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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, nero's live from berlin, police arrest a suspect, and a mass stabbing that left 3 people dead in western germany. the so called as lumnick states, as it carried out the attack on a festival, celebrating diversity and the city of the link. also coming up the 1st prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine since keith launched its cross border offensive earlier this month. and they were only supposed to be in space for a week, but 2 stranded astronaut can't return to earth until next year. a former nasa rocket scientist tells us what went wrong the
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i'm david levitz. welcome to the program. german authorities have arrested a suspect and a nice attack that killed 3 people in the western city of zoning and at least 2 others have been detained. the so called as lumnick states says it was behind the mass stabbings at a festival, celebrating diversity. police officers move in on the refugee center, installing, and they detained one man and questioned several of us. and i'm not really thinking of what you're getting a lot of tips and we have to investigate every single one of them. when the tip becomes more concrete and then we take action, we have to wait for the results of this investigation. and then we can say, move them and mailed on earlier the center of the building getting what's called
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into all. and the search for the killer widened the tech during the diversity festival has left the city in shock. including we enrolling in full of hara and full of sadness. that's what happened to now city yesterday, but she hasn't allowed any of us to sleep. last investment thousands were enjoying the evening at southern guns from hall square. when a man begins tubbing passes by with a nice police, oscar festival goal is to send in videos and photos. he's on flock. this attack, what was meant to spread tear terror among people and these, celebrating peacefully together they wanted to target communal celebration. i stuff and celebrations that are so typical this city lots more so than almost anywhere
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else. the festival was celebrating zone and $600.00 fifties under those 3 remaining events have been cancelled. but political leaders appealed for unity. that's why i'm making an urgent appeal. the hate of this terrible event influenced the community in these difficult hours. we must have them together who yep. got the invoice and splitting this, what i'm seeing as the investigation proceeds, lincoln is a c t in morning. the dw reporter aaron tilton is in zoning and i asked him about the latest developments. well, we now know that police have made an arrest and they said, is the man who perpetrated yesterday's. i'm a horrible knife of tax here in the city of so long in western germany. now police said the man in custody is a syrian refugee who came to germany some 2 years ago and had been living in the area. he wasn't previously known to police. he hasn't been on the radar as possible
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is list. now they're having some initial reports that he was arrested as part of a rate on a refugee center here in the center of the building and zoning and whoever police have confirmed them and actually turned himself in to police several hours ago. now where that exactly leaves the other 2 men of worlds rested as part of the man home today. we don't know, we don't know exactly how they are in connection to each other. police have released any details so far, however, they do think that the man currently in custody acted alone when he attacked the city festival yesterday. and what other details about this attack have emerged in the last 24 hours? well, what we know is yesterday around $930.00 i'm this is the man is currently in custody . supposedly entered the festival and began attacking people at rand. know, police say it was an intentional attack designed to kill as many people as possible . they say that they could tell, based on the type of was, many of the victims suffered basically indicating that the man had attempted
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attempted to attack their throats intending to cause as much damage as they possibly could and the victims. now unfortunately, the 3 people have lost their lives in that attack and additional 8 others are injured and being treated in local hospitals for them are currently listed as being in critical condition. now the attacks came completely at random and caught most of the visitors by complete surprise. initial eye witness reports, described incredibly chaotic scenes with victims collapsing close to the wrong flood and that cannot exceed is exactly what allowed to be a legit attacker to get away. so quickly, so there's, you could use the chaos to slip out into the night, and that is what then kicked off is massive police hunting man hunt that we've seen over the last 24 hours. and during the mannheim to you, we're out in zoning and talking to people. what did they tell you?
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well, you could see that there was a real sense of frustration, shock, and a for at yesterday's attack. memorial sprung up around the city with one word emblazoned on the home or why in german? most of the people i talked to were asking why, that's why they're told of the lincoln was targeted for an attack like this. at the same time, it also inflated many racial tensions that were also kind of lying dormant in the areas. the lincoln is no stranger. unfortunately, the racial and confessional base the violence, and many people were quickly, are quick to point to figure a finger of both at migraines and unfortunately also refugees in the area. now that was based initially on many rumors that were being spread throughout the community . but at the exact same time, you were also hearing voices from the muslim community. here we spoke to one lebanese german man who said that he was actually praying that the attacker, when he would because wouldn't be somebody from their community because he said he wouldn't know slayer, those stereotypes and those tensions that were already running rampant in the
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community. unfortunately, it does look like the current attacker, if you should have been actually the attacker is of course, presumed innocent. um, if it does turn out that he is also a refugee that will go a long way to help him throwing more fuel into the fire of the tensions that are already palatable in the community. you don't use the air until there. thanks, sarah. russia and ukraine have exchanged prisoners of war and the 1st such swaps since keith launched its cross border offensive. earlier this month, ukraine has also been celebrating the 33rd anniversary of its independence from the soviet union. the freed ukrainian soldiers of seeing their national anthem, their release, and a prisoner's wife with russia, coincides with ukraine's independence day. in a deal brokered by the united arab emirates, the warring nations,
