despite assurances from authorities and the mining company, she fears the project will ruin their way of life. this part is gone. you need to leads in serbia as a yard. our valley has become a ghost town. the people are gone. the houses will soon be making way for a lifting a mind. they were bought up by the british australian real 10 to
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a group for its mining operations. the lithium deposits here are thought to be the largest in europe, is in an orchard not far from the ghost town, laneesa and maria and her father, monkey lo taste. this year's plums. she's the 13th generation of her family to live here. all this time, nobody gave this remote area. a 2nd thought that changed when lithium was found. since then, this obscure valley has become an object of desire. it was kind of the free area, $330.00. so it is like to call it still today because notice no jim is every serially and it's so even today even though didn't seem to manage to buy all some lines in the. 7 here in the mountains, they didn't buy anything. they didn't even manage to finish the reset. but the father and daughter did and learned that the plans, mine and slack he would come within a 100 meters of their land. a few years ago,
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mom, she low spot of the 1st exploratory drill holes nearby. they refused to sell their land and hope other local residents won't either. a mine would change everything here. ma'am i see what the, what do you think would be there wouldn't be no more life here of world right underneath the plan. mine dummy or bountiful underground spring. so that keep our village and yeah you and many neighboring villages supply with water with so you know, because over me score the lithium mine controversy has reached low as need to the regions. biggest city, a protest billboard on the roadside says no to the mine. yes. to life, we attend to a runs and info center in town, but nobody seems to want to talk openly about it too. many here are afraid. the mining operation might contaminate the water supply for the drain. a river, the real
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10 toes offices and serbia's capital build rate manager murray. auntie bob beach is doing what you can to make sure, lithium mining can begin as soon as possible the you and in particular, germany and it's car manufacturers are keenly interested in the lithium from the younger valley. $650.00 of promotional video to picks the plant mine as a clean and modern showcase project. never wherever you can. investments of 2 and a half 1000000000 euros the mining underground and enough lithium for 1000000 electric cars and thousands of well paid jobs to me. opponents are spreading false information according to bob beach. everyone that we encourage everyone to actually learn about the fact and not the extra and the trust, everything that everyone says about the project. as for our communication, i have to say we could have communicated further in a more layman's terms, to be very honest. we are a technical company,
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so we communicate in technical terms, back to maria and pitch for personal reasons for protecting against the lithium mine. so persistently is right here on our property or families cemetery. my great grandfather is in great den father's the themselves, these land even in the car this times of their lives. so why would i do this now? you know, on the 3rd thing, generation of the owner of this land. so we cannot said that the simply not the question come to discuss that. it's a no, no means no. maria is determined to preserve what she can of her ancestors legacy. a facing our own mortality is a subject that's too overwhelming for many to look death in the eye and take stock of one's life requires courage and death times a helping hand. sabrina girl. it's guides, terminally ill, people through the final phase of their lives. she helps people like using the
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google to come to terms with the past and present through story telling. it's a process that allows patients to reflect on all that has transpired during their time on earth and gives their loved ones a sense of closure. traveling between heaven and something that gullets is on her way to the next live story. the 43 year old needs people shortly before the death to look back one last time i just have a guy who i'm about to meet mrs gigabyte, so she's never to a very old age. that means i have a great life of 87 years ahead of me when i asked for sam or they couldn't sign it . the challenge will be to bring it down to the essentials and about so now of vision bishop once that's the progress of the 2 women have an appointment today at 11 o'clock at the hospice and handbook.
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hello. hello is this kind of i nice to see you. this is a that he's like it about has terminal long consent. shortly before her death, she wants to look back on her life. she particularly remembers the path of her son, whom she brought home from hospital abrupt in thick blankets on a hot summer's day. the plan and when my husband called the hospital, we just our childs a so we're taking him out of hospital, but he's always crying. what are we supposed to do and then the nurse on the other end after that, what do you see wrapped in blankets? uh to take them off. oh, i see it in an hour and a half. they want to see how nice everything is recorded on the plain us phone. then he's lucky to those that's talking about the death of a husband multiple. let's sometimes i talk to him. but as we go
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to, my daughter in law says we're all connected. me things she says will all see each other again. that comforts me. afterwards, something that god, it's friends, everything down. she usually receives a small amount of money for this. the result is a book that of around 15 pages that can be passed on to a relative's. the hospice manager supports the project. dash tell him, give especially the creation of this booklet mix it necessary for everyone involved to come to terms with the situation. for many in and this is painful at 1st because it means looking at the end of life and the names, and yet it is an opportunity to start talking about it among family members to come the
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2 days later, dalton lorina vosta has also come to the hospice, so please go, let's read out what keys law has told him. it's been included, i will go in and truly expect in 1936 before the 2nd world war is is full and those early childhood years with wonderful. so 1st, and couldn't expect himself on lisa and lisa prussia, this last place and the 2 women that connected by one thing to this day. the death of my to dana's husband gives us some up as lot as why have was this for what some feels like when your own child dies? i think it makes a difference. why, a child honest with and sexier, whether it has a road accident or a serious illness. well, drug addiction is also a serious illness. i was expecting it for a long time. and at some point the body is just too weak from all of that stuff.
