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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news line from berlin, a man hunt in germany after a deadly attack in the western city of zoning, get authority, say a man killed 3 people with a knife at a festival and is still on the loos. we're bring you the latest, also coming out ukraine's president. the lot of mr. lansky celebrates his nation's independence by violin, that moscow will know what retribution is as keeps forces fight in russian territory. the
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. i'm mike local. welcome. we begin with breaking news at this hour. a man hunt is under way in western germany, after a man wielding a knife killed at least 3 people in the city of his own and get at least 8 other people suffered injuries. some of them live threatening. police say they are looking for a single assailant. the rampage occurred at a crowded festival in the city center, the police on the streets of solving and at least half a day, with a killer still on the run. especially units of being rushed to the city for the man . hot police telling locals to report anything suspicious. the not the full crowds have gathered in the city center for a street festival at around 9 30 pm. witnesses say a man began stepping passes by with the noise, apparently at random. in the and shooting confusion, the attack of managed to escape the festival organized the wall and the crowd of the unfolding drama. drains everyone be quiet for the night.
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we don't want to close upon it. that's a nice attacking the square has injured many people badly. doesn't these? they come keep your eyes open. the attacker has not been called. the police still don't know the silence identity or motive. but believe he acted alone . they've us festival goes to submit videos and photo used to help the investigation of the mission. i'm trying to get to come kind of description of it is difficult because witnesses in shocking on able to speak. they are all the saving can, but we need to piece together all the information to continue the search and the states interior minister also avoid shocked off to visiting the same so it's really quite as happened. and even if you keeps thinking about the dangerous situation or living in something like that, really has hold on and ends with us. so what else for the festival
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was supposed to celebrate soul and $650.00. at the end of a 3, the city has no cancel the weekends, remaining events with this emergency still far from over. the w reported louis sanders is in the city of zoning and for us, louis, what's the latest there of the the man hunt continues for the perpetrator, but just now, just a few minutes ago, a billed news. the news outlet reported that authorities have detained one suspect. however, i do have to say this with an added disclaimer that police are asking uh, you know, all of us to kind of not share, you know, information that has not been officially validated yet. so there's only to say that billed is reported, one person has been detained. however, we're still unclear whether that is the perpetrator,
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whether that might be someone linked or whether this, this has anything to do actually with what the or these are actually doing. what i can tell you here though, is that the atmosphere is grim. if you could see behind me right now, there's already people who are, are dealing with the stalls in this marketplace. they're already removing their seeings and packing their bags after the event was canceled. after yesterday's attack, i spoke to one long time resident here who said, you know, still in gain is a quiet city. uh, nothing big usually happens here. uh, and he was just incredibly shock. that's something like this could happen at an event that is affective. we for the community, for use, for families, for elderly people to get together and celebrate what is effectively a historic event. 650 year anniversary of the founding of this city. and that was all up and did last night. when the attack left, 3 people dead and at least 5 others injured, who was, what else are authorities say?
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so when i spoke to authorities earlier, they said look, we would love to give you more information. but at this time, all we can share is that we're here. we have a presence in this vicinity to maintain public safety. but we capture anything more . beyond that, at this moment, they said there will be a press briefing at some point and we will inform the press about facts at this moment. we can't tell you any more. uh, what i can tell you though, is that the press, the police presence in this vicinity has diminished compared to last night after the, you know, in the wake of the attack. and they have expanded operations beyond the city. uh, the, you know, they have little information to go on in order to find the perpetrator, but they're doing all they can from my understanding. they're exhausting all resources to find who is the person behind this attack. very, very quickly, this all apparently happened at the front of a market square in this city center,
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if you will. and the musician was playing on stage when the stabbing started. tell us more about the actual event where there's attack to a place more well, this place is a central part of the city. it's a main transit where you have multiple tram lines. you have multiple bus signs coming through here. this location was selected for the festival because in a way it's, it's kind of the, not only commercial but also a cultural heart of the city. and even if you were to look around the, you know, life is slowly trickling in. but you also see a lot of people coming here and paying tribute to the victims to the people who were killed last night. and all i can say though, is that the community is it does heartened by what happens and they're looking for answers. it bears repeating a news that an arrest has been made is coming from a single source and at this point is unconfirmed. that's so dw, so lewis sanders,
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there are many, many thanks louis. thank you. the german transel of schultz has reacted to the fatal stabbings in zoning and writing on his official ex account. the chancellor wrote that the attack in zone again is a terrible incident that leaves me deeply shocked. it went on to say that the perpetrator must be called quickly and punish with the fullest extent of the law. to for more analysis, i'm drawing by dw security corresponded thomas sparrow, thomas schultz commenting there. what other political reactions have we seen so far? and that comment from offshore is in line with other comments that we've seen this morning, for example, from germany's vice transit level, about how big from government interior minister nancy phase are all on the one hand stressing the shock saying that they are obviously very much aware of the situation,
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but also stressing that the important element. now that the important question now is to try and find the perpetrator and also understand what might have been the motivation. why? because only when they find the perpetrator only when they find out what the motivation is, will they be able to understand what kind of political reactions they will be? in other words, the political reaction might be different if there is, let's say, a political motivation that if there was a mental health, motivation and sofa, very little has been confirmed. and that has also to do with the fact that will thirty's both at the local regional level, but also at the federal level. a very careful when it comes to sharing information about their ongoing investigations. on the one hand, they don't want to jeopardize those ongoing investigation. on the other hand, they don't want to create confusion. they're also asking people to avoid speculation. at the same time they're asking for eye witnesses to come forward, say what they've seen there. also asking for other people who might know and have
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information to share with with the police. so police are very cautious now, and that is in line as well with the weight of how to operate in all of these kinds of situations. it's 1st and foremost about them doing that job behind the scenes trying to find the puppets right to. i've been trying to find the possible motivation behind. so to simplify, there's boiling it down, they need to find this person. there is an active man hunt underway and once they find this person, they can be a step closer towards finding out what the motive and which is less. so the next question becomes, and i realize were speculating here is what or authorities actually doing on the ground? are they going door to door and the community? are they spreading out to go to the surrounding countryside? are they looking potentially at a security camera, is what migratory is be doing at this very moment? pretty important would that be, is, is might, because obviously, authorities under going to tell the press how they are trying to find a perpetrator because they would then be jeopardizing their own. sure operation.
