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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news lie from berlin. pamela harris formerly accept the democratic parties, presidential nomination great chapter in the most extraordinary we'll take a look at the biggest speech of the vice president's career and what it says about her agenda. also a had a historic visit india's prime minister in europe promoting these president bought a mirror. so lensky in cuba is the 1st trip to modern new frame mind. the
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marietta evans dean. it's good to have you with us. on the last day of the democratic national convention, comma harris has formerly accepted her party's nomination for president of the united states. addressing delegates on the final night of the 4 day events in chicago, vice president harris sketched out her vision for the future. one that would offer unity and opportunity. she promised that is selected. she would be a president for all americans will come a hair is also used her speech to lay out some of her foreign policy platform, including her support for israel, concerned about suffering and gaza, and ongoing backing for ukraine. let's take a listen or as commander in chief, i will in sore a miracle always has the strongest mosley for fighting force in the world.
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with respect to the war in god. the president biden and i are working around the clock because now is the time to get a hostage deal and a cease fire, a deal done. and let me be clear, i will always stand up for israel's right to defend itself. for israel has the ability to defend itself because the people of this real must never again face. so more that a terrorist organization called her mom paused on october 7th at the same time.
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what has happened in gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. so many live long hungry people waiting for stacy over and over again. the scale of suffering is heart breaking. president vitamin i a working to end this war, such that israel is secure, the hostages are released the suffering in gaza and, and the palestinian people can realize their right to the days before russia attacked ukraine. i met with president zalinski to warn him about russia's plan to invade. i helped mobilize
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a global response over 50 countries to defend against whose aggressive president i will stand with you know, how long the necessary to defend our forces and our interests against the run any run back to terrorist. i will not close the tyrants and dictators. light came down on our room and as president, i will never waiver into vince of america security an ideal because in the, in, during struggle between democracy and tyranny. i know where i stand and i know where the united states. 7
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all right, let's do some analysis now and call harris's remarks, and for that i'm joined in the studio by the delay reporter pablo. fully leah's problem. get to see, you know, care is, has actually been criticized, hasn't she for not presenting a clear foreign policy platform. this criticism that was heard both on the democratic side and also by republicans. did she finally deliver enough details in last night? speech? depends who you ask in many respects, a lot of what was said was nothing. you mean, she touched on a lot of the topics we saw it there in that montage of at different sound bites from last night. one thing that really stood out for me is that she's going to continue to be a defender of the us as traditional allies and alliances. and she promised continued support at for nato, which is very interesting. she's always been big supporter of, of nato. and also interesting the to continued support for you, frank and,
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and she said that she's going to be us will continue to stand strong with ukraine. let's not forget that. she attended them unit security conference, which spoke about just a few days before. actually the beginning of the war back in 2022. 1 thing that also she didn't shy away from was for this rising former presidents. and of course, the republican nominee. donald trump seemed to use donald trump other lining himself with photographs. and then he was a threat not only to the united states, but essentially to the world and some very strong comments or we've heard of as well. and in that she said that she was not going to cozy up to tyrants to terrorist who are rooting for donald trump. that one thing also that kind of hires was criticized for am perfectly as vice president was that she didn't have enough experience on the international stage. but we'll just give you a couple of facts here. she actually met a 150 more leaders in this time that she's been vice president. she's visited over 20 countries and also find the i'll finish by saying this, she made it very clear where the us under her at presidency would be,
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which would be that we strength and not abdicate our global leadership. we also heard harris referred to the war in gaza. she spoke quite a bit about that, but just how different are her views compared to those of president bite? and i think the big difference between vitamin hires is that pamela harris isn't afraid to come out. and let's say, i'm not saying that biting is afraid, but she has come out. i'm being quite vocal in her criticism of his relevance office policy sticky. this regards to gaza and she has been a long time advocate for 2 state solution mentions. go for an end to the war in gaza and she was my feeling and she will continue to be quite critical. critical of israel. she wants to see an end to the war in gaza. and also for those critics of the situation there, she did not reject. and we'll say a reason close for an arms embargo, sorry, she did reject calls for an arms embargo there in,
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in israel. and also she once again called for palestinian self determination, and that was met with a lot of applause from the audience. but once again she did at support israel and i and she made it clear that she was trying to. so i suppose strike that balance, right? and i don't know how this is going to go down and with the, the, with, with the voters. we'll see that in polling next week. but it was an attempt, at least to kind of that striking balance. you'd have a is, have a fully ellis, many things indeed for all your insights. all right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making news around the world. this our authorities in bangladesh say 4500000 people have been affected by floods in the southeast, 13 people have died in the heavy rains. electricity in transportation have been disruptive. rescuers are struggling to reach the effective areas. lots of also
