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tv   Interview with Nargis Nehan  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2024 5:15pm-5:31pm CEST

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lucy, carrying $25.00 easy opium nationals into the emanates tens of thousands of migrants cost the red sea from the horn of africa every year. in search of jobs in oil rich gulf nations, prosecutors in germany say a 26 year old syrian man has been remanded in custody of the confessing to carrying out a 9th attack in the western city of zoning and in which 3 people died at the age of those was seriously wounded. the so called islamic states claims it was behind friday nightstand page at a festival, but provided no evidence. police and prosecutors say the suspect tugged himself in and they're investigating any links to the terrorist. but i suspected kilo little wayne ankle chains and handcuffs, police of transfer demand, they believe, responsible for the zoning and not for tech to appear in court and calls with the 26 year old syrian was detained on saturday night after giving himself up and confessing to the crime media report say he was wearing blood stain clothing.
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he's a risk, came after a day long man hunt, which included this police right of a hospital for asylum seekers. not far from the c know friday's rampage. thousands have gathered in central zoning and for a concert and street festival. when a man begins driving people at random, killing 3 and wounding 8 others, the so called islamic state has claimed responsibility. the groups links to the attack a still being investigated. jimmy's present in front of the stime, i called for better security for the public missing on so we have to better protect ourselves from a tech select that sits in as high as that. but with regard to terrorism, this month also made an expansion on how is that before this a central zoning and remains quoting gulf. as police continue this search for evidence,
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the locals remaining sharp over the brutal attacks at a festival, supposed to mock the cities 650 s anniversary. on a day when celebration should have been taking place instead of the people of zoning in a, commemorating the victims of a night of bloodshed, the correspondent hour and tilton is in zoning and has fall into 48 hours since last friday's horrible attack here in zillow lincoln would cost $3.00 people, their lives, an injured an additional 8 others. one word has plain, most people i've spoken to why. what we know is one man is in custody and has confessed to the crime. but that hasn't given the people here any easy answers for days now they have been seeking solace with each other's company and make sure memorials like the one behind me seeking solace in their community. but at the same
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time, people are already beginning to point the finger. some people have spoken to point the finger at the german government saying there lacks migration policies in refugee policies led to this horrible event. at the same time, others from the muslim community had told me, please tell the world this man doesn't represent our faith. this man isn't a man of god. but at the end of the day that one word still plagues most. there is no easy answer. why tear came home to the living? and the only thing that's left for the rest of the city is to seek solace in their community. and let's bring in german, parliamentary and using hot. he's a christian democrat and represent sorting in empowerment. thank you for being on dw you with the adjuster half an hour, i believe before the attack. how did you learn of the events and the rent was the appraising of so $66650.00 supposed to go from our city is oregon, which is famous worldwide for a um, a cutting towards a nice by the way,
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by to know it says to touch with you and impact because survey had disputed low tech. this general take off this young syrian refugee on about a dozen people and 3 of them brookhill to an age of some seriously wounded and the civil society and to the politics in the region. and did all sort of seen it start to be shocked about because it was a very peaceful and to steve the secuity both high, it was another or these are on but there, but i know and, and the search for points, people that are going to the places because we don't want to have that, you don't want the police are and they have control like on the airports, only to wizard to and, and, and, and, and body and in your city. and i think this should be possible also in the future. we have to find other ways to make sure that it's such a terrorist,
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i'm not able to to attack them and people on the street. well, let's talk about what other ways there are prevention. first of all, a city famous for its knives. you say people that go to one restrictions on the length of a knife, which is being debated here at the moment before this attack even took place to as i have learned today, i'm not 100 percent sure about back to the was the kitchen. i probably much longer than and out on the place as a germany that shows that it. okay. so if somebody wants to do a criminal attack with a knife on some others, he is not interested in the law or regulation of that because it's very difficult to, to control that. and on the places have thousands of people and you cannot look into every pockets you cannot look until um, every appreciate it to search products and not. the 2nd is that we didn't have such mat projects in the past. this is the importance from regions and the roads about probably the use of the knife or in the,
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in the and the violence and conflict. and it's more useful then in our regions. and so we have to make sure that those are mainly young men who uh, aggressive and coming from other cultures and that the other companies are not allowed to. but germany, they have to be said, choose a country spec to their country if there's no serious reason for us to keep them in germany. jew to, oh, i see them, right? okay, let's pick up on that 2nd point. then the leader of the opposition and you'll potties placemats is now demanding a stop of all immigration from syria. and it's got us down into the port rejected asylum seekers from those countries back on. is that the solution or we have in totally different situation in afghanistan, in missouri and i'll compare to what the situation is every 2 years ago, especially. and i've gotten this time to work something to be expected to have something like a wave off of violence against those people who are working together was i self or
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as it was a wisdom allied forces and the it's all my government enough guns done. but it's just not we see that all the people that have been incorporated with the m o 's power is enough. gone is done. i'm not under pressure. i'm out on the special page . i would like to say because every month and that's kind of send this on the bridge of that and reading but much $22.00 of the activity they did before. and this has to open our eyes for a significant change. and judging on how dangerous is i've done this done for people and how to enjoy this, as you are about to send people back of those countries that make it's necessary to talk those, to those governments. we have when the government talks only talk on this on and to, to jury only on the level of them for me to tell you an age. but most of the fields of taking but citizens of both countries that are searching for as item in europe.
