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tv   Varanasi  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2024 4:15am-5:01am CEST

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news on the long voyage, sweetie, ocean, and mother. i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have become very protect the ocean conservation. september. the news about on a c,
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india is holy city. the use of hindus believe whoever dies here will be saved so much for us staff as a celebration here i meet people who make a living from dying lots of another game before you i dreamed of studying. i'm leading a better life. it's not having to do this job for those sites in but honestly i'm pushed to my limits the but i also meet people with incredible strength, the bands. i'm never really afraid the and i learned that dying doesn't have to be a terrible thing. i should make
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the a few years ago i lost my mother. it took me quite some time to process or death. i was offering extremely sad. it said that here in this hospice in but on the seat depth is approached very differently. it's known as a monkey by one house of salvation. the country is a priest to you at the by one. he begins
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these rituals early in the morning. the usually the priests would carry them out in private. an exception has been made for me to be present. wily applies wholly ash to a stone through the process. the stone becomes the symbol of a hindu. god. yeah, but the people who come to us are seeking salvation. guests believe that if they die in toronto, see they can escape the cycle of return and reverse. we accompany them by playing songs. i'm giving them basel die and water from the kanji. so on. if i make an image that can you explain to me again, the main route woods of multi button and why you have these woods? and i mean, is the name that i have for people who come to us have diem days to die and lives
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at that. only those seeking salvation should come here so that no one should stay here for free accommodation for months. no man, that's the only i am here is salvation that he's the most. can you help him much about anybody? but as i was looking at the 15 days to die, to me, that sounds almost stressful. like having a clock ticking for your final brands, but devout induce, don't seem bothered by it. the . are all 10 rooms full sometimes. huh. for the system. yes, of course. sometimes all the rooms are occupied with some of september or october. all the rooms were really full. the yeah. hey, so this is the room who room has met the car?
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yes, exactly. this is that we have 2 beds, talk to one for the person seeking salvation, and one for the person accompanying them. sometimes more family members come up, not then we laugh mattresses on the floor. and what were you? most hearted at their own? was the 18 but with the votes, that's the room only costs $0.20 a night. why is it so cheap? i'm used to pay a saturday or miss repair to the new job. people basically stay here for free. we only charge $0.20 so that not too much electricity is used for the her to the the necessary and the low amount is also to remind them they shouldn't stay here with us. and definitely, is it, the room is really just meant for moving into salvation. it should it be so the heck it for me. so, you know, kind of the,
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to me, it seems rather sparse, almost there on the, on tops and yet for many it's the best thing to die right here in a completely unfamiliar environment without any comfort, some for the future. i'll meet another person whose final wish is to die and thought honestly, it's an encounter that will touch me deeply. the core, devout hindus thought honestly, is a very special city. it's here that one of their principal deities, she is said to reside the india as longest river also flows through here the ganges for many hindus, it's the physical manifestation of the goddess gund. it's believed that the eating
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and the ganges can help wash away all sins. the building this is to are said to be cured with just one sip of the whole the water the i'm bobby also believes in the power of the river for over 50 years. he's been growing on the ganges. i'm gonna say hello, how are you? yeah. how they're both very well and uh huh. i've come out here. what's your name? my name is ron bonnie, that i'm on. i'm oliver. ron rom is a god. body stands for the monkey guard the monkey room. he is an especially powerful on
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the run by the is 73 years old. he spent his whole life in, but honestly, he tells me that he owes all his energy and health to the ganges. come pick up here and you sometimes drink the water as well. me a 1000. huh? yes, of course. yes, dick. nope. even now this one department, now he's drinking the water. is the water under his water? what do you watch, holy water, or do you like the studies have shown how polluted the ganges can be in around us. the water is so toxic that fish can barely survive here though, the science seems to play a less important role than face the
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odd need to get a person must have based in the ganges at least 3 times like the tended. once off the bus, i'll be coming for the 2nd day of the 2nd time off to the wedding. i'm just tired. after dad as the gates, the jess is ever present on the ganges. sometimes even with corpses floating in the water, the would you like? are they good to me? i get to the bottom of your things like that done with all the me until sure. i'll just keep rolling body. we've got it's just a body. the soul has long since left the cord that made a go. after we die here, your bottle that snapped is unlikely. auntie i money, i have the money, but it isn't a surprisingly silver thought for me. i find it
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hard to separate the body from the essence of the deceased. i visit the place where most bodies are cremated in veranda. see the money kind of got the smoke, the smell, and what i see, overwhelms me. the gas is visible everywhere the there's no attempt to hide the burning bodies, organs or charge limbs the for this man, it's all part of everyday life. of cremating corpses is patrick cozy,
