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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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it overnight, the process began of selecting a replacement, quickly the speed dating version, if you will. the politics, vice president come over here as quickly emerged as the democrats choice for president. she accepts the nomination this week along with a man she chose to be her vice presidential running mate, the governor of minnesota. tim waltz. i'm bridge off in berlin. this is the day the i'm calling on. oh, you independent. we love this country. you on this side, it guided by our love of the country already developed for freedom. complet harris is gonna stand up and play for your freedom. donald trump, to assaulted democracy on january 6, once to take away our rights and our freedoms. donald trump fell asleep at his own
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trial with us to. 7 7 the also it coming up, embedded with the ukranian military, r corresponded knit connelly reports from the ukranian, occupies course the region of russia were limited to it, which means that we will have the route. we're not able to do it freely, but for now that is pretty much the way to get in. let's get some idea of what's going on. the part of the story which i'll review is what you're going to cbs in the united states and do all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with the man who could one day be a heartbeat away from the us presidency. minnesota governor, tim was on wednesday, accepted the democratic parties nomination of him to be the vice presidential
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running mate of comma la harris. harris is the current vp. she's hoping to win the election in november and to move into the white house as the 1st woman us president . now, throughout us history, the vice president has been treated as a political after it's all an under study, always ready, but almost always, never getting the call. there have been tragic exceptions such as the assassination of j of kerry that resulted in the presidency of lyndon baines, johnson or when a sitting president decides not to run for re election, biden pulling back harris moving forward. and that brings us to the man who will run at her side and to many say has the qualities to make. the harris was ticket a winning one in november. take a list. you know, you might not know it, but i haven't given a lot of big speeches like this, but i have given
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a lot of pep docs. so let me, let me finish with this to the spirit slip for you're down at field, go that you're on a bench and we've got the bag. we're driving down the field. and boy, do we have the right team? combo i, harris is top. pamela harris is experience and tom ally harris is ready. our job, or job, or job or job for everyone watching, is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling one edge out of time. one yard out of time. one thing called out of time, one door knock out of time, $15.00 donation at
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a time. all right, our political quarterback in washington bureau tv dispos, she's covering the d and c fours in chicago. good thursday evening to you. it is that speech. it was billed as a chance for tim was to introduce himself to the nation and to the world. did he do it? and boy did he deliver? he did indeed, friend to know this a re, now this is more than 20000 people here that are so in fluids. he asked him holding a science up with coach balls. that's how he presents himself and how he presented himself. you're also in stages as you put it, like a man was dead wives, but also just like a very normal person. he also kind of defines a modern masculinity. if you haven't seen you lately, use a dad. he loves kids use a codes and to use warm and wherever you very trustworthy that all came across here
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. i'd hardly anybody knew him in the united states just like 2 weeks ago before he got this call from vice president pamela harris, who asked him if he wants to be his running mate. but ever since, boy, is he doing well and was, has been careful not to demonize fellow americans who have voted for donald trump. is that a message that all democrats can take on board? yeah, and that's actually also one reason why a couple of harris pick 10, you should reach out to those undecided voters to those who are kind of swinging between democrats and republicans for the full. so of course also to those republicans who are not in line with donald trump, do not ones. i don't need them to get those 2nd term. and that's why she picked him . the hope is that she can reach out to will areas to work into those areas,
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to regular, a wife maid who had a tendency to rather go this donald trump at least in a 2020. but this go down the road with the other kind of part of the democratic party. i mean, from what ever i heard to your years. it does, at least in this bubble here, this a re not because he mustn't forget, you know, this is the d, n c a. this is the, a congress of policy members. he definitely also has to win over those who are not so in a circle, but from everything i a experience here and also during my traveling across the country, he does good job pretty well so far, but a friend. but he also has, as kind of a hers to deliver some more policies and not only a good vibe. so that's something we definitely have to see after this convention here. next week. the trying the honeymoon may be about to in summer saying it is full at the dnc in chicago. it is as always,
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thank you. it's all right, i'm going to swing now to washington and bring in justin higgins. he's a communications consultant who has worked for both democrats and republicans. it's not every day we get to meet one of you and justin. it's good to have you. with this 5 days ago, i was looking at your twitter feed, your x, the you posted on next. this is the best campaign for president that you've ever seen strategically on point. amazing narrative work and doing everything to minimize risk is what she said. do you think the same thing today with the convention now, almost history? i do think the same thing. i was just in any units, and i agree with a lot of what she's saying. i think it's important to understand that the message that joe biden was giving well through the trump is the strong man who's an excess central threat to democracy, was in some way, is building up the trust and also very heavy and somber in the message from the harris was campaign is really completely the opposite. yes, harris is strong,
