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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this was dw news, live it from berlin. ukraine says it's captured, another town inside russia. our reporter is imbedded with those troops. we are having to pay close attention to the ground in front of us that an explorer originates. the street haven't been set up yet and these things, so it is with us all for the nova. and india is prime minister calling for negotiations the end of war in ukraine. the renter moody is heading to key for high level talks, just weeks after a controversial meeting with vladimir putin in law scale. and us democrats set to range the curtain and on the final night of their national convention. pamela
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harris is due to deliver the biggest speech of her career. she formerly accepts her party's nomination. for us, president will take you live to chicago, the library and gone to our viewers watching on p. b. as in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome, we begin with the shifting front lines and rushes more against the grain. you credit and president zalinski on thursday made his 1st visit along the border with rushes into cranes military launched. it's a salt into rushes chorused region. so when he met with army commanders, he has said that ukraine has no plans to occupied the area in the long term. that he wants to create a buffer zone to block attacks against ukraine. so lensky did not cross the border into russia,
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and the w corresponding economy has been invaded with ukrainian troops during their offensive in the course of the region. you accompanied them as they headed for the town of search, just beyond the border with russia, where ukraine is setting up a military command. post the windows of the great, you know, my personnel carrier, properly unlimited view, empty streets and the occasional sound of shilling in the distance. you could be somewhere along different lines in ukraine. but this is russia under ukrainian control which means that we will have to route, we're not able to do it freely. now, that is pretty much the way to get in. let's get some idea of what's going on in the story. no one knows how many russian civilians were left behind when ukrainian forces across the border. locals told us the towns where snow thirty's simply go to that cause fled. those remaining have had no running water, no power,
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and crucially, no phone signal for 2 weeks now. cut off from use and their families and the rest of russia compared to many places in easton, ukraine. it seems comparatively quiet. the ukrainian soldiers accompanying us, or on edge we were just trying talk to some locals here in subject, and they was a big shot from all ukraine troops to us. they have seen russians all the drawing up in the sky above, which would normally get coordinates for tillery or the strikes that could potentially be coming this way. licksey demetrius keeps key, is the spokes person for the new re created, ukrainian ministry come on in cost region. he says he never expected to be unlike russia. he says, ukraine has no plans tonics territory. i'm just because it should say that we don't want to keep this land. we don't need to to them to, we've had to do this to show or, and to me that they're vulnerable as well as and so that they're not all powerful.
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when someone who is the things leaders want the world and with new russians to see images like this, they want ordinary russians to put pressure on vladimir putin to move troops away from the front lines in the east of ukraine to defend russian. so a hit and coast, and now it seems that they're not doing that. they're not moving those institutes away from dumbass. but hope i'm going to ukraine troops here, as long as this goes on. and the more recent after they take that eventually for us, it will be forced to drill down exclusively. we're going to see somebody locals. we're hiding in a cellar. nearby, the streets are empty. basically, you can hit off generators, existence, there's still no power here. and very occasionally, some ukrainian motor transport it's mainly the elderly and those looking off to sick friends and relatives who stay behind the people we meet. stay close to the basement. when they sleep for safety. no one offered me a chance to evacuate. the motion of people got out on their own in their cars are
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you know, to who i live alone. busy my daughter lives far away. i had no way of getting out the lovers. so it's the thing i was looking after an elderly friend. she was sick before. i couldn't just leave her help. she died yesterday and we buried her today. many have been left homeless by the continuing to refer between ukrainian forces here in pseudo russian forces nearby my house was bomb to them. there's only a crater left. i was here when it happened yesterday on me. this is a house has destroyed this been going to do my best to setting up humanitarian car doors to allow these people to reach areas under russian government control. the sofa is no more than talk is really your phone little thing. if i came to work in
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the sewage of that day, we didn't understand what was happening. i've been here ever since. my parents are back in the village, they're 84 and 83 years old. i don't know what's happened to them and they don't know what's happened to me. then something we weren't expecting to see the screen, you know me, spokes person gets out his laptop. so these are some civilians, video from butcher, the town, a key of what russian troops accused of carrying out war crimes. when they control the area. local, seem exhausted, barely able to take anything in the moment, reveals more about how ukrainian soldiers russians sort of a feeling that does about russians appears on the war. some ukrainian soldiers seemed to think this. they can show ordinary russians what was done in the name and ukraine. and perhaps those russians will question invited me approaching story of what he calls the special military operation in ukraine. we don't have time to say anymore. we're told this time to leave. now was nic connelly reporting there and
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joined now by robert. you're at he's a military and defense analyst with the institute for security policy and lloyd syracuse university. he served as a vice admiral boy in the us navy misdemeanor. and it's good to have you with this, you know, ukraine's president says that he wants to have coursed as a buffer zone. how's it going to do that? yeah, right, great question. i think that they, it's kind of emerge as part of the buffer zone. the really a front line of the fighting, the way they have so far, i think most of the surprise of both sides, both the russian forces have been involved and also the brains when they started the offensive. and they've been able to take more territory and certainly capture a lot more russian soldiers, prisoners, and they were expected. how do you explain russia's reaction so far? i mean, why is russia not pulling up troops from the don't bass in eastern ukraine to, to defend russian territory or the british to say, i think that
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a surprise everybody, the russian response has been pretty underwhelming. and just from a truly military standpoint, a very clear evidence of lack of what we call a unity of command, which is one of the overriding principles that all of us have in any kind of military operations. here roger c, and it's become pretty much apparent that the they don't have unity command in terms of the operations are trying to conduct the russian forces in the occurs. where is the great news? do we have unity of command? and the other thing is the, the types of trips they pride to color. as you know, this gets into one of the older abilities that russian has in terms of, but not using conscript inside ukraine using them inside russian territory. and those are not nearly as well trained or motivated as your great insurance that they're up against. ukraine's advance in the course of regions, i'm sure it has to tie up a lot of resources. when does the law of diminishing returns begin to set in for ukraine's military?
