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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the that you kinds of president asked allies for help to shoot down russian drones and mist tiles. bother me is events guess request follows one of the biggest russians ariel from font, most of its full scale invasion of these great at least 5 were killed in the attacks targeting the congress energy infrastructure. also on the program, germany's chancellor visits the scene of the fielding and 9 for tasks and problems . those types of goals for asylum seekers. prosecutions are investigating a syrian knox and confessed to killing 3 people at a festival on the claims involvement of the circle is not expect. probably since the vaccines for africa as it baffles and impulse outbreaks help organizations are
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calling for more results as the stuff divides the feel good. welcome to the program. ukraine has asked for help from it's your pin neighbors following massive russian ass strikes. these k residents, shelves, it in a subway is explosion, sounded across the capital. great, in present, a lot of them is that excuse, up in me saw and drove and bombardment was one of the largest of the will. it's an energy facilities in some regions and disrupting power and water supplies corresponding economy in keith told me more to. so the error that basically was in place for almost 8 hours, which is an usually long has just finished. so that was going on since early morning, kind of mid morning here. the windows and key of were shaking could really feel the force of the defenses. those missiles going into intercept russian ballistic
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missiles, heading towards key if that was something we haven't seen for weeks now, basically, the last major russian tactless kind was early july when that children's hospital was destroyed. that was the last time that rush, i have the capacity do this, i think in fact the roster is having to send in a 100 missiles at a time basically tells you that you cranes, defenses are a lot better than they were. they just can't get policy grades defense that they send some of the numbers of time. and basically now they're having to wait until the stokes all rebuilt, wants to convey adults have kind of reduced enough thinking then once every month. so every 6 weeks send in a new policy themselves, but it's notably wide ranging this time around 15 of ukraine's reasons to be an effective more than huff, basically all across the country. from how given these to addressing the south, hickey evans for the west effect. it looks people still without power. and i think basically, you know, the numbers still around clear how many people have suffered. but this was very big and i think people are expecting those casualty numbers to rise. and i think with where this leads us basic needs, we're going to have building these lensky saying once again to the west,
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look when you gave me permission to use west to weapons against russian targets a 100 kilometers inside russia. so just like cod cube have had a much better time since people being returning normalizing life for life across ukraine to be functional to be realistic. we need the capacity and permission to attack the bases in russia, sometimes hundreds of miles away from the border that the planes that launch these attacks fly from. and, you know, we've had lots of reluctance from western countries to escalate this, but these things will be saying, look, we went into rush probably went to the coast region flooding. recruiting the red lines don't mean very much. so give us this capacity otherwise trying to insect every single missile is a lot more expensive and a lot more difficult than dealing with this problem. so thanks for that. so nick, god dw corresponded nick connelly and keith of the pakistan when at least 39 people have been killed in a string of militants. attacks in the country. south west of this includes $23.00 people killed on a highway in the loser kind of district of bulk is done. police like gunman pulled
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many of the victims out of vehicles and shot them after checking the licensee. security forces have been battling bulk separatists that demanded control of their results. rich province, at least 23 people are dead following a terrorist attack on the highway and most could help a district in pakistan's below just and province. government official say ethnic punjabi is were targeted as they were pulled from their vehicles and shot to death before gunman also towards their vehicles. the below to liberation army has since claimed a responsibility for the attack. elizabeth, a government 1st of all, docketed the trucks on them and after that the stopped the buses and passengers in it game from punjab who went up and got off and was short deadline so far $22.00 dead bodies have been brought to the hospital with the sun below to stand as pakistan's most under developed province, separatists there have been locked in an ongoing conflict with pakistan's
