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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news. why, from berlin, israel and has full of launch attacks against each other, escalating the conflict in the middle east? israel says it's war plans have destroyed thousands of rocket launchers in preemptive strikes in southern lebanon. while hezbollah says it has launched a large number of drones against israel, german prosecutor say they're investigating links between the syrian who confessed to a deadly festival attack and the so called as womic state terror, good. following on, man hunt,
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police say the suspect turned himself in the and a warm welcome to you, our viewers around the world, michael. okay. we begin with breaking news in the middle east. israel and the has full of militant group based and 11 on say they have launched attacks against each other. israel says it's armed forces struck thousands of missile sites to prevent a large scale attack on its territory. as valesa, as it has launched a large number of drones against israel, in retaliation for the killing of one of its commanders in bay would last month. the israel defense forces say they launch preemptive strikes against as below targets and live in a a short while ago. the idea of identified excusable upstairs to organization preparing to fire me. so as rockets towards these really territory. in
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a self defense act, to remove these threats, the idea of striking their targets in lebanon from reach his bottle was planning to launch their attack. so these really civilians correspond natania. kramer injures one, told me more about this cross border escalation. well, the moment this is so, you know, what we can tell you is that uh the is where the military said they had struck with about a 100 will pines and the early hours of the morning, around 5 am, what they call these records. launching a sites and for your hearing from his bullet they had launched over 300 a you a, these drones and a rock. it's a 2 words northern and central israel. and now this is, this is where it stands right now. they said this was the 1st phase of their it talked in retaliation for the coming of the husband. lar,
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come on to last month in the southern bay route and it was says they took these a pre emptive strikes to prevent such a large attack. there were some reports that those workers could have been directed towards a military basis. um, at the moment is still in the assessment of going on. not so much yet what the actual targets, where that has also been a security cabinet convened in the early morning hours. and this is now what a prime minister benjamin netanyahu had to say. then on the sofa, we're determined to do everything to protect our country. just returned the residence of the north to the homes and continued to follow a simple rule. whoever hunts us, we hunt them. israel, israel, of course there shares a border with lever and onto the north. what's the situation like there
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are in the morning. i was around the time and those are in were being heard across the noise in the area. the army says there's still right now is assessing the damage and injuries of that happen there. what do you have to them retarded? now this was a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. also a said that over 60000 is really so people are living in the north, had been evacuated. so then not have been able to go home. we had since october last year across the border attacks between hezbollah and israel. so the situation in the north has been tens and that has been some expectation of these targeted killings in of a root, but also in a tear wrong last month that there will be some retaliation. so this was somehow expected. but right now, of course, it is, of course again a different situation. this cost for defining has no intensified and of course the
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everybody's no waiting. what will happen next? we're hearing also that hezbollah data has done as well. i will speak later today that good a good that could give us an indication of how his bowler sees that situation, tanya half a minute, but i am curious. how prepared is israel for a major escalation, as well as rises that are prepared for anything. and this is why they launched as what they described as those preemptive strikes that have been preparing for this now for a long time. also preparing the public here that this is coming and that they have to do something to, to change the equation, also edits northern border. but of course, this all comes why the war in garza is a continuing and also today there were scheduled some tweaks, again in cairo about a possible c, sorry, and hostage release. still. now everybody has been rather pessimistic about that.
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these would use a some positive results, but still it was being seen as trying to calm down the situation. at least that is what the medicaid has been cut into it and the u. s. has been trying to do not to open another may to frontier um between israel and uh, southern liber no no husband on israel, but we have to wait and see now what the next hours were bring. as always, our thanks to dw as tanya kramer in jerusalem earlier dw, so they would bureau chief mohammed freight gave us the perspective from 11. there has been many indications this week that we were heading towards this escalation, the name the the something because she sent about a ceasefire and got signed the increase number off. but it to the docs by has blown as well. and in the, the, and intensified as lady at docks at sikes on the been on over the past few days.
