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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CEST

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because like, instead of the fish is dw news coming off on the program, responding to a health crisis, the democratic republic of congo and its neighbors grapple with the spread of impulse. he imagines of a deadly new berry and all the diseases spots international consent. we discussed the situation at a epi center in the d r c, and the international response taking stock in the model e. 4 years after the ministry took over. we'll find out how the economy is varying . and what most people are worried about. the west has concerns to as a point that watches growing influence in the health. sweden's foreign minister did not. mens his words in an interview with dw russia is
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a new inc. realistic state who has no results for being the natural system that we established often occupied and who wants to recreate its empire on the expense of public congress. and that also means that project. plus we meet the young farmers incentive goal. the leverage in social media to boost sales share their expertise i'm told me on life, but welcome to the program. the resurgence of impulse has spots global consent, particularly with the imagines of a more deadly variant. the new laid one b strain is primarily effecting the democratic republic of congo in nearly 17000 cases. and over $570.00 death, this year alone is also spread to neighboring burundi kenyatta rolanda and uganda
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with cases also confound in sweden and thailand. now while the world health organization, stresses by the impulse is not the next covert, the current outbreak is posing a serious challenge in the d r c, especially for children, dw, east africa bureau chief, mario miller reports the number of who, who is 3. and this turkey, old brother, keep in mind that the, to a recovering from impulse, the mother is relieved them and the virus attended one and particularly hodges the guns when they own the stuff that he didn't sleep when he was crying all night in the army. in the morning he had a high fever and started to get rashes. so that's why i came here to the hospital and tony but took it's on the doctors gave the children antibiotics and the cream to try to get the rashes were hurting me. but when i put the
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medicine on, i feel better, and i just take care of this hospital near goma and the democratic republic of congo is full of children and young people with inbox. they're more likely to get it and more likely to die as a result the viral infection specially contact spin saliva, oprah the also to sexual contact. or they put the most that he did the of was we have a mortality rate of between 5 and 10 percent as the disease is transmitted directly and massively or in the context of goma, we have a display population in the camps of what the populace here the risks are really high, the plastic, the least can you live with, but pretty easily be living and cramped comes for people displays. but conflict is a health risk in its color. i'm totally outbreaks are common. there's not enough to eat ok more to now this impulse to renew low at home. life has become complicated.
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it's difficult to feed my children and i work at a fund and money for food. but now i can't do that because i have to the cost of them here together with a children. she's now in quarantine here to try to stop the virus spreading by the children's coat to wash them as often as she can news about the virus. those uncertainty and see if one of them will come up and we can, we all live together. we create each other a lot with our hands. and they say touching is one of the main factors and the spread of the disease level. but i'm afraid i might catch that disease. i'm di, we demand more help with medication of that. my go. health organization say they urgency, need more supplies to help those effective and awareness campaigns to try to stop the virus. i'm spreading it up what it took. yeah, it's good to fit i think it's time for politicians that i missed. i knew we need more vaccinations. this is that. and then also the w h o has to step up here if we delay most venom,
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but how is recovering from impacts into some of them. i'll be hopes to return to the other children soon, but she worries about the new, but it's another danger to can families and the cause. i spoke to dr. gushing going the chief of staff for the african centers for disease control and prevention, and asked him what exactly african countries are doing to control the spread and how they're responding to the surgeon cases. yeah, i think with the collection i had uh it was really a boost in the advisor to, to, to be responsive or these concerts, vs included. i was seeing that the all the countries of either developed or updated the ads because sponsored plans, which is very positive, not they know exactly what they need to do. and that's the reason why i suggested you see, is really deployed a very strong team in this douglas, in continental instance management system to the meeting,
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to establish the skills. if you sent over to us. we've also, uh, seen uh, the reactivation of the truck. did you put the nation? now we've had meetings, projects, and we do all these to quote this audit, etc. that'd be pushing into it. but the main inspect himself, that's a big change really the most. we've had the meeting, we've a, the meaning that the prime minister see it really reassures us open committee until the government to really slides these impulse meet the needs of financial analysis that i think government success is putting 6 to 10000000 already in the response of for, for, for infants, we decided to medium being dismissed today. that is the kind of a kind of wake up that you see that this doesn't really waking up and taking this impulse, uh, serious right there, waking up, what do they have? every tool they need or do they need the world to support in some way.
