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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from little in the premier of the german state of north run was failure, says a deadly stabbing was an act of terrorism. police say they've arrested a 15 year old, who they believe knew about the wrong page at the festival of left. 3 people did box. the search goes on for the mind. they think we'll that the knife we'll take you to the city of suing and for the very nature and a person that exchange between russia and ukraine as president. a lot of mr. lansky mox t's independence from the soviet union as well as of to make moscow paid for
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his aggression the monica jones. welcome. a top job and official is quoting last night's deadly knife attacked an act of terror and to exist the state premier of north ride bus failure said the stopping rum page that left 3 people dead in the western city, assuming and should not be allowed to divide society, at least 8 of us suffers injuries. some serious police have detained one person on investigating a possible connection to friday night stabbings, which happens at a crowded festival in the city center. they fall, festival goes to submit videos and photos to help with the investigation. and he has some of what to handle like this to the state premier. how to say he's unplugged this attack was meant to spread tear terror among people and these,
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celebrating peacefully together as they wanted to target communal celebration and celebrations that are so typical this city lots more so than almost anywhere else come in on those. it's an active in tears to inactive tear against the safety and freedom of our country and our way of life. i love this with all the odd via he leaves celebrating together minds even laughing together, even with strangers and loved them. this is our way of life mentioned here in north run, invest failure to leave them here in not to invest fund and do those are in tilton is in sewing and, and he told us more a well here in this building and you really give them the sense that it's a community unified in sadness and also um, shock after yesterday's horrible attacks which actually occurred right in the square. you can see behind
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b now it's still cordoned off by police as the investigation is ongoing. but you definitely notice a increase police presence throughout the region and especially in the city. now speaking to some of the police officers here, they say they're attempting to reassure and shake and community that they are still safe while the suspect and the main suspect. and yesterday's attack is still at large now. yeah, you can't see it, but you also have camera for me the residence of building and have been assembling a makeshift memorial to the victims and the families of the victims of yesterday's attack. there were flowers and candles being laid down, and on many of the signs were seen one word reading the vacuum or why. and that really is the question at the hour here. among many people you speak to why was only in the target of what now the government is referring to as a terror attack. of course, with so little information being available. the rumor meal is already starting to run. and i do think that is viewing some of the insecurity you hear when you're speaking to many of the residents of the city while i to ara and of course,
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we mentioned on the already that the attack happened during an event with large crowds there. how did the events does attack? how did it unfold last night? what do we know as well? not a lot of information is publicly available. we spoke with the police and they are remaining quite tight lipped. at the moment. they're saying they don't want to endanger the investigation and demand honda, which is still ongoing. but what we know is around $930.00, a man entered this square where hundreds of people were gathered to celebrate the $650.00 of anniversary of the founding of the city. knows, according to i wouldn't support some and began attacking many of the residents jet were who were gathered there. according to police, it was a targeted attempt killing as many people as possible. basically the injuries that many of the dig, some showed a stab wounds directly to the next show that the man intends to kill as many people as possible. now, as you already mentioned, 3 people have unfortunately lost their lives so far. and another 8 are being
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treated in area of hospitals. so far there's very little information available about the suspect. there's been a lot of contradictory reports. what we do know from eye witnesses is that it was a chaotic scene. they reported seen victims lying and pools of their own blood and that chaos was apparently what the perpetrator used to slip away without. there being much video or pictures reported other light. dw aaron tilton reporting for ross from sewing in the place with a deadly attack. took place last night around. thank you so much i i of i'm on dialysis. i'm now joined by dw chief political editor mission you loud truth now and to mr. isla. a 1st perhaps stopped by looking at the statement, given them by the state premier, we're all from northland australia handling goose to a unlike the pharmacies we spoke before hand states. very clearly, this was an act of terror. what do you make of that?
