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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] news, this is the, the way you use life from bullying. german police say a deadly stabbing may have been an act of terrorism. a say days arrested, a 15 year old, who they believe knew about the rampage at a festival. that left 3 people that but the search goes on for the man. they think will that the knife will take you to the german city of zoning in for those that we think that's the been for the will and welcome german. no thought he say they on ruling out
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terrorism as a motive for a knife attack in which a man killed at least 3 people in the western city of zoning and at least a tenant is, was suffering from injuries in some serious as we heard in uh, a recent press conference delivered by the police, police have to take one person and are investigating a possible connections of friday nights, stabbings, which happened at a probably festival in the city center. a boston festival goal is to submit videos and photos to help with the investigation. let's take you straight over to dw report our and tell them who's in solving and, and what's the latest way you want. i was holding in is still very much a city unified in grief and sorrow over the heinous acts which took place actually on the square right behind me. as you can see, many stores remain close out of solidarity with the both the victims and the victims, families, and there's a validated police presence throughout the region, but also especially here in the city. as you can see,
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the area behind me so cordoned off by police as their investigation is continuing and also um, unfortunately, can't see it. but just off the camera here, residents of the city have been setting up a makeshift monument and memorial to the victims of last night's attack with one question written large on several signs above it. why, why was the link and targeted by this type of volume? so that's the question that the hour here. what do we know with this hour uh, how events unfolded last night? well, details are still very sparse. we've talking to both the police and also under last press conference, the police were very, very tight lipped face of the investigation was ongoing and we're ready to give out too much information. what we do know is around 930 last night, one attacker enter the square behind me, as you can see, which you can see where a staging and set up for the 650 years anniversary of the founding of the city. now we do know,
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he began tacking people at random according to the police. they do think it isn't some type of rampage, but rather an a targeted attempt to kill people based on the injuries that many of the victims suffered. they said that they a, he went directly for the throat of many of the victims, which is why 3 people lost their lives. an additional 8 were wounded. now, 4 of them are supposedly in critical condition being treated as neighboring hospitals. right now there isn't a lot of information regarding the identity of the reported sealants. no information has been released to the public, and of course, that is firing up the middle here. and so we're going and there's a lot of rumors, speculation about what could actually have been behind the attack so far. there are more questions and answers, at least for the residents present here. and tell us a little bit more about the event of which the attacked applies or well as i was just saying, it was a festival to mark the 650th anniversary of the founding of a city and right before went to ere i was able to talk to an old friend who is
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involved in the local city government. and he told me the festival was supposed to be one of the diversity and hope and togetherness for the city. he said that zoe thing has suffered greatly in the last several years being hit by flooding and also a several tragic fires which people cause which for cause of many people's their lives. and the city government had been hoping that this festival would have been an opportunity to bring the community together so that they could celebrate themselves in a supportive environment. but of course, it ended in the most tragic way possible with screens with blood, which is why many people here are left asking that question i just saw prominent in the memorial. why, why so looking, you know, these are and tell them that i think it was i mentioned police have held a press conference. let's listen into what they had to say and say, don't know, we have not yet found a suspect. so we are investigating against an unknown suspects to can we have not
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been yet able to understand a motif we're supposed to and funds for emotive rather, but we're assuming that it was a terrorist motivated attack is possible. we cannot exclude this, the lights on the system i. it's joining us now. do you know the chief political letter to miss here the christmas. we heard a day from our in zoning and bit take us through again. what we know at this stage about this breaking news, having listened to that entire press conference and not so what i did have more questions off to was then we're actually answered. and what we did line is that the german authorities that the police there locally is not ruling out a terrorist attack at this moment in time. but then not saying that they believe it might have been, or it was a terrorist attack will actually elevate this 2 completely different level of investigation with the federal state prosecutor taken over. so this is still a police investigation, strictly speaking, it's an and not an investigation because 3 people died. and
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a times attempted mazda a 15 year old, was arrested earlier on sass, a day today. and that's is something that police can fund. they basically said the 2nd, the rest that was complete rumors, they only arrested one person sofa. this is a juvenile, so no details of him being released. but he is believed to have spoken to someone who may be the suspect. and there again, was not really getting many details so much concrete from the police right now. and they say that they have conflicting reports about what the suspect looks like. and that's also why they're not looking for any specific profiles right now. okay, so there's confusion. um the state prosecutor of north run west valia is involved at this out. is there anything more you can say about the motors? we don't know the most if that's the whole essence. but what's the context i think is important. it was a nice attack and it comes almost
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a week after the interior minister who is expected at the c, nancy phase, a cold for new legislation on what kind of knives can be carried in public nice things. i'm currently allowed. 12 said to be says she wants that down to 6, but the key in certain areas of public interest of public gatherings. and also in june, we heard from the head of dom, these domestic intelligence service, saying that this is an acute sense of alarm amongst, or far as ease of potential terrorist attack. so that's the context. this is in right now, but we don't know the exact details and we don't know the motive yet. you say that thank you very much for being yourself today. let's take a look now at some of that press conference. again, we'll take you to zoning in way of german interior minutes, the nancy phase a is speaking, but let's listen in 1st of all, to the last press conference the, the police presented to the media or not like to talk you little bit through the