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government over expectation and rain envelopes us down of its natural resources in a statement to f p. the below to liberation. army said they targeted military service men dressed in plain clothes, but officials say those killed were punjabi workers and 2 pair military soldiers. an earlier statement by the b l. a reportedly warned the public to stay off the highway and that their fight is with the pakistani military. monday's attack is set to be one of the worst in the region in several years. we'll take a look at some old stories making headlines around the world. a 12 reg rebels, a mile, a claim on the drug and strikes of killed $21.00 civilians including 11 children. they have another time of 10. so watching the um, it says it was targeting terrorist strikes, followed recent, clashing wastewater rebels. and is mr. fights as defeated molly and so just and russian must risk in the same area. dozens of people are missing after them collapsed. following heavy rains in sedans, red sea state,
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that's according to the countries health ministry, local media site, and residents of time to the tops of hills to avoid rising voices. officials say the damage from the collapse of the all bog down that's been extensive. these one people has been killed on grass coast looking for 2 others after an ice cave collapsed in south eastern iceland on sunday. with ours east side, the victims were part of a group of tourist. exploring the cave located as a glassy, a former football manager, spend your on ethics and has died age some 6. the suite had a long career managing nashville teams, including england and mexico. he also met 12 clubs, including manchester city, aroma and lots here. and on step vc that he had less than a year to live all the way a comes to diagnose. 6 a germany's johnson that has called for a strict to loads on weapons on migration, 3 days after
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a deadly 9th of attack in the west of the country. well, i shall, since visiting the city of solving n y he like flowers in remembrance of the victims, prosecutors that 26 year old syrian non has confessed to killing 3 people and wounding 8 of the suspects were right to jump. being 2022 was reports meet you to be deported to both gary, the police have been unable to locate an investigators looking for legs between him on the so called islamic state terrace organization claims it was behind the wrong page. let's get more from our chief political edison. mckayla is not a welcome mckayla. i'm so talk us through then the main message of the chance of a speech. well, 1st of all, he wants his route to console the local community and zoning and, and re a sole people that the government, as he pushes is doing everything within it's how is it to stop these terrace, who are individuals awful and, and all of this is happening within
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a ferocious context of a political blaine game, a one size binding the all the state where it happened. no time was faded, has a conservative seed, you government. and the task himself is from the social democrats. and his initial reaction now is to demonstrate that the government is acting is pointing to that we've already seen asylum lows tightened. and now he's about to do more of the same . let's take a listen. so we would have to do everything in our power to ensure that those people who do not have a right to stay in germany are returned or the portraits shift on the, the thing on the and the legislation that we have just approved the upper and lower houses and the one to start the bundle slot on the state level and the national level has expanded our is united states government comprises the capacity to
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act to deport people. so we kind of, we had the chance of the talking about the strengthening asylum laws. so that people could be deported more quickly. people who's, who's claimed for us on, had been rejected. so what is the connection between what the counselor is, is promising and what happens over the weekend because it's, it's not necessarily directly connected. all right. what is connected when looking at that particular individual who is the suspect and who's also believes to be the killer, because he went to the police himself. but you know, a presumption of innocence. let's. let's leave it that this man is from syria. his asylum claim was predicted here in germany, and he was due to leave the country and to at the very least, back to bulgaria where he initially filed for a silence. so this, we can go into the dis, functionality of the european, assigning system. but let's just leave it that for
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a 2nd. sometimes. that is why and the initial response during a previous attack at the end of may or a mind from afghanistan, and also conduct a nice attack. and a policeman died if a few days after of his injuries. and there was also a link of people who are, or these, these perpetrators potential perpetrators predicted by the system. and then it proceeds the inability of the states to send them back. okay, now let's put this into numeric context is a 240000 people who are in germany, who should not be here, who has been told to leave the country full out of 5 have a status. that's cool though, where they are kind of tolerated within gemini, and that leaves still thousands of people who are here illegally. and these individual terrace were part of that group of people who were here illegally attend, particularly to a,
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to see this mind and sent him back the ports him had failed previously because he was not in his residence. so that's where the connection is. but it also highlights the segue into what is now for rosa's migration debate here and many with regional elections coming up for a shift into states. the jobs are also, i talked about germany's a change in germany's weapons those. yes, he did indeed. and the context again is that previous attack, and that was also a nice attack. now we saw a couple of weeks ago. his interior administered nancy sees a announce a, a, a new that suits make it a tougher legally to make. it made more places of a weapons free zone and to type which, which nice link you are allowed to carry. let's just take a listen to what the sounds i have to say about that. and that's with the, there's
