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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2024 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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as we say there about never giving up every weekend on d. w. the piece of his lung doc, me and the existence of the universe dispute because i am yes. but let me ask you what i can tell him what vince she was good for the success of monday. the . ready in this tiny house near the phone, some rhineland recipes the going to be tried out. please change the about p in a scuffle at the piano will be tilted with plus to saying the host is stephen fall
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time off to stick director of the beethoven fest phones totally coverline is on to us. so stephen is hosting alone this time with the health piece. well with a c p u and the tiny house steven mixed onto the classical music world to chance to play music. today's guest is pianist con schumacher, a k a. the bad boy of classical music. when he talked to his reputation, industry comes along high stealing really? yeah. he's on his yeah. them to me. yeah. i saw still using the off after the screen. mm hm. oh, we see some other seeing coats that went into the x. it seemed to us to us for the 2nd piece by piece. nothing of it. so okay. as to
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the clouds se, and the people united will never be defeated. you know, this country's well fantastic is as soon as i'm finished with limits and not wins of intellect whether one also spoke to kind of so vague. and this one also told you this name is that's print unable to create independent sites. yeah. finally, the $106.00 am and they also say of political to stick the volume. so one busy on the i'm of them. so the initial, i'm going to see what i think it was a protest leader. and so i'm asking you to a field trip that on the stick and organize and flip it when you know from us that i didn't see you on this bar. let's see. i and sheila, and the zip code of the fetus dimension to the 2nd one of the delights of the guns
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. because in some of the exclusive speed up the buttons, the output of some inch by us. and i'd like to store them for quite some else. going to have to show it must be sending you the document and no one will think of bundle that you off the list and also not completely up to him. so when it comes cloud i'm one is a strictly as a sort of home with me and i'm looking for vendors and douglas and gums. um yeah, of the finance is to come up with an offer from a guy is a bit named about industry. milan is his best mustache uh most of us as a victims and even as well for these tests as well as i can offer you the ability to or to edit the means you won't have to zoom. was it? yeah, for that is my out. i'm us, that's if you want us to, then let me give me the, i'm from funds which i'm on subsidies. are you that being said? yeah, that's what assistance i was like to send in on the server. so maybe i just come to spend was it kind of some substance that you wouldn't be meant? classic v any. so to won't have to know if you and 5 bodies had any conflict was, let's put edition was he comes into from 10 o'clock, i just left a message. i just looked at some steps involved from the victims and even this and
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we thought your textbook is live on top of the plasma. enough to walk with us in front of water, then you have amazon to put it the supports of to me and $0.70. one of them was a car. this and i'll split this complex. so these are, these excites stock on probably the most of you contribute for, is this voyage of not the, on these on, in the windshield pulse, interrupt units of the items within the inside from when the looks by a bit. and these probably not loss and less than this eastern in the kitchen, compatible k, a skipping coming up soon most using the skips while the pop quintal, the stuff of incident and i have to knowing was that it was good enough for that. this item in the annoying was finished with the success key. the other is in what up up to our the customer music, but it's got bill under the companies and, and committees to 10 and then take off the pilot. this thursday of them was included, this idea tom taking the edge of the course of the go off beatles and demons of it as us. and this one is for miss as was mentioned in or taking sites and lived in my
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life stuff being a part of the civil class and the civil vonny in the publishing 5 from jessica in baton. couldn't reach me because i have some visuals to accomplish. um, getting started and designs and for an email, giving you a bunch of items either on getting that for you on here. no one does unfocused as an aside to learn a for bias on here. yeah. but, but these are phonics aren't kind of thing. so miss jessica shouldn't and limestone snack mine is a i'm flushed english kind of stuff here. even if you come from this morning and it's mission one, where am i inclined? if somebody to them, let me say about, let me cry as an advice and that's what is kind of interesting. yeah. does that mean yourself to also question good shape? the
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the reigning machine, the ones over thousands of items. this was kind of spicier, just just get you more information. well, kindly just come in time customer lives on, on the weekends listing of to see how much it may or less i'm cuz they shouldn't keep left. let's put it in the bathroom. i'm assuming you wouldn't think it was
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when i get a few minutes to ask me, try to deal with this or spend. yeah, it's kind of us and even one time i'm not here in line. i'm just not always working with another. so i'm double, each one is off my phone when you leave the middle of buying a fast new option to send me something showing this book will put. yeah. as long as you've got the, even one thing i'm not, i'm fucking somebody from actually got cut off is a lot like under balance and it's a, it's happens when it fits even when the market opens, inspect the buy. and once i, once we started up, is this the i need to bring some good flu industrial meetings to invite us as an investor shop here, this, this scientist and has done a hospital with us. i can understand it. and i that and we have some good shift as we really see for the slum, doug, me, it negates just as i was kind of some of them on the the what else display straight from above the god. yeah, it's as low as the humans enjoys me,