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there's a great question brand, i think that's what everybody wonders right now. if you're currently renting for us as a nation, does this pretty efficiently. but there is no question that one of the key issues is the trade space on both sides between the russian ukrainian forces that are tied down in the operations and cars because of both of the all important continue the process that russians drawing and don't boss there in eastern ukraine and any evidence of their having to pull forces out of there to counter with ukrainians. have been successful in doing that. cars getting really overlapping into 2 in the adjoining provinces. when you get your take on what we've been seeing, coming from the ukranian military, and it's now being very open about which us weapons which us weapon systems that it's using to hit russian targets on russian territory. and is that wise, in your opinion? because i mean, you're in the united states, you're there where there could be some major political blowback. possibly. i don't think it's very much your call is now 1st i, i've seen
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a lot of equipment that has been used as operation from, from the united kingdom for france, from your own country, from germany. i think the states arms are significant part of their efforts, but nonetheless, i think it's very much, you know, the national partners continues to point the ukraine. so i think that will continue for the foreseeable future. and in fact, another point i would make some brands as in closing, is that uh, the drugs have been much pushed back from the western allies of ukraine at all. in fact, our own defense department made a statement a couple of days ago saying that this one is consistent with what the ukraine has need to do to change conditions on the battlefield and kind of change the balance. now he's got an original problem. here it is always good to talk with you. we appreciate you taking the time to share your valuable analysis tonight. thank you. my friend, wendy is prime minister and the ranger moody has called for negotiations to end. the war in due crate already was speaking after meeting with poland,
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premier donald tuscan, warsaw on thursday. but he will travel warranty ukraine for the 1st trip by an indian prime minister to keep. indeed, so far a boy did explicitly condemning the russian invasion of ukraine. mowdy has been criticized for hugging the russian president vladimir putin in moscow last month. i needed to use shallow, your dog has more on india's position on the war in you. great. or should you be surprised that india chose to support russia? author, it's invasion of ukraine, maybe not after you get to know some of the history of the relationship between india and russia. both countries have ad each of those back for decades on contentious international issues. one example is how russia stood behind india on his actions in the concrete region of crush me. and it has done the same for russia when it came to its invasion of crimea. for us, russia is a very valued buckner. it's very time to talk know, it's
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a relationship from bitch. both india and russia have benefited enormously. india has a multifaceted relationship with russia, which also happens to be in just the biggest supply of western countries may have imposed functions on multiple, for its invasion of ukraine. but that hasn't stopped india from buying oil from russia. on the other hand, while india, i may have never directly condemned fulton prime minister movie has expressed concern blood rushes, born in ukraine. i now say directly i bump literally the c log, then head off bar. but it is one of dialogue and diplomacy, us and we all must do what we can to stop the black shave and human suffering. the hard reality is that even as india is
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navigating a tricky fos, it's increasingly positioning itself as an assault to force in the globe and order a force that doesn't want to fit in blocks. but the shape shift up, i'd be see a hint of that feel in a candid discussion with the foreign ministers of us in germany. why should it be a problem if i'm smart enough to have multiple options, you should be admiring me. you know, you shouldn't be criticized. and i think it's very important today not to reduce the entire complexity of homework into already sweeping propositions. i think that the data is 2 days behind us. given all of that, you might wonder why in didn't 5 ministers eventually visiting ukraine to meet its presidents. the landscape is merely to appease the west or response to zelinski escaping the monks when movie might put in on the same date that a russian beside the head of 2 events, hospices zalinski, called the meeting. they put in a huge disappointment and