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yes. and this was quite a remarkable statement for him to make because we've seen a press conference before where the police refused to say that they suspect the terrorism, although they didn't stress that they didn't rule out terrorism. but if they were zooming in on a suspicion of terrorism, that would mean that the federal state prosecute and not the regional state prosecutor would then continue those proceedings. and so that would elevate this to a different levels of legal attention. and we, so speaking often handling cruise to cold as an act of terrorism and who then went into saying we will not less a way of life be threatened like this. so it became very political very fast. and nancy fees are the interior minister, the german federal interior minister, then not to repeat the words terrorism. she is not willing to conclude this at this point in time. and this we have funds the impression we caught in the police press conference. really. that's all those. some questions are being onset about the
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investigation and how they are proceeding right now. and there's more and more questions opening up from what we are learning. for instance, with this 15 year old was arrested is being questions. at the same time, it's unclear whether he was arrested because he's believe, to have the rectory spoken to the suspect of police was getting really willing to pin that information down for us. and at the same time that was sort of potential such as that we are expecting most of us just to take place. there's potentially taking place nationwide. but then again, the police refusing to confirm this or deny this. and so at the same time, we're seeing an appeal to the public to keep sending whatever evidence they have to not post stuff online, because we're seeing a lot of speculation online. right now. we're seeing lot of videos being released, although, and not really specifically the sewing of mine in any detail. so this is the
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painstaking work of validation that they seem to be undertaking right now. and that's also what interior minister or the state interior minister, the stress that it's a very unclear pick 10 that they are sifting through the evidence and asking for patients at asking for time. you mentioned the, the, the 15 year old that is questioned, also about his potential relationship. connection to the suspect. we don't have a suspect yet doing. this is the thing because the one big question that was put to the police as well. why didn't you say what you believe the suspect looks like? what kind of background to you might have because everybody does seem to agree that it was a mine and, and what the police says to explain this is that they have such conflicting reports on what this suspect looks like. and that they're still trying to establish the pick to the, to the image they are looking for right now. and that they do not want to issue the wrong kind of guidance. so the won't wrong kind of features that they're looking
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for. but the question hiding the in the, of course is it's a nice to tackle ready? seeing the far right answer, migration a if the policy go to town, go to social media on this. there's an election that says state election coming up in a weeks time. so there's a lot of political attentions, a lot of political pressure in the f older not necessarily on the police to say one way or the other. you know, is it is the migratory background? is there that that's the question that's hanging the and the police is not very a fost in answering those questions quite clearly. very concerned about potentially putting the wrong information out there. at the same time, the new cycle continues and particularly the social media is cycle content and that's it could be very damaged, a lot of misleading information online. and a lot of people will be very, very worried in that whole region because of the perpetrator, whoever it is,
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is still a large dw. absolutely. although we did hear from the interior minister and of no farm was free to say that he is increasing police presence for now. so. okay, so it's all being stepped up as the police is still looking for this matter, right? dw michelle. conf. now, as always, thank you so very much. let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. and explosion outside of synagogue in the french town, often like home lots has injured a police officer from his interior minister has described the incident as a criminal attack and says police are looking for the perpetrators authorities have links and blasts to a nearby call that contains a gas kind of stuff, mona's in gas o, a grieving, loved ones killed, and it's really strikes the southern city of tongue royce palestinian health authorities say at least the $36.00 people died in the tax. the palestinian delegation to the ongoing peace talks in cairo is not participating and
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negotiations due to israel's continuing minutes reactions in gases. a roadside bomb has killed 2 children and injured at least 15 all the people in pakistan's. but noticed on providence, the plastic could you have a police station security official suspect to the device was designated using a remote control. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack in russia and ukraine have exchanged a large number of prisoners of war. in a deal brokered by the united arab emirates, the 2 sides of each released $115.00 captives. these pictures from ukraine's office of the ombudsman. it's the 1st exchange of its kind since key if launched, it's offensive in russia this month. you create new president. the lot of mr. lensky sand, t u. a. e for mediating did comes as ukraine celebrates independence, loving us to landscape again the day by paying respects to troops who died, defending the country from russia. he vowed retribution against moscow,
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as keeps fullest as occupied pots of rushes own territory in the coast region. attorney, a lot to me as a landscape published a video address that he said was recorded in the border area. a key if launched its surprising cushion into russia. let's listen to what do you have to say? i bet, sure. nice whatever the enemy was bringing to our land has now returned to that home. and those who wanted to turn our land into the stuff is the thing about preventing backcountry from becoming a boss, etc. ration at the 1000000 the main building is also know what you crazy and retaliation is, you know, was a symmetrical. a long range is not the valuable. no, no the sooner or later. yeah, it'd be great in response to reach paddy point in the russian federation. this is a source from dying to, to our state on it, on people that when the demo. but if we will, enough to allow them to tone outlined into the grades are in by the blue and yellow
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flag rightly belongs to all new zip code, miles from the red square. and to constantly samaritans everyone with the red button, it will not take, take any of his red lines to us, only ukraine and do crating the well the time, and how we live, what pots we take, and what choices we make. you know, because this is average dependence. what i assume, as all keith correspondence, sonya found the car told us more about the prison, the swamp would presently kolinski has confirmed that a 115 ukrainian soldiers have been brought back from russian captivity, as he said, they're the office of the ombudsman. this published this video, showing them draped in the crating flags singing, singing the item of the media here has been seeing the, into the soldiers from the navy, from the armed forces, as well as from the speech border service. and of course, this is very symbolic as it comes on the day when you create it as mocking, independent states mocking 30 to 33 years of it's independence from the soviet
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union. and this is the 1st such a prisoner swap that has been carried out since you queen, launch that supplies incursion into russia's cost region audio this month. it said it had captured several 100 russian soldiers as well as windows consequent border guards, investments. lensky had been seeing that this would, you know, kind of replenish the exchange fund and strength and ukraine's hand when it came to kind of display prison exchange legal, fissions, which must go now. we know that, that i bought more than 8000 ukraine in soldiers were believed to be held in russian captivity and human rights groups here to see that they are subjected to systematic torture and abuse. and is a reminder of our top story, this our, as the leader of the german stage was to be peaceful with stops to this. and the festival has called it an active tara h. authors were injured in the western city of suing and police have arrested one person but a still searching for the man baby nice wheeled it to the not to keep you up to
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date on developments as news keeps coming in. that's all from us for now though, i'm going to get jones from be on the team. thanks for watching the . can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. much now on youtube. why do humming? does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies?
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