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tv   Urban Rats  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 11:15am-12:01pm CEST

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is this what i'm doing it, but it's a gamble that lives on the russians taking, not that big of, of pulling back forces of trading, political loss for territory. okay. because obviously it's politically damaging. i suspect what putting this down is, what will take the political damage will push this aspect of a country being invited. i'm, we'll press on on the main effort. it's important. remember the 1st principle selection and maintenance of the game right now. the game of the russian forces is not to be type lond, it's to, it's set to head towards the cross. you had it from frank language. thank you very much for the insights. thank you, then support, is it amending the release of the founder of the telegram messaging app? russian born 1000000000 at papa dude off was arrested at a power samples on the weekend. french already is accused him of failing to stamp out criminal activity on the platform. a white paper plate, the logo of the talon dra messaging at support to supply them to leave them outside
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the french embassy, most cold in protest of the f fondest arrest. me a pet i suppose, to me because i feel sorry for him. the russian parliament step you to speak is among those calling for 2 or 3 weeks. the people i have a tour of should be appreciated and respected and is that they should not be in prison. and the value of telegram is already bigger than a gas problem. once again, the west is trampled on freedom of speech while what freedom instead of having to do or of course in fact it was restrictions on freedom. the drove door of a russian born bill in there to leave the country. he says he refused to assure use of data with the russian authorities. durham who now holds multiple citizen ships, including french founded telegram in 2013. the platform has been praised for
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keeping use as dates confidential. but do ralph has also been criticized for failing to stop criminal into groups using telegram you and moscow also refuses to moderate content or ex defend a dora insert the hash tag 3 bible the telegram platform into and said that it's subset to claim that the platform or its own are responsible for the use of that platform. about $3000.00 swim is from around the world have taken part in the bus for us across continental. is simple as how the annual asia to your challenge since 1989 these days. it's on the bucket list of both attitudes and professionals. of correspondent judy on shy away from the board has joined the spectators instead.
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is stumbles. iconic balls for a straight is normally a very busy shipping name. and once a year, it belongs to swim is more than $2800.00 people jumped at the challenge and swim from one content into another on sundays in which is one of the world's most popular open water races. the balls for us was close to shipping traffic for a few hours and knowing participants to make some legendary $6.00. hello me to swim from east to move asian side to the finish line and your it's pretty exciting even if you're only here as a spectator. raise this challenge is by the way, not only assistance but swim is also need to navigate the powerful current. otherwise, the risk being swept away and not making it across the finish line. some contestants
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of professional swim is all those brave. i'm a to us and they have trained extensively for the state. the tradition began and 1989 with just a few dozen swimmers. this year, participants came from move in 70 different countries. it was something that i wanted to do for 6 years. and now i finally made my dream come true. you can get from one confidence of the other continent just by swimming. i think that's really fantastic. and that was the aim like for me to find a guidance that i've done in unit 2. i have that same experience with out absolutely. from them and then, and then it just starts paying for the and that, so you know, with this there's been this use cross, continental champion comes from tacky to come allergens when the 6.5 kilometers and 45 minutes and 27 seconds. the fastest woman was tiny out of the one finished in just under 47 minutes the such so many here.
