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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the you're watching dw news coming to live from berlin. pamela harris formally accept the democratic parties. presidential nomination. the great. in the most extraordinary we'll take a look at the biggest speech of the vice president's career and what it says about her agenda. also a head on the program, a historic visit, prime minister,
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and the rent remote east president the lensky in here. it is the 1st trip to modern ukraine by an indian leader. and state. other news is with ukrainian forces inside russia are corresponding to find a handful of civilians left behind without power running water or phone signal. the . i'm clear richardson welcome. come with harris has given what some are calling the most important speech of her career on the last day of the 4 day democratic national convention in chicago. and it she set out her vision for the future, one offering unity and opportunity. the show of balloons is carmella harris officially accepted the democratic party's presidential nomination and didn't have except in speech
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a pitch to the american people seemed around hope for fluid facing vision. i know there are people of various political views watching tonight, and i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans to america fundamental principles from the law to free and fair elections, to the peaceful transfer of power. to message the rapturous receptive crowd, i think, or, you know, recap the ring of american values. you know, that appeal to all people who can be proud of our country on the national stage, domestic stage. i'm all of the policy priorities that have been, you know, had by democrats to make this country a better place for not just americans,
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but for people of all backgrounds and origin. that's something that i'm really excited about. i think is the time or the woman the year of the woman, and we're going to change the nation with calling the arabs. this idea of everyone working together, you know, lifting everybody up. instead of telling people the very important message from anywhere in the world, you know easier said than done, but i think we can start uh at home. i have is to make the case for himself and a heaving arena of delegates of to the days of having big names appeared on stage to make the case for her. these included towering pallets and figures like full massage couples. the a bomb is in the clinton's to celebrities like oprah steve, you want to and from how this is running my 10 miles eventually and lastly until 2 weeks ago. and so here in the d and c was also a launch pad. com a lot, harris is top. com a lot, harris is experience and com or why harris is ready. our job.
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2 job or job or job for everyone watching is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling one inch out of time. one yard out of time. one, they go out of time, one door knock out of time. $15.00 donation at a time. that's all the messages around. but how is this like delegate? so me uncommitted meaning sam to linked to a messaging unless she plans to do about gaza. one of the most divisive issues in the polity. uncommitted delegate, you know, we want her to push for a permanent immediate, see fire and, and arms and bar go now, and of course, you know, we appreciate the fact that, that it was mentioned. but at this point, we're starting to not do problems is learned enough anywhere. we need to know what our policy is gonna be. but by not the 2024 democratic convention is being one of
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high spirits enjoy for the optimism. now the question remains whether the demons can float all the way to the election, and that's into the aspect level or whether it may best. and i've read all these report or pablo fully a list here in the studio with me for more. pablo, that's a rep on the d n. c. case closed there, too much fanfare as we saw at what could you say about comma harris as a politician after watching that much and has anticipated speech a 1st? well, 3rd, this was a big opportunity for combat to come out and show to the american electorate that she is capable of being the president of the united states. it was a very positive message. she used words such as opportunity which came of time and time again. she spoke about a lot of the big issues which we've heard her speak about before. and reproductive rights who spoke about the economy. it was very much geared towards the middle class, her speech, and she was also very at critical of donald trump for republican opponent. and of course, the former president. and in her speech, she spoke of at
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a precious leading opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive bottles of the past. so it was very much of speech looking forward and giving people in america this hope for the future. focusing on the fact that the united states is a country of opportunity, where if you work hard, you can get ahead and you can have a successful life. and there's a fairly a foreign policy in there to present there. i'll probably stay with us for just a 2nd. i want to take a listen to one of the things she had to say. among other things, she commented on the ongoing war in gaza. let's have a list and that may be clear. i will always stand up for israel's right to defend itself for israel has the ability to defend itself at the same time of what has happened in gaza over the past 10
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months is devastating. so many long hungry people waiting for stacy over and over again. the scale of suffering is heart breaking to. so pablo the binding administration's support for israel during this war has really been a device of topic even within her own party, within the democrats. at this dance each, she's called for a cease fire, a hosted release deal. do you think that will appease those who have these concerns? well, there is, she tried to strike that balance at 1st and foremost, and kind of harris has been a long time advocate for a 2 state solution. she's also been far more critical in many respects than president biden. and for example, it this summer when president at or a prime minister, netanyahu was in washington, afterwards, she said, it is time for the with this war to and now what may not go far enough for those who were quoting, for a shifting policy from the united states is that she has and supported in arms and bar,