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each freed more than a 100 captives. it was difficult for 2 years. we changed locations twice. we had no information when the russians summoned us to talk, they blamed everything on ukraine. speaking at independence day commemorations and t. u koreans president gave more details about the swap or yeah, kimberly was, he's comfortable and you can scripts well in russian captivity since 2022 since the beginning of the bowl. i would like to think out, seeing which ensure that this exchange happened for me in the okay, i'm gonna put you off with the project. i want to separately thank each worry what's more, peter was the junior suspension that enjoys the diving increase of the number of russian prisoners for future exchanges or condo. it's the 1st prisoner exchange. since ukraine surprise incursion into russia's curse region, weeks ago. russia's defense ministry released this footage of freed soldiers. it
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says were captured in the curse region. the war and ukraine has reached the 30 month mark. prisoner exchanges remain a rare area of cooperation. let's look now. it's some other stories making headlines around the world. french police have a rest of the chief executive of the telegram messaging app. the russian born billionaire people do are of holds multiple citizen ships, including french media reports, say he was detained at an airport near paris over a legend, criminal activity on view encrypted messaging app. the french authorities have arrested a suspect following an explosion. the outside synagogue in southern france, the blast injured, a police officer and set 2 doors of the synagogue on fire. president em anyway, my call called it a terrorist attack. a roadside bomb has killed 2
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children, an injured at least 15 other people near a police station to park a star official say the device was designated by remote control in both largest and province. no group has admitted the attack. well now, so, so technical problems with boeing's star line or make our return flight to earth, too risky for to astronaut stranded on the international space station. it's another set back for boeing, especially as nasa has now been forced to book the rival operator space x for the flight home in february next year. that means a long wait for astronaut sunni to williams and bush wilmore. they were only meant to be in orbit for a week. procedures keep calling is a former rocket scientist and the editor of nasa watch asked him what went wrong here to locate the whole idea. back in the day was when we last columbia, nasa had to rely on the russians to get us the space station, not
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a good idea. so they decided to come up with a commercial approach where you would have at least one, preferably 2 or 3 companies bidding for ways to do this. and they would give these companies the money to build that capability to companies were select space x and boeing space x ran with the opportunity and they just have done everything almost perfectly sense that however, boeing, which got more money has had problems with their spacecraft just since it's 1st flight, so this is the 3rd flight and you know, as we say here, the states and base was 3 strikes, you're probably out. so here we are now with on one hand, you say, well, you're going to do the job twice. it was, they have 2 choices, so this one didn't work. we have an option that would work. so it's sort of it's, it's probably one the value of having to. unfortunately, one doesn't work. and you're measuring the columbia. that was a spaceship that got last years back. so there's, there's a bidding scheme now between different private companies. how big of an embarrassment is best for boeing? one of those companies?
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well, you know, it's interesting. boeing bought a number of the companies that built the apollo program and one of which i worked for. and they would say, yeah, well, we built the apollo spacecraft back of the day. well, most of the people who go to their did, and they just, you know, person to the senior and this upstart company called space x, y, and just re in circles around them. and so i, if i were doing the public relations a boy right now, i'd be burning my vacation time cuz i really wouldn't want to be in the office. explain this. no. okay, we're not, i'm not a rocket scientist. most of our viewers are not rocket scientists. maybe you could just walk as quickly through what the science of what went wrong here. what happened? ok, i have a prop i've used before here and it's it's, it doesn't matter what it is, but this is a capsule. this is the part where the people come back to earth. yes, this is the service module. this back part. it says all the rocket engine to steer . when it was launched, it came up to the space station in the rock. it's word steering it properly,
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so we have the monkey around with it finally out the dock. so now instead of 8 days, they're going to be up through a lot longer because they are trying to figure out what's wrong with the back part of it. because when they come back to her, the front part is where the aspects, right? that comes back. this part for all the problems i birds up. so they're not going to get that thing back to look at it. so there's sort of like reaching around corners and trying to figure out why this didn't work. and you know, again, you have a backup, but the crew are expected to go up to 3 days and they're going to be up there for a lot longer. how, how do you think they're coping with that? well i, you know, i keep saying this, like i have a lot of restaurant friends, i've been an expeditions with them to we're places i know sunny williams and he usually was yes. it says, hey guys, you know bad weather, we're going to have to let you sample space to few more days. like the video shows sunny. you know, there's always smiles when you get to spend more time and space. yeah, that's usually a few days. but when somebody says, yeah,
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you're not coming back till after christmas anymore. yeah, that's a bit of a different thing. and i hope that in the car to spacecraft they send up underwear and clothing and some snacks and things like that. well, certainly they're going to need a lot more supplies if they're up there for 8 months versus the one week that they were expecting that that is a huge change of plans. keith cowan, and thank you so much for walking us through all that well, it's that time of year again when the best virtual shredders battle it out at finland's annual air guitar world championships of the best performance from canada, zachary knowles, earned him this year's error and gets our crown, but he was pushed by some pretty tough competition. on stage presence is a must. but the jury says it's also on the lookout for technique, artistry mc, ever elusive. aaron, is you'd be the judge the
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david love. it's thanks for watching. keep it here. on dw, the sometimes the show, right, how that you out to the highlight every week? not the, not the one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach. what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rival.


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