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also which may indicate that, that is right, has been detecting, has been lost, preparation for the talk this morning. and what was the striking preemptive strikes? a towards solve them depend on, you know, the conflict between his way and his beloved been instilled by 8 the tyrants. formula and obviously by striking the 1000 suburbs off they do to the last month is where the court a point and bite this retaliation this morning. because of the lights aiming to, we gain the debt to the detectives and say, face off that a huge loss it's received by to come and go for the senior. come into full actual what's been the reaction in bay with what is the early, very early and on a sunday and be able to capture reaction from the sea. but it looks like, and despite the big escalation that the situation is quite contained and it's to the box to the, the 2 teen off intermittent cross border setting between hezbollah and these lady. the army has bl, issued
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a follow up statement to the minutes ago. the saying that the operations for today was complete was finished, and more information on this operation will be released in a speech by it's a chief customer for all the data this day. so everyone here in beta is just anticipating that the speech and watching the developments dw, so mohammed straight to joining us again. they are by phone in 11. i really appreciate if a german police say a 26 year old sir. and then is confessed to carrying out a knife attack in the western city of zillow and getting that killed 3 people and wounded 8 others. earlier. the so called islamic state claimed it was behind friday nights attack on the festival, but provided new evidence, police and prosecutors say the suspect turned himself in and they are investigating his wings to the terror organization. after a day, long man, hunt, police take the suspect to kill it into a custody authority, said the man,
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a 26 year old syrian gave himself up on the street and later admitted to the north for tech. earlier as the city wide search intensified, dozens of police right to the hospital for saw them see, cuz not far from the scene of the deadly rampage. on friday, not thousands have gathered in central zoning and for a festival of diversity when a knife wielding a silent begin stepping people at random, killing 3 and wounding 8 others, the state premier called it an act of terror. these on flock. this attack of what was meant to spread tear terror among people and these, celebrating peacefully together they want us to target communal celebration lies us and celebrations that are so typical this city a lot more so than almost anywhere else. the so called is lennox state group,
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is claimed responsibility for the attack. a claim that see it to be verified. the festival was part of zoning and $650.00 of anniversary celebrations. remaining events have been cancelled as political leaders, appeals the unity that's why i'm making an urgent appeal on the hate of this terrible event. insulins the community in these difficult hours. we must have them together who yep. got invoice and splitting. this was, i'm seeing zoning in is a city in morning on a square where festivities should have taken place. crowds now gather to commemorate the victims of friday's attack. use for more analysis, i'm joined by dw security, correspond to thomas sparrow. here in the studio with me, thomas, of course again the as womic state is claimed responsibility for this attack or the details of this attack consistent with the way i s operate to a large extent. yes, in fact,
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the so called is not mix state has told its soldiers as they describe them to basically carry out attacks in any way they can. so essentially, also by using knives and off of the attack, the so called is that make state did claim responsibility. but as you yourself have indicated, this is not confirmed yet. there's also, for example, something missing which is also common in the m. o. modus operandi of the is that makes state which is the attack him cell for her cell, basically also caving responsibility by publishing a video, a publishing a statement or something or that we haven't seen this in this particular case. it's important to stress that authorities here in germany are investigating now, where the main suspect does belong to the so called is that makes state this case has now been taken over by the federal public prosecutor. and this is normally the procedure when they believe that this is tara related. so this is sort of the
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normal procedure in germany. one authorities believe that the attack had a political motivation or other motivation that it was targeted that it wasn't purpose. and that's basically what the trying to investigate now with the main suspect authorities to believe that there may be a connection to islamic state. but they have not yet been able to confirm that. you know, as more details come out and is, as i said here talking to you and i realize that many people will never be able to make sense of this attack or attacks like this. but there's another layer here in irony that strikes me. the community was celebrating diversity. the people who might have been associated with this attack were foreigners applying for a silent here of what do you make of that already? well, it is an i need indeed, but that is something that is up for authorities to also investigate for the when, for example,
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they speak to the main suspect when the main suspect is brought before the public prosecutor. when they can find out more about his specific motivations when they con, confirm for example, the link direct or in direct with the so called islamic state. if we're talking about tyra, there are specific elements that are basically always present when we're talking about tire compared to other forms of violence. it has to be against civilians that are not part of any kind of process. it has to be targeted. it has to be on purpose, it has to have a motivation that is, for example, the political ideal, logical religious on that is something that'll throw to the now good to try and bring together. was there a political motivation or religious motivation? logical motivation. was it indeed targeted? yes or no, it seems from the information that has been released, i was talking to the part of the, the attacker went straight for the throats of those whom he attacked. so these are all elements that are ultimately going to be investigated in the course of the next few days. as you will know, legislators had already been discussing
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a review of the public safety last year in germany. do you believe that this incident might very well lead to a wider band of some kind of knives in public? it is already leading to a wide, a debate on base. and by the way, it is something that is also in line with previous similar attacks where the 1st sort of comment that comes from politicians is to try and focus on strengthening the laws to try and prevent these kinds of attacks from happening. and there are 2 questions, one, whether it will actually happen. for example, when this debate dies down, when people are no longer talking a lot about what happened in zoning and will it still continue to be a part of, of what additions. and 2nd, will it be actually effective? there are, those were against this was saying that it's ultimately very difficult to actually enforce and to actually carry out if there are indeed bands, for example, bands related to where the people can, terry knives and public. many, many thanks is always to what
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d w 's thomas bear. and reminder of the top story. we're following the shower israel and has well i have launch major cross border attacks. israel says about a 100 of its war, plain struck hands below, missile launchers in southern lebanon. the around back group says it launch more than $300.00 rockets incent drones against israel. will ended there more news at the top of the, the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier is subscribed to this channel, every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a my name is the calls back said wow,
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thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do


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