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a great deal that needs to be done. it is clear that pressure, we will have to step up our weapons long ago with reference to knives, but many other types of the 4th as low as that need to be tightened up. but i'm sure this will happen and it will happen quickly. very briefly, mikaela the chancellor shows he's under so much pressure because a pending elections. he is, and i just want to put this into context as well because the counter arguments notice from the opposition, but also from experts is look, this guy was legally carrying this what weapon involving in on friday nights. so the laws clearly didn't stop him. the existing goals which already made it illegal . now, what i felt was on the huge press up because there's elections into eastern states and saxony on the ring yet, and that the fall, right? a, if the potty is a heading, the poles and this crude stress in his own coalition right now. thanks for that i think of just cheaper to do something kind of cooling. miss israel wes motor
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exchange the far continuing day of the country's northern border with lab and on a day after medicine group has blah and israel treated and attacks israel claims have destroyed thousands of has blotted rocket launches in southern lebanon is where the ministry said it's preemptive strikes would prevent a why the escalation of the conflict, as blah has launch more than $300.00 rockets, which israel in response to the killing of one of its senior commodities. invited me last month. if in the daily cross border classes between israel and has been out since the october 7th, have a tax committee by some of those things by 2 between each row and a man. so because a sofa produced the results let's work our way through some of those issues with the show on that. now he's the atlantic council, non resident senior fellow for the middle east for the middle east programs and joins us from new york city. a welcome to dw shuttle israel has read just,
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i'm the outline that fighting was on many fronts, including gauze and lab, and on iran against iran. and its proxy is how long kennedy's rattles withstands such a prolonged series of conflicts. it will be with you. i like anything else. i think that's the question of degrees. obviously the you know, the goal of israel's adversary, this is to overwhelm its defenses. the same time i think we've seen in practice that i, you know, is all maintains up for middle bound to layer defense system has been effective in stopping pretty much prologic stands, you know, without stopping. all casual damage obviously haven't done by coming to tax over the past the past many months of also result not alone. and as we saw, you know, most uh, most poignantly in april when uh, the united states regional allies, the french germany as well. once people together put together this college, we're calling reading attack of hundreds of i've been coming project bios and
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that's also, you know, clearly it's demonstrated success and being able to switch down these are, you know, these are all these assaults the same time it, you know, very much depends on what, what is forthcoming. i mean, be radians as well as i think, as well as the 2nd phase to their attack, the uranium just all waiting for, you know, i'm dec argue with it's a lunch break as well. who pieces you say? so i mean, you know, much of it depends on what it is that we see coming video clearly if we're judging from, from previous previous experience so far away. and so i was unable to expand most of the, most of the damage of these, these parties to try to put the link. and there's your se degree is every thing when we're talking about, but besides of base conflicts and it's weird that everybody keeps choosing. but everybody says, we don't want this to turn into all of our bull a very much so, but i mean, i just, you know, i think you, you put your finger on the wrong on the, uh, you give them a alone they have. i think that uh, all the parties are concerned about what could happen if this thing escalates
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beyond control. um, you know, we've seen just uh, any incidents over the past couple 48 hours, i guess more or less. that's um, you know, after, as well, preemptively strikes saying that they had it with the intelligence indicating that as well it was going to attack that morning. um, after, after that particular were, you know, trip or kind of scale down, we saw both parties sort of declaring victory moving on. instead of saying they were able to repel was attack. because the policy and, you know, we were able to go through with it as, you know, maybe not to the extent the plan, but, you know, both parties very happy to declare a mission accomplished in, on aware of the dangers that could, you know, come to pass if this thing got very much out of control, so you know, we are seeing those messages that have been buried. most people do not want this to escalate to a point where, you know, they could lose control of what happens next. so because that bill compare it on a what about then a safe spot to oaks and gauze, israel and how my still seems to be far from each other, especially to got in control of the philadelphia, colorado. on the egypt garza border on the net sat in colorado,