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she thinks and the minute 20 different opinions on the front, the front as looks on your screen. yeah. as i switched up to 1900, almost under those camacho and disclosure iphone stepped outside the pumps and professor. so i'm going to put this organ in mind if i buzz internet going on there and look through the strips that also important shows, each of us realized under the miss zene individually tad's ships by the band or, or one to split, to the specific sticks to this that's supposed to be soft as well. yep. so the image of the thing is that's, i just showed you on what's investigative loc from an approach. well, most environmentally impressed is with different ones. a classic studio and for land, that's the i'm going to talk to us on probably one of the honestly questions to update the nucleus service. initially. one is the best investing. what are some beautiful from the looks and the best do session of visit him and also i need the bad boy of us on the inside. so you, my dad, i'm the kind of a like a ball attachment plus the things in it as the adult. and this was been, it was vision, that's the whole sure. the, and i suppose that that's what you had. and i convinced yes it is blocking them so
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busy, no hard stick. so within these a long shift you take a strips of all you inventions was bought a house with a mutant on the one time as also as a little more mature. i've left in the shop um they leave a company to inform you, thomas, give me one of the concepts and concepts and then a band angle on ones um, if i had known your from welcome to jefferson for that and for like a 2nd. the assessment now if that means i'd have to done with dish and as i speak to somebody, when i said did this once a shot, i had one in kent in what is in transition customers as a finding on the give us a us something here please kind of discuss the state of the succession was it? i don't remember smith smith testing so you wouldn't have to do something. we're not going to say until sunday has to be a $75.00. i don't have options. emergency at the beatles. and i've a nice yeah, and this one does have no idea of the airplane. give you a little more thing on that kind of an image. do you have sight of us? the ice. so the size that was on kind of holding costume divided so slowly give us
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i think us to the living side is cool because to get not only to complain. yeah. i'll say about wouldn't sometimes you for an instant i'm gonna put you in. so hit submit to the dentist, you just come, you understand a couple of the of them implants in the sense of, of coming in on the most and look what's happening is to get the bone device of a 2nd. lenise are definitely misha, savish and business, and there's my going to be some more music. this is the whole hold up. i'm not going to collect the homeless. yeah. yeah. so good. so this is good. yeah. ok. as austin's does in a vine habits. now it does with them and it's kind of us, this is a popular house and yes, i mean feeling is on, on the twin plus you, do i do mission tests? look at how much of it active you're actually getting assigned to an engineer is i can select so i can get all the messages including the instructions to them. and
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once they get pedals, some of this stuff has been things long for endo and ones. um, the optimize would be designed to even shrink site and noticed that also she not often buys a semester with boys. maybe it wasn't an info as an fits kind of a base from an image design thing as a windows funding, was that? so it went up then, so it doesn't even come to me at home. so perceive us. google is starting um, but looks like she it is a need from us or how it's done. yep. it's an awesome. you're talking into some people's songs. investors option with us. do they always get back to us? knows me. so the service comes a line of funding in their closet, you need us get, get, gets a look off and put an offer on cage, the damage. and that's something i asked. and i'm to finance the experiment team to about this imitative and look start as we saw him on to a mega. but as long as kind of give it to scottish move, you can actually use it on the, on his own yapping on these are just coming on those commands as well. i should
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have student with these an idea of and i'm those and so meant cause is that um yeah, that's cool. yeah. give us your mission to and told us middle deal and on time on the implemented and come comes to him a couple months us a whole month is a country lead and yeah, and then the most is how tech will save sign. yeah, they don't. it's what you have so much to from you. yeah, you investment doesn't pop up to one function, you know, it's so just the cost is cut off of the
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. 2 2 2 the
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. 2 the the yeah, cool, again, cuz it's museums, i'm a citizen cuz he was born health,
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i'm pressing up so it goes on to say to here sounds the dfcs, any corner i'm looking to know is associated what kind of of life this is autumn is enough. gone, wouldn't it? so maybe that's expensive. yeah. they have the guns because they enough to remember the fetus emptiness. flip them on into a new position or. yeah. for this one about that is preventative and kind of us give you my to this feeling of one of on bed that's gives supposed to be it's new my type of you and so the mode of what for the yeah. okay. little control. the definitely have to come to the phone or to social media rosa. this is an initial proceedings with this and hopefully can sure the best way
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to get on the not comfortable done offline. ok, does this dish wound on that specific experience as pupils? this cocoa too much 5 dispute, all the consumers. good. that's my catch eva. look what i mean. i'm pretty too deep. um, so just the opposite that you the advisor to a minute inquiry. if it is under juan, as, as, as i punch them in on the order as well, unless it's an issue and i'm in addition management, you mentioned that there's been no gloves getting around as one chip down. pissing me off the global sides of the shingles on fluids as of today and just being answered, these folks just came to the okay, this is i can get put in coverage. be a good, i'm not saying i'm your boss, the cfo as well. okay. if i have vehicles on this and both sides as tenants and basically will make the internet to insure that and get them and i'm dissing it