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hello, this is well, you want to see the best most of the veterans it coming in at the as it is, this is for the 3 medium doses of all the scenes, the big, the vaccines, all it says countries. there is no vaccine enough to go to, it's now and i guess this is we can do because we need to get to the dentist most when investigate come to go to school. all of these countries, the 3 medium doses of m fox and cbs, he's looking for. we have a request from south africa for 2000 and we have a request from run the from, from cumberland and from egypt on north america. simple. but since, but since i know it's enough, one single doors posted 0 in the countries over to 100 euros. and i can imagine i've got tons of full. that's good, that's kind of plus know the nimbus. it's
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a cute idea. you don't see in a union rule here, which is the house emergency management agency as an english, it denied the bilingual, these vaccines at about 104 to utilize the doors. now, you see that's kind of money. yes, it can help to mobilize it for the media. that's about $300000000.00 to $300000000.00. because the for that, that's why the international community goes with that. it's, it is most welcome and we're also seeing good signals already. we need to mention that, how are you addressing the challenges of, of distributing these medical supplies and vaccines if you get them to the remote regions and the areas affected by a conflict in the d r c. oh yes i think um, well we have already uh, identified so we have the unit in unit to the uh, house image. it is the management agency that does offer 216000. this is so
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unfortunate, but seeing we have also guys the week in the us government that were offered 65000 the total of 828-0000 advising uh, if not speak to the next 2 weeks. not be the good news. uh, is that these countries waste of the sort of the system for this we sent over seen for because the 19 funding that the, the same system got to be active between the have the capacity for storage or what seems we've been coaching. that is really an up to, to the low temperatures that, that required for, for that impulse on behalf of me is a transport be sent to the program. so this went to the district and at the, to the south centers saying that's what it is that you need it because you're going to be reactivated without steps with, cuz i only have one that's already trained. i've seen for this individual because that's been what we have going to do is damage it to reactivate the sense he's
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going to re thread, or the customer does not on the impulse vaccine. and then that system should waste is not much. so really these glitches okay. and um, just noticing children seem to be the hottest head sign uh, before medication messages, got the adapted to educate in communities the products that they can't do, but how they can protect. but these are dealt with the basic. so i've seen the basics of avoiding concepts before that i accepted the visit so far. i went in contact. i mean was that the over the seats bits on one area and the right now we are, we are also very much confident that the disclosure would be open the very soon. and also planning, we'd administer this of education and how we can accept this call. it just sounds fair. since the whole point i've been getting put, it says this who's tools
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a system supposed to be busy tides in of children and watch and, and all the change in the apartment is what you can get to the funds and communities. ok. that's. i'm guessing goler from the africa, c d. c. thank you for speaking to us. this is my pleasure. thanks for housing. the living conditions in molly uh west ending 4 years after the military seized power with rising poverty levels and constant power cuts. economic growth is slowing and the regions withdrawal from the west african block echo as has isolated the country from regional support and cooperation was public frustration grows the initial hopes that fuel the military's take over in 2020 remain unfulfilled. molly's economy is in need of a spock and then the cabinets, obamacare,
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businesses say they are fanning the brands after 4 years of military bill with frequent power outages, making it even harder to make ends meet, succeed yes, the on the internet. hm. this energy situation really needs to be resolved as quickly as possible because it affects the household and the minutes ahead of the family goes and in the morning and comes back at night without being able to work to bring something to his family. some people affect the children and the women, and everyday life, somebody that was off on somebody that will fund somebody. yeah, and i think with again, the a pound cooling of molly's economy follows the decisions by the country's military rulers, to withdraw from the regional block echo as the west african alliance has been pushing for free and fair elections to be held in molly. and allows goods and people to play freely across the region. ship it over here thinking to be the country's economy is really in the doldrums. precisely because there isn't any
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supply i don't see will weigh the best. as you can see, the state is raising more and more money on the money markets. but economic activity is obviously slowing down my neck to be the economy get what i land keep. around 90 percent of molly's population lives below the poverty line, but some residents believe the extra paying the feeling right now is worth it. if it helps to forge a new future for the country, i don't want to supplement my that doesn't apply just want molly is to be patient because it's part of life. you have to go through a difficult time to have a break to movement. so we concept everything like once we decided to take a different parent, well, so it's positive nice for many those that parents if you to be still looking some way off as they feel the financial squeeze of a worsening economy with no quick fix insights or
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another challenge for molly's the is limited insurgency in the north of the country after expelling french and u. n. troops. while these military leaders have tend to rush for help, the w's christine window recently caught up with sweden's foreign minister, told us bills from during his recent visit to west africa. and she asked what concerns he had about russia's growing influence in the region. especially in this a how well, 1st of all, i think that's it. now some misunderstandings, russia is not the old soviet union hope, which by the way, ukraine will support. we shouldn't forget that from the historical point of view. russia is now something completely different. russia is a new inc. realistic stage who has no regard for being so natural system that we established often 9045 and who wants to recreate its empire on the expense of, of the congress. and that also means africa. now what we see russian most scenarios acting in various countries seem to give the neighborhood what all the real am. so those groups, is it 2 piece of democracy?