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it's not so much about winning but about coming together and sharing a unique experience in the same is voltage between 2 continents. but can you up to date on other international use now? and health officials in the democratic republic of congo, hoping to get back seems against inbox in the coming days following pages from the united states in japan. the world health organization this month declared the virus a global health emergency for the 2nd time in 3 years. the virus has been spreading rapidly for 13 countries, including for the 1st time in the east african nations of rudy, kenya, bewanda, and uganda. but the outbreak is most of the in congo, which is reported movie $18000.00 impulse cases and $537.00 death. so far this year . according to the un agency,
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it's hitting children the hottest. they account for building hosp the cases in over 80 percent of debts, east africa, bureau chief mafia and move the reports the number of who, who is 3, and this track, your brother. keep in mind that the to a recovering from impulse. the mother is relieved them at the virus hotel. any one and particularly hot uses the guns when they own the stuff that he didn't sleep when he was crying all night in the army. in the morning he had a high fever and so dodger to get rashes. so that's why i came here to the hospital and told me even if i took it's on the doctors gave the children antibiotics and the cream let's get to the rafters were hurting me. but when i put the medicine on, i feel better as you see, can be this hospital near goma and the democratic republic of congo is full of
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children and young people with influx. they're more likely to get it and more likely to die as a result. the viral infection, especially contact with the skin saliva, oprah the also to sexual contact or they put the most that it did. yeah. was we have a mortality rate of between 5 and 10 percent as the disease is transmitted directly and massively or in the context of goma, we have a display population in the camps of what the populace here the risks are really high. the plastic, the least can you live with, but pretty easily. the living and cramped comes for people displays that conflict is a health risk in itself. color, ryan poll, your brakes are common. there's not enough to eat. ok more to now this impulse to renew low end of life has become complicated. it's difficult to feed my children and i work at a fund and money for food. but now i can't do that because i have to the cost of
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them here together with a children. she's now in quarantine here to try to stop the virus spreading by the children's coat to wash them as often as she can news about the virus. those uncertainty and see if one of them will come up and we can, we all live together. we create each other a lot with our hands and they say touching is one of the main factors and the spread of the disease. in a moment, i'm afraid i might catch that disease. i'm di, we demand more help with medication of that adult health organization. say they edge and you need more supplies to help those effective and awareness campaigns to try to stop the virus. i'm spreading it up. what it took, yeah, it's good to fit. i think it's time for politicians that i missed. i knew we need more vaccinations because that is also the w h. o has to step up here. if we delay make them by how is recovering from impulse and his mother, and i'll be hopes to return to the other children soon. but she worries about the
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new, but it's another danger to king families and the cost and just checking in on the out top story for you this. now the job and chance level of schultz is expected to give a stipend. sure thing about the attack in zoning and in which 3 people died over the weekend and age were severely injured. the perpetrator is said to have turned himself in and is said to be a 26 year old syrian. there are investigations continuing at the moment into whether or not there's a link between the public trying to or the suspect ends. the is lennox state militant group as the group has said that it was responsible. but without providing any evidence or information will be bringing you that lives. press conference from the german chancellor shortly 1st back to some of our other news and smaller exchanges of fly. continuing the res rails northern border with 11 on
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a day off. the liberties we live in group has blind is well traded aerial attacks. israel said it destroyed thousands of his blood run good launches in cross border strikes in southern lebanon, is where the military says the pre emptive strikes prevented wider escalation of the conflict. as well as the once more than 300 drunkards. it is rarely in response to the killing of one of his senior commanders in a boot last month, no results. so father from god and ceased by, it talks in cairo and that reaching a deal between israel and hom, us, which is why i think designated a terrorist for of the actual islam correspondence on your claim. i gave us the latest on the situation in east right. well, and this read all of this is seen as a military success or a tactical success within, you know, the so week long attentions waiting of for the retaliation by husband law and both
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sides. i think can claim now a success and can conclude this, at least that's how it's seen here. come through this found or facilities, but it's always a going back to the intense tips for todd to across for the fire. we've been seeing him between has below and israel in northern israel and southern living on what you've seen over the past 10 months. now. the situation for people in the north, of course, remains extremely attends. many have actually evacuated back in october. a tens of thousands are still not being able to go home a, some have been going back and forth, depending on the security situation that leave some of the villages and even towns, they like ghost towns. and that situation has no changed. is there a wants to see uh, basically a spell, a retreating uh a be on the tiny river and going away from the food about this has not happened and all those months. and many a see this without a diplomatic. so it's
