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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to be news live from berlin. german police say 3 people were killed in an attack in the western city of solving. and they say, a man with a knife went on a rampage of the crowded events and is still on the loose will bring you the links . also what our show. robert kennedy junior joins donald trump on stage, an arizona rally longshot handler and had earlier dropped out of the race for the white house and endorse trunk for the presidency. and in the as prime minister says, he's willing to help in the war and ukraine. arrange ramon, he makes his 1st business to more time keep the
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funds, even due to the invalid. welcome to our program. we begin with breaking news. at this hour, a man hunt is underway in western germany after a man wielding a knife kills at least 3 people in the city of sterling and at least 5 other people suffered injury. some of them life threatening police believe they're dealing with a single assailant. he targeted a crowd, events in the city center rescue workers tend to victims of i'm not the tech install and getting as the festival organized. goals for com wants to please everyone be quiet for a moment. we don't want to cause a panic, but a knife attack at the phone hope is where has injured many people badly. stay calm and keep your eyes open to the attack. it has not been caught. yeah. then like i said, this area is filled with thousands. so great and selling in 600 fifties and those 3
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and the festival of diversity is no golden pulse with the lease and investigate this, working at the see the mission below to are trying to get a concrete description of the perpetrator. but it's difficult because witnesses are in shock and unable to speak before they are lol. receiving care. and we need to piece together all the information to continue the search for the perpetrators, baldwin or nothing. kate has a witness to say the attack targeted people indiscriminately in my thoughts now with the victims and their families. i can only pray that those severely injured. yes, no beat will recover. we have for that sense this does show for the
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festival which began on friday and was supposed to run through sunday has been cancelled as the search for the tray to continuous and dw, or puerto clinic walsh's here in studio for more cormick. what do we know about the suspect at this point? what we're hearing from the police and selling it at the moment is that the man who has been underway, the suspect is still as large. and as we heard in the report there from the police spokesman there, they're still trying to piece together the evidence and statements that they're hearing from eye witnesses who are up the events night. so it's going to take some time apparently. so it seems for them to identify a person and to capture them. the put this attack in perspective for us is germany seen something like this before. it has it's, it's a, it's very rare here in jeremy, but it has seen a couple of cases before in the past. similar to this one in 2023 involved
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a palestinian man who attacked an stubs 9 people on the train in northern germany. coming to that mine was known to police in, in the area for criminal activities. and they blamed the attack on him being unhappy with his situation is personal situation of the time. more recent attack was in may this year in mannheim, where a, a ask on immigrant attacked group of anti slum protestors in the city of mannheim. and during the fight doesn't screwed up, so that's why policeman was stopped and he later died from the injuries he sustained their investigators. and in that case, put that down to this, the most extreme is on behalf of the of tucker. so it is it rare but it does happen in germany and as i say, we don't, no,
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yes. what is the most of the for this attack that happened tonight for eye clinic last year and see a studio. thank you very much. and of course, we will continue to follow that story and update you as we learn more, moving for now the politics and the race for the us presidency. robert f. kennedy junior appeared at a donald trump riley in arizona community join trump on sage, the events he had earlier suspended his independent presidential bid and endorse trump. kennedy cited free speech, the war and ukraine, and what he called the war on children. as reasons for suspending his campaign. he said he decided to support trump after several recent meetings with the kansas. peter matthews is a political analyst and professor political science at cyprus college in long beach, california. he told me what this means for the presidential race. what it means we have to because the rotors which are only about 4 percent now least to be able to 15 percent the summer they've been dropping since job item drop down. and couple of
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harris came in. many been going to come over as a trump. so only about 4 percent now i maybe would, i'm going to go go away, but most of it's going to go actually happen. house a little bit over half the trump and we're under half the cumberland harris of those remaining. so it may not make much of a difference in most states, but in swing states, it could make a big difference. so this way, states which are the determining states for the election of peter. i think that's interesting that we may see a split between these folders. can you help us understand what makes an r s k junior vote or different from a truck vote or, or from a harris folder? it's, they're mostly a little bit younger, but they're also rather uninformed, and they are very different china with this. the established parties, many of them are and types of extras because arthur here was a big anti vaccine, a person who is, was really pushing to not have vaccines in this country. and that's what a lot of fun these people really supported for that. mainly. and conspiracy theories, you know, that's educated lawyers, they may not, they may have even voted many of them. but the ones that do well, they'll be of us that happen to have 2 hairs. and to trump, well,
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what about the timing of this announcement from our f k junior coming right at the end of the democratic national convention? pretty remarkable. well, the thing he was shopping around, or if the kids you knew when to 1st of all become like harris and asked if you could get a, a cabinet position of the supports her. and she didn't even talk to, to the one of the having to do with that. and then he went on to trump in trouble was actually asking him the police report. i mean, he would offer him something in return, probably a cabinet position. so the timing was probably broke to up, or which is for him to try to get the maximum effect out of those political analysts, peter matthew, speaking to me earlier there. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. white house national security spokesman john kirby says gaza ceasefire talks in cairo, are making progress and will continue over the weekend. he said, is real and come. us need to come together and work toward implementation. the negotiations are being monitored by the us, egypt, and cuts our russian court as soon as 5 people to up to 9 years in prison for their