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doesn't comp take any more punishment, come he's like it, it did was able to remove the beautiful and difficult moments of her life. and she expresses it clear hope because we have a sion, it would be nice of my to and peace. i could well come me up and have him. they will auntie. thank you. and those who stay here can think of me when they hear tabi awesome. yeah. right at the beginning. right. thank you. i think of me that kind of you understand we will. thank you. i'm moving farewell to the final chapter of zillow's life. it's a small fish that packs a big punch and toby's our love for their strong flavor. but reeling them in is tricky. fisher hank phone shield grew up in the industry and has
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a unique way of catching them. one that's been passed down for generations. but hank fears it's just a matter of time before his days, as the fisher are over. there aren't plenty of fish in the sea anymore, and fewer anchovies are arriving from hanks boat. the. we're on the water with the last and she'll be fisher in the netherlands hang funds to fishes, the eastern shields, a waldorf estuary, using an ancient technique. it's a unique method that's been around since the 17th century. he is what's called a weird fisher from silt uses a huge wooden structure that he built himself to trap the anchovies vive. this is called weird phishing home alone. these polls move with the wind and waves,
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and the current drives the fishing here. so the net is there to keep them from escaping. an aerial view reveals the traps size 2 kilometers long. over 8000 wooden pulse. front silk learned his trade as a child. his family has been fishing this way. for generations. the technique has been declared an intangible cultural heritage in the country. the anchovies swim into the lattice with a rising talk. at low tide, the water level drops and the strong current keeps the fish from escaping. now got rid of it, we tried to fish and with a drift for me, it was the basis chores have come to watch. today's catch is meeker without a single anchovy and very little bike. that fun still says they used to catch up to 7 tons of and toby's annual,
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but hardly any since 2019 this year is the same and it could be his less. if we quit, it will still be in the we're efficient like the hope the whole of the trade is in danger of dying out. okay. and we have cost anything for years. we don't earn any money from we're facing anymore. i don't want to and it will have to give it up to this kind of so it's not quite clear why the anchovies have disappeared. dutch researchers suspect climate change and rising c temperatures, but the funds sold family suspects. the construction of a large wind farm nearby has permanently disrupted the local ecosystem. working with a foundation funds so now invites tourists to earn some extra money and show office spar sketch. there are no marketable anchovies in it's each move on. so the
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kind of expected a little more catchy. i didn't think they would come up with so little me away in a code for will find surprises to. i thought i'd catch more on sundays unless i'm others, but it always seems to be quite literally tank funds sold for turns to the harbor, empty hand. a few kilometers away in the town of the action of some fun. so it's wife, re on the front door runs the family's store. us it is when we do have into these for sale, people are lined up outside the door right for to do a photos on the wall show how productive and she'll be fishing was until just a few years ago. this is but once again, they're not getting in trophies in the kitchen today but use, so the yield less profit and are not a real alternative. falling is in
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the you can find equals all over the netherlands. but you can only get into these here. in theory, at least to make sure the traditional craft of and so the fishing, the intangible cultural heritage survives re on the front door. just calling for more support from the government in the hague and the e. u. in short, money, probably just to cover our costs. we aren't going to get rich from it because i go to what's important to her is not just her own livelihood and above all, she wants the knowledge of generations and the families trade to live all that's all from us. this week i focus on europe. you can watch more of our stories online, d, w dot com or head to our youtube page for more of our reports. thanks so much for your company. bye. for now, the
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i just want to pursue what? that's nice. so on fire, how are you going to buy your house? your job, your decision? for your parent single money when generations clash i don't remember because i wanted him to become a doctor. and in 30 minutes on d, w. b or the last of their kind of thought. and people, pneumatic reindeer herders in the northern wilderness of mongolia is we who are
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born and raised and the tiger are the guardians of these mountains. and this beautiful nature reading here are we are in mongolia, raising them is the most beautiful thing in the world. the people preserve their tradition, the in 75 minutes on d, w. the togetherness, the place even just came off stand. it is 3 to julie zullie the joy and click the
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the because the cool breeze but it's just me of the,
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this is dw news live from bell and a high school football coach, tons state governor, except the democratic nominate to be vice presidential candidate. that's how you turn the page on donald trump. that's how we'll build a country where workers come 1st, health care housing park, human rights to move funds that day. 3 of the democratic national convention, as he becomes cumberland irises, official running nights, also coming up on the program. ukraine says that his cap should another town inside russia report the travels with.


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