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mines. one authoration is 2137, but we had a number of emergency call that we received in the put play station at the festival and diversity y'all celebrating the 650th anniversary of surrounding on one that a male. all persons can do the door targeted and people apps a festival. we have a nice and attach them on there. we have not been yet able to understand a motif here was supposed to on funds for a motive rather, but we're assuming that it was a terrorist motivated attack is possible. we cannot exclude this. the lights on the system are now the media has talked about a 15 year old, who was on impact attains existing just at the moment, soft up. and so that's busy. this is merely to get more information based on the
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course. witnesses that the statements that we've heard so far, what we believe that. so the person i talked to this 55th, the suspect, talked to the 15 year old about one to 10 shows and stuff reasons for the attack. but we do not wish to speculate beyond the 16 based on the system. now as extend my agency since last night, we have been in close cooperation with the public prosecutor general. since i'm who has the account to conduct to the members of this agency to us and valid ones and today will taking possibly be taking this on when we have more information on this or the state prosecutor or north wind west fairly get this, let's pick up on this again, with our chief political, it's a mission, had a cruise now and talk about the man hunt that's underway, which of course was once launched immediately, but also extended beyond the city pounds. and we're getting very little information about that as well. i would like to remind view is but tell us what's involved with
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this out. well, and the police was specifically about room as a courtesy of signed potentially pond nationwide searches. and they said they wouldn't comment on that. so then leaving that option open and then not restricting this to the state of no fine west failure. and also on that, we and we heard again that from the state prosecute said that they're not ruling out a terrorist motive. if that's is backed up by more fact, this whole investigation would move away from him towards the federal prosecutor. and then this would be a different type of mind hunt actually looking for a terrorist at this moment in time. we know that this 15 year old who was arrested earlier today is being questioned because he's believe to potentially have spoken to a mind from potentially and you did you see i choose my words. very cassidy. because i'm not really guessing any affirmation of any kind of fax from the police on this at the same time. it's
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a completely different seeing if you go online. if you go to social media, you have clips flying around, and this is something the police was very concerned about. i'm calling on people to send in the video clips as evidence, but not spread them on social media as a police right now is trying to investigate, which of course is out that is real and which one isn't? and it's emanated throughout. what was i'd say and also a very clear cut press conference that after having said that, they did not have footage clear the, the const done all the things that and the suspicion that the attack of went straight for the throat of the victims to cause fatal wounds was indeed based on police seeing so, so eclipse that i now being so could i just right now. so it's a very complex picture for the police right now,
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particularly against the backdrop of the killer, which he is and clearly seems to be a man. that's what everybody is saying that these minds to escape feel thor, to use. and this man hunt is, of course, also de, disconcerting for this community, but also in germany as a home. and you mentioned the reaction on social media. we'll look at the videos that are circulating. what are the people saying about this attack? well, i'm people, 1st of all a very, i'm concerned very much and it really feel the pain of this community if you're talking about individual users. but then there are clips which cannot be verified at this moment in time. so we really need to confirmation through the police to know whether a clip or somebody describes a to people talking about stopping others is real or not. and this is the kind of complex times,
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but the police police clearly faces. and what i find positing is why the police at now having arrested this 15 year old to potentially spoke to someone who potentially might have been involved with this is not looking for that specific person and the on. so the police gave to that very question is that they have such conflicting reports about what this pass and looks like that they do not want to settle on one specific profile to off the public for look for one specific person that fits that profile. also, but of um, oh oh, how common at these types of attacks and germany just to put this into context, right. well, they're not common enough to speak of these types of attacks. and but the last attack in may in mannheim was by an ask on mine who was rejected as asylum seeker here in germany. and as that led to the death of a young police officer who was trying to protect others. and there was
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a very faithful misunderstanding in that whole um, too much with seeing that that led to him being fatally wounded or dying of his wounds later. this incident because it involved someone from afghanistan in itself, spots the political debate about sending the rejected migrants. but a key, those criminals back to afghanistan. so it's, it comes with a very sensitive point here in germany. there are elections in, on the 1st of september into eastern states with the fall, right? if the, the m t migration policy, which basically was born out of the 2015 and open arms policy of, i'm going to michael because it is the policy that was on the way out. it was really on the way out from the political scene. and then discovered its anti migration sounds and then we went up and pulling from that. and what ever happens now, how the police treats this, whatever we find out about the profile of the potential a perpetrator could have it. in fact,
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i dare say it will very likely have an impact on those elections within those 2 states. going to the polls the far right. if the one instance is the ranger is a head and a could well also pull ahead in stocks meet with the seed you. i'm going to eccles conservative city. you policy is really fighting tooth and nail to stay in power. okay. yeah. well explained analysis of the political ramifications there if this was to be a terrorism x and the political context as well right now with those 3 state elections coming up in the eastern part of germany. ah, no doubt we will be coming back to as we get more information level. so still waiting to hear from nancy phase of the interior minister of germany who is involved now in this investigation to thank you very much, sarah. you're welcome. if you're just joining us to have it all thought he'd say they aren't, ruling out terrorism is a motive for a nice attack in which a man killed at least 3 people in the western city of zoning and police of the time


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