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a solution. there will be no solution already already that threats from yvonne as well for retardation. the assistive specs them to who sees and yemen, and even prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that this is not the end of the story. and as far as diplomacy goes, those sci fi adults don't seem to be progressing. i know there seems to be no breakthrough. uh right now from these talks it has been uh, going on over the last week and, and this weekends, no progress either that, that we know of all this of course, happened behind closed doors. we understand that need to how much noise, well, have of given their response or have agreed to the compromises that have been basically presented by the united states during those talks. and it's the united states that have been pushing for these talks will be concluded by the weekend they,
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they will have all the optimistic, but this optimism has not being shared by neither on us nor as well. and it's as it appears that the main sticking points remain a, such as the is ready presence on the philadelphia, colorado. that's the border area between egypt and israel. and then it's a beam corridor. this is the area that is basically dividing because a strip between the north and the south. they're also questions about who would be released from the posting and prisoners and exchange for the hostages. and the question about a permanency is by and guarantees from us. so we understand the talks will continue . uh, but there's no break through as of yet. and so many details that have to be clarified, dw, jerusalem correspondence on your claim. a thank you. as a reminder of that top stories, the salad, the is where the lebanese border is relatively calm. a day of the militant group
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has blind is round the once they've biggest ariel attacks on each other since the war and goes, it began about a 100 is finding more planes carried out strikes while his below us and drones and be solved into israel. both sides have indicated that the exchange has ended, but there are smaller exchanges of fire. continuing foss, germany's transfer is visiting the western city of zoning and 3 days after a definitely 9th attack that prosecutors say a date as 26 year old. syria met as the best of killing 3 people, investigative looking for links between the suspect and the so called is nomic states correct? and will be bringing you up to date and taking your life to that press conference. as soon as it takes place, a big political topic here with 3 state elections coming up soon dominated by the fall rights. my rights potty be
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a feel of tentative for germany already having signals that migration laws states change. that is definitely debated. i'll bring the latest coming up soon here in the state. the previously for the loading dock. me and the existence of the universe dispute because i am yes i'm yes, keyboard on that and we can kind of look vince to this good success on monday. the good. ringback ready ready in this tiny house near a bonus of rhineland recipes the going to be tried out. please change about p in
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a scuffle at the piano will be dealt with plus to saying the host is stephen fall time to speak. director of the beethoven fest phones totally coverline is on to us . so stephen is hosting alone this time with the health piece. well with a c p u and the tiny house steven mixed onto the classical music world to cook and play music. today's guest is pianist casa schumacher. a k a. the bad boy of classical music. when he leaves off to his reputation. industry comes tight stealing really? uh yep. he's on his yeah. they haven't sent us a coupon. oh yeah. after the screen. mm hm. oh, once we see somebody i see the code, so i went into the x, the simplest of us for the 2nd semester spears lesson of these i. so okay
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as to the,
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the clouds se, and the people united will never be defeated. you know, this country's well fantastic is as soon as i'm finished with limits and not wins about intellect, whether one also spoke to kind of so vague into this thing and also toyota, this name is josh printer comes and i'm the goal is to create independent side yeah, finally the on the 6th and they also say of political stick, you're going up to one busy on the i'm of them. so the national them of the soonest . i think it was a protest leave it. i can still, i'm asking you to a field trip here on the sticking organ on us and flip the needle from us that i didn't see you on this bar. let's just see, i'm sheila and the zip code of the few dimension. the list again,
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one of the delights of the gums because in some was inc, except the, the very bottom is the output of some inch by us. and i'd like to store them for put something else on some types of field. it must be sending you the document annoying will think of under the delta v in also not completed yet and him. so when it comes cloud i'm one is a strictly as a soft the one in english for vendors and donaldson guns. yeah. up to find this is to come up with an offer from a guy as of midland, about interested in the loan. is this the best best dish uh most of us has a vacancy living as well for this, just as of as i can offer you the ability to on equity means you won't have to. whom was it? yeah, for that was my out. i'm us. that's if you asked with any limit on funds funds, which i'm behind funds, these are you getting says well yeah, that's what assistance i was like to spend the rest of my life just comes to mind. was it kind of some of the things that you wouldn't even classic via me. so to won't have to, you know, if you, in 5 bodies headed into practice,
