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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use my from the ukraine's president calls on your, appear in countries to shoot down russian drones and miss files. a lot of them is the landscapes request follows one of the biggest russian aerial bombardment of its full scale invasion of ukraine. at least 5 were killed in the attacks targeting the countries energy infrastructure. also on the program. germany's john, so i visit the scene of the solving and the knife of the top off shelves, promises tougher weapons restrictions and types of rules for asylum seekers. prosecutions are investigating a syrian mine who confessed to kenning 3 people at the festival, and the claimed involvement of the so called islamic state and government and
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practice time killed dozens in a string of attacks. all sorts of st militants forced the victims aspect vehicles to check the website. and then showing that the i'm feel welcome to the program. ukraine has asked for help from it to your pin neighbors following massive russian ass strikes. these k residents sheltered in a subway as explosion sounded across the capital training present. the problem is that unexcused have been mis simon drunk bombardment is one of the largest of the war, aging energy facilities in some regions and disrupting power and water supplies. correspondents, nick connelly and keep telling me more or so the error that basically was in place for almost 8 hours, which is an usually long has just finished. so that was going on since early
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morning kind of mid morning here. the windows and key of were shaking. you could really feel the force of the defenses. those missiles going into intercept russian ballistic missiles, heading towards key if that was something we haven't seen for weeks now, basically, the last major russian tactless kind was early july when that children's hospital was destroyed. that was the last time that rush, i have the capacity do this. i think in fact the roster is having to send in a 100 missiles at a time basically tells you that you create a defensive or look better than they were. they just can't get policy grades defense that they send some of the numbers of time. and basically now they're having to wait until the stokes all rebuilt, wants to convey adults have kind of reduced enough thinking then once every month. so every 6 weeks send in a new policy themselves, but it's notably wide ranging this time around 15 of ukraine's reasons to be an effective more than huff, basically, or across the country. from how given these to addressing the south hickey evans for the west effect. it looks people still without power. and i think basically, you know, the numbers still are on clear how many people have suffered,
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but this was very big and i think people are expecting those casualty numbers to rise. and i think with where this leads us, particularly, so we're going to have building zalinski saying once again to the west, look when you gave me the permission to use west to weapons against russian targets a 100 kilometers inside russia. so just like cod cube have had a much better time since people being returning normalizing life for life across ukraine to be functional to be realistic. we need the capacity and permission to attack the bases in russia, sometimes hundreds of miles away from the border that the planes that launch these attacks fly from. and, you know, we've had lots of reluctance from western countries to escalate this, but these things will be saying, look, we went into rush probably went to the coast region flooding. recruiting the red lines don't mean very much. so give us this capacity otherwise trying to insect every single missile is a lot more expensive and a lot more difficult than dealing with this problem. and so thanks for that. so nick, god dw, corresponded nick connelly and keith of the we'll take a look at some old stories of making headlines around wells was taught the north
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korea where i believe it came, joan own has called for his country to develop and produced more suicide drugs. images from state need to show him overseeing the testing of various types of guided drones designed to crush into targets and explode relevant to drop bombs. news comes as the us in south korea conduct joints, ministry drills to dozens of people in missing after them come ops, following heavy rains in sedans, red sea states, that's according to the country's health ministry. a local media site residence and climbed to the tops of hills. to avoid rising waters, local officials type a damage from the collapse of the box. them was extensive. authorities in brazil and investigating whether the ongoing wildfires in the southeast was thought to deliberately a police have been have arrested. 2 people suspected of austin, the fire spread rapidly and south palmer stays in, killed 2 people. the state governments has declared a state of emergency in the most threatened and tell the and prosecute is to
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investigate the captain of the yacht that sank of the coast of sicily last week. 4 months low with an shipwreck. boat was counting 22 people when it capsized and signed, kept being hit by a storm. 7 die from a football mountain, just finding god got on. edison has died. 876, the suite. how long could be a managing national teams, including england and mexico? they also have that 12 clubs, including manchester city and lots here announced that this year that he had less than a year to live on a cancer. diagnosis of germany's chances that has caused these countries, those on weapons and migration to be strengthened 3 days after a deadly die for attack in the west of the country, life schultz is visiting the city of zoning and he lived flowers. in remembrance of the dead, prosecutors say a 26 year old syrian mine has confessed to killing 3 people and wounding 8 of us.