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go on as well. so we'll see how the polling does. and with regards to this topic at next week is right now it's perhaps a little bit too early, but it does appear that she is going to be a bit more vocal in her support for the palestinians. and perhaps continue with this more critical voice with regards to is ready policy. right. and what else did we learn about her potential for in the policy platform? if we do see a harris administration was very much focused on these traditional u. s. allies and very pro nato and one big topic of course, was ukraine once again, own wavering support of the united states at for ukraine. she was also very critical of the former president as well, with regards to his position internationally. shes warren's of the dangers there of at president trump. i'm coming back to office. she said i will not close you up to tyrants and terrorists like him. you jump on for reading, for trump, so quite
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a stinging and comment there from com la harris. but i think the real take away from me with regards to foreign policy is this sort of and continued support of the you s sort of more traditional relationship we'll say with the u. s. is and traditional allies. and what about her stance on immigration, particularly at the us mexico border. she's come under a lot of fire from donald trump, from many republicans for her handling for her role within the bided administration of being looking after security there. how does she differ in that sense? from donald trump, her rival, what was interesting because she really went after the republicans and, and basically said, you know, that she urged donald trump. i'm the republicans to reconsider essentially this bipartisan border security bill, which he had really pushed for which would have led to tighter restrictions on
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immigration into the united states were seeing images there of donald trump. he was down in arizona at the border yesterday very clearly. and timed to coincide with carla harris's speech. of course, this is a big topic for many americans. both come on, harris was talking about the fact that she would like to see what she would essentially met a stricter restrictions on immigration. she realizes that perhaps she needs to go a little bit more towards republican policy in this matter. but without going that far, because going back to that word, which i mentioned earlier, opportunity, she did want to stress essentially that the united states is still a country of migrants and immigrants. they can come to the country and she wants to push for a, an earned pathway and in the us. so there is a difference there. i'm and donald trump as well, was very, very critical over in, in i was gonna say tweets. they're not tweets in his social media messages during
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her speech on this topic. so really an appeal from cala harris to the american dream. like, as we know, as i could probably put this, give us a sense of where things stand now, how tight is this selection with everybody? so there, if all the polling is interesting, because during this we to of that the, the desk the dnc, you don't get any folding, so we'll have to wait till next week. so that's why i keep mentioning, if we're gonna have to wait and see what the result of this is. but in the lead up, i'll give you a couple of stats the abc washington post ex us poll at higher, slightly heading, pulling averages. but it's very, very tight. that's nationally, there's a big focus on a lot of the swing states and pennsylvania, michigan, for example, where it'll be interesting to see what there's any shift there. and the main issues for many, many americans, our economy, inflation and immigration, which she did focus on. but of course, she has been criticized from republicans for being weak on those topics. and a lot of the polls republicans or americans in general, still favor donald trump with regards to those topics. so i'm curious to see what
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comes out of this week's events and this week's speeches and so forth. one other one that i want to just bring in is from cbs news. you golf poll, which has up more than one and 3 voters say they don't know what ms. harris stands for. that to me is key because i want to see what that changes after this week because she wasn't very clear with regards to some of those policies, foreign policy, domestic issues, definitely with regards to the economy. and so the world is going to be watered and they will have those numbers to develop pablo. all right, thank you so much for bringing this up to speed there with your insights, that's the database reporter pablo fully l. yes. to turn out to some other news and delegations from israel and the united states are in cairo, in an effort to salvage talks for a cease fire and gaza. a sticking point is israel's demand to control a strategic chord or in gaza. this comes as role funerals for hostages killed in
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gaza earlier this week as well recovered the bodies of 6 captives who were being held by hamas, which carried out the october, 2nd tax in gaza. israel has now also issued a new evacuation orders for residents in the southern city of han eunice as its forces advance in the region. with negotiators already meeting an egypt, has there been real progress made toward a lasting ceasefire? i put that question to journalist at cream, l go harry, who joined me from cairo. the most that we know to be honest is very living use became a to the media about this. negotiations is really negotiate us reported to me already arrived in cairo. it talks will start, start between the mediators, the u. s. u n is the, is there even indications later and they wouldn't be joined by a dedication from the other mediate culture. there is no would get about almost education yet, but of course the
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a brief to it by the error because the goal is to research the differences over this choose proposing to end is 10 months wall. main sticking points is the sort of withdrawal from the gaza strip before. is there any withdrawal from the gaza strip or not? and to know that they're always trying to keep the presence of the user id. i mean, industry that there's the corey to it, that's the border between egypt and the gaza strip. and if the so called, they said him, corey door bits, according to the dips dividing the causes to get to a northern and southern parts to and turning out to some other stories. making headlines around the world's authorities have raised the security level of the nato air base in western germany. exciting a potential threat. officials have not provided further details. the 2nd highest alert level is now in effect at skyland cash and all non essential employees have been sent home aircraft carrying long range surveillance systems are located at the