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chilled high res job. the inside of them was i get a new put my, my 33 years old now side one which i 1st came here, age 13 because the lead today, parents may be 4 or 5 courses a year upon me body i later became more of them. they washed a dad in the country, so you know, they look very different tier back then. you know who the sampling that cuz they're not, but i basically work all the time that the phone cut in. if i don't do the job, who will let me take care of everything, points a job, money at the job and they did die knowing what otherwise job money and then they job related that it must be tough of
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the jacuzzi is a member of the dom cast one of the lowest in indian society, the urns about 2 and a half euros for a fire. it takes about 3 hours to burn the body, the they're going to do see that i suppose it's all routine up. cool. no, it's normal for you. go out there high, we have your habits. yes, i'm used to but we'd, we still treat the data. see wouldn't being some, one of them would even talk to them in time and they may, we did. what do the, the date, patrick goes, he explains to me on to be buried with dignity. during breaks, he gets into the ganges, where the ashes of the deceased are scattered, the
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here he looks for valuables. sometimes he gets lucky as he has now finding a chain in the murky, polluted water. you can barely see where he is stepping. the i cut myself with this glass here, best to throw it away. but it's hard for me to comprehend the conditions patrick cozy has to work under and i haven't mence respect for what he does the
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of the i wonder if he would prefer another job nicholson to allow me that of course i would like to follow another profession to work here means a lot to me though my god gave me the opportunity of a new job. i'm gonna take it otherwise i'll stay here and see if i'm in touch cause he has 3 children. it's his wish for them not to have to one day work here at the money kind of car got i'll meet him again in a few days. then he'll tell me, is plans to create a better future for them the
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at 6 am i receive a message from the hospice. they wanted me to come as quickly as possible. so gone and looked about one has been empty. uh, something to get out of it. we just received a call from the owner saying that a person arrived last night from the admins. he wants to die right here in front on the seat. not enough to stay on the on the fact that they've asked if we want to come and talk to the family. so we're on our way there now. the ultimate of him, the, i have great respect for the chance to meet a dying person. and to their family, the
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and some 20 family members are taking care of the elderly man. i'm suddenly uncertain if we should even be here. we are doing a movie about the best in that and i see and then is it okay if we talk to you, if you like, look how you would deal with a one situation? is that okay for your help with today? i may, i found a problem at all about the speed we're happy to share with people who may be don't know much about our religion and show them how we approach this difficult situation problem. they can learn that their sick man is his father in law. his name is shree, low connect you body, he's 82 years old and can only breeds with the help of a ventilator. he can't see anymore.
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everything is doc this but someplace it's hard for us very, very much. he is really in a critical condition. countries that are leaking, cool family quote, are you happy that you're human, but honestly not see me here. not a very happy little very, very happy because he's blessing is always with us because everybody, because i have my simple math, but we thank you for talking to us in this difficult time. i am here, you know, you came to us and the answer to that is really kind of, you really kind of feel like this so much all
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the, the services so far this has been for me the most extreme situation. we have sound he's the media and the this family, naturally concerned for a family member who is about to die, has done the less welcoming us into their circle out of the bias shabby on dealings thoughts in the indian kind of wants to show us how their culture works and how they deal with death, getting a quote to have someone send me an amazing that's important in the
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i ask one of the sons tundra to body. why it was important enough for the whole family to travel to about honestly young, who were you to take you to live with died you guys have somebody except today, when my father ties i them, i want to install a happy, you know, i want to have a family to be that the job until now he's been stuck in the attending a cycle every but the pacific dining here in toronto. you should find me frank, that's totally cool. with that, i put a, not me to ask you to go to, to look to when my mother was about to die of health. very, very sad. i feel like you people are sad, but also happy at the same time. is that right? i seen the root, the looks of it as soon as those kind of make sense. got them on. i definitely do
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see on my s death is a celebration for us. it's one of the most components of rituals like about a marriage. we celebrate that this relief so much behind you, so much pain. making him do is indicate that we talk about let being 8400000 different life forms to be on my own. as a human has to be blessed by golf children off the left only as a human can you achieve salvation? the done with the brought up the sun just no better man. what do you see any of the sort of the same model that if you missed the chart because you have to go through the entire cycle again, because that i'll probably do little with that. i don't, but not in that you. when did you decide that he would come here to about an see and how did you organize that? the whole family and as i go to ask him the next question, it suddenly goes dark. manadis is got to stay among his kind of slaves, a power outage here, which of course is terrible because the ventilator for his father has now stopped
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in states. for the 1st time, the room grows restless. it seems as if death is become more real, more tangible for the family, the i suspect the family would prefer to be alone for the time being on the banks of the ganges. i need the seller, ron miasca, whose families lived in. but on a see for 7 generations,