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thats the zone of occupation. the israel has set up to separate the noise of gauze or from the rest of the territory. be sticking points seem to be non negotiable for both sides. so any further talks baffled, pointless. i don't know the point was if only from you know, to take off on your, your previous questionnaire for instance, made a party wants us to get out of control when we need to be able to maintain that space just for these talks to continue. having said that, you're right, they are hobbling, we do have high level engagement, it goes score and it goes backwards. lead to either party falls like a game or chicken either. you know, party wants to be declared be actually have the person who would be actual spoiler, who's got all the entire process. but there are, in fact, interest in all parties of the table. somebody want this to succeed, so do not want it to succeed. um, you know, and that complicates the dynamic care of the, the, when the silver potential silver lining is just as we have this sort of negative spiral. there's also a potential for a b s google tori cycle. well that, in fact, you reach a point where we get to a cease fire,
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it could actually radiate to the other feed as well, and greet, you know, a better sense of calm. but uh, but you know, this, the negotiations have been very much to says for one step back, if not the reverse. ok, thanks for driving us through the action. um, let me know from the atlantic council, especially with you. it's a gemini says it'll donate to a $100000.00 doses of em, fox fox, and as part of efforts to combat a major outbreak in africa. world health organization has the cloud divider, side global housing emergency. i'm just now launched a 6 month strategy to stump. it's transmission impulse has been spreading rapidly through a dozen countries in east africa, u n's reporting nearly 18000 cases, and more than 500 deaths. so far this year. the outbreak is most severe in the democratic republic of congo health organizations like children on most at risk, east africa bureau chief, many on the reports. that number
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a whole history and disturb your brother. keep in mind that the to a recovering from impulse, the mother is relieved that the virus attended one and particularly hodges the guns when they own the stuff that he didn't sleep. when he was crying all night in the army. in the morning he had a high fever and started to get rashes. so that's why i came here to the hospital and tony but took it's on the doctors gave the children antibiotics and the cream let's get the rafters were hurting me. but when i put the medicine on, i feel better, and i just take care of this hospital near goma and the democratic republic of congo is full of children and young people with inbox. they're more likely to get it and more likely to die. as a result the viral infection specially contact with spin saliva,
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oprah the also through sexual contact, or they put the most that it did was we have a mortality rate of between 5 and 10 percent as the disease is transmitted directly and massively or in the context of goma, we have a display population in the camps of what the book you this here the risks are really high, the plastic, the least can you live with. but pretty easily. the living and cramped comes for people displays that conflict is a health risk in itself. color i'm pulling outbreaks are common. there's not enough to eat. ok more to now this impulse to renew the life has become complicated. it's difficult to feed my children. i work at a farm to and money for food, but now i can't do that because i have to the cost of them here together with a children. she's now in quarantine here to try to stop the virus spreading by the children's coat to wash them as often as she can. news about the virus,
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those uncertainty and see if we can we all live together. we create each other a lot with our hands, and they say touching is one of the main factors in the spread of the disease. in a moment, i'm afraid i might catch that disease. i'm di, we demand more help with medication of that adult health organization. say they edge and you need more supplies to help those effective and awareness campaigns to try to stop the virus. i'm spreading it up what it took. yeah, it's good to fit. i think it's time for politicians to understand if we need more vaccinations, this is that is also the w h o has to step up here if we delay make how is recovering from impulse and his mother and i'll be hopes to return to the other children soon, but she worries about the new, but it's another danger to can families like has a doctor held and reese is the next person on infectious diseases and vaccines on
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these director of which are a child university of the a which is ron and kate. welcome to dw delta. we do have m fox, fox savings just explains why the w h. o is so concerned about this latest outbreak . you will be concerned about the latest on the bank, because it's, it's affecting us. you just saw the deal to see the mortality rate is higher, 5 to 10 percent, and mostly in children. but we're also now seeing that the virus is more transmissible and particularly through heterosexual spreads as well. so we're seeing more cases and the more easy transmission in conditions that are really difficult for people to maintain the distance. so that's why we're concerned about the shortage of vaccines is a huge concern for the african region. they're all vaccines, the vaccines that work for. so many people in europe, they'll remember the 10 to 22 outbreaks that affected nearly 800000 people. and