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destroyed agricultural lands and fish far in the policies. 14 people are dead after a buzz punched off on my way to a river. the accident happens in the central district of ton of more than a dozen are injured and rescuers are searching for survivors. the vehicle was reportedly caring indians to from in india, the main suspect of the raven killing of a doctor has appeared in court and tell contact the woman who was found dead while on shift at a state on hospital earlier this month. the suspect whose face was concealed is a police volunteer to attack, sparked widespread protest calling for action to address violence against women. 1 well, india is now render moody is in t, if it's the 1st visit by an indian prime minister to ukraine, since it's independence or the soviet union. mowdy met with president, brought him here is a landscape. the 2 leaders are holding talks were modi's,
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expect it to push for a solution to end of the war and ukraine. the indian leader is accompanied by his foreign minister and national security adviser body has not explicitly condemned to the criminal division. and he's also abstained on un resolutions that criticize russia, as you get in on the bus to a she, i'm at the, the have some good friends home, the situation and you green invest aisha already in that as a matter of deep concern for all of us yeah, there to be supporting your family believes that no conflicts or problems can be resolved on the battlefield. only man. he also w correspondence. sonya found a car in care of told me more about moody's visit to ukraine. a will ukraine has a really welcomes. this was it by mood b as a kind of significant step in building on growing ties between even daily. it's
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also the opportunity of goals for ukraine to engage with a major and i off most goals i'm movies, visits comes just to be ahead of you. koreans independence speak when it's a set to mock 30 to 33 years of it's independence from the soviet union. so security is really tight and the capital among many digital heightened was off of russian attacks. now we've seen president savanski has the sports to the video on his telegraph travel showing human mood, the attending and exhibition this morning in keep focused on you creating children who have been killed since the beginning of russia is full scale invasion. and this is the force of really symbolic, because movie has been criticized for a visit that you made to most school last months to meet president 14 on a di when russian besides struck multiple ukrainian cities, including a major children's hospital. sure in cave which led to devastating scenes i'm left to kind of wounding. i'm kidding. of patients and doctors. so i think this was this also suggest that you don't in didn't diplomats seem to have taken some of that
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criticism by zalinski and the us on board. it's an attempt to kind of control some of the damage from that most field trip. now we just hearing that the, the 2 sides have met, i'd have a report to be signed some agreements on, on economic corporation and agriculture. we're not really expecting any big announcements, but officials from the 2 countries have said in recent months, so they also want to restore, you know, by electric crane, which is still up to getting the water. and india, of course, is also in the role in ukraine's postwar reconstruction. let's now look at some other headlines with a slight difference as we go around the natural volcano and south western iceland has erupt. it for the 6th time since december spewing lama in smoke and severe eruption caused the fisher almost 4 kilometers long to open the volcanoes and especially populated area and is not disrupting slice to rate cubic in australia i, humpback whale, has been freed, after becoming trapped and sidney harvard,
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rescuers found a juvenile, well entangled in ropes and boys. teams use specialized equipment to hold the wheel in place. why they cut away the debris. it took nearly 24 hours for them to free it . and here in germany, one of the berlin's is most famous residents name name the giants have them has given birth to twins for the 2nd time. the codes were born on thursday, pandas are born, deaf, blind, and pink. their black and wide codes will take some time to develop and bus one a has just unveiled one of the biggest diamonds ever discovered. the country's president's got a chance to inspect the special rock of close. jammed up the
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pretty impressive where the massive rod gemstone weighs, $2492.00, karen and this the 2nd largest diamonds to have in mind the biggest being the economy which was found in south africa in 19 o. 5 botswana is one of the world's biggest producers of precious stones. and before we go, our reminder of our top story, carla harris, as formerly accepted her parties, nomination for you as president and her speech at the democratic national convention in chicago. she spit out her policies and a vision for the future. with her slogan, we're not going back. indian prime minister and a render moody's and to of where he's met with president a lot of years. the landscape is the 1st visit by an indian leader to modern ukraine. the you're up to date on the the news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more headlines for you. in the meantime, you can get lots for news on our website,
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just go to www dot com and you can also visit our social media channels. like instagram is x. a handle you need is at the w need. all of us in berlin, thanks for the company. on the long voyage through the ocean. another how well was the cost for a long time, they had to be a human. so on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of the ocean conservation start september full dw the we are in the far north of mongolia. it's an.


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