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is it to give the people of those countries rights and, and, and the liberties for slots. if this is the old imperial way, you go on to the natural resources of those and those congress to be bolts under your control. and so, yes, we all very concerned about that and the activities and so many of the democratically elected leaders in west africa, we perceive efficacy and important post not in the fights against poverty and for democracy and labor rights, west sweden and the other, nor the congress have been steadfast allies all the way from anti colonialism and the fights against the pol tied onto multiple times where we live today. and yes, we are concerned by congress who are trying to impose imperial ways. once again in the above. we should all be to minutes that there are people in, in countries like media, for example, who will today look at their lives and say, well, what difference did it make when wisdom countries were all allies?
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insecurity was rising, the economic conditions were no better. it doesn't appear that being allied with the west. countries like france, has made these people's lives any federal? well, one could perhaps also ask them a team that lives best to off to the military coast. that's hosted democratically elected leaders. spectrum perhaps also the question asked to them, i think that we should always try to understand that the fight against poverty and the fights for better living conditions and improvements. so people's lives has come from the democracy, knows me to terry coast. you know, when i grew up in the 1980s in sweden, military to suppose in africa was what we knew about africa. that was the newest, every, i wouldn't say every day, but many days over here. and we left that behind over the last decades and tons of democracy notes so so long ago. busy the majority of countries seeing echo was the, the economic cooperation of west and african,
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what democratic states isn't that the good thing? the fact that we buy that's have been able to induce, pulled that say, it's not the same as to say that everything has been perfect in west africa. oh, africa whole. but i doubt very much the countryside. russia can very much for the ordinary man or woman in any of these. they've discrete sofa in the chair or but seen a facile molly. and perhaps even the fullness of time, people will feel differently about that sky. hope so, and i hope that we together with paul to sing africa, will be able to show the way forward come back is by cooperation of partnership and the nordic 5 for administer. those have been hand to show that we all instilled the diversity ending partnership with congress in this region and have been so for decades. my own country for example, have had good relations with the nigeria, the country where we are now for 60 is that's moving off a century the power link,
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pick games are just days away and south african wheelchair tennis champion, hold tab. so one johnny is one of africa's top contenders, fresh off her historic doubles when at wimbledon, when johnny's aiming for a podium finished in paris despite the challenges ahead. she's determined to inspire her country and the continent just spoke to dw steinhoff in pretoria. a victory that has gone down in the history books hold tight, someone johnny became the 1st black african woman to win a trophy at wimbledon. taking the doubles crowned alongside depends you. we come to g for an hour and roland gonzales and he is old. and it was his leg. okay. yeah, well done. you know, but with this one, i was wondering what's so special about it? but do you know i lend every time in this board hands. i always tell people that i don't have a good background of this board. you know, i codes lin. wimbledon is one of the oldest squares lambs. you know, one of the precision is one and i'm, i, i understand the importance of how, how,
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how, you know, it must be celebrated. you know, so and how big it is when johnny was blown with a congenital defect, that required her late to be amputated below the knee at age 12. but that's not the only reason why her career is remarkable. outside. she grew up here in the real problems of it. in football, it's a place where football is king and few play tennis. unlike many of her p is, she only picked up a record when she was 19. when she was introduced to the sport in high school, it's been quite an interesting training for land on the way because i feel like after they include just me through 10 is took me 4 years just to finish my studies . and just it just threw me into the tool and most of the time i didn't know what
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it was doing, but i, i feel blessed for full, for the talent. because if it wasn't for the talent, i don't think out of, you know, be able to navigate the world of tentative, the, at the t h years, one chinese now has his side sit on a podium finish at the paralympics. you know, if i, if i know i'm a med list, i'm a par limping medalist. you know, that will sort of add weight to my tomorrow's the way i would be really happy to finish on the point. and obviously i feel like, you know, i've been growing, you know, and improving since, since talk to 2020. so yeah, it's a, you know, it's just material me go in there in the, in perez and try to apply, you know, the, the new stuff that i've been working on, which i need know, she has limited time left on the quote due to her age. but she wants to use the time that she has left to inspire adverts. but i don't want the,