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over a 100 countries, it was both onto controlled by rapid available that you, vaccines. now we have to ask, why do we not help those vaccines in the african region? because the all star pulse in european countries in the united states, we need to free up those back seems as a matter of absolute urgency to stop this outbreak. continuing, one of the things that we heard about during cove ed, i'm what was that? that would be a capacity to manufacture a vaccines in africa, on the african continent. so where are we? i'm not project as well. they're all effort stuff. so to try and do this, but a manufacturing vaccines has nothing overnight project. it's, it's very technical. different vaccines require different amounts of technical expertise. for some vaccines. we don't even have those vaccines, so they've got to be developed through research. so although there are significant
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efforts to build up this capacity and we hope to see this in the next few years, we're not going to get those back scenes from african manufacturers. at the moment . we will be looking towards european japanese a vax and manufacturers for these vaccines. but i'm hoping that we will be looking towards the rich countries who have gotten large store post the vaccines and say, please, as a master of agency, can you make the free up? some of you will stop pause and actually give it to the african region where this new spec, since a so desperately need, it is not happening. it's beginning to happen. it's happened too slowly and in many of our opinions are living in the region. the people who are active as in this field, but it is beginning to happen. so number of european countries, the us beginning to say yes, we'll give 50800000. but just bear in mind that so the d. c alone might require anything from 2 to 4000000 vaccines just to contain its current outbreak.
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if we don't get those vaccines to the d o c and to the other african countries that are beginning to see spread, then we can anticipate globally. but this is going to spread beyond the effort convention, which is actually what we were already seeing that we've seen spread into another and been, and the number of other reasons in the world. cove is to lots of us about how viruses can utilize and evade vaccination. protections is impulse experiencing similar behavior to yes it is, um, i mean, so we've known about them folks since the 19 seventy's when it was 1st identified in central as west africa. but unfortunately, again, the will to didn't do itself any favors by failing to invest in research. so we had what's cool. there were 2 types of inputs. cade one and k 2, but now both types of changed the big outbreak we saw in europe and the northern hemisphere in 2022 involved from what we called tape to that was from west africa.
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the outbreak we currently seeing in the d. c. and surrounding countries is, has a full complete one, and it's called paid one b. and in both cases with the same sexual transmission which we didn't see previously. and we're also seeing that the virus is more easily transmitted within households, which is why we're seeing children. and i also think so back if that's okay. thank you so much for guiding us through that. so clearly dr. dr. i have been released from the university of whitworth as on in k. this is reminds about top story of this. our ukraine has asked for help with your neighbors on a massive ass drunk and brush. at least 5 people were killed as waves of miss townsend drones. tugs have power and was the sides across the country. german is john. so it has visited the stain of his deadly stopping attack in the western city of the building. and he promised a tough of 9 floors and speed up deportations of 20 securely material. does it cost
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me over to you? i sent you up to date, hotmail, world news, at the top of the the,
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to a ride road guide . know the way around the that is strictly scientific truth, some pretty one of the places, curiosity is we tried tomorrow today. next on dw, i think i've sent them a piece. here's somebody who knew,
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but i would scroll out millions of people around the world can't attend school even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how low over in 60 minutes on d w. the flow to do you do to isolate the tenant she survived illustrates. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. is martin the, the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the
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only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the forest produced oxygen stole water. i'm regulate the climate, but not enough of a surface is covered by trees. just 30 percent. many forest, something clear to provide fall not on climate change is also causing problems for woodland droughts, killing trees and encouraging wildfires. in places like canada rushed to threes um brazil. this time on the show, we take a deep dive into the forest on its future. welcome to the motor today november of 2023 and there's fire in the pond to know if.


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