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but what i can tell you is how these things normally happen. so it normally has a 2 way component. one is police, for example, blocking streets, going definitely to some of the houses nearby, asking people trying to bring some of the eye witnesses to get more detailed information. and then there's also a 2nd part of it which is working behind the scenes, namely, trying to look for security cameras and trying to find out footage, trying to see what might be discussed online if they can find any additional information online. and then bringing all those pieces, if you will, together to form the full puzzle. got a piece or something that may take time. so that not only trying to find out where the perpetrator might be, but also they're trying to find out, for example, where the knife is. that's another important element of the whole investigation. and those are all the pieces that in one way or another have to come together and that we may end up hearing about if there is that press conference later in the day when a thought is, will be giving more detail as to what they found out to what are the main questions that are pending and watching those sort of key elements when it comes to
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understanding the motivation behind this attack, that's a dw thomas bear with many, many thanks, thomas. the president is, a lot of his zalinski has said that russia wants to destroy ukraine in a ukrainian independent state video address, ukraine's president said his country has surprised once again and valves about you will note what retribution is today. you can celebrate its 33rd independent states into the collapse of the soviet union as you create in forces advance deeper into rush as chris region, civilians living along the border hoping for some respite from drone and artillery bombardment. i'll tell you, my correspondent and economy visited a community near the russian frontier. last year, 2 women were sitting on that bench over there. a shell hit just by their feet and killed the police. that good lilian village is made of driving around below. peter, with a man, it's hard to find a street without
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a story like this will happen. date the especially those are the changing rooms of the sports ground on, and that's the police station. if we need to, it's hard to keep track of what happened in web yet. do you remember what happened yesterday the day before you familar? but when you've been through a 20 to 30, even 40 times of, of, of what just lose track circle live in the wall is that you might think flowerbeds to be the last people's worries in a town like this is your, it's convinced that vital appeal is residents need something to look at, he says something that's not a ruin. but even in that gardening school work is have to be mindful of unexpected reactions. and it's here automatically, so long the bushes. they're all a mess. it's all because we barely get the tremors and the mowers out any more. they make the same sound as the head, drones. people hear them and panic. other times when it's a real attack, the noise from the lower stops people hearing the incoming fire or whatever. he for
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now with that incoming file doesn't have to be a direct kitchen often the last way or a piece of shrapnel is enough to do significant damage. really. the of the rates are you responding, runs all the information coming in from the military, as well as from presidents close to the border. it's his job to keep everyone informed by the towns telegram channel on this works. best for the glide bomb is been spotted on the russian side of the border. we also had drones headed towards below pedia. normally we might get a 42nd warning either they'll come in soon and explode, or they'll keep going. sometimes they change directions at the last moment. elizabeth, closer to the exit, to better understand what's going on. just a minute ago, may i ask you asked me, i caught
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a message that 2 people google wounded to civilians been going to buy the car from explosions that we had just few minutes ago. a couple of columbus down the road was one person long injured. on the street. we arrive on this residential street for told that 2 wounded bosses by 4 ready being taken to hospital. luckily, these houses were empty. just a few meters further. the result would have been very different. he lives just next door is to ensure an angry the bomb came a knowing even bother to come around. so i was like to keep you with dental relying . they were just standing over the stuttering it'll crate. so the month you get it and you get why i'm hungry up is that he tells us it's not that's the close shave. it's 2 months ago. grab me. so i was hit the street. he's a little less optimistic that his towns man and his wife don't want to take another chance. good is for you the input from it for sure. what will you just get childs
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and think what to do next? no, no one's going to rebuild all this. now, so it's definitely about a 509 years old shift a single door. we have to leave all the items are on the way. michael lou, thanks for watching. more news and 45 minutes. get ready for an exciting odd until you look surprised. hi, irish and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one to delete it from port on it. please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. no, it's not. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to
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just to click away the during the destination. right.


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