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it has strength. but there are also a joyful warriors. so when they're attacking strong, which any candidate needs to do, they're doing insur jokes with a smile on their face and quite simply and election is a popularity contest. and voters want to be around the people who have a smile on their face. not people angry, weird guy like trump. yeah. the appeal of tim waltz trying to avoid demonizing, trump, voters. can that. do you think of that work or are americans not already simply to divide to pull the rocks or? yeah. so when you put them in the context, right, white working class men will go for the g o p one terrorist and walter trying to do is chip off maybe half a percent. one percent of those voters and they were from hillary clinton, who demonized strong voters as the portables in 2016 when i was back. the are and
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see the you don't with voters by attacking those same voters. so in selecting some walls, they picked a guy works in sounds normal, like a roll middle class farmer. and also he's talking in a language that is coded to these people, american football, respect, your neighbor, a lot of your friends. so these values that these people hold near and dear, he's also using sports. and the bible in language that they understand is to get those points across. so i do think it's possible to have some of an impact and even a percent can change the election. just i'd like us to consider transportation secretary pete budget for just a moment, so i'm call him the smartest american politician right now. this is what he said yesterday about the republican v p. can that a j d band stimulus? katie vance is one of those guys who thinks if you don't live the life that he has in mind for you, then you don't count someone who says that if you don't have kids,
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you have quotes, no physical commitment to the future of this country. you know, senator, when i deplore death can assume i didn't have kids. then many of the men and women who went outside the wire with me didn't have kids either. but let me tell you our commitment to the future. this country was pretty dam physical. it's justin with you here. the politicians speaking with that level of eloquence, conviction, he's a military veteran. why is it he's a vice presidential candidate or even what the presidential candidate? well, i really do walk and respects the secretary people to judge and i think his time will come. and i think that tim was, was an interesting period because he is a darling of the progressives. and i was listening to you earlier asking if all of
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the democrats will stay rallied around the p. harris and symbol of the selection. not only talks to the rural voters in the middle of the country. but he does it in an effective way with democrats, because progressives absolutely loved him. they think he is one of their own. so by picking walls, you're able to get post weight, those independent and conservative voters, the easiest was talking about are also you're able to buttress your left flank because he's one of the darlings of that left. so i think that unique appeal that tim was has is probably why he was selected in people who judge his time a. com. all right, well we'll see. i guess time will tell, let me ask you about this low risk and campaigning that you like. um, coming from cumberland harris. you know, a lot of journalists more and more do not like this. um, she has not been accessible for interviews. for example, after the convention after this honeymoon, if you will, is over,
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won't it be necessary for her to take some risks and to say ok, you know, throw me the questions and eventually uh, that will be dictated by the vibes of the campaign which may very well shit, but i think we need to understand one of the reasons why it's such a low risk campaign is because typically, nominees have to go through a primary process where they have to outline controversial policies to appeal to the left in the center of the party because the way that harris was nominated, she didn't have to do any of that. the party was desponding resigned to a 2nd, trump term under biden's campaign. and then when she came in to become the dominique in energy to highest and united the whole party on. so eventually she will have to answer these questions and it may upset journalists, but we got to remember, she's not running, went over journalist, she's running, went overboard. and she's also not the one of attacking the media as being the big
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news. the enemy of the people and brian, we offer supporters to go after you guys. yeah, i mean she, but obviously she's got to let people know what she stands for, where she is on the issues. what do you think will be the risk is points them between now and election day for her campaign that i'm guessing you're going to say the debate with donald trump. the meet with donald trump and i'll give it to to something as obvious, right? of the conflict in the middle east, she has not outlines 1st stance on this conflict. it really seems like she's mirroring president biden and the national security teams approach. so what happens if there's a major flash point original war? what happens if there is an economic crash? she will need to address those issues with strength, with clarity of policy, which you've already alluded to, but also she will need to maintain a joyful warrior approach that has come to define her. so really i'm not worried about the debates at all. i'm worried about it lacks one event which is inevitable,
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between now and november and how the campaign is able to. yeah. and between now and november, just as an attorney to your politics, you're right. a lot can happen. strategic communications consultant justin higgins . just and good to have you on the show. come back and talk with this again. thank you. get your credit. you president autumn is zalinski has toward the northeastern. see me. region of ukraine, which borders russia. it's his 1st visit to the area, essentially crane launch its assault into rushes course region. so live, he met with you crazy and commanders and said that ukraine has no plans to occupy the area long term, but he wants to create a buffer zone to prevent russia from launching more airstrikes into ukraine. now it's important to note here, zalinski did not cross the border into ukrainian occupied russian territory,
