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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin, german, we say 3 people were killed in an attack in the western city. it was all in the community as an individual with a knife, went on a rampage, and a crowd of events and is still on the loose for bringing the latest. also, coming off, robert kennedy junior, quits the race for the white house. the independent candidate backs donald trump for president and november's election. and india's prime minister says he's willing to help in the war and ukraine arrange remote, he makes his 1st visit to more time keith, the
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times you can visit implant. welcome to our program. we begin with breaking news. at least 3 people have been killed and 4 seriously injured in an attack in western germany. please say the attack happens at a market square in the town of lincoln at a festival, celebrating the towns 650th anniversary. according to witnesses, a man's staff passers by with nice resources are quoted as saying the perpetrator is still at large are ready to be reported. comic last joins mean studio for more cormick tickets to the latest. what do we know? local media is reporting at the moment as we the police are saying 3 people have indeed been killed. 3 people have been seriously injured and one person a slightly less seriously injured. and the attack happened in the phone health market square and central following, and there was a festival going on there. at the time, tens of thousands of people were expected. the best of the organizers were saying
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70 up to 75000 people were expected today. and this was, in effect, a family festival. it was music events were children were planned at the time. now this event is happening shortly before 10 pm local time, of course. and we don't know who has been killed or injured at the moment. what if anything, do we know about the perpetrator perpetrators working fellows at very little at the moment, the police are just looking for one person. they the police themselves haven't given any more information apart from dobson. this person is at the moment. still at large. do, can we say, is it too early to say it is a terrorism crime related to what are we hearing? yes, it is too early to say that the police have, i haven't given any statements on the, at the moment, which is completely normal for events such as this in germany. police are usually very, very careful about getting that information on whether it is terrace for lasers or crime relations. this is not the 1st time we've seen such an attack in recent times
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in germany. is that fair to say? that's true. yes. germany hosting quite some mass attacks of this nature. some nice attacks and 2016 for example. a 15 year old girl attacked people in the city of hun now and one person was killed there. and one person injured as she was motivated by silence was teaching. that's a sort of a radical version of islam. and of course, many people here will remember the 2016 christmas attacks as a christmas mark is here in berlin, where a 2 news in mind drove a truck into a crowd of people that's at the market there. and kind of tried to call people that injured dozens more dash was also linked to its limits and was also claimed by his lumnick states. alrighty. to be reported clinic washer and studio on that knife attack in the german city of sewing. and thank you very much. of course, we'll continue to follow that story as we get more information. moving for now to
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politics and the race for the american presidency. robert f. kennedy junior, has suspended his long shot independent presidential bid and endorse donald trump. kennedy has accused the democrats of refusing to allow his name to be on the parties ticket in primary ballots. he also cited free speech the war in ukraine and what he called the war on children. as reasons for spinning his campaign. kennedy said he decided to support from after several recent meetings with a candidate to write for more or less some drawing by peter matthews. he's a political analyst and professor of political science as cyprus college in long beach, california. peter walk into the show. what does this essentially mean for the presidential race? well, it means we have to become the rotors, which are only about 4 percent now, least to be able to 15 percent this summer they've been dropping since job item drop down. and couple of harris came in. many been going to come all as a trumps along the 4 percent. now i maybe was going to go go away,
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but most of it's going to go actually happen the house a little bit over half. so it's a trump, and we've under half good couple of harris of those remaining. so it may not make much of a difference in most states, but in swing states, it could make a big difference. so this way, states which are the determining states for the election of peter. i think that's interesting that we may see a split between these folders. can you help us understand what makes an r f k junior vote or different from a truck vote or, or from a harris folder? or they're mostly a little bit younger, but they're also rather uninformed. and they are great. this in china with this, the established parties, many of them are outside of extras because arthur here was a big anti vaccine, a person who is, was really pushing to not have vaccines in this country. and that's what a lot of fun, these people really supported for that, mainly, and conspiracy theories. you know, that's educated lawyers, they may not, they may have even voted many of them. but the ones that do well, they'll be of us that happen to have 2 hairs. and to trump, well, what about the timing of this announcement from r s k junior coming right at the end of the democratic national convention?
