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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? a man hunt in germany after a deadly attack in the western city of zoning authorities, say a man killed 3 people with a knife at a festival and is still on the loops. will bring you the latest. also coming up in the as prime ministers as he's willing to help and the war in ukraine. the range promote, he makes his 1st visit toward time key the
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on michael. ok, welcome. we begin with breaking news at this hour. a man hunt is underway in western germany after a man wielding a knife killed at least 3 people in the city of zone and at least 8 other people suffered injuries, some of them life threatening. police say they are looking for a single assailant. the rampage occurred at a crowded festival in the city center. rescue workers tend to victims of i'm not the tech install and getting as the festival organize. goals for com wants to please everyone, be quiet for a moment. we don't want to cause a panic, but a knife attack at the phone. hope square has injured many people badly. stay calm and keep your eyes open to the attack. it has not been caught. yeah, then like i said, this area is filled with calls and celebrates and selling in 650 to anniversary.
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and the festival of diversity is no golden pulse with police and investigate us working at the see the mission and below to are trying to get a concrete description of the perpetrator. but it's difficult because witnesses are in shock and unable to speak, or they are lol. receiving care and we need to piece together all the information to continue the search for the perpetrators phones unlocked. and kate has a witness to say, the attack of tied to people indiscriminately in my thoughts now with the victims and their families. i can only pray that though severely injured can yes, no beat well recover. we have for that sense this does show for the
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festival which began on friday and was suppose to run through sunday has been cancelled as the search for the traits, a continuous dw security correspondent, thomas sparrow is with me now in the studio. thomas, give us the latest, including what if anything, we know about the motive. we still don't know much about the motive, but that has to do with the fact that the type of trade that has not yet been found . so authorities, both in north run was failure, but also federally obviously desperately looking for the public traits on. once that happens, they will be able to know more about the possible motivation and why also they haven't been so many political reactions just yet coming from let's say, the german concept or any other hierarchy petitions. we have heard from germany's interior minister. she stress. so nancy phase, as the interior minister, she stress essentially that they're shocked under the trying on the one hand to find the perpetrator. and on the other hand that they're always inclined to discuss
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and discover more about those motivations. so it's still an early stage. the analysis will come, once the perpetrator is found on the political reaction of the political debate, will also depend specifically on when this person is found on what the motivations were behind visit. as you say, it's still early stages right now, but this might have something to do with the climate that we've all been living in for a while now. there's been lot of speculation easy for and that these, these early hours was this a terrorist attack? did this have anything to do with the far right movement? we want to be very clear that was so it is at this point, have net categorized this attack, the interior minister described as a brutal attack. but it's specifically very important at these early stages to avoid any kind of speculation, because the motivation could go in any direction. so that's why, until authorities find the public site tests,
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will they be no capacity to inform the public about the reasons the motivations behind the attack. but what does seem certain is that this will have an impact in the political discussion here in germany. for example, when it comes to nice crimes already before there's a topic, there was a discussion in the country where the interior minister had said that it would be important for the country to tough on laws regarding knife prime regarding nice possession. for example, shorten the permitted late length of people might have in public. that was a debate that was already happening before as long as long as you're talking about knives. let me ask you this. how common are these nicer tax in germany for people who might not be familiar with what, what's happening internally here? germany's perceived as a safe country compared to maybe countries in other parts of the well. so maybe the number of nice attacks or nice incidence is not necessarily very big. that's not to
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say that it hasn't increased compared. so that's a reason. yes. and that's also what impact has led to this debate about possibly toughening laws. but it's important to also be cautious with the $26.00 because of all right, is there any particular the police have only been actually gathering those statistics for a few years? so experts have one that it's important to not talk about a trend when it comes to an increase in life incidents. but if you just look at the last you and yes, that does seem to be an, an increase that and that's why authorities are discussing the possibility of toughening laws that are related to the procession of nights. you mentioned just a little while ago. tom is that there's been very little political reaction thus far. what political reaction at least has there been specifically from the interior administered? that is not necessarily uncommon and these kinds of situations. it 1st goes to the region where it happens. so we saw in our reports the reactions coming from regional authorities. then the next step is for the federal interior minister to
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give the views on this. so we had a written statement from nancy phase or the next step, depending on the political debates and on the motivations that i found by authorities would be to hear maybe from the german trying to the maybe from other high ranking, what additions in the country. but that is still unclear, it is possible that a tons not will have a reaction, but that reaction will obviously depend on what information comes out regarding that motivation of that. but as you will know, they're going to be some regional elections next week in germany. what impact might this attack have on driven politics? in general, the regional elections are going to be in the eastern part of the country, so not west oregon is located, resorting, it is in the west and part of the country. nevertheless, that has been a very big debate already in the country about those regional elections in particular. how the far right part of the alternative for germany could perform the around 30 percent of votes of intention there. and they have already,