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i want to full the say what to be like, what were the people before me? you know, now they can see someone like me is there. so i just want them to believe that they can be next me even be better than me. you know what i mean? i don't remember how much. i mean, china has thought to the foundation which produces training videos like this one, provide her long term goal is to create tennis facilities in rural areas and also the incentive goal. a new wave of agricultural entropy now is, is turning to social media to transform the sect. so using platforms like tech talk and instagram, the so called, i agree, influence is share farming techniques and connect to directly with buyers. that goal is to promote more efficient and sustainable farming practices and to help ease access to i the cultural produce done. i'm definitely my main
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shoots, his latest clinton for his thousands of follow. it's on tech talk. and i've always been long, and this is popularity online has grown, so have has sales to visit. if you do it, i was just making the videos for fun and i didn't even know the impact social media was having danielle. more likely, i've had a lots of clients with, especially from europe, or even from a distance name. i just, i see what i'm doing. my may is among a new crop of some is revolutionizing synagogues, agricultural sick to using social media. it allows him to bypass costly middleman and negotiate directly with customers, cutting costs and providing that personal touch magic. but if it, if i prefer to make my own videos because he doesn't have to pay to do it. so the 5th on what if you do? you are in marketing, so you get out what's inside, you get that, all right. gets out what you've been working on that be able to present that to say for me if it was much more natural and people are much more receptive to it. and
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they mentioned that even if it doesn't have the quality, even if it doesn't have the image or the sounds that people like, what's natural, can you show what you've already done without editing or doing anything stuff, have them on desktop for having it. some of these influences have now, so you have their own consultancies. no guy is one of them, was she? she is videos and self is online offering tips on how to grow and have a crops and manage funding projects. so i started using social networks in september, when i set up a been a agribusiness. it's about getting more visibility and finding people in general, the customers i work with, i find on social networks, they contact me directly on instagram. so i give them my number and then i visit their fields and those, and now i help them with production car, at least in a gulf agricultural sector makes up only a small proportion of the countries g, d p. but it's new government wants to cut imports and
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a cheap food sovereignty in the near future, offering fear tal ground for this new generation of tech savvy farm is to thrive and grow now to something you don't see very often a woman working as a comm mechanic in libya, so almost f i is a 22 year old refugee from sedan. and she's defied stereotypes and the conservative patriarchal society working in the women section of a garage in the city of miss rossa. she says she was able to take up the position with encouragement of her brother and the business owner. and she was determined to continue even in the phase of massage any from some clients. as the law says, if a woman had a goal in mind, she should understand that nothing is from man only. they can do it as well. if the determination and desire all the or, and we'll leave it on that inspiring note, but be sure to check out other stories in our website and social media. find for
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now the,
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i just want to pursue what? that's nice. so on fine, how are you going to buy your house? your job, your decision? for your parents? when generations clash you would try to remember because i wanted him to become a doctor. and things 30 minutes on the w. i code b c, d. pass it got an e,
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an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields and past the in 90 minutes? dw the hi, i'm a 5 and it's name. hello. i'm being con. i'm of course i'm going to have an e mail into the show. their love is considered tab. people here tend to hold deeply traditional views, especially about relationships. we talked a couple of funding for their lot. we are running why,
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reporter this weekend on dw, or the living independent arise to our society is full of contrasts and any policy is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think capitalism is slaves and what is home? how do we talk of the major issues about time? let's talk about the there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our systems and changes the new frontier of social recording. our series continues starting september 1st on the w. the
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you're watching the, the unit who's coming to live from berlin. pamela harris formally accepted the democratic parties. presidential nomination, the great. in the most extraordinary we will take a look at the biggest speech of the vice president's career and what it says about her agenda. also ahead on the program, dw news is with new printing and forces inside russia.


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