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air base. in thailand, all 9 passengers of a charter, planar presumed dead after a crash south east of bangkok they are cross went down shortly after taking off from the capital's main airport. the record was found and a mangrove swamp where conditions have hanford search effort, authorities and bangladesh and say 4500000 people have been effected by floods in the south. east. 13 people have died in the heavy rains. electricity and transportation have been disrupted. rescuers are struggling to reach the affected areas. the floods have also destroyed agricultural land and fish farms. indian prime minister and are under moody, is holding talks with ukrainian president. we'll let him use the landscape in 2 of is the 1st visit by an indian prime minister to ukraine, since it's independence from the soviet union. this comes just weeks after moody visited russia and embraced president vladimir putin. moody has not explicitly come down to the gremlins invasion and has abstained on un resolutions. that criticized
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russia. motives visit follows a trip to poland, where he said india supports efforts to restore peace and ukraine frame. you get in on the bus to raise you. i'm at the, the have some good friends, home, the situation and you green invest aisha already in that that we should as a matter of deep concern for all of us. yeah, there to be wrong. the family believes that no conflicts or problems can be resolved on the battlefield. only men it or or, or responding sonya folic are. and can you tell me more about what we can expect from modi's visit to ukraine? i went into employment of some of the more these visit is certainly being seen. children keep as a significant step and you know, building on going ties between keys and daily. what in terms of what to expect to be told, we've fully hawk to know with family does visiting. you've just given the kind of very tight security measures in place around the equipment president,
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savanski and movies visit, you know, also comes on the eve of your presence on independence day when it is set to mock 3233 years of its independence from the soviet union, so security has been, you know, for the be stuff in the capital u. s embassy here, and keep, has also one of the heightened risk off attacks of my adoption goals and the 5 on ukraine. nobody hearing that movie and integration, our meetings and, and skins team this morning. it could be followed by a press briefing, were not expecting any major announcements that are some reports that could be some agreements on things like agriculture defense. i mean, that would certainly also be in the role in your friends, postwar reconstruction. there's still quite a historic meeting there. can you tell us a little bit about how kids sees moody, how, how it views india as role in the war and ukraine, when the queen has consistently corridor india to pay a more active role in peace negotiations. we've heard from the title for the knock
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. this is an adviser to president zalinski. he said that this visit, my movie is significant because it has a southern influence. over my squeeze reporting, they are forced to, into his long standing ties with most going. i think you print over the months is kind of recalibrated, it's relationship with india itself and its position on, on daily, continued to purchase, to lloyd from russia. i think your brain is acknowledged and cannot pushing their to, you know, take sides in this conflict. even india is kind of own traditional strategic autonomy i normally live in. and of course, i think all this is part of your brains brought a push to kind of a window so called global salt countries. beyond your, i'm not a medical india is seen is absolutely essential to presidents landscape the mission of winning over key nations and places like africa, ego. i'm lucky in america, winning them over to was his vision of ending the war. so, and these are regions, of course, that you create really hasn't traditionally engaged with the, had much of the phlegmatic presences until the rushes for the scheme and be sure so
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is fascinating. and with that in mind, i have to ask you about one other thing. just just last month body was seen that not only just meeting fulton and russia, but actually hugging him, zalinski outrage after that happened. do you think that still a sore point for the ukrainian government? what i think for ukraine, the gross of seeing that unfolded on the day that will be meant to put in moscow last last month with a misfire. and you know, slamming into a wedding on children's hospital here and keep the oakland, these hospital of the medical facilities, the shaft or the images of the don't kind of bloody children and parents and doctors. so i'm trapped under the rubble. i think those things really shocked to queen problem to the global outcry lift. also remember the destruction of the hospital mocked video in which we saw some of the worst attacks against it, creating civilians more than 30 people were killed in the capital of keep loans. so i think the optics of you don't move the housing 14 on a day like that certainly did not go down when you're in ukraine and prompted that
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very public criticism. the for the vice president and etc. so i think i'm, this is a thing, this is looking at a 10 to my movies, to, to limit someone that's damage from that most school trip. i'd really kind of show that he's balancing relations between ukraine, industrial. i'm going to also send a signal to p, then it's wisdom allies that it's not really leaning towards most school or really any side in this country. so you found a car for us and kia, thank you so much as always. thank you. and our correspondent nick connelly has been embedded with ukrainian troops during their offensive into rushes course region. he accompanied them as they headed for the town of sutra, just beyond the border with russia. where do crane is setting up a military command post. here is his report, the windows of the grain, you know, my personal care you properly unlimited view, empty streets. in the case of sam showing in the distance, you could be somewhere along different lines and ukraine. but this is russia,
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ukraine control. we're limited to it which means the. ready routes, we're not able to do it freely, but for now that is pretty much the waiting to get in. that's get some idea of what's going on. no one knows how many russian civilians were left behind when ukrainian forces cross the border. locals told us the towns original thirty's, simply going there, cause and fled. those remaining had no running water, no power. increasingly no phone signal for 2 weeks now. cut off from use and their families and the rest of russia. compared to many places in east and ukraine, it seems comparatively quiet. the ukrainian soldiers accompanying us or on edge we were just trying talk to some locals here in subject, and they was a big shot for me. will you kind troops with us? they have seen russians all drawn up in the sky above,