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pretty remarkable, although i think he was shopping around or with the kids you knew when to 1st of all become like harris and asked if you could get a, a cabinet position to be support her. and she didn't even talk to, to the one of the having to do with that. and then he went on to trump and trump was actually asking him, the police report him and he would offer him something in return, probably a cabinet position. so the timing was probably broke to up or which is for him to try to get the maximum effect out of it. how meaningful are these kinds of endorsements? traditionally, when voters for one can that are told, you know, hey, go to this candidate now and dropping out to what extent will they will they follow his request is really good transfer goes to the candidate for yourself because your motors are too much to you and if you're dropping out, they're going to is different, chatted with you already and say, why are you dropping out? we thought we were committed to, you know, you're asking us to switch over to someone else. well, we're not convinced that we should, so it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. but it's very hard to bro candidate to pick dispatchers
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. go to another candidate automatically, the like all the cavities have to actually go after them specifically specific asian appeals. and then they might get someone who and can we really say what kennedy's intent was the entire time was this idea of leveraging his supporters against one of the main candidates. it's really hard to say. it was quite all over the place, the whole family, by the way, said they're not supporting him. if it were not endorsing it all with extra guess what you're doing, and you're going to cause the election to go to truck. but robert kennedy has been its own person for a long time, and very is in some bizarre ways. i mean, he claims some cases, really worthwhile things like a bear that was dad, that he bought into a central park and left it there. became that a brain, a worm 8 is brain part of his brain really strange thing that he came up with. so i'm wondering why these people are still supporting the very few there are. and without to see what his motives are. i don't think that go very far. yeah, honest with you in terms of having an impact on the electric. all right, that's a political analyst, peter matthews, on or if k june,
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you're dropping out of the presidential race. thank you. my pleasure. thank you so much. and let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. white house, national security spokesman, john kirby says, garza excuse me, gaza ceasefire talks in cairo, are making progress and will continue over the weekend. you said israel and her boss needs to come together and work toward implementation. the negotiations are being monitored by the us, egypt, and cuts our russian court. as soon as 5 people, it's up to 9 years in prison for their role in an empty israel. riot, it occurred last october with hundreds of protesters in circles, a plane from israel after landed at an airport in the southern region of dog as done. several police officers were injured. at least 3 prison guards have been killed by inmates during the siege at a prison in southern russia to stand off last at several hours after inmates took hostages. during the disciplinary meeting. russians special forces during the facility killing all 4 attackers. officials say these sealants had ties to these
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law mac state group of the suspect in the rape and murder of an indian woman training to be a doctor has appeared in court in calcutta. the woman was killed in a state one hospital earlier this month. the accused whose face was concealed is a police volunteer. the attacks that off mass protests calling for better security in hospitals, indian prime minister and arrange remote, he has offered to help in the war and ukraine. what is the 1st engine leader to visit? can you sense ukraine became independent from the soviet union in 1991, your granite present flooded soleski called modi's trip. friendly and symbolic a warm welcome in key for the indian prime minister. at the timing and significance of his trip did not go unnoticed. and the name on the eve of independence day. this visit is really friend,
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clint important towards the full video crane. yes. ok. interview, nevermind, or moody has maintained ties with both russia and ukraine, while the countries are war. he joins the load of me zalinski and visiting a memorial to hundreds of children, killed in russian attacks on new crane and attended several meetings and talks with the president. just 6 weeks ago, he was on a similar to, to russia, meeting with president vladimir putin and embracing him, prompting some international criticism. moody says india is not in different on the war, but this on the side of peace. recently i went to restaurant, so a meeting there also i have said this in clear words that any problem is never sold on the battlefield. some of the way to
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a solution lies only through dialogue, through diplomacy. and we should move in that direction without wasting any time with india cannot afford to alienate russia and his sofa avoided explicitly condemning its invasion. it is also abstained on un resolutions that criticize the kremlin, but moody is working to keep ukraine and its allies on signed to framing india as a piece make and offering to act as a mediator to bring an end to the financing. dw sonya fall in the car is in keen following the story. we asked her how modi's words were received by the training president. i don't think those words actually have been really where have
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been very welcome in keys, especially if you remember given the control vesee regarding movies visit to moscow early last, last month when he met a russian president, 14 on the day when russian, besides hit multiple ukrainian cities one besides struck a major children's hospice and children, keith leading to devastating feelings. and that if you remember at the time prompted see what is criticism from presidents uminski who said it was disappointing to see the needle of the world's largest democracy hug, watching for the was, was bloody criminal on such a date. so i think this visit is, is seen widely seen as more di trying to control. so with that damage and fall out from that most go visit. i'm in line with that today. we saw some in ski and we'll be visiting an exhibition in keys that was dedicated to you printing children who have been killed since the beginning of the fresh of a full scale invasion for. so this was slightly india trying to kind of balance its relations between ukraine and russia and trying to show that it's not really
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needing towards multiple anyone sites in this conflict correspondence, when you find a car there and keep flooding has got at least 13 people in bangladesh forcing thousands more to free from their homes, but disaster is an unwelcome additional challenge for the newly installed and from government. saving, what is left of the belongings. monsoon rains across the east of bangladesh have displays thousands. the homes submerged under was a very severe damage facing the ponds washed out in the flood water. many houses are affected, all the roads are damaged despite that some has been able to get to shelters like these. but there are many more who need help. digging her, all the situation is really bad to them. there's a lot of age, but if we're not able to rescue those, we're stuck to what we give it to the bottle people will get released,
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but 1st they have to survive. we don't have boats here. i want all of bangladesh to send us boats. we don't need more aid need boats. we can save them like the buckeye . some blend, the interim government for being slow to respond. nearly 5000000 bangladesh cheese has been impacted. and more rain has been full cost in the coming days written prospect for the many already facing the brunt of the flooding. and here's a reminder of the top stories we're following. or at least 3 people have been killed and 4 seriously injured and an attack in the town absolved again in western germany. according to witnesses, a man's staff passers by with a knife. please say the perpetrator is still large providence. kenny junior has pulled out of his long shot campaign for the white house and his backing donald trump for us, president kennedy accused the democrats of refusing to allow him to join the
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parties ticket in primary balance. and that's all our headlines for now. we'll be back soon with more. in the meantime, you can find out more about these and other stories online at dw. com for also on youtube or the deed of the news channel. i'm seeing deals and thanks for watching the discovery change your mind. just just click away, find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. now to dw documentary picture, tired of quintessential.


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