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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the does the dw news live from berlin, israel, and has the launch attacks against each other, escalating the conflict in the middle east, as or else as it's floor plans have destroyed thousands of rocket launchers in what he calls pre emptive strikes in southern lebanon. has ballasa is it launched hundreds of missiles and drones, against, as around also coming up why the latest to push for a cease fire in gaza appears to have failed. come us as it rejects new is rarely condition. the rest says efforts to reach a deal will continue and to terrorism investigation in germany.
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prosecutor search for a link between the so called as womic states and a syrian man, the police say confessed to killing 3 people at a fast the and david levitz welcome to the program. israel says waves of war plans have carried out pre emptive strikes against his beloved militants in lebanon, where authorities report 3 people were killed as ballasa as it is launched, hundreds of rockets and drums against israel in retaliation for the assassination of one of its commanders. last month and a route in the morning in northern israel. the line don't springs into action. it has below launches of wave of attacks on israel. hundreds of rockets and drones,
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5 towards 11 military sides. retaliation it says for the killing of one of its commanders inside roots last month on his bill. it says it struck a military base near tel aviv, a claim. israel denies as well as chief sites. the guy is a ceasefire. talks as the reason for the delayed response to the come out and his death. well, that's really cool. and they started saying that there will be a stop to the aggression. and that there was going to be a ceasefire. i understand to hold off. and that's why we took our time and i said that we didn't tell anyone we would take all the time. but honestly, we did to give room for these negotiations and so suddenly heavy in the fall of a deep one that has bullets response may not be of israel says it began pre emptive strikes on sunday against his bill as targets and 11 on often they detected plans of an attack against its territory. the military claimed
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$100.00 find the jets had quote, struck and destroyed thousands of hezbollah rocket launcher barrels. a it is real. it also released these images. it says are of hezbollah. drone being intercepted, israel's prime minister issued a warning after an emergency national security cabinet meeting. and so we're determined to do everything to protect our country, returned the residence of the north to the homes, and continued to follow a simple rule. whoever hunts us, we hunt them. pacebutler leaders say they were assessing the results of their latest attacks on israel and could take further action. laura blumenfeld is a former advisor to the us state department is really palestinian negotiating team . i asked her whether the attacks between as well and hezbollah represent a brief escalation, or if we should expect to see more, the e mail there was
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a significant escalation, but it is the middle east. there were a bombs in the morning and by the afternoon in israel and 11 on the beaches were open and in egypt to cease fire tossed continue to continued. you know, it's middle east math, there are many open accounts. so i do think to answer your question, there will be more unfortunately, and is permits unit 10, yahoo himself said this is not the end of the story. that was his quote. i mean there's still, you know, open accounts with the who sees there's more potentially with his bala, this really civilians can return to their homes, which are those villages right now in the north of school starting. it will be the 2nd year. there's really children aren't able to attend school in their home towns along that northern border and then of course busy ron hanging out there. so i'm sorry to say at the start of our week that this is not the end that let's just talk a little bit about the timing of the hezbollah attack on israel has bowl as, as it was retaliating against israel for the killing of one of his commanders last
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month, but they didn't launch their massive attack until israel attacked southern lebanon . why do you think that they waited a well part of it? i do take at face value, letting us trial. a said, i mean the ceasefire tops. there's been no breakthrough, but they haven't had a breakdown. and he certainly doesn't want to be part of that kind of blame game while they can't agree on the end game between israel and how most part of it is. you know, a bid for world favor. another thing is, you know, as the head of the most side once told me, but i think this role is following the same rule when it comes to retaliation. you choose the timing, you choose the method and you choose the battlefield. and part of that is by making, making your opponent weight is a kind of psychological head game. right. what were, you know, these realize have been on the edge of the lebanese for that matter. but one of these rallies have been, you know, into a deep angst mode. and the economy is suffering and all that is part of the pain is part of the punishment and talking about waiting for retaliation. let's just talk
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about iran briefly. they vowed revenge on israel for the killing of how mazda is political chief as mile high media into air on the last month. so far they haven't attacked israel. what do you think is going on there? well, i think iran for, for sure is playing the long game the long game. there is a clock ticking down in palestine square into a wrong, which is a tuesday clock, which supposedly is going to uh, you know, to count down to israel denial ation. um they do want punishment, i do believe there is a sort of need for blood blood for blood. and it could potentially show the form of some kind of terrorist attack abroad perhaps. but in meantime, you know, the united states is sent to stretch force carrier groups. and that submarine that they said is not a defensive weapon, is an off sense of submarine. and i think that they're getting that message loud and clear. middle east dental is laura blumenfeld. thank you for your insights. thank you. and the latest round of talks amd at securing
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a cease fire and hostage deal in gaza appear to have failed both the homeless and is really delegations left just hours in southern negotiations in cairo. sticking points include israel's insistence on maintaining your presence along causes the southern border with egypt. us officials said talks will continue at lower levels and efforts to bridge the gaps off out autonomy is the former category defense intelligence director and the lecture and international relations . we asked him where the negotiations stand at the moment. well, the mediators have clearly 3 main points that they want to focus the attention of the negotiating parties. the 3 main points is association of violence and, and the operation on a long term ceasefire as, as somewhat with that. and, you know, determine which see how that goes. but association of 5,