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roles and an empty israel bry. it happened last october when hundreds of protesters encircled a plane from israel after it landed at an airport in the southern region of dog. as done, several police officers were injured, or at least 3 prison guards have been killed by inmates during a siege at a prison in southern russia. the stand off last and several hours after inmates took hostages during a disciplinary meeting. russians special, special forces storm, the facility, killing all 4 attackers. officials say the of silence had ties to the islamic state group. the suspect in the rape and murder of an indian woman training to be a doctor has appeared in court and cool kind of the woman was killed at a state run hospital earlier this month. the accused whose face was concealed is a police volunteer. the attacks that off mass protest calling for better security in hospitals. and you have prime minister and arrange remotely has offered to help
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in the war. and ukraine mostly is the 1st indian leader to visit keeps since ukraine became independent from the soviet union in 1991. the grands president, a lot of so lensky called motor strip friendly and symbolic. a warm welcome in. keep the indian prime minister at the timing and significance of his trip did not go unnoticed. the name? yeah. there on the eve of independence day. this, this visit is really friend clinton pulled into the doors football veto crane. yes . okay. and so you never under moody, has maintained ties with both russia and ukraine, while the countries are war. he joins the load of me zalinski and visiting a memorial to hundreds of children, killed in russian attacks on new crane and attended several meetings and talks with the president. just 6 weeks ago, he was on a similar to, to russia,
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meeting with president vladimir putin and embracing him, prompting some international criticism. moody says india is not in different on the war, but this on the side of peace. recently, i went through restaurants meeting. there also, i have said this in clear words that any problem is never sold on the battlefield. some of the way to a solution lies only through dialogue, through diplomacy. and we should move in that direction without wasting any time. india cannot afford to alienate russia and his sofa avoided explicitly condemning its
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invasion. it is also abstained on you in resolutions that criticized the kremlin. but moody is working to keep you crane and its allies on side to framing. india as a pacemaker and offering to act as a mediator to bring an end to the fighting. dw sonya fall in a car is in. can you following the story? we asked her how motors words were being received by the training president of what i think those woods actually have been really where have been very welcome in keys, especially if you remember given the control the sea regarding movies visit to moscow early last last month. when he met a russian president, 14 or the day when russian, besides hips multiple ukrainian cities, one besides truck, a major children's hospice and children keys needing to devastating themes. and that if you remember at the time prompted see what is criticism from presidents lensky who said it was disappointing to see the leader of the world's largest
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democracy hug, working for the was, was bloody criminal on such a day. so i think this visit is, is seen of widely seen as more di trying to control some of that damage and fall out from that most go visit. i'm in line with that today. we saw some in ski and will be visiting an exhibition in, in keys that was dedicated to creating children who have been killed since the beginning of the fresh of a full scale invasion. so. so this was certainly india trying to kind of balance its relations between ukraine and russia and plank to show that it's not really needing towards most school, anyone sites in this conflict. so when you find a car there from keith flooding has killed at least 13 people in bangladesh, forcing thousands more to flee from their homes. the disaster is an unwelcome challenge for an interim government already facing pressure saving, what is left of the belongings. monsoon rains across the east of bangladesh have
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displaced thousands. the homes submerged under was a very severe damage facing the ponds were washed out in the flood water. many houses are effected all the roads are damaged despite that some has been able to get to shelters like these. but there are many more who need help. the situation is really bad to them. there's a lot of a problem, but if we're not able to rescue those, we're stuck to what we give it to. the bottom people will get released, but 1st they have to survive. we don't have boats here. i want all of bangladesh to send us boats. we don't need more aid need boats so that we can save them like the by some blend, the interim government for being slow to respond. nearly 5000000 bangladesh. these have been impacted and more rain has been full cost in the coming days.
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written prospect for the many already facing the front of the flooding. and finally, the berlin zoo has welcome to new giant panda cops. monk gave birth to twins just 11 days after scans revealed that she was pregnant with the pen, the cups were conceived through artificial insemination. mcclung also had twins 5 years ago. those babies were returned to china as a nature pen, the pop up child ching is not involved in rearing the cubs like their parents the cubs belong to the chinese state which only lynn's pet henders to select the country. it's right. is there a mind of our top story? at least 3 people have been killed and 4 seriously injured and an attack insulting in western germany. according to witnesses, a man stands passers by with the nice police of the perpetrator is still large.
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that's all the headlines for now. we'll be back in less than an hour with more in the meantime, you can find a more online dw. com. we're also on youtube or the dw news channels. obviously, views invalid. thanks for watching the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the look at current use events analyzed by excess. i'm critical thinking not just another news. so this is the weekdays on dw picture, tired of quinta, central alpine, the list houses nestled into the mountains may be late.


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