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basically used the topic of violence in germany's streets as a topic that in that view is a topic that has where authorities have to be doing more. they have also linked that to the immigration debate in the country. again, we don't know anything now about this particular situation involving them, but in the past, the, the has been linking violence to the immigrant debate, depending on how all this develops here they will probably be tapping again into those fields. again, it's important distress. we still don't know what the perpetrator is. we still don't know what the motivation is, but what does seem such and is that it will have an impact in the debate in the country in particular, when it comes to nice possession in the country. in fact, i will add their thomas that we still don't even hear from authorities with the eye . witnesses may have been saying about a description of this perpetrator, that is a dw of security correspond to thomas barrow, and many things is always thomas in india is
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a prime minister. and the random modi has offered to help. and the war in ukraine moody is the 1st indian leader to visit keeps and to ukraine, became independent from the soviet union in 1991 ukraine's president, for a lot of his zalinski called moody's trip. friendly and symbolic. a warm welcome in keep the indian prime minister at the timing and significance of his trip did not go unnoticed. the name? yeah. there on the eve of independence day. vis. visit is really friend, clint, important towards football video crane. yes. ok. and so, you know, the remote, he has maintained ties with both russia and ukraine, while the countries are war. he joined below him, is the landscape and visiting a memorial to hundreds of children, killed in russian attacks on new crane and attended several meetings and talks with
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the president. just 6 weeks ago, he was on a similar to, to russia, meeting with president vladimir putin and embracing him, prompting some international criticism. moody says india is not in different on the war, but it's on the side of peace. recently by went through restaurants, so i meeting there also i have said this in p a words that any problem is never sold on the battlefield. some of the way to a solution lies only through dialogue through diplomacy. and we should move in that direction without wasting any time it was, the india cannot afford to alienate russia and his sofa
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avoided explicitly condemning its invasion. it is also abstained on un resolutions that criticized the criminal and but moody is working to keep you crane and its allies on assigned to framing india as a piece make to and offering to act as a mediator. to bring an end to the fighting. we should mention as ukrainian forces advance a deeper into rushers, cursed region ukrainian civilians living along the border were expecting some rest of the russian troops attacking them with drones and artillery for the past 2 years are now farther away, which could mean fewer attacks inside ukraine. our correspondent and economy visited a ukrainian community near the russian frontier to see if the hope of increased safety has been realized.
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last year, 2 women were sitting on that bench over there. shell hit just by their feet and killed the basement. the sight of driving around below peter with a man. it's hard to find a street without a story like the date, the especially those are the changing rooms of the sports ground on a master police station. 42. it's hard to keep track of what happened in web yet. do you remember what happened yesterday the day before you familar? but when you've been through a 20 new 30, even 40 times of, of, of what just lose track circle live in the well as a one might think flower beds to be the last people's worries. i'm going to town like this is your, it's convinced that vital bill is residents need something to look at. he says something that's not a ruin. but even in that gardening schoolwork is have to be mindful of unexpected reactions. mr. a lot and it's here automatically. so long the bushes they're all a mess, it's all because we barely get the tremors and the mowers out any more. they make
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the same sound as the head, drones. people hear them and panic. other times when it's a real attack, the noise from the lower it stops people hearing the incoming fire or whatever, you know, with that incoming file doesn't have to be a direct kit. just and often the bloss wave or piece of shrapnel is enough to do significant damage to the of the rates. are you respond? run salt, the information coming in from the military as well as from presidents close to the border. it's his job to keep everyone informed by the towns telegram, general counsel. the best of the glide bomb has been spotted on the russian side of the border. we also had drones headed towards b of a pdf. normally we might get a 42nd warning either. it'll come in soon and explode, or it will keep going. sometimes they change directions at the last moment. little bit closer to the exit to better understand what's going on.
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so just a minute ago, can i ask you next to me? i caught a message that 2 people google wounded to civilians been going to buy the car from explosions that we had just few minutes ago. a couple of columbus down the road was one person long injured on the street. we arrive on this residential street for told that 2 wounded posts as boy for ready being taken to hospital. luckily these houses were empty. just a few meters further. the result would have been very different. said he lives just next door. is to ensure an angry the bomb came a knowing even baba to come around. so i was like to keep me with that all relying they were just standing over the stabbing the crates of the month. do you get to the new gateway? i'm hungry up,
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is it that he tells us it's not that 1st close shave just 2 months ago. crap marseilles hit the st. and he's a little less optimistic that his towns man and his wife don't want to take another chance. could you spell? you didn't work on that for sure. what will you just get childs and think what to do next? don't know what's going to rebuild all this now, so it's just unable to. if i have a mutual shift a single door, we have to leave all the items are on the way. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world at the shower. whitehouse and national security spokesman john kirby says gaza ceasefire talks in cairo, are making progress and will continue over the weekend. he said israel and the mos and need to come together and work toward implementation. the negotiations are being monitored by the us, egypt, and cutoff. who is the rebels? have released footage, showing a ship on fire, shang, it shows a tank or they attack
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a greek owned oil tanker which struck thursday in the red sea before 29.


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