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the g was so close to me, money clinic, i got and what kind of people do you needs? and do you mean sad people? do you meet people that i have here that they are relates, has passed away here in about and i see what kind of impression do you get from the people here. there's one gun, god forbid of ideas and many people who have just lost a loved one and come to my 2 shots as though it's often the case of the saddle cry and keyed up the little comment of yeah, so if we cut them up, we tied you might have some struggle with losing their fault on them, otherwise might have some know how the family members of in my love, it just doesn't matter. they how can you come for these people? do you would try to give them some comfort to your food? 3, a t through talking, how do you do it? yeah, but us out with them or not. you know, whatever they put it,
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i remember the people tell me about their problems. i explained to them the gold has given each of us a new set number of days. people are always looking for money or happiness. everything from birth and death is predestined by god. i tell them there's no reason to cry. yeah, they can live happily in peace. isn't money. everyone has lost someone they loved at some point. oh yeah, that one. is it multiple? yes, everyone has to go some to a separate point. okay. might i add? i never really agree. i add a semi i thought of. yeah. not once again, i'm made aware that death here isn't necessarily seen is something terrible. i ask him if he's afraid of dying himself, he doesn't live on. i told me to go to the, i'm not afraid of best. there's no reason to worry, i'll be afraid mark, but one day i will try to draw the brace. it's best to make friends with that as well. so i'm the one on those i label. you know,
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with the evenings in but honestly every day a ceremony to honor the ganges is held on the river bank. the thousands of worshippers gather here. the spiritual significance of the city holds means of many can make a living. here. the job is 9 years old. each day her mother paints her up as the can do, the chief,
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the family, including a 5 year old brother has been homeless for some time, the mazda of, and the, i need, you know, kind of what i mean with that. i don't have a husband. that's why we live here on the river bank. we came him mainly because of my heart condition. when i give you guys to an at least a little money off the line, you just would like to have a room, but we can't afford it. how did you get the idea of her walking around, dressed as a lot cheaper? not the, the lots of people suggested it to me, you know, i know they told me to have no husband and you need to how to operate action by simply your daughter could walk around us. chiva does not need about 500 or 600 yours for the operation up so that the so we're trying to get the money this way.
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for example, the, the contract collects around 500 rupees in one day, a little over 5 years. and again, i feel bad about it, but i can't see any other way. once i have enough money for the operation, i'll stop sending her out once. i'm one of them. what does your daughter say? she seems like a happy child that she sometimes complain. does she understand what she's doing there? naples? i know she never complains who's got a she does a lot for me yet. she always tells me i live only a few lives. that's why she's collecting money from my operation.
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the every afternoon follows the same routine. the after applying makeup con john mean goes with the tourist hoping to bring home as much money as possible by send me money. it will give me $0.50, but don't have that much and i'll just give it to me now for the the stuff that the yeah. the golf show. i think that's enough. no, i'm not taking that. take this $0.20. yeah. this over to
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the, to the congo has collected just under for yours and know for a little food for her family, but not enough to save for the operation the, the, but i don't feel good about what i'm doing. i'm only doing it from my mother in white glove. people even call me back or last long. i always tell them i'm not the bigger on the day. our phone, big mamma them do you sometimes get in dangerous situations or situations that you don't like? what sounds does that sound good then that actually i'm never afraid. i'm only
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scared at the thought that my mother might die. i don't want my mother today. now. the admire cottrell strings and i find it terrible that this 9 year old has to deal with death. so early in life, the death and life in the by one, they're close neighbors. a man dies and right next to him, children play the the alongside them. the family of 20 also needs to be taken care of the
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on human the ok, the be great. honda got a guy that's life. it shows the young people come here when the doctor says that there's nothing more they can do well. no sign wishes to come to go to relax to miss. we're thinking about one cuz i don't know. maybe i never dies here in toronto . see, can consider themselves lucky at the outset of georgia, the children of course don't understand all this. yeah. but yeah, but i don't know what's happening here. a good i oh, yeah, honey, i would say go with zone vine. a focus on monday. have you done? no, they came with the whole family. a soft cuddly bought a me so can as many people come as they like, i'm here to say comes are going to the other thing, get me a while at least 2 people. sure. the company and the sick person available in this case, it's 15 to 20 headed towards sometimes 10 or 15 family members. come i that,
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that those can hear william. i never say no. i am here. everyone is offered a roof over there had to be somebody in iowa and most of the the, the dying are blessed. 3 times a day. park of the ritual includes drinking a drop of the ganges holy water. the, the the family sees mainly the good for their relative drew up in the future to do,
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hey, is let me go to the bottom. ok. i used to come if it comes, had noticed that will be no rebuff about it cuz he wasn't, even though there was so much pain. do you meet people then pause play and he was there was so much suffering. so many illnesses look at the tax and brought to see millions, freedom for move outs within isn't that the ultimate freedom disease? will they see it? is this something we'll see? how much responsibility do you hear as a son right now in this situation that can lead to this will yet, but also well being a father is a big thing. i will have to worry no matter what i did, it could never be enough. but that could be, this could use, the lender wants to play a 9 even if i gave my own skin for him, i'll never be able to replace my father. it's going to be like a middle retired. well, he's done for me, will never be. i'm so cousin and i'm john booth, or would you guys let me try to explain this to the children that a little it's an evening we pray and talk with each of us will be so out of them