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investigators looking for links between the suspect and the so called as long state . the terrorist organization claimed 8 was behind the front page of correspondent hans brown sent this update from southern as a signal of sort of diety, but also a demonstration of political action shawn. so that all of choice came to sorting and to share in the grief of the city. after 3 people were staff to death and injured on friday night. people attending a celebration of diversity and of the $650.00 of anniversary of the city, stopped an agency by a 26 year old serving in refugee climbing a legions to the so called islamic state terrorist organization. it was an attack that left the city in a state of shock, and people on the street to feel in secure and ask why such as attack could not be
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prevented. why it could happen at all. trying to sort of show it's called a terrorist attack, which in his woods left him, i write the chances i promised action on a number of friends, including the control of weapons and public spaces. his visit was welcomed here and zoning and, but the dominant feelings on the streets continue to be and go, insecurity and grief brands. at least 39 people have been killed in a string of minutes into attacks and south west of pakistan. this includes 23 people killed on the highway in the news. i have the district of blocking stop police. i gunman pulled many of the victims out of the vehicles and shot them after checking the f. and this is a security forces. they've been battling bol. acceptance as demands in control of their results, the image of province at least 23 people are dead following a terrorist attack on the highway and most could help a district in pakistan's below just in providence government,
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officials say ethnic punjabi is were targeted as they were pulled from their vehicles and shot to death before government also towards their vehicles. the below to liberation army has since claimed a responsibility for the attack. elizabeth government, 1st of all, the dog and the drugs for july of one them. and after that, the stopped buses and passengers and it came from been job who went out and got off and was shot dead. yeah. it's not so far when you do that, bodies have been brought to the hospital for the sun below to stand as pakistan's most under develop province, separatists. there has been locked in an ongoing conflict with pakistan's government over exploitation and re named baluchistan of its natural resources and a statement to f p. the beloved liberation army said they targeted military service men dressed in plain clothes, but officials say those killed were punjabi workers and 2 pair of military soldiers . an earlier statement by the b l. a reportedly warned the public to stay off the
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highway and that their fight is with the pakistani military. monday's attack is said to be one of the worst in the region in several years. the w is asia edison, shonell shams, told me mill, as well as a debt of booster black dog. and the country is in a state of shock. there has been condemned munition from the gum from civil society, from the common citizens and their own express to deep concern. and what is happening envelopes us on the attack of the fellow just on liberation. army has claimed responsibility for the tax, and it is a group that demands separation from sonoma, but the group says that is not about does use up and exploding the provinces, the sources of provence, folders, iran and
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a contest on their task than bullet die for decades. there has been a separatist insurgency in the area for a very long time, and a military operation to multiple military operations as the taking place in the province, which is the source of age which is full of gas. china has invested in the province . so a lot is happening in the province and uh, this doc is not new. these condo docs has happened in the boston 12 periods of april, separately in the past few years. much going definition for these attacks. and a particularly gruesome aspect of this is the fact that victims i d's with checks before they wish out what's going on there because the busses, the, there were at least 20 to where he goes. buses targeted by the militants and the
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militants were around 30 to 40 numbers. us locally media reports and on reporters and boxed on told us. because we have been covering the biologist on a complex very extensively and intensively that these people who uh uh, when the boss well from the punjab robins and the brooklyn job problems is the problems which the load separators. and so i didn't say is use that i think this also is the focused on so i'm going to create the focused on this bureaucracy. the ministry of the government executive most all for this chunk comes from the punjab . girlfriends, these are the labors from the punjab. robbins who come to below just on by buses to bug on separately developing projects, taking place and below just on some on chinese funded as rarely. so these insurgents consider these liberators from punjab, the enemies,
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and they have adopted them in the past as well. so that's why he checked the east as the that they are the academic punjab. these or not, by checking their names on the areas they have come from. thank you, shamela. they don't use that as a shy mill shots play, you know, around $3000.00 swim is have taking from around the world of taking part in the bus for us across continental is stumble has that will be annual asia to europe. challenge since 1989. these days it's on the bucket list of i'm it says, and professionals correspondence uni hahn. i joined the spec titus. this is symbols iconic boss for a straight is normally a very busy shipping name. put once a year. it belongs to swim is more than 2800 people jumped at the challenge and swim from one compton into another on sundays in
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which is one of the wells most popular open water races. the balls for us was close to shipping traffic for a few hours and knowing participants to make the legendary $6.00. hello me to swim from east to move asian side to the finish line and your it's pretty exciting even if you're only here as a spectator. the racist challenge is, by the way, not only assistance but swim, is also need to navigate the powerful current. otherwise, the risk being swept away and not making it across the finish line. some contestants of professional swim is all those brave. i'm a to us and they have trained extensively for the state. the tradition began and 1989 with just a few dozen swimmers. this year, participants came from move in 70 different countries. it was something that i wanted to do for 6 years. and now i finally made my dream come true. you can get
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from one confidence to the other continent just by swimming. i think that's really fantastic. and that was the aim like for me to, to, to find a guidance that i've done in unit 2. i have that same experience with out absolutely. from them and then, and then it just starts paying for the and that. so yeah, with this there's been this use cross continental champion comes from tacky to come allergens when the 6.5 kilometers and 45 minutes and 27 seconds of off this woman was tiny out of the one finished in just under 47 minutes. the such so many here. it's not so much about winning about coming together and sharing a unique experience in the same is voltage between 2 continents. and we've asked you up today to stay tuned to dw though, because in
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a moment you can learn a lot about interconnect, is hot in which a high voltage cables, a can somebody space and renewable energy across oceans. as a ton of a, just a moment, i'll be back at the top of the good day. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy murder, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn.


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