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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? a man hunt in germany after a deadly attack in the western city of zone and good authority, say a man killed 3 people with a knife at a festival and is still on the loops, will bring you the late. it's also coming up a party for the stars. the democratic national convention was a wash and entertainment celebrities. we've looked at wide big names in film and music, turned out for campbell of parents the
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and greetings to you, a viewers around the world. unlike local, we begin with breaking news at this hour. a man hunt is under way in western germany after a man wielding a knife killed at least 3 people in the city of zoning, get at least 8 other people suffered injuries, some of them life threatening. police say they are looking for a single assailant. the rampage occurred at a crowded festival in the city center, the police on the streets of solving and at least half a day with a killer still on the run. especially units of being rushed to the city for the man . hot police telling locals to report anything suspicious. the not the full crowds have gathered in the city center for a street festival at around 9 30 pm. witnesses say a man begins stepping passes by with a knife, apparently at random indian shooting confusion, the attack of managed to escape the festival. organize the wall and the crowd of
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the unfolding drama. time dreams, everyone be quiet for the night. we don't want to close upon it. that's a nice attack and the square is injured. many people badly does indeed stay calm. keep your eyes open. the attacker has not been called the police still don't know the silence identity or motive, but believe he acted alone, they've lost festival goes to submit videos and photo used to help the investigation of the mission. i'm trying to get to come kind of description of it is difficult because witnesses in shocking on able to speak. they are over saving can, but we need to piece together all the information to continue the search and the states interior minister also have voice shopped off to visiting the scene. so it's really quite as happens. and even if you keeps thinking about a dangerous situation or living in something like that,
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really hit hold on ends with us. so what else for the festival was supposed to celebrate solely and $650.00. at the end of the 3, the city has no cancel the weekends, remaining events with this emergency, su file from over dw reported lewis sanders is in the city of zillow. and going for us, louis, what's the latest from where you are? what's the latest and where you will police continue the man hind for the perpetrator of the attack. but what i can tell you now from being here and having spoken to some residents, the overall atmosphere is just incredible. sadness and trauma. i spoke to one long time resident here who said, you know, the city is usually quiet. it's a lovely city, a diverse city. and he was just incredibly shock. that's something like this could happen at such a, you know, a family oriented festival meant to mark, you know, a historic moment for this, this city. beyond that, police have uh,
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taken off the cordons uh from the area. and again, there is a small presence of authorities, but at the moment, you know, life is just starting to come back to normal. and the residents are just feeling overwhelmed in sense of sadness as they come. they visit the place, they share their sadness and they, they mark this moment as a watershed moment for their community. there's such a little news coming from this event. lewis, you mentioned a small presence of authorities. what are those authorities saying if anything to you as well, at the moment they're asking people to stay away, but it's a very difficult place for people to stay away. it's a mean transport area, a lot of buses, tram lines come through this area. there's a shopping mall right next to here, so there's a lot of commercial activity. and again, in a way, it's a bit of
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a center for the city. this is why this place was chosen for the festival. authorities said, you know, they're there. they're asking everyone to be able to participate, and if they have any information to share, they're also asking eye witnesses to come forward. but as was mentioned in the report, previously, a lot of people are traumatized by what they witnessed what they saw. and so it's a really hard moment for the community and also for authorities because they have little information to kind of work by and, and traumatized and traumatized. because this again was summer event. people were enjoying the sunshine and the community. um, as the sort of the, the last days of summer unfurl before us give us a sense of what this event was all about. where the, where the event of the attack took place. i mean, this is the last thing any participate coming into this event yesterday could have
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ever imagined happening in this kind of event was oriented towards families. you had us here. you have families with little kids coming to participate. you see food stalls, you see little activities for kids to join in. i mean, it was just an overall event for the community. and especially because it's marking the 650 of anniversary of the founding of this historic city sewing in. and so it's just, it was an important moment. it's the last few days of summer. people are out, they want to enjoy it before the cold comes in. and it's just the festive moment for the community to celebrate to celebrate coming together. to celebrate the diversity of the city as well. and in, in one moment, if this was all up ended through this attack, that's a dw lewis, sanders, they're in zone a good many things. louis, anything. thank you to we're covering this
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story from multiple angles, dw security corresponding thomas barrow now joins me here in the studio. thomas, we just heard there from louis, still very little news from authorities. and i imagine they're still trying to determine what the motive of this attack was unaware which they couldn't determine what the motive of this attack was, is by trying to find the perpetrator by trying to find also the knife that was used . once authorities get that information, once of how it is managed to find the perpetrator, will they be able to also give more information on what the possible motivation might have been? what authorities have stress so far is it that basically, on the one hand, asking people to be very cautious to avoid speculation. there's already a lot of speculation and even falls picked as being said on line. and on the other hand, they're asking for help in case people in the region know of any information to put legal thoughts. and so then finding out where the weather nice,