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dw, corresponding to connelly. he has been embedded with ukrainian troops during their operations in the course region. you accompany them as they headed for the town of sewage, just beyond the border with russia, where ukraine is setting up a military command office for the w as being carly joins us from the ukrainian side of the border. nick, good to see you. you had just returned from the russian side. tell me um, what is the situation there? what did you see to oversee it is very unfamiliar right. using the same scenes that we've seen that but turn off. he is in ukraine in the south and east. you have those abandoned streets, a few old people trying somehow survive against a backdrop of ought to refine the distance. except this time it's in russia has to be said though, compared to some of the places you might have heard of in the east of ukraine around i've got yes, if you all more recently the fighting release,
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the 35 is not very intensive there. that often it does come to me, but it's all kind of close the back truck. but what makes the situation deputy kind of unusual and what made the grain so i'll just be with that pretty nervous was quite how hungry the front line still. all right, so we know that the cranes have about 30 drums that they can move inside the country inside the russian contact tree. but they're still all groups of russian souls assuming the operating vine, ukrainian line. so it's all pretty flexible and pretty unclear and potentially dangerous. we weren't in bed, so we was fully freed to move around as we might have wanted that space to any way to get that. let's have a look at what we felt back from suggesting the windows would be great. you know, my personal care you properly unlimited view, empty streets and the occasional sound of showing in the distance. you could be somewhere along different lines in ukraine. but this is russia, ukraine control, which means that we will have to go with us the route. we're not able to do it
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freely, but for now that is pretty much the way to get in. let's get some idea of what's going on. the story. no one knows how many russian civilians were left behind when ukrainian forces across the border. locals told us the towns where snow thirty's simply go to that cause and fled. those remaining had no running water, no power. increasingly no phone signal for 2 weeks now. cut off from use and their families and the rest of russia compared to many places and east and ukraine. it seems comparatively quiet. the ukrainian soldiers accompanying us, or on edge we were just trying talk to some locals here in subject, and they was a big shot from all ukraine troops with us. they have seen russians all the drawing up in the sky above, which would normally get coordinates for tillery or the strikes that could potentially be coming this way. the licksey demetrius keep security is the
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spokesperson for the new re created ukrainian ministry commodity in coast region. he says he never expected to be here. unlike russia, he says, ukraine has no plans tonics territory. i'm just because it should say that we don't want to keep this land. we don't need it to them. good. we've had to do this to show or, and to me that they're vulnerable as well. let me assure you that they're not all powerful reading. some of these things leaders want the world and with new russians to see images like this. they want ordinary russians to put pressure on vladimir putin to move troops away from the front lines in the east of ukraine to defend russian. so a hit and cost for now it seems that they're not doing that. they're not moving those institutes away from dumbass. but the hope among the range hoops here, as long as this goes on, and the more recent after they take that eventually for us, it will be forced to drill down exclusively. we're going to see the locals. we're hiding in a cellar nearby, the streets are empty. basically,
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you can hit off generators. existence, there's still no power here. and very occasionally, some ukrainian mostly transport it's mainly the elderly and those looking off to sick friends and relatives who stayed behind the people we meet, stay close to the basement where they sleep for safety. no one offered me a chance to evacuate. some people got out on their own, in their cars or you know, to who i live alone. my daughter lives far away. i had no way of getting out the lovers. so it's the thing i was looking after an elderly friend. she was sick before. i couldn't just leave her helper. she died yesterday and we buried her today not as many have been left homeless by the continuing to re fi between ukrainian forces here in pseudo, russian forces nearby. my house was bomb to them, but there's only
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a crater left. i was here when that happened yesterday. oh no. the house has destroyed. computers has been built into this talk of setting up humanitarian car doors to allow these people to reach areas under russian government control. the sofa is no more than talk if i came to work and sewage in that day, we didn't understand what was happening. i've been here ever since. my parents are back in the village and share 84 and 83 years old. i don't know what's happened to them and they don't know what's happened to me then something we weren't expecting to see the screen, you know, we spoke the person gets out his laptop. so these are some civilians video from butcher the town a key if we're russian troops accused of carrying out with crimes when they control the area local, seem exhausted, barely able to take anything in the moment, reveals more about how ukrainian soldiers, russian, so will a feeling that does about russians appears on the will some ukrainian soul just