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does this pretty edition was he comes into from 10 o'clock, i just left a message. i just had some slips invites on the victims and leave me a bunch of textbook slime on top of the plasma. enough to walk with us in front of both. then you have amazon and 4 digits of which of to me on them. so i'm just, i'm showing open was a car this and i'll split this complex. so these are, these excites stock. when probably the most of you attribute fire is this voice of not the on these on the windshield pushing it up unit. so the items within the inside from when the to buy a bit and these populated lineup loss and less than this eastern in the place to match up. okay, that's good for me to come in and see one of these and most skips probably pop quintal. the stuff of venison and i have to knowing was the go skipping of put it to show how strong and annoying was he finished with the social security. the other he is in with up up to are the customers it but it's got bill under the companies and i'm committed to 10 and then take off the the pilot. this 30 of them was included this idea tom taking the edge of the course. i was a, go, i'll be told,
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and demons of it as this message is for miss as was mentioned in or taking sites and lived in my life. stop being a part of the civil class in the several volume. you know, somebody from 500 high school in the time just couldn't reach me because i have some visuals to coverage um, getting started and designs them for an email, giving you a bunch of items either on getting that for you on here. good now and this has and fucked us as an aside designer for bias on here. um yeah, but, but these are phonics aren't kinda things. so ms. jessica shouldn't and mine shouldn't smack mine is a i'm flushed english kind of stuff here. even if you come from this one is you just mentioned one way. am i inclined if somebody told me to have a little cry as an advice? that's what is kind of interesting. how does that mean yourself to also question good shape the
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the. ringback the raining the see the one sold items of items. uh, this was kind of spiced viewed. us just get you more information will kindly just come in time cost. most lights on on this comes with some of the key fob i to me or
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less. i'm cuz they should make people left the room. i'm assuming you wouldn't think it was going to get a few minutes to ask me if i deal with this or spend. yeah, it's kind of us and even one time i'm not here and why not just not let me so it was another so i'm double. each one is off my life when it should leave the club. i'm a fast you're watching data where you can use, i've been physical and let's take you straight over now, to that press conference with the german chancellor, all that shows in zoning and regarding the non contacts over the weekend. having a book support with bob the chancellor, you have the floor. that's why i tell this most. this was an active terrorism. terrorism directed against the old again, vibes of our lives, against
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a lifestyle. if you're trying to threaten all of the toys and in the opposite shooting. and this is something that terrorists are always visualizing as well. this is something we will never accept. allow me, 1st of all, to say something about those who lost their lives and their families. we are mourning the dead and we are hoping and feeling for the lives of those who are injured. and we are very pleased to hear that most of those who were attacked from naturally and injured our sounds good doing well is that stuff we grieve with everyone in this city and everyone in germany who experienced this attack trust us once i live one way or another, we mustn't forget that this is something that affects all,
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it hasn't touched all of us here in germany. we just had the opportunity to speak to some of the emergency services who were involved in the operation. the law enforcement officers. it was extremely moving to a, to enough to 11 phones. they had to, to go through the whole events again and telling us to do was it was the shocking for us as well. but let me say that there are good people who holes together in a terrible situation like to assign people to the people who do everything they can to save people's lives in a terrible situation like this, just for guessing. and yet we must forget, it will take many days and weeks and months of us to process the the traumatic experiences that they went through with you. and i thought so with all of them offered us, gone through them. and i would like to say, and i speak on behalf of the whole country here. we feel very deeply what an
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atrocious crime this was. it moves all of us and it's not something we will forget . i won't forget it. i push specimen. and what's important now is that we do what needs to be done often. and this is why i would like to say in no uncertain terms that i am serious about this attack pop and i speak here to the perpetrator. this attack must be tight. yeah. tried to the full extent of the law and i am grateful that the police and law enforcement services and the intelligent services have worked together closely and all working together on this . and that we have now got this prosecutor in custody of the general public prosecutor. so that this perpetrator can now the heard
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and try at the same time we need to do everything we can to ensure that in this country. and that seems like this do not happen that we do everything in our power to ensure we prevent such attacks in the future. awful victory, specific calm game, and that's with the there's a great deal that needs to be done. it is clear that we will have to step up our weapons long ago with reference to knives, but many other types of weapons as low as that need to be tightened up. but i'm sure this will happen and it will happen quickly. i believe that when the german government comes up with a draft law, it will go through the 2 houses, the 2 chambers quickly and a list of the toner misses. we will have to do everything in our power to ensure that those people who do not have