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the nice where the perpetrator might be and what kind of motivation there is. and it will only be then when they actually find out more about that motivation, that they will be able to draw any conclusions about this attack. so far, there's very little information that's being confirmed. authorities are still trying to basically put all the different pieces of the puzzle together. and once those pieces begin to be put together, we'll, that'd be more concrete information as to that only what happened, but specifically why it happened because that is the key question to determine the course of action in the next few hours. thomas put this into perspective reviewers who may not be familiar with the types of crimes that we see here in germany. how common or are these types of night for tax in the country may be compared to other regions of the world or other countries? relatively uncommon, so germany is indeed perceived as a country that is safe. nevertheless, nice incidents have increased according to police statistics in recent. yes,
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and that's the reason why all parties have been also calling for tough laws when it comes to dealing with nice incidents. however, experts are also very quick to say that it's important to be cautious when you look at the statistics. because police in particular have only been gathering statistics and for this particular type of attacks with knife of tax for a very few years. so authorities are saying that it's important not to drill a conclusion that this is a major trend happening in the country. nevertheless, in germany, which is seen as a relatively safe country. these kinds of incidents and attacks, same shock waves, they concern people, they concern authorities, and that's why we're seeing this reaction now, coming from government authorities, both at the regional level and at the federal level as well. and what is the political reaction that we're seeing? we've heard from the german vice chancellor level, but how back from the gemini tyria administer nancy phase. and basically the come
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on line that we've heard from those different politicians is on the one hand shock . and then obviously that the federal government is going to support regional authorities when it comes to trying to find the perpetrator and find them out. the motivation behind, as you will know, tom is there are regional elections in germany next week. and what impact might this have on german politics in general, the regional elections that are going to take place next week and not ways? arlington is located sorting and it's in western germany. and the reason elections are in the eastern part of the country. nevertheless, the whole debates on knife crime crime, in general, in security, in the country is one that has been discussed in the eastern part of the country. so depending on how this attack develops, what kind of motivations will parties find if they find the product right there and so on. will this probably play a role in the debate that is happening when it comes to those regional actions next week? even just know to have it will be seen planning review later on today dw,
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so thomas barrow, thanks is always with the democratic national convention over the battle for the white house is in full swing to whip up voter in through is u as in both parties recruit entertainment figures to their events. and last week's convention featured in all star lineup. highlights included the checks. formerly the dixie checks with a country and western rendition of the national anthem. okay, this record actress carry washington fired up the crowd with scandal coaster tony gold with known tv stories. evelyn gloria took to this podium as the comedian mindy kayla and oprah winfrey gave campbell of harris. her stamp of approval sent a, made an appeal to independent voters to cast their ballots for her. by the way, there were other recording stories as well, including john legend,
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who lit up the stage with a tribute to prince. and stevie wonder performed his classic higher ground to the d. n. c. appear to feature more hollywood star power then the republican convention i asked entertainment reported k. j. matthews. why that it oh you are absolutely correct. i mean, i don't think it's a secret that most of hollywood tends to lean liberal and left probably at least. so whenever you have something big like this in the presidential election is huge, you're going to see a lot more star power at the dnc than you do the r n c. that's just the way it's going to be me. it's great entertainment and definitely good for the vibes that the harris campaign appears to be going forward. but the age old question, does this translate into actual votes?
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yes, it does. you know, i was looking into that and in a study goes back to about 2008 showed that when oprah winfrey initially endorsed brock obama during his 1st campaign, do you know that that brought in a 1000000 additional votes for brock obama? 1000000 now that can make or break you, especially when you have a presidential elections that are so tied call like the one we're having right now . so something like that doesn't matter when you have a celebrity, as big as an oprah winfrey or taylor swift, or beyond see when that last point which critical when you have someone as big as oprah, in fact, the thing people were calling it the oprah effect. um, every election cycle, political pundits news about the same question, to what extent do endorsements matter and by extension, i'm curious. why do celebrity endorsements matter or? well, they how every political candy get candidate that is getting to things that they
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really want donations and voters, people look to celebrities and same. what are they doing? who do they like, who they are for the voting for, and they follow in that direction and that usually translates into money and donations. and every single political campaign needs money. so what's an easy way to get money? and i'll tell you in this day of social media where you have engagement and reach and you can reach people all around the world. it is crucial that you have the right people with the right reach and engagement, really endorsing a certain celebrity. they just can't go without it, not in this day and age we social media, you really can't afford to not have a celebrity endorsement. our thanks go out as always to entertainment reporter k j matthews. in los angeles manufacturing. thank you. and we will end it there. do stay with us if you can. coming up next is our
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documentary, looking at the founding of nato. and the alliance is ability today to fulfill its promise to defend any member that comes under attack, a micro logo from me and the entire news crew here in berlin. thanks for watching and bye for now. the gas station innovation green, the green revolution global sold listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be secure assignments all subscribe to the subscribe to plan. it's a the nato
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