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the 2nd time of hostages off the street through a regimented program agreed between the 2 properties and sub uh, the humanitarian aid, which counselor is, is really in need of right now. and the situation is going for want, unfortunately in, in a, in a negative sense when it comes to him not a terrier made. unfortunately, the negotiating policies have also added different elements of the 3 main focus governments of these radius, for instance, as just one example brought to the philadelphia called colorado as another element of securing that and having these really forces that the objections obviously are against that for many reasons, least of which is bad, would need to amend uh, the uh, the peace accord between egypt and israel. that was done back in the seventy's. and that's just taking everything back to a different direction and
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a much more complicated batch from our category defense intelligence director now of autonomy. let's look now at some other stories making headlines around the world . tens of thousands of ro hang or refugees and rallied in camps and bundling dash, or marking the 7th anniversary of the military cracked town, which forced them to leave their homes. with a 1000000 ro, hangup live in the accounts of little prospect of returning to me. the type francis i was condemned, ukraine's and ban on a branch of the orthodox church link to russia. the pope's as churches must not be touched. the crane maintains the moscow base church supports russia's full scale invasion of ukraine, or the mean guy here. he put a sony quote, the german prosecutor say a 26 year old syrian man has confessed to killing 3 people and a knife attack at a festival. and investigators are looking for links between the suspect and the so
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called as womic state. the terror group claims it was behind the rampage, but as provided no evidence. i suspected kilo little wayne ankle chains and handcuffs. police have transferred the men, they believe, responsible for the zoning and not for attack to appear in court and calls will the 26 year old syrian was detained on saturday night after giving himself up and confessing to the crime. media report say he was wearing blood stained clothing. he's a risk, came after a day, long man hunt, which included this police right of a hospital for asylum seekers. not far from the c know friday's rampage. thousands have gathered in central zoning and for a concert. and street festival. when a man begins driving people at random, killing 3 and wounding 8 others,
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the so called islamic state has claimed responsibility. the groups links to the attack a still being investigated. jimmy's present in front of the stime, i called for better security for the public missing on so we have to better protect ourselves from a tech select that sits in as high as that. but with regard to terrorism this month also made an expansion on how is that before this a central zoning and remains cordoned off. as police continue, this search for evidence of the locals remaining sharp over the brutal attacks at a festival, supposed to mock the cities 650 as anniversary on a day when celebration should have been taking place instead of the people of zoning in a commemorating the victims of a night of bloodshed. the dw is aaron tilton, is in zoning in with more in the 48 hours since last fridays,
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horrible attack here in zillow, lincoln would cost $3.00 people, their lives in injured, an additional 8 others. one word has plain most people i've spoken to why, what we know is one man is in custody and has confessed to the crime. but that hasn't given the people here any easy answers for days now they have been seeking solace with in each other's company and make sure memorials like the one behind me seeking solace in their community. but at the same time, people are already beginning to point the finger. some people have spoken to point the finger at the german government saying they're relax. migration policies and refugee policies led to this horrible event. at the same time, others from the muslim community had told me, please tell the world this man doesn't represent our faith. this man isn't a man of god. but at the end of the day that one word still plagues most. there is no easy answer. why tear came home to the living? and the only thing that's left for the rest of the city is to seek solace in their
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community. supporters of the founder of the telegram messaging app or demanding has released russian born billionaire powell dura of was arrested out of paris. airport . french authorities accused him of failing to stamp out criminal activity on his platform. as the white paper play, the logo of the telling dra messaging at support to supply them to leave them outside . the french embassy must call in protest of the f fondest arrest. me a purpose. i supported him because i feel sorry for him. the russian parliament's deputy speaker is among those calling for 2 or 3 weeks. people like powerful dealer of should be appreciated and respected and is that they should not be in prison and nothing about the value of telegram is already bigger than the gas problem. once again,
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the west is trampled on freedom of speech while we're freedom, pavel enduro. in fact, it was restriction, some freedom, the drills door of the russian bone, berlin there to leave the country. he says he refused to assure use of data with the russian authorities. durrell who now holds multiple citizen ships, including french, founded telegrams in 2013. the platform has been praised for keeping use as dates confidential, but do roof has also been criticized for failing to stop criminal and tyra groups using telegraph you and moscow also refuses to moderate content on ex defended doris. insert the hatch deck $35.00 bill the telegram platform into and said that it's upset to claim that the platform or
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its own are responsible for the use of that platform while you're up to date. but keep it here on t w up next. how planting trees could be the best way to tackle climate change. and david levitz, thanks for watching the sometimes the best show, right? how that you see the highlight for every week. not to not manyels and doing you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good, i'm 65 full was while all those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115 we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell talk, fixed
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a new culture and in 15 minutes left side of.


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