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but to didn't get that, and i asked my government to, to stop that and to negotiate as i'm going to america did by the way, with the some other countries, you know, as a turkey, once a year was very successful. and you stopped is a huge number of refugees coming from. so you have to germany. it was significant, mid the reduced in the years after the 1st wave came and they supposed to ride the bus card is government to germany is no to evelyn willing to do that. but we need such agreements with other countries where people come from that say, take back those a citizen of the countries that the, i'm not allowed to get a 0. i'm the basis of all that. how realistic is a lot of those by synergies? i've been stocks in syria stuck in turkey, ronda forced to look to all the e u. countries like greece as a travel to illegally. and in some cases, trying to find a 3rd country, it has proved very difficult for germany. i mean,
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oh little someone fleeing the taliban or someone fleeing a was there, an in syria? doesn't germany have a right they owe the obligation rather under international law to take them in there. we see under the example of this, the terrorist and in zoning and it was coming to germany from syria in 22. and then the defend decision was that you cannot get through them in germany. he was applied to go back, he'd either to wait until the police and therefore he was not able to as then back to which country i've been to time was running out. and the judge decision to do because decision on gets it on the, on what's on the deed. so he needs to be renewed. this shit needs to be modified by a defacto. this young man was not on the legged basis of germany in concerning the
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german c o. right. and he was not allowed to get through them in germany. and i question mark by a, he was a germany and due to the fact that the was applied to go home and in case that he would have been sent home, he would have not been able to do this search aerotech on friday evening sorting. and on the finals, this is also a big topic for the alternative for germany, the right uh 5 right potty and germany and key elections that east and germany coming up dominated by the far right. will this attack boost their agenda? i for you. yes, but look into other parts on a federal level and on the state level of those. so 3 eastern german states that type electrons in the next weeks, you'll see that it does not succeed. you as soon as a safe bet to it. if you ever decline and, and, and prep percentage and pause,
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but the governing part is because the governing part to different continue the right way to reduce the number of references coming to germany. as i did our mac, us government did in the last years of their that the government and uh, this is the 50 now we have more effigies coming to jeremy there. then for example, 3 years ago. and that said, it's a, it's a problem. the government has to deal with the government has to a degree after the people and hopefully every can reach a consensus and something has to be done because denzel's was out of the road. so for a fee, for me and my party, and i think also for the most, the most, the people of germany and besides economic development and a lot in ukraine. the question of messages coming to germany is, and one of the key topics and government has to be, was it char isn't hot member of the parliament for the conservative cd?
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you thank you for your time. goodbye. the security correspondence on the stereo is here with me for more analysis. what did you make of a problem? it's very use there. is this about lacks migration most. not only about that mr. hod specifically focused on 2 issues when it comes to the political debate. that was a now in germany that we're probably going to see also in the coming days and the $100.00, it's about knives and restriction of the possession of knives, the cd to the party. that mister hop belongs to believe that the enforcement of that will be very difficult and all the parties in germany actually think that that could help to boost security specifically and public the cases. the secondary meant that mr. hod focused on was migration. specifically, his party would like to deport asylum seekers or failed as items that goes from places like i've done is done or syria back to the countries and have agreements with those countries. that is something that is very difficult and seem controversial. the also and the other part of the political spectrum. and
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additionally, what the c d u has presented as one of the proposals this, the block completely the arrivals from places like syria, enough dining set. again, something extremely controversial, that other parties and the political agenda here in germany to not necessarily agree. so where do you see it is this debate going following these advances is a limited specifically in those 2 directions. and the 100 what to do with the wetlands and on the other hand, what to do with the people carrying the weapons, mister hawk specifically called it on imported problem. and i can imagine that members of the parliament for other parties will tend to disagree with that description. but i do believe that this is going to be something that in the next few days, especially looking towards those regional elections coming up is going to be the key topic migration. what to do with the asylum seekers? what to do with failed asylum seekers? what to do with the quotations and so on. this is probably going to be a topic that as mr. hot also mentioned, will be incredibly important in the coming days and could also boost the agenda of the far right to tentative agenda. you had a problem dw,
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as don't aspire. thank you very much for coming in and breaking that down for us. and that brings you up to date on the international headlines. i've been f as a one. thank you very much for watching. we'll have more news for you next out. you want to help you stay with the
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