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without the humble hand that we're live on. know we're going to use that for every well it's a. c i noticed the family sadness that they will soon lose a loved one. yet at the same time, they're happy and grateful that they have fulfilled his last wish that he's able to die here in but on. i see the on the banks of the ganges, touched cosy works late into the evening. the bodies are burned here around the clock. it's
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a job the 33 year old. never really wanted lots of another game before you tell, but i got to give me the problem. i dream of studying leading a better life. i was having to do this job here for august. i have no proper education now i've had many problems. so i tried different jobs, the full time delay got it, nothing really worked out for me. i'm not spending towards the end. he does not want his 3 children to one day have to risk their own health and the smoke component courtesy where you near the window when my children have completed their education bargain. as engineers, for instance, they have a completely different future ahead of the people. they can choose the other professions who by john,
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it hurts to see the people who have ended up here don't be money. it means that those who are blessed get better jobs nowadays. she didn't know, i didn't know lots, i knew that obviously the don't mean that he wants his children to leave the dream that was denied to him. something either i can look at my dream is for them to get an education. so i'm going to become better people who don't have good circle of friends if i can support their dreams with a lot of do something, i'll do everything i can to make it happen for the the, the, it's just after 5 am. it's on typically quiet in the by one, the
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scientists amongst on the man just passed away 2 minutes and i feel incredibly sorry for the family i to low because at the same time the media, i believe the family is glad it's over. now since for bias on the and that he will hopefully find salvation here in veronica, seeing you're losing that has. c the the,
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the present given the, i'm happy for him to push you to the everything for assembly. right? until the last moment to out about it. now his family must let go, which getting they brought him here to for honestly knowing this would be the last station of his life flashing and looking with the policy at the hold up. and then you'll be an investor instead of integrated daddy getting a hardship. the family will gather everything that's needed for the burning of the body. then down carried the body from here to the banks that the guns use it till they're going to be decorated with want and burned gully. that's on the investment side of the the
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everything has to move quickly. now, the soul is to be freed from the dead body. while the men show to the physical weight, the women stay behind. they're not permitted to participate in the funeral ceremony . the start of the inside, now they're carrying him through the streets of around, etc, for everyone to see. not even a spaces covered to meet. it's very strange, of course it is for everyone else around us. it's completely normal. and so tired of my
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relatives carried the deceased man's possessions with them. his belongings will be given away. it would bring bad luck to keep them in the family after his death. the arrival at the banks of the ganges where the deceased is to be burned. in the moment of grief, fixed rituals provide support. before the funeral,
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the eldest son of the family has his head shaved, a way to pay respect to his father. in the meantime, firewood for the funeral pyre needs to be organized. it costs to about 100 year owes, but the $400.00 kilos needed was i know the family places the relative onto the woods themselves. then finally, the fire is ignited. a man, the eldest son touches his father's go 3 times. a symbolic gesture. the scarlet suppose to break open, releasing the soul each
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time for the farewells, the, i think of the family what must be going through their minds during the fire for them a 13 day period of morning now begins the
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i was invalid on a c for 3 weeks it was the most intense shoot of my life. it was a period in which i felt sad, thoughtful, and at the same time, happy as the sound these all could call me. but now when i arrived, i thought to myself, how could anyone want to die here in this crowded, noisy place where the smell of burned bodies is in the air everywhere when get now i've at least to some extent developed an understanding of it to mention, i've learned why people have a more positive approach to death and told this shoot has also changed me personally, that i've noticed that my fear of dealing with death has fallen away more and more even within death in a way is part of life. and i find that, oh, really beautiful and reassuring sergeant switching i'm vaguely shown on the off the
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waiting on the down the understanding the forest to say the people are trying to find this a to assistant man recently student again trying to change and its working 30 minutes on d w not laughing any more. d
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y d the new electric vehicle force from china, from revolutionary battery manufacturer to the top spot in the market, is the sparks finally running to the west. in 90 minutes on d w, the dw, traveling over the side street to target. well, let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency and from mason and trend executives on d. w, travel, you can have it, whatever. did you, what your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comment, the
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business, the double you news live from berlin, police arrest a suspect, and a mass stabbing that left. 3 people dead in western germany, so called as lubbock state says it's carried out to the attack on a festival, celebrating diversity in a city of zoning and also coming out they were only supposed to be in space for a week for 2 stranded astronaut. can't return to earth until next year. a former nasa rocket scientist tells us what went wrong the
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