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a devastating blow to peace efforts. the question now is for the movies visit the kia will be able to repair some of the damage done by his visit to moscow. that was a shell or you know, reporting, dw correspondence on you fall in the car, in kiva spoke with about moody's visit with alina, have a think, go from the ukrainian national institute for strategic studies. it ended in 5 minutes. so that means movie is set to visit ukraine. what do you think is the purpose of this visit and what are your expectations? maybe even hopes from it? it is quite important for india and for uh, permit us to moody now to balance its relations and its emission reputation. in this context of rushing a clean out of work because of the worst and visit of fremont. if somebody to moscow, which was successful in terms of russian indian by electro relations. but unfortunately, on that day,
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a huge michelle attack was launched against decreed in q years against a showing hospital, which was there was a new found tragic event that criticize was criticized a lot. how can prime minister marty, talk to someone who launches ms. silas against children's hospital. so it is quite important for him now to balance that criticism and to prove that india is neutral and genuinely and how do you think you're creating um, as viewing those visits, what do you think that you're creating and governments expectations all from india, from solicit from from one day, it is important for you agree because india, which presents itself as a voice and voice of the global south as a leader of a global spouse, is viewed as a gate to that to 0, which is for ukraine. and in the us example can, can potentially demonstrate to other countries of the global south that it is how important it is to which ukraine to deal with the crane. and it is also crucial for
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ukraine because we're getting way for the 2nd, the summit. and we are hoping that we could potentially gather more countries for latin america, africa, and asia as well as india could potentially set that example as such as the trend of the global sales countries. as a leader, there's a chance there has been a lot of talk about india, maybe playing a mediating role in any kind of potential based process between russia and ukraine . do you think? and there's one place to play this kind of fruitless peacemaker. india is one of those few countries that has direct communication both ways, you quit and russia when it comes to bring children back to bring when it comes to bringing prisoners a warm back. this is when india actually has power enough power to do that to me, to you, to negotiate because a lot in the morning has quite trustworthy relations with working directly. so that
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could potentially influence a lot and bring and bring a lot of advantage actually is indeed with you and you to player here because it has the started concise with russia. it continues to buy weapons from prussia. it has ramped up its purchases of discount of crude oil from russia. how do you explain ukraine's position, given all of this, when it comes to india? india actually does pretty much the same thing as a craned us. it pushes its own national interest 1st. so india, 1st, when it comes to buying crude oil, it is india's electronic security. it's the national security. it's in this national interest 1st, the fact that a lot of different countries of global south india, 1st of most, have 6 fairly tires with russia, stems from the fact that we over this last 30 years or more than 30 years and supreme gayness independence, we have not been communicating properly with these countries. we're only just re evaluating our firm policy and we only beginning to come to contest was of our
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shock in africa and latin america in asia where wash has been present for so many years and hasn't been actually working in this information field propaganda field. and so on. so we have to raise the facts of different countries, have different national interest and they are going to put those 1st and foremost. or that was dw sonia found, the cult reporting there. now to the united states us, the democrats are setting the stage for the 4th and final night of their national convention in chicago. couple of harris is due to give the big speech of her career, and she formerly accepts her parties, presidential nomination. on wednesday, the spotlight was on minnesota governor tim waltz, as he accepted the v p. not the former high school football coach. well, he delivered a pep talk, ended sending harris to the oval office, the emotions running high
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gosh. and when you are my entire world, and i love you this 70 moment one over one social media, it's tim bones formerly accepted this body's nomination for life president. he's think of preserving the freedoms that demo seriously. not under that tax from, from accept your nomination. and no matter who you are, complet harris is gonna stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life that you want to lead. because that's what we want for ourselves. and it's what we want for our neighbors. the democratic national conventions, todd nights, suitcase media faces such as palmer house speaker, nancy pelosi and former president bill clinton board to game that mr. trump mostly talks about himself.