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which would normally get coordinates for temporary or the strikes that could potentially be coming this way. licksey demetrius keeps key, is the spokesperson for the newly created ukrainian ministry come on in coast region. he says he never expected to be here. unlike russia, he says, ukraine has no plans tonics territory. i'm just because it should say that we don't want to keep this land. we don't need to to them good. we've had to do this to show our enemy that they're vulnerable, as well as and so that they're not all powerful. when someone who is the pain leaders want the world and ordinary russians to see images like this, they want ordinary russians to put pressure on vladimir putin to move troops away from the front lines in the east of ukraine to defend russian. so a hit and coast for now it seems that they're not doing that. they're not moving those institutes away from don't best, but the hope among the range hoops, as long as this goes on. and the more recent after they take that eventually for us,
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it will be forced to drill down exclusively. we're going to see some of the locals . we're hiding in a cellar. nearby, the streets are empty. basically what you can hit off generates as existence. there's still no power here and very occasionally, some ukrainian transport it's mainly the elderly and those looking off to sick friends and relatives who stay behind the people we meet, stay close to the basement where they sleep for safety. no one offered me a chance to evacuate the much the now people got out on their own and their cars are you know, to who i live alone. my daughter lives far away. i had no way of getting out via mobile cell is the thing i was looking after an elderly friend. she was sick before. i couldn't just leave her help. she died yesterday and we buried her today many of the left homeless by the
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continuing to re fi between ukrainian forces here in pseudo, russian forces nearby. my house was bomb to them, but there's only a crater left. i was here when it happened yesterday. oh no, the house is destroyed. computers has been built into this talk of setting up humanitarian car doors to allow these people to reach areas under russian government control. sofa is no more than talk this vulnerable thing. if i came to work and sewage in that day, we didn't understand what was happening. i've been here ever since. my parents are back in the village. they're 84 and 83 years old. i don't know what's happened to them and they don't know what's happened to me. been something we weren't expecting to see the screen, you know me, spokes person gets out his laptop. so these russian civilians, video from butcher the town, a key of what russian troops accused of carrying out what crimes when they controlled area local, seem exhausted,
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fairly able to take anything in the moment. the review is more about how ukrainian soldiers, russian, sort of a feeling that does about russians appears on the war. some ukrainian soldiers seemed to think this, they can show ordinary russians what was done in the name and ukraine. and perhaps those russians were question regarding the approach in story of what he calls the special military operation in ukraine. we don't have time to say anymore. we're told this time to leave was an economy reporting. let's take a look at some other headlines with a slight difference as we go around the natural world. a volcano in southwestern iceland has erupt it for the 6th time since december spewing lava and smoke into the air erupt, and caused a fisher almost 4 kilometers long to open the volcano as luckily, and a sparsely populated area and has not been disrupting flights to rate cubic and in australia, a humpback well has been freed. after becoming trapped in sidney harbor, rescuers found the juvenile,
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well entangled in ropes and boys. teams use specialized equipment to hold the whale in place while they cut away the debris. that took nearly 24 hours for them to free it. and bots, one it has just unveiled, one of the biggest diamonds ever discovered. the country's president got a chance to inspect the special rock up close to jan, does she have their full service? i brought it in so in ways that $2492.00 carrots and is the 2nd largest dime into what you have in mind. the biggest being the colon on which was found in south africa in 19 o 5 plus one a is one of the world's biggest producers of precious stones. just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. couple of harris has formerly accepted her parties,
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nomination for us presidents and her passionate speech at the democratic national convention in chicago. she set out her policies and a vision for the future. with her slogan, we're not going back to our news update and all from you for now. thank you so much for joining us.
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the the, i just want to pursue what that's nice. so on 5, how are you going to buy your house? your job, your decision for your parents, the single, the money when generations clash for us. i don't remember because i wanted him to become a doctor. and next on d. w. ice,
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cold be at the public. i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to explore the page while he is the ice melting more rapidly than shiny trees in the ice fields unknown. past the in 60 minutes w, the living in a society is full of contrasts and inequality. is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think i pretend as in this leaving, what is home? how do we talk of the major issues about time?
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talk about the system or if there is a significant risk of human extinction from an s i system series continuous johnson henderson on the w the, there's a sense of empowerment that you get when you feel your strain within your punches that just lights me off. why do you want a box? what do you have to for? you want to prove that you're stronger than someone else. why? you know, i don't understand. it wouldn't make me feel better if my daughter was in a office setting, doing the 9 to 5 job, which i know has
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a steady pay and benefits are 2nd to get


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