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over. yeah. especially if i did this problem especially, i'm gonna be doing up some solution to one. so i'm seeing a, let me ask a question, what's important then? i think this things have a cleaning on one of those things got kind of like a weird um also and also i'm a fan musician with uh, made so much beauty finished concepts. yeah. it's okay because this is like with the base is the i and they kind of us on the new guns. okay. for just having the same of so thinking of mine. huh. especially of some specific kind of us on this of i actually was highlight itself is all see you from told me when is off is off. he does as soon as midnight hits as anita pods is on this one. it's one of the things that has come to school, things above us investment and allows the one that comes to the rich and thanks for all this kind of mission of the best of then we've done come to a sort of go into fix, fix itself is off if want to leave it on kind of like less
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of a value has to of the fight and the demise of him was exhaust, give it to you. it's a should be in um kind of success of my lease on the k couldn't be given song. i'm the new minds i'm, it's steven spivey list 01. i'm a performance i know cause event. well, a few of them. um the store, so she wants to buy it. so this is a strict on functional that. yeah. assess the big bias. this is uh an arrangement to assist them off tops and comments on this project. and it's case that's looking at housing. they are losing it. so let me struggle speeds on this one to listing for the ultimate then when the sion bomb and clung of it is against defensive. fantastic focus on sophie sophie to fence with a request. that is what they sent me, but she quickly isn't it, buddy? oh, my gosh with a virus off is all people to yeah, the
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the, they have different list of it was a bundle of privacy at any speed and that's me, that's and it's all fine with these. but these, but that's on the equipment is still on 10 of those books. that's a beautiful fest tom that i'm so go ahead and send it to you for an employer that's on the blacklist line. the
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pop song done most of their effect is the 2nd note. this was too busy to show them of on introducing to you. what is the complex often often you don't want to go besides like a box of a store. and it was a problem when you know from the conditions as when this is on my inside. i'm inside the middle gene possible and take some of the month pop on file as properly ever. was it was that sort of a task within the distribution design and this is, this is popular. so you can buy tons and that has to be different. sure. but i should use or a port or sing a song why? the ones of is, is this is, this is the 1st game fig zone. or do you see these are the, is you guys want me to open? who doesn't? i'm on this one is also send a 5 us include this thing i as a, is a what is the highest and they kind of from it didn't come deadlock bodies from it didn't come of us must in heights design and he doesn't present as long as you need us for these types of things, that's only if it's you only the elf that even the customers it goes. oh, i mean, i know i'll skip this. perfect. so should be in the can. so we've got
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a 1st month finding the, the police didn't find a suspended impulse. i'm going to, and as i say, i haven't got a funny, that's a non upsides of number from the whole shoulder. and i could send soon as you give us a criterion on the fitness video of typically for files from the list. there's just finished a flash. this is i compare. but other than when companies, some of these told me to contact and best fashion was the least, this is enough time. i didn't flush them then heading they have so, so he's not interested me. that was the, you know, going to sit on us that as a for the, as on was to inform she's made don't invest with them as a nurses. yeah. but it's minded, this was get to get his condition, signed by 5 shed some of the products to come to us on trip. misty boss has cost my husband's name, who the
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fusion guy is, come on. the line for the i don't is come, not the music. this type of send him is uh, a deviate on site. and i think there is class obviously come into the sale in terms of the, i'm not going to to the
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understanding the forest the to say that the people are trying to find this a to assistant resource to kind of change. and it's much didn't go see minutes. d, w, the 77 percent african pop sounds are electrifying audiences at global music. festivals in the heart of the young
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generation finds its voice, its superstar keep the flame burning the why the world is captivated by african music. the 77 percent and 90 minutes of dw, the lights through the ocean. another humpback whales with a comp time to answer the human soul met johnny. but now the pride of his account of wales, of ocean conservation. intended for
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the what thing is that? what do you get for $0.50 or $0.50? no. not thinking lots and lots of stuff. did you know it costs $0.50 to feed one hungry child for one for the evening. the. with the share of the meal, you could share your video, which to was just $0.50 and a tab on your smartphone. together we can end global hunger. please download the the
10:00 am
. this is dw news line from berlin, israel, and has full a launch attacks against each other, escalating the conflict in the middle east. israel says it's war plans attacked thousands of rocket launchers in preemptive strikes in southern lebanon and well has fullest says it has launched a large number of drones against israel. german prosecutor say they're investigating links between the syrian who confessed to a deadly festival, a tab, and the so called is womic state terror. good. following a man, hon. police say the suspect turned himself there and they were only supposed to be .


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