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so the next time you here and don't tell us the laws count, they let us not forget who assaulted democracy on january 6th. he did it was a night because dogs started lineup of performances and speak, a legendary tv presenter. oprah winfrey was a surprise guest. she, us, americans to elect. com and i'll head is let us choose for you to why because that the best of. 6 to work. 0 and to gather that. 7 to called on the all the glitz and glamour is
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a build up. put com la head. it says acceptance feeds and door lights will be on the most important moment for political goodies so far. and our correspondence did you mean alvarez goober, he is at the convention center in chicago. i'm sure he heard oprah winfrey singing last night injury. let me ask you about, tim was in his speech last night, probably the biggest speech and he's ever deliberate, least in his professional career. and he was also his big introduction to the world . did he get across what he wanted to get across? so that's right. it was definitely his introduction and that's also what the roles come pay set to introduce himself to the country. a politician that might be well known for the people in minnesota that after everything finish it yesterday, that was still tearing with him and putting up cardboard with his face on it. but for many in this country, he was not very well known. 2 weeks ago when pamela harris sat, the, if the governor of minnesota would be her running made. he came across very
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personal and told a lot of his stories. and also if we all already looked at the introduction, how he was introduced by his form, a big play is also basketball players. there was a video also showing it several parts of the slides. the part where it wasn't, the military's spoke a lot about education, house of reports and public teachers and also what he achieved as the governor of minnesota, where it's currently serving the 2nd term. and he spoke about poor days. for example, you get free meals it to children, that's also something that is not a beer yet. and every parts of the country. so you want it to show familiar faces. and of course, very emotional moments when he came on stage and you saw his son, his daughter, his wife, also cheering for him. so for the campaign, he managed to get his message across. i had of it, today's big speech of pamela harris. oh, that's what i come on. the harris tonight, you know from one huge speech to the next. what are we, what are you expecting to hear from?
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you know, the woman who is about to be the official democratic party presidential nominee? that's right. there was already nominated here the democratic national convention with a very long list of speakers today of many senators of many governors. so let's see if they actually manage to keep her on primetime. that was a little bit of a problem over the last couple of days. where you had these main speakers and it was so many people a talking, it'd be full of them. and they're also at many, actually before her speech, we have a couple of minutes ago with her pink. we're hosting for a performance so that hollywood stop power that the democratic party also wants to show with the legend with oprah winfrey that we also just sold their entire report . but what she wants to get across is this message of hope. there had campaign has been pushing for also what we heard from the 2nd gentleman who addressed this agreement here yesterday. he had made some appearances on monday when president
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fight and a spoke, passing the towards officially to his vice president into the democratic candidate . so we can expect her to go on the personal level and to of course, highlight many parts, offer professional life as a prosecutor, but also as a congressman and we sold some videos on this big screen. you know, she was, she's pretty well known for thrilling a lot of people in this series. and of course it was a lot of cheering for that too. yeah, that's right. i'm sure there will be a 9 to remember for everyone there, including for yourself is benjamin alvarez. we back in chicago at the dnc richmond . thank drivers have recovered the bodies of 5 people from the wreck of a luxury yacht that sank off the coast of sicily. earlier this week, one of the victims was the british tech tigris. mike lynch, drivers are still searching for his 18 year old daughter who was missing and presumed dead. a body recovered from some 50 meters below the waves.
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a bridge businessman mike lynch was one of 22 people on board, the yacht, and one of 6 people who were missing. he had reportedly invited guests on board, the basie and his families 56 meter you ought to celebrate his recent acquittal in a massive fraud case in the us the c. c t. v footage from the show shows the ships lights disappearing into darkness as a violent storm at the hall. but the early hours of monday morning 15 on board, escaped in a life boat, including the captain. the skipper of a boat mowed alongside the basie and found the survivors. he said the vessel had sunk in an instant and i don't absolutely know what they did.
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i only know that they went flip with a mouse on the water and that the sink in 2 minutes. like they said, it tele and authority. it's of launch an investigation into the sinking while the company, the built, the your claims, the incident could have been avoided. officials believe it may have been hit by a tornado over the war to known as a war to spout during the storm. the questions remain about why the multi 1000000 euro, your sank when of the nearby boats didn't. here's reminder now of our top story. this, our, tim was, is accepted to the democratic nomination to become parties, us vice presidential candidates. couple of harris and roles are now official nominees and can begin the final stretch of their campaign to win the white house. you're watching the w news after
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a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night. the vp with b d, tim walsh and his big dad energy will be right back the the,
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the we are the last of their kind. it's on people, pneumatic reading, the air filters in the northern wilderness of mongolia is we who are born and raised and the tiger are the guardians of these mountains and his beautiful nature reading here are we are in month leo, raising them as the most beautiful thing in the world, the sudden teaching preserves their tradition in 45 minutes on d w the
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data. but we will tell you who we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and feeling about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw, and use africa every friday on the w. e mountain is increasing every so many even gone to watching on black silver stars the work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way off the rules?
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the environment is not responsible make up your own mind. dw, made for mines. the. the 2024 raised for the white house is unlike any america has seen and at least half a century drug by the incumbent president decided not to run for a 2nd term and that just months before election day overnight. the process began of selecting a replacement, quickly the speed dating version, if you will. the politics, vice president campbell, a hair as quickly emerged as the democrats choice for president. she accepts the nomination this week along with a man she chose to be her vice presidential running mate. the governor of minnesota, tim walls, i'm bridge off in berlin. this is the day i.


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