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a right to stay in germany are returned or the portraits under the thing. and the legislation that we have just approved the upper and lower houses and the one to start the bundle slot on the state level. and the national level has expanded our is united states capacity to act to deport people. we've seen an increase of 30 percent over 2021. in terms of over the number of people's reported. it's actually going up close to the guns considerably, but we cannot rest on our laurels here. we will need to ensure that we implemented the law more consistently. got that. we increase the numbers of people who are deported from the country. you have no right to be here. naturally, the fish also concerns. yes. the question of those people who arrived in
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other countries of europe 1st the dublin cases, as they are known, that those people who in germany be returned to their 1st use port of calls. and we will look at how these returns can be done more efficiently. we will have to set up a task force to make sure this happens more efficiently, because there will be some things we will be able to get enough time to develop. some things will be dealt with your applied, but we will be doing everything necessary to do this. i gave you, and this is also true for people who have come to germany, it regularly. these numbers need to come down as well. so that's the beauty of try and it is a good fax that we have heard recently that the border controls that we have recently established and made it stronger will reduce the number of people coming to germany regularly unless the had been neutral. so again,
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there is plenty of work that needs to be done here. we will exert ourselves and do justice to these aims. i spoke about how angry i'm angry at the perpetrator. i'm angry at the islamists who are trying to disrupt our peaceful coexistence here in germany. the co existence of christians, jews, and muslims in germany. we are a country that holds together and we will not allow them to disrupt our peaceful coexistence. these are people who have hideous views, contemptuous views of human life, and we will do everything to prosecute them. i would like to follow on from what i was saying before as we'll say, just how us losing it was to meet those emergency
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services people. these are amazing people that we have in the city in this country, all small, the 1st responders was they are the people who we are. it's a concrete go home. just being really show what we are made up. they dropped everything they didn't think of their own security, they did everything to help people and they will continue to have a heavy burden to process what they've been through. and we need to remember their health, the german test, the salts funding, the price there in the zoning and the western german city that experienced $9.00 foot tax over the weekend in which 3 people died and 8 others were injured. and mister sol saying there, if this was a clear act of terrorism, he said the morning,
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the dead, his thoughts with the injured. let's speak about this further without you political letter to michelle, a cosigner. what, what did you think about the tone set there by the chancellor, especially considering very 1st things. he said, when he came out was these words are the remarks, this was an act of terrorism. yes. well, i mean, he is trying to point out the singularity of what is this happened. luckily, terrorist attacks on not something that commonly happens here, and he's treading on excels as he comes here because this is all happening within a political context. so for him, it was clearly important to strike the right tone towards the people of zoning in the city. that is really just trying to come to terms of what just happened. recognizing what the aid workers there on the scene the rescue workers did. and at the same time and doing justice to the severity of what has
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just happened to an act of terrorism that the 2nd, the entire nation. notably, he takes on the issue of irregular migration and the causality of, of this terrorist attack and migration because he's in this is where he transitioned into what is already happening this for roses and political. it's almost going beyond the debates. it's more of a fight for the narrative right now here in germany and on what needs to happen next. and it clearly, he's a trying to points towards what his coalition did. following that attack on the 31st of may in mannheim where there was also a stopping by a national of a scottish don here in germany. and a policeman dives that a several days they to, due to his injuries. and that sparked a similar reaction,
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and that is that there was a feeling of betrayal of that migraines. rejected aside, and seek is here in germany. i am hitting or conducting such deadly and very terrible attacks and dominique. and after that, his own coalition agreed to make it easier to send back, rejected a silence, it goes to deport also towards afghanistan and syria. but this faces practical as legal challenges which on the clear enough result. so he is, is trying to say, look, we, we either we've made steps in that direction, we're going to go further down that road. but his problem right now, so politically is that he doesn't have much of course, in terms of concrete results that he can. so although he speaks if especially percent more people being deported, well, these are very low figures. this is not in the thousands, this is more in the 100. so this is something he is the get to stress that progress
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is being made. but faced with the political talent upcoming retail elections, where we expect the far right a if the policy to come on top in both states that are going to the polls in the east this weekend. this is a very difficult line for him to take to take us back to the big or he quoted the more than 30 percent of the 2021. when it comes to deep ortiz, he said we need to implement the little more consistently and talked about setting up a task force. just explain to our view is what that me. well, i mean, this is actually implicit criticism of and the state because it is the federal states here in germany who are responsible for actually organizing deportations that predicted it signed and see. cuz this is where we'll get incredibly technical . and this is also part of blame it who is to blame and this because clearly this mine it's now been confirmed, the man who was arrested, the suspect, killa hit and so willing was due to be deported at the very least to bulgaria,