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seem to think this, they can show ordinary russians what was done in the name and ukraine. and perhaps those russians will question invited me, approaching story of what he calls the special military operation in ukraine. and we don't have time to say anymore, we're told this time to leave nick. so excellent report. they are fascinating insights on the other side of the battle line. it, it seems that the ukrainian troops in russia were almost as surprised by the speed of this operation. as everyone else i think that's true and we're increasingly learning from reports some along to some more direct attributes. it that the friends have tried to cross the border and other parts of russia and brad's guns and build roads of west and east prospectively of where i am here in sue me on board with coast region. and that didn't work out. they might go to in a few moments and then being pushed back. so the fact that this worked out and that it proved so possible to get that fall. and so based on this,
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the being on placing me now for 2 weeks, we've got reports of ukraine troops up to afford to go with a deep interruption searching some thoughts. i know there need to talk to the day withdrawal and it's also about presentable. we've had ukrainian sol, just tell us that they have captured more russian soldiers over the last 2 weeks than in the previous 2 and a half years of the world. and these old people that can be exchanged boyfriends, hilda, russia. russian has been very reluctant to give more kind of in the ukraine in unit some of the kind of more experienced ukraine troops who invariable, for instance, will take the as a freshman, they have kept those back. and now the hope in your brain is that in return for these rush results, some of the people will come home. so that is a kind of a been totally fine story about is about your brand new. so this would be the rest of the potentially coming home soon as you mentioned the future in your reports. and one of the places russians carried out atrocities in ukraine. is there a sense among ukranian troops that they must do all they can to avoid harm to
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russian civilians? are they cognizant of the watchful eye of the world? i think that is something that is very clear to the finance amount is being processed on something that they all paying attention, assuming people excited about this operation just driving behind me that we've have seen lots of you guys. there's media reports, videos, all these things. so i was heading out to monetary, in a, a, bringing doctors to treat the other people there. and so just some of this overseas about the kind of p all baffle. but i think is something you're hearing from the kind soldiers off camera is. they will tell you, we have nothing against russians in russia. that is that land, but i'll try to take it. we have so many guys, russians in ukraine and it's not a religion, and they are very close to invite you to pay for the present while citrix been as well. and so just that, that will also help to the motivates russians and fighting, inviting a few things on this. so hope is by showing that you frame is know that to, and it fits of russia. they can prevent only russian society up to fight. and you
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need, before you let you go to the you are back in the ukraine to night. there are reports that say that russia is the issue, international arrest warrants for journalists who enter occupied territory. there is a risk. and how is that affecting your work? if at all look, we're not able to report from russell from the russian hooked by bits of ukraine. we don't have a credit stations. they are not included in giving us that access or for us, immediate little changes. i think it looks like more dentist will be going to so just to coast with these kind of embedded trips. so presumably that'd be more of these cases going. i interesting things that kind of went out about this is that according to russell, all the places anything you find with the reporting on for 2 years and from a to us for girls school counseling. and so that is all according to us. and it was a russian, but seemingly, they don't need to open from the face. people actually those areas they so make a difference between the 1st, especially recognized person surgery and bits of your brain that rushes antics i think for now. it doesn't mean a great deal,
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but certainly it is an attempt to dissuade people from going from scaring people. for now, it doesn't seem like it's working. we need, we certainly do appreciate your excellent reporting and we appreciate that you are in safety tonight back in you create an economy next thank of the day continues on line. your plane does on x, also known as twitter, and on youtube, that needs to be news. you can follow me on social media at brent golf tv. and remember, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. i'll see you then if the
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what's new, we'll tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. next on d w, i just want to pursue what? that's nice. so on 5, how are you going to buy your house?
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your job, your decision for your parents? when generations clash i don't want him to be good as i wanted him to become a doctor. and in 60 minutes on d, w, the lenient stream is savannah being raised in burn in south africa as well with disabilities, more likely to be said, lives matter, protest, shine, a spotlight on racially motivated, the least by same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination. and we also
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because life is this the, this is dw news in africa coming up on the program responding to a health crisis. the democratic republic of congo and its neighbors grapple with the spread of impulse, the margins of a deadly new berry and all the diseases spot international consent. we discussed the situation that is at the center in the d. r. c. and the international response taking stock and the molly, 4 years after the ministry took over, we find out how the economy is faring. and what most people are worried about. the west has concerns to, as a points at the wash is growing influence in the house. so we didn't, foreign minister did not means his words in an interview with.


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