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where he 1st claimed asylum within the european union, and that would be in line with european regulations, the whole doubling system, which is not effectively working right now. and so the question is, is it because the state failed to send them back? was it due to some kind of federal failing? and we're going to see more and fox come to the surface, see it. but it's, it's been some, it's an inability of to many. it's a deal with these cases. this man was not someone who was seen as a particular danger, so this came out of nowhere. and that's also why i would like to stress what he didn't say. he didn't single out the question of radicalization beyond the spacing that the all people into over the, to a radical. so we're hearing from some expert thing. look, talk about how these people being run flies. we so and, and, and it isn't
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a center bond in handbook just a few weeks ago, but clearly these so called global attacks probably be, don't even need a center here in germany. this person, we don't know for sure, but probably has been radicalized beyond such a potential census of extreme distance. so what is the state's response that and then you're hearing from the police? look, just give us more people and give us more power so we can search people on the street . so there is no one issue that will one move that will really change the dynamic here. but it is a tons to very much under pressure to present something like that really briefly. the other point he touched on was tightening weapons lawyers. yes. and this clearly isn't working. that's also the criticism from the opposition. that's something his interior minister announced the phase that is working on the findings so nice that the length of the blade is an issue here. well, this, this
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a perpetrates that he can use the knife that was bond at that very moment in time, in public, at this event. so clearly in this case, it didn't what show that there's no, thank you very much for bringing us some clarity to this issue. about $3000.00 swim is from around the world who have taken part in the boss for us across the continental is simple as healthy annual asia to europe challenge since 1989 these days. it's on the bucket list of books and which is and professionals corresponded . julia han went to take a look. this is symbols, iconic boss, for a straight is normally a very busy shipping lane put once a year. it belongs to swim is more than 2800 people jumped at the challenge and swim from one content into another on sundays in which is one of the wells most popular open water races. the balls
11:54 am
for us was close to shipping traffic for a few hours and knowing participants to make the legendary $6.00 cologne me. to swim from east to move asian side to the finish line and your it's pretty exciting even if you're only here as a spectator. the racist challenge is, by the way, not only assistance but swim, is also need to navigate the powerful currents. otherwise, the risk being swept away and not making it across the finish line. some contestants of professional swim is all those braves on my toes and they have trained extensively for the state. the tradition began in 1989 with just a few dozen swim is this year participants came from move in 70 different countries . it was something that i wanted to do for 6 years. and now i finally made my dream come true. you can get from one confidence to the other continent just by swimming . i think that's really fantastic. and that was the aim like for me to, to,
11:55 am
to find a guidance that i've done in unit 2. i but i things pointed out absolutely, from them and then, and then uh, just to explain to them that. so, you know, there's been this use cross continental champion, comes from tacky to come allergens when the 6.5 kilometers and 45 minutes and 27 seconds. the foss, this woman was totally out of the one finished in just under 47 minutes. the such so many here. it's not so much about winning that about coming together and sharing a unique experience in the same is voltage between 2 continents and just bring us up to date on our top story. the german chancellor has visited the scene of a zoning a knife attack and talked to the price will the fields has attended for is
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attending a memorial service for the victims. the mob prosecute as searching for a link between the circle is linux state, and the syrian man police a confessed to killing free people at a festival. insult again. i made visible and stay with us. the
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mushrooms save the world. kendra, one to many people are convinced they can, the country have sliding mushroom industry conditions. there are ideal for cost of icing, this 2 choices. unhealthy alternative to me. you could have bridges there in georgia with the, with the much the minutes, much healthier for you. and the shelter for the or i think i got stuck on
11:58 am
a piece of bicycle on it. i guess somebody who knew, but i just got out of the millions of people around the world can't attend school even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how global in 90 minutes, on d w, the we are all set. we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about come by as information for free might say do 2. and then
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12:00 pm
this is the, the way you use life from the land of john the chancellor visits the scene of the zoning and 9th attack off sholtes valves to toughen weapons restrictions and rules for asylum seekers. prosecutors are investigating assuming a man who confessed to killing 3 people that a festival and the claimed involved with the so called islamic states. government in pakistan killed thousands of people in a string of attacks. authorities say militants forced the victims out of vehicles. check the new city and shot them dead and swimming across confidence from asia to europe for symbols, fast flowing borders. 1000 is take part in the i.


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